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Realistic or Modern Recipe for disaster.


One Thousand Club
Posted a couple times with no hits. Hopefully third time's a charm.

What if, you were on vacation on an exotic island home to 30 million people. Spending your entire summer there along with thousands of other tourists on the beaches and golf courses.

Partying all night at the night club, trying to hook up and having the time of your life with your friends, drinking till you can't remember why you are her in the first place. Staying at a 5 star luxury resort.

And sleeping on a master bed until 12 in the afternoon....

Only to wake up to see soldiers patrolling the hotel. You walk outside and are immediately taken as detainees with the other tourists stuck here. And then it hits you, you are in the middle of an invasion. A war. And there is no place to run, you are stuck here on this island.

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