Realm of the Silent [Inactive]

AshalieLoves submitted a new role play:

Realm of the Silent - A realm only know by it's rumors, called Realm of the Silent, lives many unbelievable and creatures.

Setting- Opening Day of Realm of the Silent and players are waiting for the launch of the game to officially start. With everyone already have the game and the setup to start, they now wait for the servers open. What will the Open Beta be like, and what adventures await the players? 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0...Realm of the Silent Launch!

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Now in the character creation phase, Ashalie reads, "Please enter your character gender, race, name and appearance. Your class will be chosen in the live game." After accepting her gender female, race elf, name Alie and appearance, she finally entered the game. The beginning area for Enchanted creatures is a forest with brilliant colored tress that sparkled under the realistic sun. In front of Alie's eyes was an old tree that stood more than a hundred feet tall and covered a vast area of the sky. Once loaded, the first quest, called "The Great Gods" automatically was given. Wondering around the tree, she was brought to the Elder of Elves. A tall and thin elf with snow white hair, green grass eyes, wearing a long elvish robe, and holding a wooden staff, he spoke with an important tone saying, "The Gods above have given us a guardian, a hero, a protector. You my dear elf is that, someone who will defeat chaos, keep order and become the Angel of all people. Your task is to fulfill your destiny. Now, young Elf, travel to the school and choose your destiny." The quest was completed and Alie went to the school to choose her destiny. Four Elves stood in a small area with training dummies on either side, a blacksmith and healer in the middle of the four. From left to right, their name title was Melee Teacher, Long-Range Teacher, Light Magic and Dark Magic Teachers. Each varied in stats and explained each destiny as Alie talked to each one. Finally, she chose a Melee Class and Long Ranged class, a Dual Bladder and Archer and complete the quest, "Destiny".

Alie left the safety of the town and traveled East. After a few hours of battling level 1 enemies, she mad it to a party of three who were ambushed by a few Orcs from the South. A marksman seemed to be the leader with a bard and warlock fighting along side. Suddenly, an Orc came up behind the marksman and before killing them, Alie shot an arrow, hitting the Orc in the chest and knocking him down. She quickly ran to him and helped him up. Both nodded at each other and began fighting. Alie, switching between her dual blades and bow, flung herself near the others with the marksman standing back for backup. A little while later, the Orcs realized they were being slaughter and retreated into the deep forest and the ambush was over. They re-grouped in an open field and Alie went to retrieve her arrows from the the Orcs.

"Hey, you!" said the marksman, "Thanks for the help. If it wasn't for you, that would be us on the ground. By the way, I'm Lucas, Prince of Humans. The bard is Zilla, a faerie and Damian is a hybrid of human and Elf." Lucas was a tall, muscular figure with hazel eyes and middle length brown hair. Damian had light green eyes, short black hair and slightly taller than Lucas. Zilla was the only girl of the three, she had long pink hair, smaller than the guys and silver eyes. "Why don't you join us at our camp for the night? it's getting late and a girl shouldn't be alone in the dark." Lucas asked. Alie tried to deny the offer, but Zilla and her charm, Damian and his mysterious silence and Lucas's handsome looks persuaded her to rest at their camp, about an hour or so walk away, where another member of the party was waiting with a fire, tents set up and food cooking.
Marcus had spent a considerable amount of time within the Realm of the Silent, and within the commit of time came experience and knowledge which other had not yet learned nor experienced. During Marcus's first hour of entering the game he was placed within the starting area which was called Durhl Fuhre. He was placed in front of a council of seven dwarves, and was given the task of picking two of the four trainers on the council. These four included Melee Teacher, Long-Range Trainer, Light Magic and Dark Magic Trainer. After picking the Melee Trainer, and the Ranged Trainer Marcus's "Toon"/ Character was given his dwarvan name which was Gilgrim Baznof. After a brief confrontation with the council Gilgrim was taken to a dwarven armory to decide his primary weapons. Each weapon Gilgrim had held, and tried did not impress him, until he grasped a two handed doubled bearded dwarven axe. The axe was originally meant to be wielded with two hands, but felt too light to Gilgrim to be used with two hands. With that he then grabbed a large granite dwarven maul. The weight of both felt to have balanced out, this made Gilgrim smile with the destruction he could have done. This filled the Melee trainer's requirements, now to fill the Ranged Trainers requirements. This baffled Gilgrim at first, as he thought dwarves weren't much of ranged fighters, but more brute force, and exploiting their short stature. He tried out archery, with both the bow & arrow, and also a crossbow. Both seemed inaccurate, and extremely fragile. Then came the firearm such as blunderbusses, and the hunting rifles. These seemed to be more of a favorable towards the size, and stature the dwarven physic. However these firearms were complex, and time consuming, along with those aspects the ammo, and gun powder needed were a hindrance. The final Ranged weapons he had to choose from were either throwing daggers or throwing axes. The choice was obvious at this point, the axes were reusable, and easy to sharpen, along with being extremely well balanced. With this decision being completed this completed the quest known as " Destiny" .With it being completed came along the next quest within the chain of quests to come ahead. This quest was called " Purpose within society", the head council member known as The Chaplin escorted Gilgrim through out the Dwarven capital city known as Durhl Fuhre which translated to the "Rock King". The head council member had expressed that every dwarf was placed within this world to help better the dwarven population. Soon after the council leader explained that multiple professions were largely used within this world these included Alchemy, Mining, Blacksmithing, Cooking, Enchanting, Cloth weaving, Leather working, Archeology, Skinning, Lock picking, Herblism, and Engineering. Afterwards it was explained that he may pick two professions of these profession in which he may study under, and practice. Gilgrim had been raised under the dwarven house of Hidukian, and his father was both a smithy, and a royal house guard. Thus the choice to follow his father, and to use the knowledge his father had given him was a no brainer. Gilgrim moved on with his decision, and choice of his professions were both mining, and blacksmithing. With this completed this quest had been placed in his completed quest archive. After a few more monotonous quests which had Gilgrim run mindless errands around the city to get a complete understanding how the city was laid out, He received his fathers, and house blessing to begin his quest to find himself within the world. His father had given him the family armor which he had crafted. With that the adventure began.

To Marcus he was within the game for hours, while in the game Gilgrim was fighting, battling, and training for what seemed like a fort night. Gilgrim completed several questions which ranged from slaying a nearby pack of wolves which were slaughtering a herders pack of rams, to rescuing a family from a band of cave ogres. Each task seemed to be more and more complex, but with complexity came more experience, and better rewards. By the time Day light as begun to shine within the real world for Marcus, Gilgrim had become level 12, with profession level of 98. This placed Gilgrim at the top of every other smithy.
"Hey Yvrho!" Everyone said besides Alie as they arrived at the camp. The girl at the camp was a faerie with a black cat with a star. She had a ring blades by her side, as she stood up to great everyone from resting by the fire. Once everyone got settled by the fire, the others pulled out the reward for a group trade when the girl named Yvrho, noticed Alie. "Oh, that's Alie, she helped when we were ambushed by Orcs who would have defeated us." said Lucas. "She'll stay the night till morning." he continued. After being invited to the trade, Alie placed out the items. All the silver and gold was placed together and then evenly split among the five, weapons where given out to each individual with arrows for bows to Alie, arrows for crossbows to Lucas and Zilla was given a flute, which she loved more than her Lute. Damian was given a staff. Yvrho, on the other hand, was the ring blades instead of Alie. She never wanted them and they looked better with Yvrho outfit. Once all the equipment was distributed out, they eat a little meal, talked a little and slept till morning.

Alie woke up with the new sun, packing up her things and noticing her leg is much better, she decided not to run without giving a proper thank you. She waited till everyone else woke up by fighting some creatures and was given meat and eggs to cook up for the others. From the smell of food, Yvrho and Damian woke, then Lucas and Zilla. Thank Alie, they and looking at each others weapons, which the durability seemed very low with the posibility to break, they heard about this Dwarf at 98 blacksmith and mining at the Dwarf Capital. After eating, Alie wanted to return to being solo when requested to join their party, adding them to her friends list, she left to find a place to live.

After leveling a few times and wandering around the Crystal Forest, she finally found an Elven village called Searose. Alie become known as Alie, the Phoenix Princess of Searose and acquired the title, Phoenix Rose. Later on, at level 10, she chose a profession of Cooking and Herbalism. By the time she gained skill level 19 and level 25 in her profession.
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