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Fantasy Rebirth of a World Long Dead [OOC][OPEN]

I want to play too I'm just having a crazy weekend but I'm sure I'll be able to jump in Tuesday or if I happen to have down time at some point.
Sorry it took so long for me to post, as I said, crazy weekend and when I got back I was completely tired and uninspired. I hope that's a good enough post to maybe get some interaction, I was having trouble choosing someone to interact with.
I come with unfortunate news. I will be going M.I.A for the next two weeks. I will return on the 17th.
I went ahead and posted my CS, but it seems I can't join the RP until Raku Raku returns x3 sorry! Though I'll still read the posts to keep updated on what's happening in the RP. Hopefully my CS is fine ^^
May I create a living shadow character? Also is there a character limit?

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