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Fandom Recruitment for a RWBY roleplay

Shade Umbreon

Junior Member
Okay so first off the initial idea is simple. We know of the current teams at Beacon (RWBY, JNPR, etc.) but there are certainly more than just the few in the show. So, this is for another story in the RWBY universe with other teams of Beacon.

This is simple. Everyone is limited to 3 characters. The professors are allotted to those suited to playing them, and if not they are NPCs (mentioned, but not played). Character names have to be similar to a color in any language, make you think of a color or something associated with a collor, and so on. Same for team names.

I will be keeping a list so i know who is in.

Once people start signing up, a character list thread will be openned for the sake of keeping track of characters.
OKay we have, so far...


Jem Angels





That's enough for at least two teams but we can add more. I am kind of aiming for between 6-10 people in this so we don't get lost on who is where. 
Also, the title of the rp will be "Other Students of Beacon Academy." to save time in addressing each other about it, it will be shortened to OSBA.

Sound good?
I did not start. the initial post is to give you all the OVERVIEW.

Also, everyone has 3 characters as to limit over crowding. Each team consists of 4 people, so at least 1 of your characters will be in a team.

I will start this off once everyone has had their character(s) approved. There will be minimum three teams, and the 2nd semester WILL involve the joining of teams from the other kingdoms. That will involve me allowing EVERYONe 1 more character , and any open slots can be used for those times.

In addition to this, i am appointing Lunar-Eclipse as the back up moderator for when I can't access or reply (as my 3DS is a pain in the butt). 
Also, those who hasn't signed up better get to work on signing up ASAP. Otherwise...

You have until the 10th of September. If you haven't signed a character up that has been approved, i will request that you leave. I may sound like a tyrant for it but i am doing this so this rp stays active. 
Also, i would like to mention there is one team that actually is in need of people. Team OGRE (O'Chere's team,. can't go back and update it, sorry).

Needs the G, R, and E, though the G can be substituted by a C.
No, last names do not count. We're going by Monty Oum's rules. Only the first name's first letter counts.

Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long; Team RWBY. Make sense?
MattieLee, just to be fair, yes.

You are the final person. NOW THE SIGN UP IS CLOSED. Now those of you who haven't made you character profile, go and do it please.

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