Realm of Affinity [Inactive]


Rynmaru submitted a new role play:

Afinnity: Love - When these select few are cast away for their differences, Will they stick together, or fall apart?

Brief Intro;
Like any good story, everything must have a beginning. This story takes place in a small lab in Washington D.C. where our main characters are on a field trip to a high tech lab. It all happened when their group got separated from the rest, and tried to find their way back.

Through the halls they went, and they ended up stumbling on a room that was undergoing an experiment to try and communicate with other realms. The room was SUPPOSED to be locked, but someone...
Read more about this role play...
Tien awoke, laying in a heap on the ground, surrounded by the others in the group. Pressing his arms against the soft earth below him, he sat up and rubbed at his aching temples, while surveying the area he was in. It didn't look like anywhere he had ever been before, nor did it really strike him as any type of place he really should be. Something seemed... "Off" about the entire thing, and he tried to figure out what it was.

Standing up slowly, he stumbled to the side, before he had to catch himself against a near by tree, and he closed his eyes slightly to block out the light that peered at him from the two suns that were over head... he paused. TWO sun? He shook his head slowly, still waiting for the pain to go away. That couldn't be right, there was only one sun, and the headache blurred his vision, and he thought there were two suns for a second. He laughed at himself for thinking that, until he slowly looked up, and, through squinted eyes, saw he wasn't making a mistake, there really were two.

Quiet fell over him, as he sat in bewilderment for several seconds, trying to comprehend what he was seeing. Pain, at this moment, completely forgotten, he settled back against the tree, and shook his head.

"I'm dreaming..." he muttered, "...I have to be, there aren't two suns."

Grinning, he reached one hand over, and pinched his arm, then stopped again as the nerves registered pain to his brain, and he could actually feel the pinch.

"Or..." he said now, a slight hint of alarm in his voice, "...I'm not, and I've gone crazy, though if I were actually crazy, would I be able to know that I was crazy? No... At this moment, I must remain calm!"

His voice now sounded confident enough to tell himself that, at this moment, he had to start thinking logically, and that meant ignoring the idea of two suns, and focus on what else was around him. He took several steps as he turned in a small circle, and took note of what was around him. A small forest on one end of the valley that they... he looked back at the others and remembered he was not alone; It was "They", and not "Him". Also, it would have to continue to be 'They" (As a group), if this was going to be an extensive stay at where ever they were, if they wished to survive... occupied, which wrapped towards the side of a mountain range that ran several miles further from where the two met.

The Mountains looked scale-able enough to be traversed if they needed to be, and even as he scanned the face of the large mass, he was pretty sure he could see at least one steady path to the top, even if there would be a slight difficulty to it. None of the others seemed so out of shape, that they couldn't pull themselves up a small incline or two. He then looked over to the forests, and used his left hand to cover his eyes, as he gazed into the shaded underbrush. He was pretty sure he could see a few things moving, but could not quite make out any particular shapes.

As Tien lowered his hand and looked back, he paused, one last time, and listened. He had been hearing a noise the whole time, and he was not quite sure what the sound was, but now, as he concentrated on it, the slow dawning of an idea formed in his head. A waterfall, of some form, probably about a mile off from where they were now, around the side of the mountain that was touching the forests edge. He could not see it, but the sound of running water in that amount was unmistakable. He had heard it several times in his trips through the back forests back home.

"Home..." he whispered, worry filling his voice one last time, "...I wonder if I will ever see it again."
Safari awoke, to the sound of somebody talking. Lying on her back, she glanced up at the sky. Nothing felt right. For a moment, she couldn’t remember anything. Not her name, not where she was. Nothing. She began to panic. Which didn’t subside, even when everything suddenly came rushing back to her.

Rolling onto her side, she slowly sat up, pressing a hand to her head. Her black hair had fallen out of the ponytail and now laid loosely on her shoulders. Attempting to stand, her legs gave out under her. Causing her to land face down on the ground, with a gentle “Umph.” She sat up again, her eye’s on the sky.

That was the first time that she noticed something that made her heart jump. Two sun’s, floating sweetly over head.

“I’m going crazy…” She mumbled, her eye’s searching through the rest of the group member’s until they landed on a boy, who was leaning up against a tree. “You….” She called out, her voice slightly shaking. “Where are we? W-Why are we here?”

This wasn’t right, Safari knew. She didn’t recognize this place. In fact, this place wasn’t even that cold. Weren’t they in Washington? Why wasn’t it cold? These question’s rushed through her head, over and over again. Maybe the two sun’s were the problem. But that was impossible, there wasn’t two sun’s in their Galaxy.

Safari stood up, this time holding her own weight. Her eye’s gazed around, she didn’t like this place, wherever it was.

( A/N: Sorry it's so short )
Clarity's eyes opened. Laying on her back, she examined her surroundings. It was definitely not the science lab she had been in last time she was conscious. "Holy-" her voice trailed off as she stood up, looking around in ammoment of realization. trees, mountains, the sun, another sun? She wondered where she could possibly be, because it sure wasn't the science la she'd been in just seconds ago. Well, seconds by her perspective. Who knows how log she'd been unconscious for?

She raked her mind for possible answers, and only one of them made any sense whatsoever. It could be some sort of high-tech video game. Like the kind where you are in a room and you're wearing sensors so the game reacts to everything you do, and the only way to get out is to win or lose. That's something you could find in a science lab, right? Like an experimental one.

With answer to that pressing question, at least for the time being, she was able to calm down and take note of some details. One, she had a really bad headache. Two, she was in some sort of clearing. Three, she wasn't alone.

Her group! She'd never been so happy to be surrounded by mostly unconscious teenagers. Being alone sounded really bad to her. She did a quick headcount. Ten, then her. That's how many people were in the group, right? She was fairly sure, but she couldn't be absolutely certain. Her recent memory was pretty hazy.

"Hey!" she called the people standing up, although she couldn't make out exactly who they were, with the brightness, and the headache didn't help at all. "Do you guys know what's going on?"
Aurora's body ached. What was going on? She couldn't muster up enough strength to even open her eye. Am I paralyzed? Something was wrong, She could feel it. She felt as though her senses were heightened. It was painful. With everything she had she stood up so fast that her brain was thinking fast than her body was moving. Her eyes opened wide and it burned "Ahhh" She flung her hands over her eyes as she stumbled back and fell over a rock landing on her back. Where was she? Why wasn't she in her bed? Her eyes finally adjusted and she looked around. She saw that she wasn't alone. The group that she was on the field trip with was there too. "What the hell is going on.." She stood up again leaning up against the semi big rock. Her ears were ringing and only seemed to get louder. She tried to call out to the group but her voice seemed lost.

Aurora sighed. She wanted to take everything all in before acting. She looked around. She seemed to see more than she used to and know a lot more and what was around her. She looked up at the sky and her jaw dropped. Was there really two suns? She knew she wasn't home anymore. She finally stood up and tried to speak. It was louder than a whisper but she still not as loud as it could be.

Aurora started to walk toward the kids that were standing. She looked down at her feet making sure not to kick anyone on her way over. Why were they knocked out for so long? Panic reach her face and she tried to push the thought away but she couldn't. Are they dead? Are we the only ones who survived? Her walk started to become a run. She accidently kicked one of the kids but she didn't stop when she finally reach the others her voice had returned "What is going on!?" Her voice was more of a scream. She had become embarrassed at her little out burst and started to blush. Panic still on her face she waited for a response. They had to know something, right?
Calry lay on the ground her chest rising and falling as she lay their peacefully, dyed pink hair lay around her, a few wispy strand framing her pretty face. She had yet to wake up from blacking out but her body stirred slightly, indicating she was about to. Squeezing her eyes shut, eyebrows furrowing she could feel the sun beating down on her threw her closed eye lids, slowly she parted them, her long dark eyelashes fluttering against her pale cheeks.

Blinking them open it took her vision awhile to focus, it seemed to blur off and one, which was strange because she had never needed glasses, her vision was always fine. After she was able to focus on the sky she quickly averted her gaze, ocean blue eyes burning from the harsh sunlight. Unaware of the two suns. She shifted slightly, her body felt heavy and she herself felt groggy as if she were just waking up after a long, heavy nights rest.

Propping herself up onto her elbows the first thing she noticed was that she was outside, her eyebrows furrowing, her expression of bewilderment was enough to convey her level of confusion. Calry turned her attention to the people standing around her, well not right around her, but in the general area... Oh I know them! She thought with a wide grin, but then her pale pink lips tugged down in a frown, Wait why are they here too?

Pushing herself up into a seated position she heard a girl named Aurora shout above the murmurs of confusion. Obviously Calry couldn't answer even if she wanted to because she herself, had no idea what was going on. Maybe this is a dream! Hey yeah, that seems logical. She thought to herself before realizing she never remembered falling asleep, quickly she brushed that thought aside remembering someone telling her that if you can feel pain then it's not a dream. So for whatever reason she lifted a hand and smacked herself in the face, wincing in pain, completely forgetting that she could have just given herself a little pinch. Well if that theory is true, then this isn't a dream. She groaned inwardly and carefully got to her feet, swaying unsteadily at first before she regained her balance.

Her ocean blue gaze swept across the other peoples faces, they were all asking the same question, that no one knew the answer to, so she decided to repeat it for the six time.

"Well I know we aren't dreaming!" She exclaimed for some reason feeling like it was her responsibility to lighten the mood. She had always been the type of person. Calmly her eyes found a tree sitting not too far away, brushing past people she grasped the lowest branch and hauled herself up onto it, grunting with effort, before moving to the next one. Making it close to the top she peered out from where she stood, one hand clasping the dark bark of the tree trunk.

"Wowwwww." She exhaled staring out across the horizon.

"Two suns! Maybe this is a different planet. Is their a planet with two suns... or maybe they aren't suns, but two other planets or moons." Clary suggested, even though they did look a lot like suns. She looked away her eyes beginning to sting again.


Denahi lay asleep next to Clarity, his dark brown hair had fallen into his eyes, shielding them from the harsh sunlight. A few voices made his stir slightly from where he was laying. The damp grass slightly moistening his skin and clothes, with a shudder he parted his eyes and moved his hair out of his face.

Staring out across the grass from where his head was he quickly forced his aching body into a seated position, vision clearing after a few heart beats.

"What the hell?" he growled looking around at the startled faces around him. He looked up at Clarity, his gray blue eyes studying her and then shifted to Aurora.

He rolled his broad shoulders back in a shrug and pressed his lips into a tight line.

"We were just on a field trip... right?" He mumbled reaching out an arm to steady Clarity as she swayed a bit unsteadily, then turned his dark gaze to Calry.

Denahi folded his arms across his chest, looking as serious and emotionless as ever, even in this confusing event. His gaze followed the pink haired girl as she made her way up into a tree, wondering what else she saw beside the obvious, two suns. But she had a point, where in the solar system was a planet with two suns? I know I didn't pain much attention in school, but I should at least know there is only one sun that the planets orbit around. He thought to himself with a frown.
Jessica opened her eyes carefully, hoping that this was all a dream and not something you would see happen inside of a movie or TV show; besider her Jezzabella stirred awake and slowly opening her eyes to the sight in front of her. Confusion was built in both twin sisters as they look around, the first thing Jezzabella noticed was that there were two suns and the first thing Jessica noticed was how many people were around. Man this was a situation Jess never thought she'd see anyone in and it was sort of a panic type of situation.

"Where the heck are we?" Jezza quickly stood up but stopped for a moment as she felt herself get dizzy, Jessy got up a bit slower then her sister and the both of them used each other as support as they continued to look around.

"School... the place where mysterious things always happen," Jessica spoke in a sarcastic voice that her sister ignored completely as she bit her bottom lip, pushing her long black hair off her shoulders she put her hands on her hips with thoughts running through her mind.

"Crap..." There was nothing Jezzabella could think of for this to happen to them so just huffed and began to try get a good look at everyone's face.
Garrett rolled up the same moment the realized, looking around him frantically. Fellow students surrounded him but that wasn’t the problem. They were no longer in a sterile lab with too much white and grey and clear. It was natural and real and totally not in the lab anymore.

“Huh.” He said as he shaded his eyes to discover there were multiple suns and mountains in the near-distance.

Focus, Garrett. That wasn’t what mattered; that the suns cast unusual shadows, their light joining, or that the air smelled more clear than he’d ever had the pleasure of breathing before. It was that he was not longer anywhere near home.

He heard the others try and convince themselves of a dream and he wondered if he should be doing the same. But he’d never been known to dream lucidly and he doubted he was starting now. And even a subconscious brain wouldn’t have people pinching themselves. Which left the option of insanity or a really cool story starting to happen.


You won't ever see your parents again. Your friends will live on not knowing what happened to you. Your team, your Sensei's, your parents. They will diminish in your memory and--no. This was a story and he'd get home, different but grown and better. That was how these things worked out, right? There was little possibility he or his companions would die, right?

Either way, it was still really awesome. They were somewhere entirely different from earth. It was beautiful and alive and he was here. They'd figure it out.

“I know as much as you guys do,” Garrett confirmed, “which seems like nothing, I might add.” He grinned at his peers, “This is so cool, isn’t it?”
Night awoke blinking a few times rubbing his head slightly before looking around. "Wh-.....What? Where are we?" He grumbled slightly shaking his head trying to focus. Adjusting himself in an upright position he touched the soft dew covered grass jumping slightly as the touch of his hand on the water froze. "Cold!" He yelped and blinked glancing to the icy grass. "Where did that come from?" He spoke aloud hoping someone in the group could answer his question then looked around the area. Glancing to Garrett after he spoke he nodded. "This place is kind of nice, it looks different. But, how do we get back?"


Midnight grumbled and stood up glancing around squinting from the brightened sunlight. After a moment he looked to the group and scowled at them. "Great, I'm stuck with my twin brother and a bunch of losers." He hated people and disliked being in a group. Now he was lost, confused, stuck with people he didn't like, and he had no idea how to get back home. "Anyone have a single where we are at?"
Tien took note as each of the others woke up, and watched what they did. The next few minutes could be crucial to how we go about handling this situation... He thought yo himself ...How they act, how they move, and how they speak, all make up who they are, and what they are capable of.If we are going to survive this, we need to know what to do, and the most sound reasoning will have to be the loudest.

Watching, he noticed as one of the girls climbed a nearby tree, only moments after waking up. She seemed rather groggy, but she knew what was important, and so she did what had to be done. Smiling to himself, he nodded approval, and watched the rest stir from their positions and start to question what was going on, just as he had. He even took note of one girl slapping herself, and almost burst out laughing.

"You know, a pinch to the arm works just as well." he whispered gently to himself;

Though... The way the breeze seemed to pick up at his words, he had a sudden strange feeling wash over him. Judging by the next few moments, he would learn rather quickly that she had heard exactly what he had said, but no one else did.
Calry squinted her ocean blue eyes, shifting around on the branch to try and get a good view of the area,

"I don't see any buildings... just a lot of land." She mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. She exhaled in disappointment hoping something would give her a clue where they were, or other people who could tell them, but she saw neither.

A light wind whispered past her lacing through her pink hair, ruffling it slightly, sending a few strands spilling over her shoulders, Calry ran a hand through her hair to hold it off of her face. Hearing a voice mumble You know, a pinch to the arm works just as well. The pink haired girl pouted replying to voice as if he were right next to her,

"Mmmm, yeah well I kinda forgot that okay." She huffed crossing her arms across her chest in embarrassment, before she realized, I'm up in a tree, how was anyone talking to me in such a faint voice, that I could hear so clearly.

Casting a glance down towards the tree she looked for who could have said that, her eyes coming to rest on a boy known as Tien. They had been in the same class together, but they never really talked, turning completely towards him, you could see the almost hand print on the side of her fair skinned face where she had brought her hand down against her own cheek.

Slowly she made her way down the tree, slipping slightly on one of the branches, but caught herself gingerly lowering herself to the ground, landing lightly on her feet, brushing her clothes off before turning to Tien. She arched an eyebrow and began to move towards him, her head tilted slightly to the side.

"Did you.... say something to me?" She asked blinking her wide blue eyes, meeting his gaze evenly.

"Something about pinching my arm instead of slapping my face."
Safari stood back from the group, watching everybody stir. Each with the same confused expression pressed to their faces. Safari wasn't sure where they were, all she knew was there was no way they were on Earth. Two sun's didn't exist in the Milky way Galaxy. Did it? No, it wasn't possible. Safari felt the heat seeping through her thick black jacket, she gently slipped it over her shoulder's until it was hanging in her arms. She watched the girl in the tree announce there was no buildings that she could see.

"We need to find a source of water," She muttered, to herself. Recalling a Tv show she used to watch when she was a little girl, in the Foster home. Shaking her head, Safari glanced to the side.

Something made her want to go that way, towards the woods. She could hear it then, the sound of moving water like a waterfall. "There's water over there," She called out to the group, pointing in the direction. She was unsure of how exactly she knew. But she could tell it was that way. It felt like it was pulling her to it.

Safari's bright eye's scoped the area. They landed on each individual, analyzing them. Until they landed on Tien. She noticed he wasn't paying attention to her, but he seemed like he had just observed everyone first. He was the first one to wake up, for she had awoken before most of the others. Safari tugged her eye's back in the direction of the moving water.
"Great, then after that we might want to find a weapon or two, I'm pretty sure a cool place like this with two suns has to have some sort of danger," Jessica spoke as she looked up at the suns, her skin felt a bit hot but then again she always had hot body heat so she just shrugged it off. Jess opened up the small blue backpack she had brought with her to the field trip; inside there was a notebook with a pen/pencil, 3 granola bars an empty water bottle as well as her phone. With a curious look around Jessica couldn't help but smile widely as she realized this would probably be one of those survival TV show things... awesome.

"I've always wanted to try this whole survival thing before," Jess couldn't help but grin and continue "I'm Jessica Tarents, for those who don't know me," Jessica introduced herself to everyone as she began to remember everyone's faces, it would probably help out just in case someone gets separated from the group.

"I'm Jezzabella! Obviously, we're twins," Jezzabella spoke as she bent down to pick up a small little plant that caught her attention, with a shrug she placed the plant into her pink mini-backpack that had bat wings on it just like Jessica except for the different hair color.
Night looked around the area still and stood up walking around the area, upon seeing the woods he walked towards it smiling softly. "This seems like one of those virtual concepts. You know, where the entire world is generated?" Night grabbed one of the leaves from the trees and pulled it off taking a bite out of it. "See i-" His face went a little sour and he spit the leaf back out. "Wow, this generator is quite amazing. It's even got the tastes of the objects in it." Glancing to the two female twins he grinned and quickly moved over to them bowing softly. "Pleased to meet you Jessica and Jezzabella. I'm Night Misuki and mr. Grouchy pants over there is Midnight. He's my twin as well." He said this grinning softly and pointed over towards his brother.


Midnight grumbled at the sound of being called Mr. Grouchy pants. His brother always hit a nerve in that area. Staring at Jessica he smirked softly and pointed to her bag. "Hey you, female lady. Your a lot like the other chicks in the school. You have a phone right? The thing you use to message all your friends during class privately. Yea, can you call someone and have them figure out where we at? And how to get out of here? I'd rather not be stuck with all of you for hours on end maybe even days while we look around for a purpose of being here." He knew his words were harsh but that was him. Midnight enjoyed telling others what to do in situations, and something like this wasn't really something to joke about.
Clarity paced around, trying to bring forth memories of books and movies with some sort of survival plot to it. "Well that leaves food and shelter," she said, starting to form a game plan. "I would say we should split up and have each group look for something specific, but since we have no idea what just happened, probably alien or something, based off the fact of the two suns, and we all look a little disoriented, we should stick together for a while." She wasn't sure how clear that came out, but she continued anyway. "First thing is to find food and water, then shelter, then weapons. After that's settled we'll try to figure this situation out."

Even though she said she'd leave it for later, she couldn't stop thinking about what happened. This seemed way to real for a video game. Her mind raced with the possibilities, although none of them were very realistic. But all of them ended the same way. They were stuck.

"You said there was water nearby, right?" she called to Safari, "Could you lead us there? I mean, unless anybody has a better idea. I'm just as lost as everyone else." She looked around for suggestions from the group as she pushed her hair behind her ears.
Denahi listened to Clarity, running a hand through his dark brown hair before folding it back across his broad chest. Blinking his gray blue eyes he looked around at everyone before returning her gaze to Clarity.

"Well if that one girl," He gestured to the girl who thought she knew where water was,

"Knows where were water is, We should start with that, because I don't think anyone has any idea where food might be." He added with a small shrug of his shoulders.

"And Calry said she didn't see any buildings."
Safari listened to each of the group member's introduce themselves and discuss their plans. "I don't think splitting up is a very good idea either." Safari watched everybody slowly. "Well I think I can lead you guy's to the water." She added softly, replying to Clarity's question. Lowering her tone, she whispered "I think." Safari glanced to each face, smiling a bit. She pulled her long black hair out of her green eye's. "My names Safari, by the way." She announced, though she wasn't sure if anyone was listening.

Safari's hand tapped against her side. She wasn't sure where they were, but if she could lead them to a safe place, maybe she'd actually be useful for once.
Jessica couldn't help but smirk at the guy named Midnight, there was no way she wa going to do anything he said because if it was one thing Jess didn't like: it was being bossed around.

"No way, I think I'll just waste the batteries playing angry birds," Jessica snorted with a roll of her eyes at the boy, the smile still on her face.

"Look Jess, I think you found someone a bit more rude then you," Jezzabella laughed before turning her attention back over at the other twin with a smile of her own on her face.

"Its good to meet you Night, I think Jess can handle herself against your brother," Jezz grinned, she had to agree that his brother seemed like a bit of a grouch but it was obviously funny to Jess so Jezzabella didn't say anything.

"How about you pull out something amazing that might help us? My phone has a cracked screen anyway," Jessica aske Midnight with a spark in her eye, of course she wasn't going to tell him her phone had cracked because she was play fighting with her guy friends back at the school... or maybe it was when she was playing baseball or something, she wasn't sure.

"We would love you to guide us Safari," Jezzabella told the girl who had suggested the water idea, Jessica opened her mouth to say something but because Jexx knew it was something sarcastic Jezz elbowed her in the side.

"Ow," Jessica grumbled.
Garrett walked around aimlessly, brushing his hand against the tree or tearing a leaf off a tree. A thorn successfully cut him when he poked it. A flare of pain made him winced and he sucked his finger into his mouth. The taste of blood spread on his tongue for a moment before settling to the odd taste of skin.

He listened absently to his peers as he did so, watching them decide--or not, really.

"I for one agree not to split up. I've seen that movie. We don't really know where we are and someone'll get lost or something." He didn't add that it might be him even though he'd always found natural surroundings less confusing than streets or from within buildings. "I mean, after we find something more recognizable than this tree--like that, right?--we can totally do the divide and conquer thing. And after all that we should follow the water. People are most often found on rivers and stuff, right?"

"I'm Garrett Finley, by the way." He motioned for Safari with a grin, bowing with a flourish, "Lead away, Safari!"
A look of bewilderment spread across his face as Calry asked him about what he had said.

"I uh... Yeah, I did, but I barely whispered that, you must have really good hearing! It was in jest of course, I was curious about why you would go so far as to slap yourself when a small pinch would work?"

Tien wasn't quite sure how she had heard him, when the volume of his voice was so low, and the distance between them was so vastly out of ear shot that she shouldn't have been able to. He thought about it for a while, as he watched the others talk about plans, and agree not to split up.

He smiled and nodded approvingly, glad that he was not the only one with a little common sense in the group. He wasn't the smartest guy out there, and he knew it, but he had been camping several times with nothing but a tent, a knife, and a few provisions in case of emergencies. He trained himself for situations like this, and he was glad to see it put to some use, even if the situation could have been better. No knife, and no additional provisions, coupled with the fact that they would have to provide food for everyone, was going to make this harder.

Deciding he would have to see how things turned out, he turned his attention back to the girl that called herself Calry. His mind raced, seeing as the situation didn't make any sense; The way she shouldn't have been able to hear him, the way the wind picked up... He thought about the situation for several more seconds, then figured he might as well try a theory that, while highly improbable, was no more a waste of time than standing there waiting for the rest to be ready.

"Stay here a moment..." he told her, then walked about twenty yards away before stopping.

Concentrating on the girl, he shook his head, and cleared his thoughts. He thought about her, and only her, while blocking out everyone else. 'This is how they do it in the movies right?' he thought to himself, 'They just will it to happen, while clearing their mind? God, i'm going insane, but... but what if?' He shook his head, and resumed his concentration.

"I'm Tien..." he breathed out, letting the words flow from his lips "...It's nice to meet you."

As he spoke, the wind picked up again, carrying his voice to her ears alone, even if he didn't know it right away.
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Night smiled towards Jezz and nodded. "I'm sure she can, my brother is just mean towards others, I don't quite understand it but it's normal for me now." Night looked about the field everyone was in then to the woods where the female spoke of water being in. He could use a drink or two, it would be nice. Smiling softly, Night moved ahead of the group not looking back to see if anyone would follow and onward in a direction hoping water might be close to where he was heading.


Midnight scowled at the female who spoke of running her battery out with games. He was already beginning to dislike her more then the others. "Well, aren't you quite the idiot. While your playing stupid little games on your phone killing the battery, you could be assisting us by you know. Finding some way of helping us. We're stuck out here with nothing and rather then figuring something out, your going to waste time. I'm not sure about you, but I'd rather be in my room doing my own thing rather then waisting my time out here with you and the rest of these people."
Jessica smirked at the guy with a roll of her eyes, she hadn't seen a single sign of wifi or anything and that was what she needed in order for her phone to work.

"Do you see any electricity polls or those wind spinning things around? My phone isn't that great and needs wifi to in order to work, thanks for the information though," Jess snorted as she took her phone out, turning it on she looked at the screen to see that there was no signal so she showed the guy named Midnight the screen.

"No bars, especially around a forest," Jessica got a little excited being reminded about being in such a strange place.

"Exciting isn't it?" Jessica grinned as she turned around and looked at the forest with a look of interest on her face.

Jezzabella smiled at Night as she nodded her head in agreement because she felt the same about her sister sometimes, looking at the floor she picked up a leave that had a strange curve to her. Plucking it placed it into her bag before looking at the few her sister was looking at, this was a bit weird but Jezzabella didn't mind it as long as her sister was with her.
Calry tilted her head to the side at his bewilderment, blinking her ocean blue eyes calmly as he began to speak, she couldn't help but let a soft laugh roll from her pale pink lips,

"Me? Have good hearing? Nah, too much blasting rock music into my ears, I doubt they're very good." She answered before blushing slightly, crossing her arms across her chest,

"Yeah well, I kind of forgot you could just pinch yourself, I was a bit out of it." Calry mumbled pouting slightly running a hand on her cheek where there was a slightly red spot.

She quickly grinned, shaking off the embarrassment as she watched him walk away, instructing her to stay where she was. She nodded curtly, her eyes holding his gaze evenly from where they stood.

After a few moments she watched his lips move as he formed words, and a few moments later a slightly breeze brushed past her, lacing through her hair whispering his greeting. The corners of her lips tugged into a wide grin. She had heard it.

"Hi I'm Calry." She returned the introduction, but nothing happened, and when no look of understanding formed on Tiens face, she guessed only he was able to do that.

Jogging back up to him She slowed her pace, running a hand through her hair,

"I Could heard you! And I tried to answer, but I don't think you heard me, so many it's only something you can do." She mumbled, twirling a strand of pink hair in between her fingers as she spoke, intelligent eyes bright.

"Also, I could see your lips move when you spoke, but I couldn't actually hear you until a few seconds later... and it felt like the wind was almost whispering it to me...." She trailed off realizing that probably sounded crazy to him.
"I Could hear you! And I tried to answer, but..."

the girl started to say, but at the mention of her being able to hear him after she had ran to him, Tien's mind began to wonder.

How is this possible? What the hell is going on here?...

"...and it felt like the wind was almost whispering it to me...."

'Wind? That's what it feels like... if feels like the wind is catching my words, and moving them away from me in an exact direction. It can't be a coincidence that we both came to that conclusion, can it?'

Deciding that he would have to test his theories more, and smiled at her and nodded.

"Thank you. I will have to do some tests and things like that on my theories, but I don't think you're crazy for thinking what you do. I too have the same theory that the wind itself is the reason for what is going on; Come, We should stay with the group and find water, food, and shelter."

Moving on ahead, he caught up to the front of the group and moved along silently. He wasn't much of a leader, but he knew (Perhaps) more than some of the others did on what to do, and how to do it, so he figured the least he could do, was just act as he would, and hope the others would get the hang of things as they went along.

Looking back once more, he eyed the group, and saw midnight. 'Guys a real jerk it seems like... Maybe this would be a good time to test my idea....' The thought made him grin and he almost laughed loudly, but stopped himself.

Taking a few deep breaths, he concentrated on his words, and muttered against the light breeze that blew through the group. as he exhaled he whispered gently against the gust, and sent the words to midnight only.

"You look like a tool Midnight, and your breath smells like tuna!"
Midnight grumbled looking to the phone. She was right, no towers meant not the slightest ability of finding a signal. "Towers or not you should make yourself useful and go find one." After speaking to the lady he stood there scanning the area attempting to figure everything out. He wasn't sure where they were but he knew the sooner he found out and left the better. A few moments had gone by before hearing the voice causing Midnight to scowl scowled hearing the words come from almost nowhere only to quickly glance around and glare looking about for someone who could have said it, he had only been around two females, his brother was off in the forest now. Staring to the one man standing near a few other females. Midnight soon took a quick glance around to make sure he didn't see anyone else and began heading towards him.


Night wandered about the forest for a short while before finally finding a lake with a river flowing into it from the far side. Grinning widely, he reached down to take a sip only to have his motion stopped by a large section of the lake freezing over and getting his hands stuck in the ice. "Hey....What is this?" He said tugging at the frozen water trying to free his hands. "Hey! Let go." He shouted and continued to pull only to stop after a few moments. "Hey guys, anyone out there that can hear me? I need help. Anyone?" Night sighed and shifted to a sitting position looking to his now frozen hands and attempted to pull them free once more. "This isn't funny."

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