Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies [Info and Sign-up]

So from another ww vetern!


Name: Lux S. Blythe


Age: 15

History: The Blythe family was genuinely a very mundane family, and Lux’s parents were no different, they had average jobs in an average city, in an average house. They were normal humans, who didn’t believe in magic or even knew of its existence.

The way Lux learned about it was the soul kook in the family (as her parents sometimes referred her to) her great grand-aunt. Aunt Dolly’s job as a fortune teller was not average and the fact that she lived in the slums wasn’t normal for Lux. The first time she met her, Lux received a reading from her telling that she was gifted in the same arts as her aunt.

Like she was raised to believe, Lux thought null of the prediction until her magical abilities started acting up. It was too late to confront Aunt Dolly as she had passed away, so Lux tried to ignore it and pass it off as ‘Luck’. Something was left for her in her grand-aunt’s meager possessions though, a copy of an application letter sent to The Highland Academy and the acceptance letter they had sent back.

Magical Skills:

Luck: Lux has an innate ability to guess; at first it was simple things like what she would have for dinner at home, but soon it developed. The girl could guess the amount of money in someone’s pocket, what side the coin would land on or even tell what cards would be dealt.

Foresight:With the amount of luck she has at guessing, some people consider her to have the ability to tell the future.

((I must talk powers with…someone… later...))
Name: Ansell Malus

Appearance: Ansell stands at 5'6, and weighs a bit over 138 pounds, which is mostly lean muscle. But, despite this, he is not 'ripped' in a sense, not even fit merely..lean. Though, nobody really sees his body a lot because he almost never takes off his clothes in front of people. While around the house, or when he went out, Ansell normally wore black, white, or gray clothes when he went out, he knows how to knit, so he usually wears wool or something else. Ansell's eyes are a deep garnet color, and he has a caramel-brown complexion from his mother, while his neck-length hair is coal black and curly.

His most recent outfit happens to be a black, white, and gray sweater that has a moon symbol in the middle of the chest, and black pants which has his own symbol on it; a white moon going over a small sun.

Age: Sixteen.

History: Being born into a family of mages known as the Twilight Mages, Ansell was expected to do the same as them, only he couldn't. He could use some light and darkness spells, but he was never able to use pure Twilight magic, it was simply something out of his reach. Ansell, through the order of his parents, was sent to Highland Academy to become a Twilight Mage, even though Ansell has been trying to hide this little thing about him. With nothing but the 'love' of his parents, and his own wit, Ansell has been thrown into the world of magic.

Magical Skills: Seer: With this magic, Ansell is able to see over the 'horizon', allowing him to see into the future a bit. But he hasn't been able to get over his half hour limit. He also knows a couple of light and darkness spells by heart.

FullDeathCakium: APPROVED, if you change the future sight power a little. I think half an hour is a suitable time limit, and it can't be 100% reliable. Other than that it's interesting and unique enough.
Ok. Now. Metagaming needs to f***ing stop. I'm already at my limit for it and yeah...
(Bookmarking this page! Love love loveeee the idea, and shall make a charrie for it as soon as I can get on more! :D In the mean time Pm me or something, I would love to get some ideas, I am at a bit of a lull, quite sad really T.T)
I would like to join! I will post my character when i get to a real computer. (I hate posting character sheets from a phone.)
((Is this RP still accepting new players? I finally have the time I originally thought I had when I first registered on this website and this RP appears to be quite promising as an entrance and ongoing enjoyment as well as challenge.))
To anyone still looking to join, you may indeed still put up character sheets, and I am still accepting new members. :)
((I hope this is not too long...))

Eeliphas Yonah, formerly Eeliphas Huron

Appearance: ((, though without the skulls and spikes, of course. You have no idea how hard it is these days to find albino-mages with the lower half of the face hidden.))


History: Born a simple farmer's son from a disgraced former noble family, the Hurons, that had degenerated over the generations in a rural village high up in the mountains, quite far from what one would have considered civilisation, Eeliphas was born with a flaw. He was an albino, his skin a perpetual sickly-white, his eyes a sinister crimson hue, seeing the world in a lower resolution than normal ones, with the mere sunlight able to badly burn his skin, disallowing him to walk outside of the small house without being entirely covered in cloth.

Due to this, many of the other villagers were rather intimidated by his appearance they began calling him a demon-child, and soon deemed every mishap that happened to the village his doing, from bad weather to sick cattle,
while his family, who viewed him as a nuisance due to his frail form and weakness to sunlight rendering him incapable of doing heavy farmwork, merely looked on.

This culminated in years of abuse until, at the age of sixteen, he was ambushed by his village's youths who sought to prove themselves by freeing their home from the supposed 'demon-spawn', mortally wounded, his lower jaw crushed and left for dead.

But he was saved by a noble girl, named Briannah, who had been travelling the land in her carriage, who nursed him back to health and brought him to her family's home. She also had a metal-mage repair his long-ago crushed jaw with a crude, but working, metal contraption that again allowed him to speak and even chew. There, for the first time in his life, Eeliphas expressed some magical ability, curiousely enough, an affinity with fire and metal. The lady that saved his life was the noble family's inheritor, giving her enough leverage to persuade her father to send Eeliphas to the academy in her stead, due to the fact that she possessed no magical ability of her own.

Eeliphas is a paranoid, cynical and insecure being. He is also quite cowardish, having learned for most of his life that running away from his tormentors was the best way from saving himself from pain. However, beneath his fearful exterior, hides a ruthless, inventive cunning, and underneath that again, is an utterly selfless, worshipful devotion to the lady who saved his life and was the first to ever treat him with compassion.

Due to exactly this devotion, combined with his utter lack of self-worth, he views himself as nothing but a tool to be used for his Lady, a tool that must be discarded as soon as it is used up.

Magical Skills: Hybrid metal/fire mage, unable to master either fully, he is, again, flawed and stumped even as a mage. Nonetheless, he is capable of throwing lesser fireballs and bending metal, however, he soon found himself capable of melting metal and subsequently form it into quite a variety of shapes, again allowing for quite a number of applications.

Adding to that, due to his low capability to generate heat, he was forced to learn how to control and draw heat from other sources.
Name: Wallace MacWilliams

Appearance: He's a man who looks as if he were built out of barrels. His hair is a rusted red, and thinning, and his face and body are etched with scars. He wears a tight white tunic and a kilt.

Age: 43

History: Wallace MacWilliams is the loudest, strongest, hard drinkingest Scotsman in the world. He came to the academy to learn magic, simply because he wants to.

Magical Skills: Alcohol and claymores
Rose Bell, a blonde haired girl with brown eyes and pale skin, 16, the youngest of 12 Rose was always a quiet and mysterious child and her parents saw this school as a chance to expand her horizons, she can shapeshift very well
Unwavering Knight: ACCEPTED. Hell of a backstory.

VaporSnake: The students must be within the age range specified, and I'll need a little clarification on the magical abilities of this Scotsman.

flowersami: You didn't follow the template at all. xD

GoddessOfGod: Interesting character, but I don't think the idea gels very well with the other students as a guidepost. You're welcome to try again though.
Let me explain. Wallace's powers are that he has supernatural control over booze and Scottish claymores. And I can't change the age because that would alter his character. He want to go to the school anyways because he can. Besides which, it's not out of the question to say he was a late magic bloomer.
It may not be out of the question, but for my own reasons that may stretch from plot's sake to simple convenience, I have set the specific required age range. Also, supernatural control boils down to a power, not activated and controlled magic. Wallace is more of a super hero, not a mage.

Sorry dude, no dice.
Would you at least care to list a few of those reasons? It should be a simple task if it's so important.

Besides which, I'm not sure how alcohol and claymore based magic differs from fire based magic or ice based magic, since it usually boils down to "control over an element". Mine just happened to be liquor and big swords.
Oh no, I wasn't disagreeing with the abilities themselves, just the wording. 'Supernatural control' makes it seem like a power or innate ability, which is not.

And as much as I would go into detail, I don't have to answer to you. xD

Like I said, it may stretch from plot reasons down to convenience's sake. Use your imagination, and take it or leave it.
Both. It's far too advanced and seems too strange for a student to have, doesn't matter what your history is. Cool character, just not for this RP.
^^ ok cool ill try again

Name: Tier Nexcas

Age: 16

History: Tier was born into a high class family. The mother was the ceo of a company. The father was a general who just won a war. Her two sisters where top fashion designers. But tier wasn't like them. While they were out doing what they do best she would be hanging around the slums instead of going to school. She would always hang out with her Friend Ralph building machines together. Unlike her parents Ralph encourgaed her to do things to strive for more. One day in the kitchen haveing a meal with her family. Her parents began to yell at her saying how she's a disgrace to the family name. She got fed up with it and slammed her hand on the table. Nothing happend untill the microwave began to move. Everyone looked toward the microwave as it began to come alive. The father instantly called the cops as she dashed out the doors laughing as she looked at her hands. She knew magic existed but thought it was old and the people that usesd it died off. She was happy that she could use it but was more concerend on who her real parents were., . After the incidant at her parents she now lived with Ralph.

Magic skills: Maximum Overdrive ables her to bring machines alive without chargin them, Driver ables her to store and transfer mass amount of data ( like a flash drive)

Peronality: She's calm and kind. She loves to mess around with technology and gets really exited when confront with a broken down machine. She can be a hot head but only if you mess with her friends are comment on her work

Apperance:View attachment 9965

View attachment 9966

(heres the pic)
Name: Kelly Gillian

Age: 13

History: Kelly didn't have much of a life before the Academy. She was abandoned as a baby, and went throughout foster homes until recently. Kelly never stayed in one home for very long, her abilities made people commonly shy away, and add on the odd black wings that had grown from her back, she was never well received until the Academy. Kelly hopes that the school will allow her to get out of her shell, the shy exterior she puts on as a buffer zone from others.

Magical Skills: Flight, elemental control. Elemental control can be unpredictable and is weak for now.



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