• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Rebel Galaxy - A Space exploration RP


Hydro Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Sign-up sheet







Ship (May be from any space genre I.E. Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. (Optional))

RP Rule

- This RP is not restricted in anyway aside from no god modding, you may develop your character anyway you please.

- This is a free reign RP, you can attack other people's characters and kill them, if and only if they accept it.

- You can form alliances, build a fleet, group up, whatever you please.

- You can make up stations to dock at.
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Hector Thatch








Growing up in a royal family, Hector is a formal man, he knew nothing but luxury and relaxation. When he turned 17 his parents bought him his first space ship, the Rasputin and dainty little corvette. Over time he earned a living as a privateer for the Royal Militia and bought the ship he currently captains, the Royal Advocate, a Damocles-class warship. He loved the life of a privateer, traveling from station to station, trading and having a general good time. Now he earns a living trading and battling for the Royal Militia.


He's a gentleman, with the mindset everyone gets a second chance. He will offer surrender before taking a life. He is merciful but ruthless.



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Vexella "Vex" Alichman


Her eye isn't actually purple, that's just...the lighting.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Bio: Vex's life was anything but luxury. After her father left her and her mother, she had to steal so that her and her mother could have three meals everyday, since her mother's job wasn't paying very well. After a couple years, Vex became skilled at thievery and at lying. She would find other kids with similar family problems and create a some-what gang. Practically born to be a leader, she led and taught the other kids the ways and secrets of a thief. Tragically, Vexella's mother was murdered after some men broke into the home, looking for valuables. Trying to defend herself, they stabbed her. Investigators speculated that it was an accident, but that didn't relieve Vex of her pain. She ran away from the orphanage she was placed in and continued to steal to make a living. By the age of 14, she was the most skilled thief that kids had ever seen. One day, a man she stole from went to attack her, but she quickly got away. She started learning how to fight from street fighters. After a while, she developed her own moves which focused on speed and flexibility more than strength. At the age of 17, she wanted to do more than petty theft. She got hired to work on a boat, got other the crew members to join her, and overthrew their captain. She gained control of the ship, "Night Flier". Soon, the military caught onto her and threatened to take her ship. She offered her services instead, and they new that she would be a good asset to the military. Now, she, the Night Flier, and her crew help protect the galaxy.

Personality: Sarcastic, bold, strong mentally and physically. Clever, witty, and loves to tease and joke around, even when it's inappropriate. She doesn't really care about much. Just her ship and her crew. Other than that, she has nothing else to lose. She will protect who's on her side with her life and she will always fight alongside her crew like a leader should.



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AdorkableMew said:

Vexella "Vex" Alichman


Her eye isn't actually purple, that's just...the lighting.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Bio: Vex's life was anything but luxury. After her father left her and her mother, she had to steal so that her and her mother could have three meals everyday, since her mother's job wasn't paying very well. After a couple years, Vex became skilled at thievery and at lying. She would find other kids with similar family problems and create a some-what gang. Practically born to be a leader, she led and taught the other kids the ways and secrets of a thief. Tragically, Vexella's mother was murdered after some men broke into the home, looking for valuables. Trying to defend herself, they stabbed her. Investigators speculated that it was an accident, but that didn't relieve Vex of her pain. She ran away from the orphanage she was placed in and continued to steal to make a living. By the age of 14, she was the most skilled thief that kids had ever seen. One day, a man she stole from went to attack her, but she quickly got away. She started learning how to fight from street fighters. After a while, she developed her own moves which focused on speed and flexibility more than strength. At the age of 17, she wanted to do more than petty theft. She got hired to work on a boat, got other the crew members to join her, and overthrew their captain. She gained control of the ship, "Night Flier". Soon, the military caught onto her and threatened to take her ship. She offered her services instead, and they new that she would be a good asset to the military. Now, she, the Night Flier, and her crew help protect the galaxy.

Personality: Sarcastic, bold, strong mentally and physically. Clever, witty, and loves to tease and joke around, even when it's inappropriate. She doesn't really care about much. Just her ship and her crew. Other than that, she has nothing else to lose. She will protect who's on her side with her life and she will always fight alongside her crew like a leader should.



Didn't think someone would apply, welcome aboard.
Edward 'Ed' Tahoma

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.&quot] <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/01da423ce5afe6452ff51609a67a0282.jpg.6c055a275d5f5062d1ce6259340942ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126294" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/01da423ce5afe6452ff51609a67a0282.jpg.6c055a275d5f5062d1ce6259340942ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/fieldset][/imagefloat] [FONT=Raleway][B]Name: [/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B][FA]gears[/FA][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway]Edward Tahoma[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Age: [/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B][FA]gears[/FA][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway]19[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Gender: [/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B][FA]gears[/FA][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway]Male[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Bio:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B][FA]gears[/FA][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway]Not much is known about Ed, he erased his history right after he turned 18. He's told people of what he's done but it's very vague and he uses plenty of quotes such as; "If you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gaze long into you." Some simple information is he's the son of Evan Tahoma, an expert hacker and activist, wanting information to be free. His mother, Eden Tahoma, died when he was 13, a loss that will be cherished thou, her cause of death is unknown. He went on from there, once 18, he erased his history, leaving the local planet and heading off.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Personality:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B][FA]gears[/FA][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway]Edward makes very vague sentences, doing so that it doesn't lead anything to him. He's encrypted everything he needed to, so nothing links back to him. "Riding the Silk Road." He says, "The Abyss is all the way down there." Ed claims. There's a lot of shit on his mind, though he never has the courage to say it. And being timid, he stays in the back, as a hacker and strategist, smart, witty, unpredictable. Edward would send 5 soldiers to pincer the enemy, than send an airstrike right before they were to fire. [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Weaponry & Tech:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B][FA]gears[/FA][/B][/FONT][FONT=Raleway]Inone Computer, a laptop fitted for Edward's liking. 8 GB RAM. Other computer stuff. Updated with the latest version of Linux, and has multiple scripts running at a time. He mostly uses Tor and a VPN to cover his tracks when exploring forbidden areas on the Web.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [SPOILER] [FONT=Raleway]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/futuristic-inone-computer-set-jakub-zahor-01.jpg.011f6d4e731ad71c6e03a4f4cbb65b58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126342" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/futuristic-inone-computer-set-jakub-zahor-01.jpg.011f6d4e731ad71c6e03a4f4cbb65b58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B][FA]gears[/FA][/B][/FONT][FONT=Raleway]NRP 900 Shield Grenade, a grenade shield. Made to explode on impact, this shield grenade only lasts 15 seconds at a time. Meaning, Ed would have to think outside the shield. [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/0bf615030d9bd7c87ccb8702fa758bc3.jpg.09ab8672f8b1d7d26a2c2d8c654635ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126343" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/0bf615030d9bd7c87ccb8702fa758bc3.jpg.09ab8672f8b1d7d26a2c2d8c654635ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B][FA]gears[/FA][/B][/FONT][FONT=Raleway]Duke MK44, a revolver painted red in the glory of blood. I think. Having 6 shots in one magazine, it's something that Ed only uses when in close range. As it's accuracy is shit. Only point blank can make a good shot.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/duke_mk44_desktop_1380111601.jpg.53bbf17a5690fff59f4c25af24d29001.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126347" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/duke_mk44_desktop_1380111601.jpg.53bbf17a5690fff59f4c25af24d29001.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Ship[/B][/FONT][FONT=Raleway]:[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B][FA]gears[/FA][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway]Edward boards the Warhammer 40k Database. [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/12e15ea2050b5b14e271eff341422501.jpg.4017660c233ae39e184aa27d1068a4cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/12e15ea2050b5b14e271eff341422501.jpg.4017660c233ae39e184aa27d1068a4cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B](Hope this is okay, took a bit... But you know. Anyhow, hope I get accepted, going to sleep soon. Reply when you have the chance. (^.^))[/B][/FONT] [URL="/monthly_2016_05/12e15ea2050b5b14e271eff341422501.jpg.4017660c233ae39e184aa27d1068a4cb.jpg


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Name: Avo Tirpik

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://pre06.deviantart.net/a83a/th/pre/i/2010/217/6/8/captain_jerid_bannon_by_tekka_croe.png

Bio: Avo is a natural born captain. He hales from an ocean world known for its vast ship graveyards. He acquired his first ship, a corvette dubbed "The Comanche" by salvaging and repairing it. He started his crew and hunted bounties. He later sold The Comanche and purchased The Resistant. Then he switched from privateer to vigilante, and often illegally bypasses the law to protect unguarded space-lanes from pirates. He gained a reputation for inflicting massive casualties to those his crew engages. Despite multiple offers he never flies the flag of any government and remains independent.

Personality: Avo is a calm individual on the surface. Some would say he seems bored, even in battle. But that is just the appearance he gives to others, especially his crew. Internally he is very concerned for the state of the galaxy. Often laying awake at night wondering if he is doing the right thing. He is not all serious though as he gets a kick out of harassing government vessels that try to tell him what to do.

Personal weaponry:

M20 pistol: Frost M20 - 3d model

HERA carbine: http://pre03.deviantart.net/6001/th/pre/f/2014/157/e/9/ati_cosmonaut_mark_v_hera_by_prokhorvlg-d7lb8ug.png

Ship: The Resistant. http://cdn.astroempires.com/forum_attach/items/destroyer_680x303.png
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BlankName said:
Edward 'Ed' Tahoma

[fieldset="Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.&quot] View attachment 282290 [/fieldset]


Edward Tahoma






Not much is known about Ed, he erased his history right after he turned 18. He's told people of what he's done but it's very vague and he uses plenty of quotes such as; "If you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gaze long into you." Some simple information is he's the son of Evan Tahoma, an expert hacker and activist, wanting information to be free. His mother, Eden Tahoma, died when he was 13, a loss that will be cherished thou, her cause of death is unknown. He went on from there, once 18, he erased his history, leaving the local planet and heading off.


Edward makes very vague sentences, doing so that it doesn't lead anything to him. He's encrypted everything he needed to, so nothing links back to him. "Riding the Silk Road." He says, "The Abyss is all the way down there." Ed claims. There's a lot of shit on his mind, though he never has the courage to say it. And being timid, he stays in the back, as a hacker and strategist, smart, witty, unpredictable. Edward would send 5 soldiers to pincer the enemy, than send an airstrike right before they were to fire.


Edward boards the Warhammer 40k Database.

View attachment 282287

(Hope this is okay, took a bit... But you know. Anyhow, hope I get accepted, going to sleep soon. Reply when you have the chance. (^.^))

Ship is a bit too big... well I didn't specify size, just dont god mode it okay? Do that and your golden, welcome to this Rebel Galaxy, mate.
OGTomahawk said:
Name: Avo Tirpik
Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://pre06.deviantart.net/a83a/th/pre/i/2010/217/6/8/captain_jerid_bannon_by_tekka_croe.png

Bio: Avo is a natural born captain. He hales from an ocean world known for its vast ship graveyards. He acquired his first ship, a corvette dubbed "The Comanche" by salvaging and repairing it. He started his crew and hunted bounties. He later sold The Comanche and purchased The Resistant. Then he switched from privateer to vigilante, and often illegally bypasses the law to protect unguarded space-lanes from pirates. He gained a reputation for inflicting massive casualties to those his crew engages. Despite multiple offers he never flies the flag of any government and remains independent.

Personality: Avo is a calm individual on the surface. Some would say he seems bored, even in battle. But that is just the appearance he gives to others, especially his crew. Internally he is very concerned for the state of the galaxy. Often laying awake at night wondering if he is doing the right thing. He is not all serious though as he gets a kick out of harassing government vessels that try to tell him what to do.

Ship: The Resistant. http://cdn.astroempires.com/forum_attach/items/destroyer_680x303.png
Perfect. Your in. Welcome the the Rebel Galaxy.

Jax Taylor


Age: 23

Gender: Male


Jax grew up in a large city with not much to complain about. His parents were happily married and, while they were not by any means rich, they had no financial issues. Jax always had a rebellious side that no one knew quite what to do with. It's not that he disobeyed his superiors so much as did what he wanted even when advised against doing so. Regardless, all of his teachers loved him for his intellectual capacity. He graduated from basic schooling two years early and had enough scholarship money to enter one of the best colleges with money to spare.


He began majoring in particulate physics and was without question the best in his classes. Unlike the others in his class, he was not interested in the theoretical aspect if there was no foreseeable practical use to it. Because of this he spent some time to study mechanical engineering to help him learn to harness the power he saw in particulate physics.

When Jax finally graduated from college, he disappeared. No one could find him anywhere. Most thought he had been kidnapped, but the truth was that he had taken a deal with some pirates. He joined their crew. He would have the freedom to do as he wished and the materials to build whatever he wanted, and in exchange the pirates would be able to reap the benefits of his mind.

He lived with the pirates for a year or two before the ship was destroyed by the military. Jax and several crew members were stranded on a planet they had not visited before. The crew looked to Jax to get them out of it and within the week they found civilization. They managed to steel a large ship using some of Jax's tech. The ship was later modified to become the Dark Ranger.

Now Jax and his crew wanders space in search of anything they feel pleases them at the time.


Jax cares about two things above all else: himself and his tech. He believes in doing what he wants because there is a foreseeable gain at the end. He does not like relying on people too much and has no problem arguing to get his way. It is rare to see him lose his cool and acts calm in just about any situation.



Short-Ranged Teleportation: Jax can teleport very short distances as long as he knows exactly where he wants to go. This does not work if the thing being teleported is too large, but the teleportation range is proportional to size (longer range for larger objects). Xeikil has this capability as well.

Propulsion Blast: His gauntlets can move particles like a shockwave. He can control its strength, but the stronger it is the longer it takes to charge. Xeikil has this capability as well.

Physical energy: He can compress energy into matter, but only a few programmed shapes such as blades or a shield. This only works with his gauntlets.

High-Energy Explosives: His gauntlets harness a lot of energy. As an absolute last resort, he can release the energy from the gloves in a massive explosion.

Gauntlet Gun: He has his own guns, but these are built right into his gauntlets.

Matter Crystalization Ray: On the Dark Ranger there is a powerful weapon that uses a highly rare substance dubbed "crystallite," despite bing in a liquid form. When harvested, it must not touch any matter and as such is stored in a special containment field. Jax has learned to take some of it and transfer it into a ray form to crystalize whatever it touches. The crystals will grow on the surface it lands on for a short time. There is very few crystallite in the ship and can take up to 10 minutes to charge if they are locked into battle.


Xeikil is Jax's personal ship that can fit him and two other people. it is faster, more agile, and small enough to be use some of his tech.
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Shog said:

Jax Taylor


Age: 23

Gender: Male


Jax grew up in a large city with not much to complain about. His parents were happily married and, while they were not by any means rich, they had no financial issues. Jax always had a rebellious side that no one knew quite what to do with. It's not that he disobeyed his superiors so much as did what he wanted even when advised against doing so. Regardless, all of his teachers loved him for his intellectual capacity. He graduated from basic schooling two years early and had enough scholarship money to enter one of the best colleges with money to spare.


He began majoring in particulate physics and was without question the best in his classes. Unlike the others in his class, he was not interested in the theoretical aspect if there was no foreseeable practical use to it. Because of this he spent some time to study mechanical engineering to help him learn to harness the power he saw in particulate physics.

When Jax finally graduated from college, he disappeared. No one could find him anywhere. Most thought he had been kidnapped, but the truth was that he had taken a deal with some pirates. He joined their crew. He would have the freedom to do as he wished and the materials to build whatever he wanted, and in exchange the pirates would be able to reap the benefits of his mind.

He lived with the pirates for a year or two before the ship was destroyed by the military. Jax and several crew members were stranded on a planet they had not visited before. The crew looked to Jax to get them out of it and within the week they found civilization. They managed to steel a large ship using some of Jax's tech. The ship was later modified to become the Dark Ranger.

Now Jax and his crew wanders space in search of anything they feel pleases them at the time.


Jax cares about two things above all else: himself and his tech. He believes in doing what he wants because there is a foreseeable gain at the end. He does not like relying on people too much and has no problem arguing to get his way. It is rare to see him lose his cool and acts calm in just about any situation.



Short-Ranged Teleportation: Jax can teleport very short distances as long as he knows exactly where he wants to go. This does not work if the thing being teleported is too large, but the teleportation range is proportional to size (longer range for larger objects). Xeikil has this capability as well.

Propulsion Blast: His gauntlets can move particles like a shockwave. He can control its strength, but the stronger it is the longer it takes to charge. Xeikil has this capability as well.

Physical energy: He can compress energy into matter, but only a few programmed shapes such as blades or a shield. This only works with his gauntlets.

High-Energy Explosives: His gauntlets harness a lot of energy. As an absolute last resort, he can release the energy from the gloves in a massive explosion.

Gauntlet Gun: He has his own guns, but these are built right into his gauntlets.

Matter Crystalization Ray: On the Dark Ranger there is a powerful weapon that uses a highly rare substance dubbed "crystallite," despite bing in a liquid form. When harvested, it must not touch any matter and as such is stored in a special containment field. Jax has learned to take some of it and transfer it into a ray form to crystalize whatever it touches. The crystals will grow on the surface it lands on for a short time. There is very few crystallite in the ship and can take up to 10 minutes to charge if they are locked into battle.


Xeikil is Jax's personal ship that can fit him and two other people. it is faster, more agile, and small enough to be use some of his tech.
Didn't even think of personal weapons... I'll update a notice for everyone in OOC on that. Anyways, welcome. Dont go overboard with that tech.
Crysalisis said:
Didn't even think of personal weapons... I'll update a notice for everyone in OOC on that. Anyways, welcome. Dont go overboard with that tech.
Thank you, and I won't. I tried to add limitations to them.
Shog said:
Thank you, and I won't. I tried to add limitations to them.
I know you did, I mean like, dont over use it. It gives you an unfair advantage no matter what limitations you use.
I have a question: can I be a captain of a capital ship with my own fleet, or is this beyond the scope of the RP? If not a fleet, can I have the captains seat for one capital ship?
TeaMMatE11 said:
I have a question: can I be a captain of a capital ship with my own fleet, or is this beyond the scope of the RP? If not a fleet, can I have the captains seat for one capital ship?
Not a fleet. Not right off the bat anyways, the capital ship is okay as long as its not colossal, like the Star Destroyer.
Name:Nikolai Merunes



Appearance<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.b0b0e7550467eb1db008f500d738d758.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126388" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.b0b0e7550467eb1db008f500d738d758.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio:Nikolai is a very skilled mercenary who specializes in stealthy assassination. He has invested all of the money from his various "contracts" into his ship, armor, and weaponry. He is one of the most feared killers in the galaxy, well known throughout the criminal underground. His past is a mystery he has yet to divulge to anyone. Any files that may have existed on him are long since gone...

Personality:he's cocky and condescending until you prove yourself. Very professional when on missions however. Has no issues working with anyone so long as they don't attempt to impede on his "methods"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.9983fd64a18052c27809d1bb5e939b9f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.9983fd64a18052c27809d1bb5e939b9f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Charybdis is a boarding fighter it totes three separate weapons

First are the "mandible" MK VII photonic resonance cannons, which are hell of energy shielding systems but will do minimal damage to armor

Second is the Darwin ex missile system

Which uses an advanced organic computer the fire Learning rockets which route information to one another to learn a targets flight pattern.

Third is a microwave pulse that can fry circuits in an unsheilded ship.

Charybdis also boasts exceptional shielding capabilities.

And stealth capabilities

High mobility

It has little armor and a relatively low speed out of warp.



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Name: Taylor Woxwell

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearence: Long brown hair, blue eyes, stands at 5'9". She wears armor from the chestplate down, making her distinct on the ship, and easily recognizable.

Personality: She will do anything for the safety of her crew. She doesn't like recklessness, and is patient unless you press the wrong buttons. She handles herself well in stressful situations.


(Ship in the foreground)
TeaMMatE11 said:
Name: Taylor Woxwell
Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearence: Long brown hair, blue eyes, stands at 5'9". She wears armor from the chestplate down, making her distinct on the ship, and easily recognizable.

Personality: She will do anything for the safety of her crew. She doesn't like recklessness, and is patient unless you press the wrong buttons. She handles herself well in stressful situations.


(Ship in the foreground)
Good very good, welcome
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xScreaminGhostx said:
Name: Commander Ria the Destroyer
Age: 26

Gender: Female


Space Alien Commander Female - Bing images

Bio: Commander Ria has been travelling space for 13 years. Eventually she became leader of a Private Military service: Galactic Rose Military

Personality: Harsh, Cruel, Determined, No mercy.

Ship: Imperial Ship - Bing images

Troop Variants:

Warhammer Blood Angels - Bing images

Warhammer Blood Angels - Bing images

Warhammer Blood Angels - Bing images
Im half tempted to let you in, but... the Star Destroyer... ship is too big to be piloted by an RPer pick something more moderate I.E. a Troop transport something that size ish.

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