Rebellion: The Mutants


Jōnin of Silence
Character page:

The bullets whizzed down the practically empty street, Government soldiers were running down in, taking strategic positions to conquer any resistance.

Rikiya dashed up to the next building on his side of the street, coming out of the shadows for a split second to slit one Government soldier's throat, and to throw the knife he used to do it at the second one, then grabbing it and slipping back into the shadows. He looked at the people following him, making sure they were all alright before continuing on. Rikiya looked over at Hyosuke one time, noticing he took out his guards decently fast.

(Flashing back, to see the moment through Hyosuke's eyes)

Hyosuke swung his sword in a circular motion, knocking the solder's gun from his hands then slicing his arm of, circling his stoke, slicing the soldier's neck, leaving him to the death he deserves. Hyosuke then stabbed the other soldier with his sword, kicking it in further and as the guard fell over Hyosuke grabbed the sword and ripped it out of the soldier. He turned towards the ones following him, and motioned them to come up.

(Basically, you choose if you're following Rikiya or Hyosuke, they're on either side of a rode, sticking to the buildings. Your characters can be fighting as well, Rikiya and Hyosuke are by no means hogging all the fight, they'd rather plan it out than fighting randomly.)

I was having the time of my life slicing up these guy. I look by my side and see Rikiya also cutting these monster too. "So I'm not one care about this but are we gonna do something besides cut 'em up? My blade needs a rest from so much blood." I uppercut one from my front and on the way down I get one. I go under and up, knowing away his gun, giving me a clear shot wi the pistol in my left hand. This would never get old I thought, these bastards are gonna get it!


I flicked my cigarette so the ashes would wall of the end. I puffed the last cloud of smoke then threw it to the ground, grinding it under my shoe. I guess I have to go into town again, maybe get a contract or two, my gun hasn't seen any death lately. I put my sniper sling over my shoulder and grab my coat, throwing it over my other. I peered to the horizon, dreaming to find a contract to pay big. Heard the government could use some help 'round another town, maybe I'll find an outpost soon.
Xin had no weapons but he was doing just fine,his body had turned to pure steal to prevent the bullets from hurting him.He was able to just walk up to the men and take care of them head on,literally. He punched most of there guns out of there hands before knocking them out and moving to the next idiot that shoots him,he had left Trei in a safe place for the time being so he wouldn't be effected.
Rikiya chuckled slightly when Aere questioned whether they were going to do something other than cut them up.

"Something other, isn't this enough?" He asked, laughing, "Well, as a matter of fact, that war-machine up there needs a beating, if you want I can leave that one to you," He said, referring to the military-grade tank rolling onto the streets and turning to fire at Xin.

Hyosuke noticed the tank, and used it's power as a distraction. If they needed to put in a tank for one street, most of the defense would be on that street. So... Hyosuke walked behind two destroyed buildings, in what must have been an alleyway at one time, and came out in the street on the other side. This street had soldiers in it, but there wasn't dozens. He found one building that had more than one destroyed floor. There was one across the street and three buildings down. Hyosuke dashed to it, taking less than 6 steps. He got to the top floor, which was the 5th, and analyzed the city. It wasn't being overrun, this was a minor attack, except this one had a tank. Hyosuke realized this was a large attack force passing through after loosing a lot of men in their last attack. Hyosuke knew they could easily take care of this group, and move on.
Red stood on top of an abandoned building. She watched the fight closely. Her raven hair fell over her face and hid her eyes from everyone that tried to see her. Her hands and arms where engulfed in flames as she looked down to the street. As everyone pushed forward, she took off and jumped onto the next building. She crouched down and dropped down behind the one named Rikiya. She moved into the shadows and whispered to him "You need a helping hand?" her voice haunted his ears as she spoke.
(Sorry, my computer wouldn't let me get on this post for some reason...)

Rikiya looked around, but it wasn't noticeable as he was only a shadow. Who was that? he thought to himself, he dismissed the voice and something he just thought up, but something told him someone was really asking him that.

Hyosuke jumped out of the building, the only thing breaking his fall was the slowing of his fall while his sword went deeper into a soldier. He landed feet first and pulled his sword out of the soldiers and dashed back into the building line, bullets following his movements. He looked over and didn't see Rikiya, he must be on the move he thought.
Kellen on the other side of the town was fighting of,what she called,Rebellion minions.They were easy as pie,but they way her blade cut through them was a much more fluid motion.If you watch from a distants,you would think it was a ballet about murder or war,but in truth it was a massacre.Kellen pinned one of the minor rebels against the wall with her feet,she was just about to blow his brains all over the wall,but was interrupted by another running up behind her trying to cut her in half.She easily dodged and made a gust of wind push him forth,forcing him to slash his comrade instead.As the blood from the warrior gushed on his friend,Kellen stood next to him with her gun at his head,"How dare you treat your friend in such a manner."She said as she blew his eye out.Her sword and pistol teleported,in a small flash of light,back to her room at one of the Government bases,as she turned to walk away.
Red moved fro the shadows so he could see her. Her black raven hair still hiding her eyes at the moment. "Do you need help or not?" Her hands where engulfed in green flames. She looked around and jumped clear over Rikiya and landed on a solider. She caught him on fire and watched him burn.
Viktor, along with two robed figures, surveys the area where a skirmish is happening. He signals to one of the robed figures to initiate something. "X-011, stand here for further orders. We will watch what will happen from here on out." He then wears heavy black glasses and turns around. "This will be quite intresting." He lets out a sinister laugh while walking away.
Rikiya was shocked wen the girl walked out from the shadows, no one else but him had done it before. When she jumped over him and onto the soldier, he nodded.

"Uh, yeah, we could use some help," He said, with no further words.

Chris ran out from behind the tank, running to the nearby building. He pulled out his semi-automatic assault rifle and peeked around the corner to watch a woman land on his comrade and burn him. "Damned rebellion," he muttered, he aimed at the woman and fired a series of bullet at her.
Viktor is inside a armored transport and watches everything in the monitor. A soldier enters the room to give his report to Viktor. "Sir, all of the subjects are in place and are on standby." Viktor smiled and turns his head. "Begin the operation and dont interfere with the test." The soldier nods and leaves the room. "Well then, lets see how my children will fare outside the lab." He snickers as he thought of what will happen next.
Before Red could move out of the way She was hit in her arm by one bullet as she pulled her gun and shout 3 bullets to his leg. She kept her gun pointed at the male as fire crept on the ground, over to the male and made a circle around him.
Chris fell, his left leg unable to uphold him because of the three bullet wounds in it. Fire surrounded him, and he just eyed it. If he were to die here, so be it. He dared the mutant to try and kill him, he wasn't planning on going out without taking the mutant with him. He aimed his gun back at the mutant, prepared to shoot.
Xin now stood out in the open looking around,men laid on the ground around him most just knocked out. His body had turned back to normal now since he wasn't shot at now,the tank from before stood blown up from him clogging the barrel before they shot and back firing.So he figured his side was pretty much done for now, at least until someone shot at him again.

(Heads up: I'm going to be off and on a lot until Wed night XP my dad's home for the holidays...)
Red moved back into the shadows where the soldier could not see her. She sat there and made the circle creep in on him. She was now in the shadows behind him. Her voice haunted his ears "Why are you trying to kill someone who is just like you?"

I nodded my head at Rikiya and dashed down the street. I slid under an orange van and whipped my brow and sheathed my sword. I thought that I would just blow the entire thing. I pulled out my pistols and hurried to the tank. Hopping on the back of the tank I looked over it. There was a loose panel and I ripped it off. Ok there was a blue wire, red, and a white. I thought, **** it. I shot an entire clip into the wire and smiled at my work. I noticed a clump of ashfaut on the ground and thought, might as well blow the thing. I hopped off and grabbed the piece of the group. Running around the tank I chuck the piece riight into the cannon. I grinned at my work but realized this was gonna blow. "Oh shit!" I dashed to the van and covered my head. I whipped my brow at the sound of an exploding tank. "I love my job." I smiled and thought I'd contact Rikiya on my radio. " Hey tanks down, ready to go hot shot?"
Chris heard the voice, and flipped onto his back, shooting randomly into the air.

"Just like me? F*** THAT!" His words were masked with the sound of war.

Rikiya closed his eyes, he wouldn't be able to do any of this without the rest of the Rebellion. He darted out of the shadows, throwing two of his knives in straight line, one hitting a soldier and the other bouncing off of the end of the blade and hitting another soldier behind him. A soldier in the shadows was about to shoot him, but blackness etched into his skin and crawled to his neck, pulling him into the shadows as he screamed. Rikiya knew it was only a matter of time before the Government would send in heavier weaponry.

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