(Reboot) Main Roleplay


The Duck Overlord
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My Interest Check

Good news, everyone!

(Oh God, I sound like Farnsworth)

Tonight is the Capture the Flag game!

Which team is your cabin on?

Who will win?

(No, seriously, who will win?)

Who will be awesome?


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"So where the hell do I sign up?!" T.L. exclaimed out loud, to no one in particular. He'd been wandering about aimlessly for a good five minutes. People were swarming around him(though most kept their distance), but he still didn't know who's team he was on and what to do. In a fit of pure confusion he slammed his fist, armed with a bronze knuckle, into the bark of a nearby tree. Unfortunately, his desire to punch something was far from being sedated.

(Open for interaction. No Fallon just yet, need to find a good place to put her.)
Alex was still sitting at the bonfire as everyone was excited about the game which occurred weekly, though, she understood everyone's hype... It was one of the few times the Demigods got to go out and encounter other Demigods in a fully-fledged battle to decide what team would earn bragging rights for that week. And, it wasn't to go without saying that Alex was amongst the hype as she was always prepared to show her ability with Magi... It was also a perfect time for revenge against the Hermes and Aphrodite Duo if they were placed on the other team of course.

While Alex was sitting at the bonfire, she heard one of the newest campers shout out about his desire to play. Standing, she'd walk over to him and tease, "Are you sure you have what it takes? Do you even know who your godly parent is yet?" she chuckled and nudged his shoulder in a way that's to assure he didn't think she was one of the prepped and overly sensitive Aphrodite girls who'd be quick to throw an absolute tantrum if even the slightest hair was misplaced. It's safe to say, despite being Homosexual; Alex was not that interested in most of the Aphrodite group and rather turned her head to the Apollo, Athena, Demeter, and Hephaestus girls... Because, well... yeah, 'nough said

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Evie brushed shoulders with some of the other campers as she approached her half-sibling, who seemed frustrated. He'd punched a harmless tree, no doubt injuring the poor nymph it belonged to, and she reached up to hold his arm so that he didn't harm it any further. She smiled at him, politely. 

"You'll hurt the nymph, TL. Please, be careful." Evie brushed her hair back behind her ears and tried to meet his gaze, "Our cabin is still making last minute alliances. If we're lucky, we might get to team up with the Ares cabin." 

When Alex appeared, she just frowned at her. 

Meanwhile, Soren was trying to talk to a really pushy Aphrodite kid. They were frustrated that the Aphrodite cabin wanted to team up with them in the first place, since they were the cabin that they put the least effort in. They managed to squirm away from the camper and go off in search of better team mates. 

They spotted Raven in the distance and pushed through the crowd towards her. After all, if there was any cabin to have on your side, it was the goddess of victory's. They had a genetic advantage.

Veronica was sitting down, solitary, and changing the string on her bow. She'd managed to snap one this afternoon when her cabin had been practicing their archery. She was one of the weaker archers, especially for a child of Apollo, and she looked a little frustrated as she fixed the bow.

( @Hollycrest @Skryx @Runakei )
"Oi! You picking a fight?" T.L. asked Alex with clenched fists. "I've been here three years, been doing this for a while now. Don't treat me like some newbie." 

He scoffed at Evie's remark about hurting the nymph, but just then a girl fell out of the branches of the tree he'd struck and landed on her backside. "Oww..." Her green hair was covered in leaves, but she was most definetly human.

T.L. squinted at her. "You're not a nymph. What the hell were you doing in there?"

The girl, Fallon, shrugged. "What can I say, it's comfy!"

T.L. rolled his eyes and turned back to Evie. "What cabin? Over 75% of us are sitting over there." He pointed to a row of seats filled with ditzy-looking girls obsessing over their hair and makeup. "You're the only other Aphrodite besides myself that I've seen down here. Whatever, come on." He began to walk away from the tree, low key gesturing for Evie to follow. In truth, he just wanted to get away from Alex, who he immediately identified as a Hecate by the unexplained apprehension he felt around her. Had anyone else challenged his authority like that he would have let them have it. He tried hard not to show it, but he really didn't like Hecate kids.


Fallon, on the other hand, stood up, dusted herself off and looked at Alex. "Oh, hi! I haven't seen you around, I'm Fallon, What's your name?

@jinkx @Runakei
Alex chuckled at the male as he attempted to place some sort of male dominance over her. In response, she leaned in close and whispered in his ear, "Why fight you when I can simply turn you into a newt..." she giggled and nudged him again, "I tease... I think you're cool, so don't take anything by it." she smiled and offered her hand to the larger male to offer a form of peace treaty between the two; when suddenly Fallon fell from the tree causing Alex to let out a soft chuckle, up until the point that she looked down at Evie. A kid from Aphrodite that she'd tried to hard to ignore up until this point. 

Alex's eyes began to glow purple in the dimmed afternoon as if they were a warning not to get in her way, or she'd indeed be turned into a newt.


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While others seemed excited with the upcoming game and there was a definite buzz in the air around the glow of the camp fire, Oakley wasn't one of them. Not that she wasn't excited, oh no, quite the opposite. Oakley loved playing Capture the Flag. It was just... So much effort... All that running around, fighting and stuff wasn't really Oakley's main idea of fun. Though hers was really nothing more than just lying against a log in front of the campfire eating apples. But it was something she liked. There was another thing that really bothered Oakley but... Well she tried not to dwell on it. Though the creek was the boundary, there wasn't anything in the rules saying she had to go in the water. But it was still a worry.

Biting into her fourth Apple, Oakley's orange eyes were directed away from the flashing flames of the fire and towards a couple of voices near her. She turned her scruffy head towards it just to notice two children of Aphrodite talking about the game. From what she could remember, they were part of the opposing team that she was against. But Oakley, figuring she should be a good sport about it, scooted closer and looked at the pair. "Hi!" She chirped in a friendly tone, "you looking forward to the game?" She added, tilting her head. Oakley, as usual, looked like a total mess, her hair was wild with a couple of leaves stuck in it from when she went out riding earlier, her shirt had a few dirt and sand marks from it from when she fell over in the arena during sparring, as well as her face and she generally looked unkempt. Though at this point nobody really paid attention to it anymore. Well, people she knew anyway. Biting into her apple, she waited for their reply.

@Runakei @Hollycrest
Raven was messing around with the rest of her half-siblings as usual, jokingly sparring and swinging their swords at each other. Capture the flag was honestly the best thing for them, since every cabin seemed to want them on their team. They didn't seem to get that they weren't guaranteed to win, but they weren't about to correct that. No way. They got the best privileges this way. This time they got double dessert and half their chores taken on by another cabin. They tried not to extort too much, but sometimes it was just too easy. 

She noticed Soren approaching and waved at them, letting her sword dangle loosely at her side. "Ready to win?" She asked her teammate, an eager gleam in her eyes betraying her nonchalant tone. 

"If by that you mean am I ready to put dents in people's helmets, then yeah." T.L. resisted the urge to punch something else to avoid being scolded by Evie again. Not that he really cared.


Fallon glanced behind her. She wasn't exactly sure where her team was. She'd been told magic was allowed, meaning that the Hecate cabin had a definite advantage in that regard. As for herself...forests were her strong suit. Getting around would be way easier to her than a lot of people. But first to find her team.

@Rumble Fish
"Ready to beat the losers into the ground." Soren said, not cruelly but more gleefully. They were incredibly excited for Capture the Flag since it was another camp activity where they actually got to use their main skill set- fighting. If nothing else, Soren excelled at hand-to-hand combat and was fully prepared to use it to their advantage. Not to mention, they were actually flanking the people going for the flag. Therefore, they got to fight off anybody that got close to them. 

"I'm flanking." They informed Raven, "What are you doing? Perhaps I could assist you on the battlefield." 

Evie disliked TL's attitude and she wasn't shy too show it, rolling her eyes at his obvious frustration. What did he even have to be so angry about? Nothing, absolutely nothing. He had such an attitude problem. As for Alex... Alex just seemed to glare at her, her eyes flashing purple and Evie didn't feel very threatened. She thought Alex was taking a joke far too seriously. 

She decided she'd rather hang around some of the happier campers, so when one rather scruffy Hermes child approached their group, she was grateful. She offered Oaktree- was that her name?- a beaming smile. 

"Of course." Evie replied, "You're on the opposing team, right? Any hints as to where we should look for the flag?" 

( @Skryx @Hollycrest @Runakei @Rumble Fish )
Violet Evslin, Noah Kerridge, and Coralie Magoveny

Violet was nervous for the Capture the Flag game. Her archery had never been all that good, and with the sun setting, she wasn't going to be much help anyway. At least she could immediately help those who got injured. She just hoped no one would hurt her. Then again, with Matt on her team, she probably wouldn't....the thought of anyone hurting her always seemed to make him mad.... Grinning to herself, she found Veronica and sat down beside her, "What happened to your bow? Do you need help fixing it?" Being the kind girl she was, Vi loved her younger half-sister, almost as much as she loved Noah and Cora.

Noah and Coralie, meanwhile, were high-fiving and ecstatic. "Hell yeah for this alliance!" Cora exclaimed, her twin swords, Sting and Rogue, on her back. "If Percy were here, he'd be excited, too." Cora was a bit too attached to her half-brother, who was only a year older than her. But her friends found it charming; after all, Noah was close to Pollux, and had named his sword Castor, and Violet had been close to Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew before they died. Somehow, they all seemed to have a pattern of clinging to half-brothers. Cora spotted Vi nearby and dragged Noah over to her. "Hey, Violet, you ready to lose to us?"

As a son of Dionysus, Noah couldn't deny celebrating that he and Cora had held on to their alliance. As he neared Violet, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind and hugged her, ever the straight G.B.F. "VIVI~! You excited for Maaaaatt to be on your team?" His eyes narrowed playfully as he exchanged a knowing glance with Cora. Matt and Violet were so clearly the most adorable couple in the camp, and Cora and Noah were their staunch supporters, through and through. So when the teams had been announced, they'd been happy for their best friend. Besides, Noah thought, maybe I can finally get closer to Cora....

@jinkx @Dreaming Divinity (for the mention)
Sitting down at his table, Jacob is currently listening in on possible battle strategies with his teammates. He usually prefers archery alone, but this definitely would be good practice.

Likewise, he cracks his knuckles, and unzips his backpack, pulling out a fairly large chocolate bar, and crunching on it. Hopefully, he might be able to bring something to the battle. After all, this was his first.
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Oakley finished her third apple and was now tucking into her fourth. She looked at the girl as she greeted her with a beaming smile. She had seen this girl around the camp before she didn't know her name. But then again, Oakley didnt know the names of a lot of people around the camp. There were too many of them. Scratching her stomach, she looked around before turning her attention back to the girl as she asked her if she knew where their flag was. "Um... well you gotta cross the cree-" Her orange eyes widened as she realised what she was saying, "Uh- No cheating." she said quickly before wolfing down the rest of her apple and taking another one. She couldnt help it, she loved apples. "Just hope I dont accidentally hurt someone again like last time. Dont want another week without dessert." she added, scratching her stomach again. She tapped her foot, feeling pretty excited but also pretty nervous. "Do you enjoy Capture the Flag?" she asked the girl, tilting her head. Hey, even though they were playing against each other, it didnt mean she couldnt try to be friendly.

T.L. suddenly remembered his conversation from earlier. "I'll uhh, just be leaving now. Come find me when the game starts." He gently tapped Evie's shoulder to indicate he'd been talking to her and ran into the woods. Once he'd lost sight of Evie and Oakley, he began to scale Half-Blood Hill. He wanted to see if Isabella had been right about the effectiveness it had as a vantage point. If Isabella was there already...well, they were on the same team anyways, so there was nothing to lose.


Fallon shrugged and started to make her way to the other side of camp, where she found Raven and Soren. "Hey, guys. How goes it?"

@Amity Girl @jinkx @Skryx
Raven laughs at Soren's response. "Just don't get too carried away," she jokes. "Though I suppose I spare you some of my dessert if you accidentally maim someone." Not that she would condone cheating. No, cheating was definitely off limits. Yup. Still, she looked forward to a good fight. There was a sort of thrill she got from sneaking around in a dangerous forest and jumping out to ambush someone. 

"I'm going straight for the flag." She informed Soren. As part of the first wave, she would charge straight for the flag and get the attention of the guards. While they were distracted, another small group would sneak round the back and grab the flag. Even if the flanking group was caught, their first wave was reasonably strong enough that she might break through the defense even without it. Of course that meant their base was pretty open, but with what cabins they were paired with this time around it seemed like the best choice. "So it looks like you'll be watching my back." 


Ari wandered through the teams, fixing the straps of his armour. After he was done, it was still a little lopsided, but he figured he didn't care enough. Catching sight of a semi-new kid at the Apollo table breaking out some chocolate, he immediately zoned in. 

"Hey, could you spare some of that for a teammate?" He asked, mischievously, showing no shame in outright asking for a piece from someone he didn't even know. 

@jinkx @Kojuen
@Skryx @jinkx

Jacob looks up, and smiles. "Sure man. Why not?", he says, breaking off a peice of chocolate. "Gonna need that burst of energy anyway before the games", he says. Jacob already has his armor equipped and strapped on. However, unlike the rest of the Red Team, Jacob has a hood, rather than a helmet. He shares this with the rest of the archers on the Red Team, as well. "Good luck out there, dude".

Jacob then sits his peice of the chocolate on the table, and zips up his backpack. Jacob then picks up his backpack, and pulls a small ring on the strap, transforming the bag into a quiver, and placing an unstringed bow in his hand. Jacob pulls out some wire from his pocket, and strings his bow. His quiver is already filled with celestial bronze arrows.
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Alex stood over by herself in her casual outfit and silently wrote in her spellbook and made sure that her vials and component bags were in place.


(Open for Interaction.)
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Veronica Winters

Veronica was not surprised when her older sibling approached her and offered help with fixing her bow. She just shook her head a little as she tightened the string and plucked it experimentally. 

"Hey, Violet. Don't worry, I think I got it. Just snapped a string this afternoon." She ran her hand over her bow once more to make sure that it was in perfect working condition. That was when Noah and Cora arrived in their usual loud and hilarious way. She liked them a great deal and smiled softly as they joked around about Matt. It was no secret to anyone that Matt and Violet were a great couple but that didn't mean it wasn't fun to tease Violet about him. 

"Are you two excited to be on the same team?" Veronica returned, a small glint in her eye. 

( @AnimeGenork )

Evie Saradana

Evie was surprised when she nearly got the location of the flag out of this strange Hermes girl and she giggled when the girl seemed to realise and stopped abruptly. She couldn't help watching the girl eat either, thoroughly impressed with the amount of apples she'd seemed to be devouring. 

"Thanks for the tip." She said, curious as to how the girl had accidentally hurt someone; though, she did look like a bit of a klutz, "Capture the Flag is one of the only things at this camp I'm actually good at. Well, aside from customising the camp shirts so that they're more appealing. Oh, I'm Evie, by the way. Evie Saradana. You're a Hermes kid, right?" 

( @Rumble Fish )

Soren Collins

"It's only cheating if you get caught." Soren said, flashing a brief grin at her, "But I'll be sure to keep your offer in mind."

It was cool that Raven got to be in the first wave of attack, an opportunity that Soren had never had since they apparently weren't mature or sensible enough to handle. Too hot-headed to be in the first wave, they'd been told. But at least they were close and they got to flank Raven, work together with her. They had trained together in the past and made a pretty great team in Soren's opinion. 

"I'll be there to make sure you don't get maimed horrifically by the Aphrodite kids." 

( @Skryx )
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Alex quietly walked over after ensuring she was properly prepared for battle. Upon approaching Evie, the Aphrodite daughter, she'd make herself noticed when she reached out and tapped the girl on the shoulder. "Evie..." as she spoke, her voice seemed to have a cold tone that could creep down a person's spine if they knew they were the cause of such tone. Though, without waiting for Evie to face her, Alex had begun to speak, "Know I am willing to make amends with the Aphrodite cabin for now... But also know after I am done targeting the Hermes cabin, yours is the next on my list unless you can find a way to scratch your name off of it." As she spoke the anger in her tone seemed to fade away. Her eyes slowly returned to their natural grayish tone in an attempt to show that she wasn't going to smite Evie where she stood.



(P.S. @AnimeGenork, I demand Violet Evslin and Alexandria Moore be a couple!)
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Oakley tilted her head as the girl talked about how she felt about Capture the Flag, putting the apple core in a small bag -which was full of them- and she scratched her disheviled head. "I'm not great at this game, I mean... My reflexes are rather slow. But it's fun!" She added as she picked something out of her teeth. Her hawk orange eyes widened a little in curiosity at the girl's statement about customising the camp' t-shirts. "Customise the camp shirts- you can do that? Cool! I've only got this t-shirt," she pulled at the grubby shirt in question, "couldn't get another one. But then again I don't really need another one. But customising... Thists pretty neat. How do you do that?" Oakley finished her tangent, figuring the girl would be getting bored of her talking. A lot of people did.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]When the girl introduced herself as Evie, Oakley grinned broadly for a second before changing her expression back to a simple smile. "I'm Oakley, Oakley Burrows." She responded as she took another apple from her pocket, "And well... I've been told that I'm a Hermes but... I dunno. Not sure if I'm something else. Pfft, it doesn't really matter." She waved her hand a little, dismissing the matter. It wasn't very important. She opened her mouth to say something else when she saw someone else walking towards them. She tilted her head as he talked about targeting the Aphrodite cabin, "Uh... why?" she asked. Dumb? Yes, but she was curious. Who was this guy?[/SIZE]

@Runakei @jinkx
"Don't you dare. My cabin will have your head the next game." Raven said seriously, leveling an even stare at Soren. She broke it off after a few uncomfortable moments with a laugh. "I'll be in your debt if you do," she grinned. "Aphrodite kids are like my fatal flaw. Though I swear one day we're gonna get karma'd for dissing them all the time." She shook her head, still amused. Sheathing Adidas once more, she glanced around looking for Chiron. It was about time they started the game. The last game had been rather unsatisfying and she was looking forward to leading the charge. And winning. Let's not forget that. 


"Thanks man!" Ari said gratefully, stuffing the whole piece of chocolate in his mouth and letting a look of pure bliss grace his face. "Gods, this is good stuff. I'll remember this.." He grinned, showing chocolate stained teeth when he saw the kid's backpack transform into a quiver. "Nice. Got any trick arrows in there yet?" Seeing as Hermes had paired up with Apollo this time around, they had supplied plenty more 'special' arrows for this round. "Are you defending?" Archer's usually stayed behind as defense, though he wasn't sure what sneaky strategy his team had come up with this time. "Name's Ari by the way." 

@jinkx @Kojuen
Evie Saradana

"Yes, I spend a lot of time in arts and crafts trying to make these camp t-shirts a little more fashionable." Evie explained, "I think it's important to look good at all times, especially when fighting monsters. I want to leave an impression on them. If you ever need help with a..." She looked Oakley up and down, "Makeover, you should come to me." 

It seemed that Oakley was another one of those demigods that didn't feel as if they belonged to their godly parent. That didn't seem to be too uncommon at camp as a lot of people inherited more traits from their human side rather than their godly side. Evie recalled being told about Frank Zhang, a boy who acted more like a child of Apollo but was in a fact a child of Ares. Or their Roman equivalents, at least. She was about to offer some words of advice when Alex snuck up on her and made her squeak in surprise. 

Evie felt uncomfortable being threatened by another camper and made a note to report it to the head of their cabin as soon as she could. They would hopefully report it to somebody that could do something about it and then the issue would be resolved. She shuddered and turned back to Oakley. 

"No idea what that was about." Evie said, before cheerfully continuing, "I got stuck on border patrol today. Nobody really trusts the Aphrodite cabin to do anything right in this game, so I guess I'll just be hanging around the creek. Not looking forward to it but hey, what can you do?" 

( @Rumble Fish @Runakei )

Soren Collins

"Maybe one day all the Aphrodite kids will take us by storm in a game of Capture the Flag." Soren joked, glancing over at where the majority of them were sitting, "They might makeover us to death. That would be the most terrifying death of all."

It was no big secret that not many people took the Aphrodite cabin seriously and Soren was one of them. Those lovesick fools posed absolutely no threat to them, so they never felt scared of mocking them. Seriously, what would the Aphrodite kids do to them? Nothing. 

"I hope we get started soon." Soren said, "Standing around doing nothing like this is driving me crazy." 

( @Skryx )
"Worst thing is they might make you like it. They won't kill you, they'll just make you into one of them. Like zombies." Raven joked. She didn't mind make up, on special occasions, but seriously, she sees them putting it on before during and after every activity. What was the point of make up while canoeing? She shook her head. 'Piper was alright though. And Silena." While she respected most cabins and charmspeak was pretty cool, she had to admit she thought the Aphrodite kids were pretty silly most of the time. 

"I can see that. Calm down and save your energy for later, dweeb." 

Oakley scratched her head as she nibbled on an apple, listening to Evie talk. Going into her little bag, she pulled out the last apple in there and offered it to the girl. She blinked at her make-over comment before tilting her head, "Hm, I mean I would do myself up but well... Pfft, I oversleep like every say, I always lose my hairbrush, I have a phobia of water..." she scratched behind her ear. Long story short, Oakley could be described as... hygienically challenged. 

When the unfamiliar boy walked off after threatening Evie, Oakley frowned for a moment. What was his problem? Sure they were on opposing teams, but there was no reason for that. She crossed her legs as she turned her attention back to Evie. "Pfft, I hate border patrol. Well, I dont get put on it very much. Apparantly I'm 'not observant enough' for it."  she shrugged, grinning. "And I don't see why people would think the Aphrodite cabin would be so bad. I mean... the Ares cabin are good in combat but not so great when learning ancient Greek, or anything that involves using their brains. Strengths and weaknesses, right?" she asked, not exactly sure about that statement herself. "Hope we get started soon, don't want to be late to bed." 

@jinkx @Runakei
Isabella Piacere

Isabella stood at the top of Half-blood Hill, gazing out over the field. She stood a good distance away from Peleus, not wanting to be closer to the dragon than necessary. Isabella did not like dragons. At all. Brow furrowed in concentration, she muttered to herself. "Let's see, where might they hide their flag....." 

Hearing a noise behind her, the girl whirled around, a hand going to her bracelet instinctively. Seeing that it was T.L, she relaxed. "Oh. It's only you. Well, what do you think," she said, spreading her arms in a 'ta-da' manner. "Pretty good vantage point, wouldn't you say?"


Tanya Harter

Tanya finished eating, then looked around. People were gathering into cabin groups for capture the flag, and she stood up to go her cabin with the other Aphrodite kids: or at least those who were playing. She tapped the girl who Ari had been talking to earlier on the arm- what was her name, Evie- and asked, "Is there any place I can get a weapon?" Inwardly the girl quailed at having to attack someone or defend herself, but she was determined to fit in here.

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