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Recruiting for Glories of the Unconquered Sun [Forum] [Dice]

Go for it! I need a good battle mage in the game.
I shall work on my Twilight. I have done sorcerers and artificers to death. I have an idea - someone who is truly dangerous in an unconventional sense. Dispensing not violence, nor wonders crafted of materiale esoteric nor even magic but the most dangerous thing of all - knowledge. Yes, thats right, my character will be at heart a teacher - holder and teacher of knowledge bringing enlightenment to poor mortal man in this Grey Age.
That's funny. I just decided to switch my concept into a Renegade version of Sage from Eschaton. Still, fun. :D
Look like I might be too late for this but worth asking, what about a chosen of a battles ? I'm thinking a military strategist/tactician instead of a fighter or another brute, think you have enough of those. Of course if you have more than enough new players applying, not going to impose.
So far, I've only had one player post a character for submission, although I do suspect that I'll be getting at least one more before too long. However, Sidereals are not available for play. The party is about to find out that the whole lot of Sidereals have been wiped out, except for the one in the party and maybe one or two others that did not make it to the meeting with the whole order after learning that the Empress is the Ebon Dragons' bitch. So, no Siddies or Infernals. All others are welcome to apply.
Good deal. I look forward to seeing it, and once I have the new players all lined up, I'll set you guys on the path to rendezvous with the current PC's.
Well I would be up for that but my lunar is mostly going to be male most of the times so if it isn't a problem for you, sure. I might get the gender bending knack, not sure yet.
You don't have to be a male/female pairing to be a Solar/Lunar bond. Its not about sex, its about the Solar's control over the Lunar.
Just make sure you mark on your character sheets that the two of you are doing the Bond, and with whom. Otherwise I may forget, especially with the fact that I'm running three different PbP games right now.
How does Craft work in your game? Does each type of Craft need a separate skill or only the esoteric ones like Magitech?
each dot of Craft covers a different area, so if you have Craft of 3, it can be Wood, Fire, and Water, and each is at the 3 dot level.

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