Recruiting all one x one junkies! ;p

Super weird question: were we RPing together earlier? I feel like we were and you were a victim of my sudden and abrupt un explained hiatus.... ?

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Yes if you can trust me... ;( I am so sorry but school, depression, family, tv... Etc ended up making me just stop logging on. I stopped everything, and feel so bad.

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I'm willing to do an rp with you if you're willing to do something involving dragons. I love to do dragon related things and have all my life.
Hello! I see you have bumped your post so I am assuming that you are still willing and accepting roleplayers. If you are still interested, shoot me a PM so I don't messy up your recruitment thread and we can talk about a setting and so that I can possibly send you a writing snippet if you need it.


Hello! I would be interested in starting a roleplay with you, preferably 1x1 though if that's all right. Right now I don't have any plot on mind, but we could brainstorm if you're willing? (:

Hi there!

I'm assuming that since you've bumped this, you're still looking for partners. xD

If you are, I would be extremely interested. I've been itching to write more. I do have a bit of an unreliable schedule (not too crazy as of yet, but it's unpredictable). However, if you're interested after that disclaimer, I can shoot you a PM~
If you are still looking for a partner, I'd be more than happy to discuss potential plots with you. This is my first day on RPNation, however, I am more than willing to present you with a sample of my average posts. x] Just shoot me a PM ~

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