Realm of Affinity [Inactive]

"Yea, I should be as useful as a guy who acts like he's on his period," Jessica huffed as she watched him walk away, without another thought she grabbed Jezzabella and the two of them began to toward the forest but they didn't go to far away from the group, Jessica just wanted to hurry up and take a look around.

"Look at the color of this leaf," Jezza grinned as she showed Jessica a bright green leaf with a bit of orange and a splash of purple around the edges, Jessica looked at it with a frown on her face and opened her mouth to say something when she heard someone someone shout for help. Jezzabella looked around for a moment before she pulled Jessica toward the sound of the voice.

"Whoa, what happened here?" Jessica spoke as she seen a large portion of the water frozen, Night's hands looked like they were stuck in it and while Jezzabella tried to figure a way to help him, Jess couldn't help but hold in a laugh.

"How are we supposed to get you out of that? We don't have anything hot," Jezzabella thought with a frown on her face as she looked at the iced water and tried to figure out what sort of solution there was to help him.
Clarity heard a shout. She held up a finger to the group who hadn't moved yet, signifying that she'd be right back. She knew that they had no reason to care as of right now, but she did it anyway. It made her look like she knew what she was doing.

She followed the general path of the others who had left the group. When she got to the source of the shouting, she frowned. Why was there ice? it's definitely not cold enough for that. "You know what, I'm just going to ignore the improbability of this and just do something." Even though she said it out loud, it was mostly for herself.

She placed her hands on the ice around the boy's frozen hands, trying to get them to melt. After a few minutes of rubbing them around with minimal melting, she moved on to plan B. "I'm going to need a sharp rock," she said, then explained, "It's not gonna melt anytime soon, so breaking the ice is our best bet."
Calry nodded with a small grin tugging at the corners of her lips as she brushed past Tien and followed the group into the forest, still pondering how that boy was able to do that. She reached up and ran a hand through her pink hair, ocean blue eyes meeting up with a boy known as Night, She strained to see what he was complaining about.

Her eyes widened at the ice clinging to his hands, and jogged up to him,

"Are you okay? What happened?" She looked down at the clear, running water, there was no ice, so how did this happen. Turning to look at the girl who wanted a sharp rock she politely shook her head,

"That could end up hurting him, we should build a fire to melt it, after all, we'll probably need to make one at some point, or another," She stated calmly and began darting around to collect dry sticks and bracken, piling them up not far from the river. She had gone camping many times before, so she new how to build a fire, not to mention, she was good with fire, a smirk laced her mouth, missing her torches and her fire breathing and or eating days, of course it wasn't real, it was just tricks to entertain people for money, but it was fun.

She brushed her hands off onto her clothes and grabbed a strong stick and a small plank of wood, setting the stick against it she placed her hands on either side, moving them downward, in a quick motion, rolling the stick in her palms, against the wood. Normally this took quite a bit of time, but it only took her three times to get a spark,

"How lucky!" She smiled happily, moving the flame into the sticks to get the fire going, folding her arms across her chest contently.

"Night, come here," She gestured for him to approach with a flick of her hand, her eyes still on the flame that was quickly taking over the pile of sticks.


Denahi leaned up against a tree, his dark eyes absorbing all that was going on, his mouth pressed into a tight line, he had never been a big fan of these people from his class, and now he was stuck with them, in god knows where. He had decided to tag along, but if he needed to, he could manage on his own.
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