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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

zen was examining his two hand cannons aka:Kyōfu & Kyōki he remembered a small poem,a version of roses are red.."the roses have wilted, the violets are dead, the demons run circles, round and round in my head" zen spoke just loud enough for arya to hear him. he had forgotten where it came from but it had stuck in his head for some reason
zen blinked not noticing he had said the poem aloud "hmm? something wrong?" he asked looking at arya with a slightly worried look
(won't be online until tomorrow, sorry..... Just really not wanting to be around my parents right now. I came down to the computer to tell you guys this, so I cant jump in at all)
(all right good luck umbra )

"oh...did i say that out loud..." he gave a nervous laugh"i dont remember where i saw it but it stuck in my head so.."

(and with that i must go too we shall continue tomorrow)
(Aaaaand fluff.

I forgot it only give you notifications IF YOUVE POSTED ON THST THREAD AWARRGHGJRIVJDIWKD.)

Three days after the attack, Leah still lay in the medbay, her injuries sustained from the Leviathian Reaper very substantial. She had a broken arm and dislocated shoulder on the same side, several broken ribs, a dislocated ankle, many cuts that ranged from brushed to centimeter-deep gashes in her skin, and a harsh concussion followed up with incredible bruising everywhere. She lay in the medbay, unmoving. She was held in an unconscious state by painkillers and sedatives, as well as her injuries. By now, she was spared the pain, but the medications had pushed her to the edge, hanging over unconsciousness. A young weaver at the mercy of a Leviathan reaper is a bad, bad situation for the former party.

Many bandages were covering her skin and she had a feeding tube running into her body. The current dose of painkillers began to wear off, and she quietly moaned as the discomfort faded back into existence.
(Well shit. That sound worse than I would have thought. Good thing weavers heal fast.)
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"Oh Senpai! You have returned! Leah is in the medbay, very broken down! I think you should chrck on her."

"That doesn't sound quite good... Thanks Saryn!"

Kano slowly jogged to the medbay. He dropped off his 400 of the 500 arrows at his office, keeping the regular ones. He still had Sekki, Necrochasm, Exile, and Excalibur with him. He heard moaning of pain. He went over to the room it was coming from. It was Leah. He entered and grabbed the pain killers that sat nearby. He quickly gave them to Leah worrily.
Revnoir hurried to where he was to meet up with Zen. Nobody would have ever thought he'd be late to something even this minor. He was always on time if he had the choice.

"Sorry, I had to put something in my office." He said, giving a nervous smile. "I sort of got distracted..."
(Yep. I mean, day old weaver versus a fluffing Leviathan.

And @Umbra, when you said shit would hit the fan, it.... Hit the fan while it was on fire.)
Arya looked up at Revnoir. The memory of him almost killing her flashed threw her head for a moment before she calmed down slightly. "Hello sir....."
Aura was still holding Ashen in his arms calmly.

Arya knew he didn't mean to do what he did. "Look..... I know it wasn't your fault....."
Revnoir looked down at his feet, scowling. "Still, it doesn't mean what I did was alright."

Ashen gently pulled away from him, forcing a smile. "I think I'm alright now, Aura..." She said, sniffling a bit. She didn't want to be a bother to anyone.
Aura smiled and pulled her into a gentle hug, kissing the top of her head before letting her go. "Everything will be fine.... Don't worry so much."
She nodded subtly, keeping her false smile. She knew things could only get worse, and it would once Cain heard the news is he hadn't already.
"I know things are bad... But if you need someone to talk to or even just a shoulder to cry on..... I'm here for you." Aura said.
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you." She said, wiping away the last of her tears. She quickly gave him a respectful bow. "I'm really sorry for how awkward I've been, I'm just not myself lately. I'll be back to normal soon, so you don't need to worry about me."
Her eyes glistened. "What kind of wine? It is sweet wine?" She despised anything bitter, so she only drinks sweet wine.

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