The Cold One
- One on One
Interests checks should be your best foot forward. I know nothing about you, you have one post to explain your interests, your preferences and what you are looking for. You need to establish all of that in one post and make someone interested enough to give you a go. I don't mean this as a knock to other people but why do I come across so many recruitments that can best be described as dispassionate laziness?
I posted this before in Pet Peeves but the more I think on it, the more I wanted to say and add on it. I am talking of course about people that just say "A x B" And give no further context, no further plot hooks, no ideas of their own. Just "These are my rules these are my pairings". Or worse yet, "This fandom".
I don't mean to sound gatekeep-ey. Maybe it's just me nearing thirty and having RPed for half my life, maybe it's the autism, I don't know.
But take for example "Vampire x Vampire hunter". Okay... are we talking Victorian? Elizabetan? Modern? Postmodern? Pre-expansion Colonial American? I assume there is a preference from the author, because if there isn't that's almost worse, I'll get into why later. So I would need to send a message, ask what sort of period they like and if I like Elizabetan and you like Colonial American we won't be meshing well together. And all of that hassle and waste of time could have been saved with three words or less from the author. "Vampire x Vampire Hunter (Elizabetan era)". Like, sure, yeah, you can establish all of that during setup, but why would I reach out if there is a greater than normal chance that we won't get along because "I like cake" was the only thing I got and when I bring Red Velvet it goes untouched because you really like Chocolate cake and didn't bother to clarify.
The same goes with "This fandom". I don't RP fandom stuff anymore but I used to a whole lot back in the day, and even still then if people just post "Naruto" as a list of fandoms, Like sure, maybe they were just saying "Pre Time Skip Naruto, as in the OG Naruto, the Naruto called only Naruto". Or maybe they mean the fandom in general, which includes Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto and Boruto Two Blue Vortex. Just saying "Naruto (Original series)" would be enough to dispel this ambiguity.
Which brings me to the last point in this rant. "I'm fine with any" as a response is likely the biggest red flag to me, let me explain. "I am fine with any but I usually do X", "I am fine with any but X is my favorite", "I'm fine with any, X is what i've been thinking about but i'd love to hear what you think" would be 100% fine with me, more than fine. But just saying "I'm fine with any" and nothing more is just passing the buck off to the other person, making them do all of the work.
Have you ever watched a movie and there is an actor that is obviously just there for the paycheck? They're just phoning it in and giving the minimum possible engagement to not get fired and it starts to affect your enjoyment of the film? I've had that feeling with RP partners before and all I got to ask is... why are you even here? Like this isn't a job. This is a hobby, something you do for fun. If you're not having fun writing, if you don't have the creative drive to pitch your ideas, if you pass every decision off to your partner... what are you even doing here? Again, not to sound like I am gatekeeping, I am just genuinly confused. To engage in a hobby you're not passionate for is like going to work you don't care for and not getting payed. Because this is work, this is effort. People get payed to do this professionally and we do it for fun and enjoyment. So if I read a text and I get the sense you're "phoning it in" or you don't have any interest to contribute creatively... I am honestly just really confused.
So i'd just like to know. People who should be putting their best foot forward in attracting people but give the barest of minimums, the absolute least that can be possible to still be counted as an interest check... why? Like does it actually work? Do you get many RPs you are passionate for and are having a blast writing or is it a lot of "No actually I like chocolate cake"? It doesn't even need to be high effort novella style. My own interest checks are often just skeletons with a few different ideas within a generic-ish world thrown at the wall to get the ball going and see if it sparks interest in someone else. That's the only thing i'm after really, having people show their passion in this hobby.
I posted this before in Pet Peeves but the more I think on it, the more I wanted to say and add on it. I am talking of course about people that just say "A x B" And give no further context, no further plot hooks, no ideas of their own. Just "These are my rules these are my pairings". Or worse yet, "This fandom".
I don't mean to sound gatekeep-ey. Maybe it's just me nearing thirty and having RPed for half my life, maybe it's the autism, I don't know.
But take for example "Vampire x Vampire hunter". Okay... are we talking Victorian? Elizabetan? Modern? Postmodern? Pre-expansion Colonial American? I assume there is a preference from the author, because if there isn't that's almost worse, I'll get into why later. So I would need to send a message, ask what sort of period they like and if I like Elizabetan and you like Colonial American we won't be meshing well together. And all of that hassle and waste of time could have been saved with three words or less from the author. "Vampire x Vampire Hunter (Elizabetan era)". Like, sure, yeah, you can establish all of that during setup, but why would I reach out if there is a greater than normal chance that we won't get along because "I like cake" was the only thing I got and when I bring Red Velvet it goes untouched because you really like Chocolate cake and didn't bother to clarify.
The same goes with "This fandom". I don't RP fandom stuff anymore but I used to a whole lot back in the day, and even still then if people just post "Naruto" as a list of fandoms, Like sure, maybe they were just saying "Pre Time Skip Naruto, as in the OG Naruto, the Naruto called only Naruto". Or maybe they mean the fandom in general, which includes Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto and Boruto Two Blue Vortex. Just saying "Naruto (Original series)" would be enough to dispel this ambiguity.
Which brings me to the last point in this rant. "I'm fine with any" as a response is likely the biggest red flag to me, let me explain. "I am fine with any but I usually do X", "I am fine with any but X is my favorite", "I'm fine with any, X is what i've been thinking about but i'd love to hear what you think" would be 100% fine with me, more than fine. But just saying "I'm fine with any" and nothing more is just passing the buck off to the other person, making them do all of the work.
Have you ever watched a movie and there is an actor that is obviously just there for the paycheck? They're just phoning it in and giving the minimum possible engagement to not get fired and it starts to affect your enjoyment of the film? I've had that feeling with RP partners before and all I got to ask is... why are you even here? Like this isn't a job. This is a hobby, something you do for fun. If you're not having fun writing, if you don't have the creative drive to pitch your ideas, if you pass every decision off to your partner... what are you even doing here? Again, not to sound like I am gatekeeping, I am just genuinly confused. To engage in a hobby you're not passionate for is like going to work you don't care for and not getting payed. Because this is work, this is effort. People get payed to do this professionally and we do it for fun and enjoyment. So if I read a text and I get the sense you're "phoning it in" or you don't have any interest to contribute creatively... I am honestly just really confused.
So i'd just like to know. People who should be putting their best foot forward in attracting people but give the barest of minimums, the absolute least that can be possible to still be counted as an interest check... why? Like does it actually work? Do you get many RPs you are passionate for and are having a blast writing or is it a lot of "No actually I like chocolate cake"? It doesn't even need to be high effort novella style. My own interest checks are often just skeletons with a few different ideas within a generic-ish world thrown at the wall to get the ball going and see if it sparks interest in someone else. That's the only thing i'm after really, having people show their passion in this hobby.