We're All Mad Here!
Red Ark Tower
a place for the children of superhero's past to learn the meaning of their power
Welcome All!
Walking towards the tower you would think that it was an ordinary tower with nothing going on but as you got closer you could see a sign at the top. Although, it seemed like it should say something else maybe Stark or a huge A on the side, but it Read. "Red Ark Tower." The name alone seemed a bit suspicious, but everyone seemed to think nothing of it. As you approach the entrance you are created by a voice but not a person.
"Hello! Welcome to Red Ark Tower, the help desk is straight ahead. There are tables to your left which will be for assigning your rooms and roommates. Lastly on you right is the complementary buffet and lounge area." The voice rang through the silence. This was the start to your new life. "Please make your way to the help desk, Wanda will assist you in what to do next." The voice said
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