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Fandom Reborn Again [Golden Kamuy] [OPEN]


Fanfic writer and Roleplay Enthusiast
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My name is Corv and this is my interest check for Golden Kamuy! This series literally lives rent-free in my head ATM, but I'm afraid to say I haven't finished it just yet, so bare with me.

As of making this search, I am currently at volume 6 of the manga, and much farther ahead with the anime (about to start season three). [Update; Manga Complete!]

I would be extremely interested in either romantic, or Platonic subplots with the cast either set as 'filler arcs' during the man series, or all together in some sort of fun modern AU or whatever we decide to do together! I'm up for literally anything I can get my grubby little mitts on, so without further ado; let's get into the important info;
  • My writing length varies from literate to full novella, but this heavily depends on the scene and context.
  • I love all genres, and I'm a personal sucker for angst.
  • Canon/Canon is what I'm looking for the most, but I'm open to other ideas.

  • Sugimoto
  • Ogata
  • Koito
  • Tsurmi
  • Tsukishima
Please send me a DM or post on this thread! I would love to see what shenanigans we could get these characters into.

Sugimoto kept watch that night, legs right to his chest and his back to the opening of their shelter, keeping the warmth of the low fire to prevent him from freezing entirely. Usually, Sugimoto took to resting with the others…but something felt off in these woods. Sugimoto had a suspicion they were being followed, and soon he would know if that gut feeling was true.
Having himself exposed in the open like this was almost counter-productive, a hunter should hide in the undergrowth for their prey— yet there he was in the dark, sitting silently with his scarf wound tight around his face, waiting. Maybe it was that damn Ogata— the sniper often made it a habit to appear and disappear unannounced, showing up to be fed and then wandering off to kill like a damn stray.
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Hi! I'm not sure if you're still open to finding a rp partner for this particular fandom, but I thought I'd give it a shot; I'm not sure if you've finished the manga, but I have some experience rping as Ogata and Yuusaku, but am open to other characters as well. Lmk if you're still actively looking!
I'm still looking and very glad to see someone else is as well! I've finished the manga now, and im eager to talk. Shall I DM you?

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