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Kitsune of the North
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"When this finds you beyond the horizon,

Be weary of the choice you make...

for pursuit could cost you everything."

{Let mercy come... and wash away what I've done...}
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Within the infinite multiverse, many stories are told and many more are forgotten. Of the hero that devoted their life to rid their world of evil, only to become the very face of evil they had sought to destroy. Of the victim who witnessed their kidnappers die during a police raid, being promptly being set free to return to their old way of life. Of the woman who drove her kids to school on a sunny Friday morning, before suffering a heart attack later that same day while shopping - passing onto the next life before she had reached the hospital. These are just some of the stories that have been forgotten as time marches on... Though not all stories are created equal.

Somewhere within the infinite multiverse, blood slowly seeped into the crevices between worlds.

A few of the longest lasting stories have had the focus of the story travel from one universe to another, usually by the natural process of reincarnation or gods having to Isekai people to save face. But whether it was by mistake, sheer coincidence, or by intention... a mere mortal found a way to traverse the multiverse by their will alone. Worse, this individual had a thirst for blood. In each universe they visited another person fell victim to their bloodlust, and they weren't shy of committing murder in broad daylight either. They even took great joy in the various ways they killed their victims: Shoved into an oncoming train, thrown into a volcano, poisoned drinks in a bar... They had become so bold with their murder methods as to be caught multiple times in the past, only to escape to another universe and elude capture.

Though at some point during their vast killing spree, someone else with a taste of vengeance to fulfill found a way to traverse the multiverse as well... And they were gathering allies to take down the murderer once and for all.

The group of individuals chasing after the murderer call themselves 'The Edge Walkers', and their sole goal is the capture and execution of the serial killer traversing between worlds. All members are collateral of the murders crimes; whether they're friends or family of one of the victims, an innocent bystander who got caught in the crossfire, or one of the victims who had been reincarnated or otherwise unable to pass on to their next life. Some of its members also consist of those completely uninvolved in the murders, having only joined in the mission to assist in the capture of the serial killer due to their own morals or sense of justice. And then there was the groups founder, who was a direct victim of one of the serial killers killing sprees. It was through their reincarnation into a new life and the knowledge they had in their previous life that she was able to finally discover the secret of how to traverse worlds, all thanks to the unique artifact from her original world that could peer into the infinite multiverse. Known as 'Pandora's Prism' by all members of The Edge Walkers, it became what allowed any member of the organization to traverse between universes - using it to both recruit new members across the multiverse and to actively hunt down the serial killer.
Alas, catching someone so well versed in eluding capture still proves difficult, despite the sheer resources and personnel being deployed to pursue the killer. Many have died in previous capture attempts, and those who have died outside of the world they were supposed to live their lives in have all of the memories of all of their past lives erased permanently...

And this is where your story begins. Do you have what it takes to join The Edge Walkers? Are you willing to risk everything to prevent more lives from being abruptly ended?
Should you choose to take action, remember: "Whatever lies beyond horizons edge, may your pursuit for blood be fruitful."

The Founder
As the head of The Edge Walkers the Founder is considered to be the most well versed in leading the charge when a new case pops up. Although she spends 90% of their time in the base managing the day-to-day operations, they're still active in the hunt against the serial killer plaguing the multiverse - even risking her life to capture and kill them at all costs. While they had some help from some of the veteran Mechanics in building the base and the Detectives in finding new leads as to where the murderer fled to, she had built the rest of their organization from the ground up.

The Founder is known to be knowledgeable in a fair array of subjects, though her field of expertise lies within Multiversal-Travel. Besides herself and the Secretary, no one else in the organization has the intricate knowledge as to how exactly Pandora's Prism works - making it nearly impossible to sabotage without risking tearing apart the multiverse. Due to that risk, only Veterans and Detectives are allowed regular use of it with some supervision.

The Founder is known to be kind to those working alongside her, using her experience her second life gave her to uplift those around her from their despair and sorrow. She's incredibly dedicated to her interests and to their organizations shared goal, her persistence keeping constant pressure on the murderer while motivating those around her to persevere as well. But she's far from perfect. She has a tendency to space out when she becomes too stressed out, and her utter hatred for the killer can often times push her to making rash decisions. Still, her ingenuity and planning are the heart that keeps The Edge Walkers running full steam ahead, receiving help from the Strategist to make their fights more frequently break out in public settings - to try and rally support from the residents from those universes while also spreading awareness of the serial killers various methods and tactics.

The Secretary
Serving as the Founder's right hand man the Secretary largely oversees the logistics that The Edge Walkers deals with on a day-to-day basis. While they're not the only staff member that keeps the publicly available records for their groups history organized and tidy, they are the only person allowed to enter the backroom containing all of the classified documents that their organization has accrued since its founding. When things are running smoothly within the organization they act more as a diplomat than a secretary, strengthening existing relations with their allies and forging new alliances in new universes - both to bolster the number of recruits willing to join their cause, and to gradually corner the serial killer in a web of worlds aware of their antics.

The Secretary is considered to be a generalist in a league of their own, as they're quick to finish their official duties and help the other staff out with whatever needs to be done - acting as the oil keeping everything lubricated and performing optimally. Even the more specialized among the staff require their assistance on occasion, whether it's just needing a second pair of hands or to handle work that doesn't require niche knowledge to achieve. It's due to their status as a 'Jack of All Trades' that they're the only person other than the Founder herself to use Pandora's Prism without supervision.

The Strategist
The Strategist is who you'll want to talk to about when and where a fight against the serial killer will happen next. Themself, the Armorer, and the Founder decide on the battle plan for The Edge Walkers; How many people are deployed, who is best suited for the battlefield, what strategies and tactics to employ, when and where the fight breaks out to begin with - whatever the situation may be, they'll be ready for when it happens. They have next to no say in how the troops they command are trained, though as such they make it a point to scour the multiverse for new tactics and strategies to employ in the fight against the murderer evading their grasp.

They're a well versed scholar in all manners related to the art of war, and as such the Strategist tends to lack in a vast array of fields outside of their own. Hence is why they often seek advise from others within the organization. It's not too uncommon to see them frustrated or deep in thought while planning out the latest mission, especially as the more universes they pursue the killer through the more frequently copy-cat killers spring up in universes they've already visited - leading to plans being scrapped due to a false lead. While the Detectives do the best they can to stay on the real murderers trail, it doesn't stop tensions from running high while discussing their plan in the war room.

The Mechanics
The Mechanics are responsible for maintaining and operating nearly all of the machines within The Edge Walkers base of operations, and as such many first-time visitors are surprised to see so many of them walking to and from various places within the base itself. Whether it be fixing broken pipes, replacing an engine to a truck in the vehicle bay, modifying a repurposed rotary pump, replacing faulty wires in the walls - if there's an issue somewhere in the base, they'll almost certainly be the ones to fix it. Their services are also required in the field to a certain extent, though their roles on the field are limited to keeping their supply line running smoothly or repairing damage caused by the groups fight against the serial killer.

The Armorer
The undisputed master of combat and head of the security division, the Armorer is in charge of any and all weapon modifications and repairs. Need a scope attached to your rifle for long ranged fire fights? They'll set you up with some thermal/night vision scopes. Want a weapon that's good for stealth? They have plenty of discreet weapons to pick from. Looking for something unique but don't know where to start? Try out some of their weapons at the firing range. RPG launchers, automatic rifles, drone swarms, tasers - they have nearly everything imaginable to arm the Veterans, and only they alone are allowed to access the armory without supervision.

In addition to being in charge of the armory, they're also in charge of training all of the troops within The Edge Walkers. The training includes anything from basic exercise to surviving a month out in the wilderness, covering all different types of terrain alongside different fighting techniques based around the weapons they used and the skills they possessed. As such, they often join in strategy meetings alongside the Strategist and the Founder to provide input as to who should be deployed and who should be on security duty, as those among the Veterans have different strengths and weaknesses that can come into play in the field.

The Detectives
With keen eyes and plenty of wisdom to back up their wit, the Detectives are constantly searching for clues of the serial killers current whereabouts. Like scavenger ants in search of food they and the Veterans guarding them regularly travel through the multiverse, using the various tools provided to them by the Mechanics to search for anomalies in the universes they travel to. Traversing between universes in the crude method the murderer does tends to leave distortions of varying forms, often times manifesting minutes or hours after their arrival. Such distortions of reality unfortunately don't follow the killer after their arrival, though finding them--despite the growing number of precautions they've been taking--is what those among the Detectives are best at.

The Veterans
Consisting of over 40% of the staff working with The Edge Walkers, the Veterans are the armed forces that engage in the many fights against the serial killer. Whether it's because they were collateral damage in their killing spree, was one of the few victims that survived, had a loved one die to the killer, or is seeking out justice for the greater good; All of them have trained and fought many battles against their shared enemy, with their individual strengths coalescing to form one of the strongest group of armed soldiers in the multiverse. However, they have the highest risk of dying out in the field due to how frequently they see battle, as they've lost as many as 300 valiant soldiers during the most brutal bloodbath the organization has faced to date. Despite the risks that come with battle, the motivation and support the Founder gives them is enough to keep many of them going.

The Transient
The Transient are simply those who aren't directly associated with The Edge Walkers, but occasionally visit their base for one reason or another. Some are just interested in the groups founding and their history, others are visiting as diplomates to form alliances or to try and coerce the Founder to partake in pointless politics. However, most visitors are after one thing: The Multiversal Tours offered by third party companies that have supervised permission to use Pandora's Prism, as their organization gets a cut of the profits without having to allocate the resources they have. All first-time visitors are potential new recruits, and as such the Armorer tries to garner peoples interest by showcasing some of the unique weapons available to those who join the fight. Regardless of why they're visiting, chaos tends to ensue.

Roles - Use [<][>]
1. All RpNation site rules apply
2. Must be 18+, as 'Pursuit for Blood' will cover many darker themes. Such topics include gore, murder, violence, and other heavy themes.
3. OOC Communication will primarily be through Discord, which includes plotting and events. OOC drama, excluding other players in plotting, bullying, and bigotry will not be tolerated, with offenders incurring the risk of being kicked from the roleplay.
4. Please be able to (ideally) post a minimum of one paragraph in third-person once every week. If you aren't able to post that frequently due to work/school or due to sudden life events please let us know, as those who don't post for 2 weeks without any prior communication risk being kicked.
5. Roles are not first-come first-served. The roles of the Mechanics, Detectives, Veterans, and Transients will be open for everyone to apply for, but the roles of the Founder, Secretary, Strategist, and Armorer will be given to those who help moderate the roleplay. New roles may be added as the roleplay develops and the plot progresses.
Natural Laws
Hello everyone, and welcome to Pursuit for Blood! This is a multiverse RP I've had on my mind for awhile now but have struggled to properly plan out, but I've finally got all of the basics covered to get an interest check going. First things first, I want to make it known that this roleplay will have a long plot, and as such it will likely be a long time before it concludes (if it ever does). So the main plot of the roleplay will be shared across a series of threads instead of just one, as the various roles and the structure of 'The Edge Walkers' will better allow for various side-plots to form and allow characters to more freely explore the world I want to write about. The roleplay will cover a large variety of settings: Medieval Fantasy, Modern, Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalyptic - So long as it isn't explicitly NSFW nor breaks the rules, it will be included!
Characters will have plenty of things to do whenever they're not engaged with the main plot, whether it's establishing diplomatic relations or simply smuggling slaves to live freed lives in a different civilization across the galaxy. There will also be events that will happen every few months, and the outcome of these events can potentially change the plot for better or for worse. Of course, there will be other unique characteristics about this roleplay that might stand out, such as:
-Limited time quests
-Unique RP rewards
-Unique NPCs
-Unique Settings
-Point system
-Skill system
-Title system
-Karma system
-Alignment system
-Good/Bad endings
-Converging plots/sub-plots
-Dynamic combat system
-And more to come in the future!
With so many planned features, you might be wondering how we'll be keeping track of everything. And the answer is quite simple: Through Discord of course! The discord server will contain everything you'll need to know about the various RP mechanics and systems that the RP will have, so you won't need to scroll through 20+ pages on a thread to try and find what you're looking for. And if you don't have discord, we will have an OOC thread that will have the necessary information openly available, but having Discord would be recommended for the most up-to-date information.
That just leaves one major thing left to address: I will not be able to juggle everything all by myself. I am only one person, and one person cannot manage every aspect of such a large project. As such, I am looking for people who are willing to help me manage and coordinate everything that I cannot handle. I've only begun to scratch the surface of the kind of roleplay I want this to become, and I genuinely hope to see this take off. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated, and I'd be happy to listen to any suggestions or questions you all have for me.
Natural Laws
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