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Fantasy Reckless Kings [Seeking more Players]

He probably won't like combat, but the thrill of being able to use mana will get to him. Not only that, the opportunity to experience a whole new world so completely different from his own will transform him. I like the idea of a gangster journalist, he'll be all like, "Bringing the truth in with a shotgun blast."

I don't know if he'll become a full gangster yet, but all I can say is that it sounds really catchy. This entire storyline could be more accurately summed up as "Becoming the Mask".

You really thought of the story, Atlannian, there's room for a lot of possibilities. I like that!

I'm a sucker for overthinking settings. People are shaped by their experiences so interesting environments create interesting stories. I once had a supernatural academy RP, the most cliched and under developed of settings and ended up with something like 15,000 words of backstory and lore, and hand made maps of the academy itself and the world at large. 

EDIT: Another lore dump, focusing on lesser schools, that is the social groups your characters will all (except for Heisenburg) be a part of. In general schools have lost a lot of influence, they've gone from tihgly regimented secret societies to fracture, ineffectual social groups for the most part. Almost all have lost a lot of members, especially younger ones to gangs though older members have also struck out on their own too go into business or crime and are struggling to adapt. School bonds are still important however, magi often have difficulty trusting people outside their schools so frequently things like getting a job or being introduced to someone of influence rely on people from the same school and schools usually support members who are going through tough times.

Five schools have actually dove entirely into the gang scene and make up the five most powerful gangs in the city, lead by the mysterious and feared Old Kings.

SECOND EDIT: MOOOAAAR LORE FOR THE LORE GOD. This time we have a bit of info on New Atlantis jolly officers of the law, the Silencers. Gee they seem pretty sinister for civil servants and it turns out they have a bit of bad blood with mages but I'm sure they mean well ultimately...

Tomorrow: Character sheets and templates for designing your own schools so that you guys can actually get stuck in to some extent instead of merely watching awkwardly while I erect massive walls of text like some kind of deranged, GM version of Trump. 
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I guess this is a bump, we are still in the process of working out character so now is really the perfect time to join! Just PM me if you would like an invite although you don't need one to poke around the RP and satisfy your curiosity. 

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