'Real World' Characters thrust into Creation

Now that i take closer look at all characters sheets i noticed that over half of you did take background flaw Displaced. Now this make me wonder if we all should chose this flaw for our characters. What do you think?
Jaksio said:
Now that i take closer look at all characters sheets i noticed that over half of you did take background flaw Displaced. Now this make me wonder if we all should chose this flaw for our characters. What do you think?
It's a good idea, but no. For the people who didn't take it, they expect to adjust to Creation (socially) fast enough to not put people off by a huge values dissonance, or at very least that's what actually happens to justify the mechanics.
Jaksio said:
Now that i take closer look at all characters sheets i noticed that over half of you did take background flaw Displaced. Now this make me wonder if we all should chose this flaw for our characters. What do you think?
I'm not going to because it runs counter to my concept. Also, what I love most about Creation is the cultures so I don't feel 'out of place' in Creation. I look forward to interacting with Creation. My attitude regarding Creation's cultures is more along the lines of 'when I say 'X', they will reply with 'Y', because of 'Z', so ... [insert appropriate persuasiveness to get desired result]'. Of course, it's not quite that easy or formulaic, but I think I have a fairly good grasp of Creation's cultures, philosophies, religions, movers-and-shakers, etc that I don't feel out of place interacting with them.
I have trouble enough with my -current- culture.. I'm gonna need a lot of practice and some solar skills before I buy off that displaced ^^
I just noticed a 'typo' on my sheet. My Dex should be 3, not Stamina. I haven't edited anything yet, but I'd like to (with ST approval). Can I switch those values?
I didn't take 'Displaced' because, frankly, I don't like merits/flaws, and I expect it would happen 'naturally.' - IE, I start spouting and espousing stuff very contrary to the Creation way of doing things (such as trying to spur peasants and serfs to a People's Revoloution) and I'd face a penalty for doing so whether or not I have the 'displaced' flaw.

Then I burn through it with motes and I've got my own Ascending Fire Revoloution going. :)
I took it because I thought it might add flavor to the transition in game from the real world to the world of Creation and a Flaw Point for making it official is another point I can use.

When I feel I've done enough in character transitioning to warrant buying off the Flaw, I'll cough up the XP to do so.

It makes me feel more in tune with the character to do it this way.

Though I can't remember if it's two XP or three XP per Flaw Point when buying them off.

Does anyone else know?
Aasharu said:
Abilities: For abilities, you get 10 ability points. You all get Lore 1 for free, since you are all capable of reading what I'm posting. You also get Lore specialty (Read the Books +3), and please post a general list of what books you have as well. Again, try to be realistic: I doubt any of you are generals or soldiers, so none of you are likely to have any dots in War, for instance. Again, don't worry if realistic isn't good for your exalt type; when you actually Exalt, that will all change.
Gah... this is hard. Curse my broad yet shallow skillset. Based on the ability descriptions in the core book, I qualify for 1 dot in enough things that I'm going to drop some, but my only ability OVER 1 is Lore, which is probably a 2. Also, to be honest, the rules allocate more Virtue dots than I think I really qualify for, so I just picked a virtue for the fifth one essentially at random. Did this sort of thing happen to anyone else during Char-Gen?
Edit: Actually, is there a Flaw that lowers Virtues? That would solve both of these problems, I think.
Player: Jaksio

Character: Sylvester Krawchyk AKA. "Will-Of-The-Whips"

Concept: Masked Urban Legend

Type/Caste: Solar/Night

Anima: Pale aura of white on which surface dance flickering colors of violet and gold. Finally when iconic it turns into mysterious white mist of light inside which dance many violet Will-o'-the-wisp with gold pulsating orbs as hearts.

Motivation:Remove all corrupted hearts from face of the Earth. One way or another.


+ Familly (Love): Syl love his family. And only this love and rare contact with them keep him away from total breakdown. He need to protect them from his own enemies. Thats why he never mention any information that might led to them. At leas until he start really trust this person.


Physical: STR 2 DEX 4 STA 3

Social: CHA 2 MAN 2 APP 3

Mental: PER 3 WIT 5 INT 3


Compassion 1

Conviction 3

Valor 2

Temperance 3 (Flawed)

Essence: 3(7BP)

Willpower: 7

Personal Pool: 15

Peripheral Pool: 36

Respires: 0m/hr active, 4m/hr resting, 8m/hr sleep/meditation

Abilities Caste/Favored are in Bold:

Dawn: Marksmanship/Archery 3 Martial Arts 2 Melee 0 Pistoleering/Throw 3 War 0

Zenith: Integrity 1 Performance 0 Presence 0 Resistance 2(1BP) Survival 1

Twilight: Craft 4(2BP) Investigation 3 Lore 2 Medicine 1 Occult 0

Night: Awareness 4 (2BP) Athletics 3 (4XP) Dodge 5 (2BP) Larceny 4 (1BP) Stealth 2

Eclipse: Bureaucracy 1 Linguistics 1( Native: Polish Learned: English) Ride/Drive 2 Sail/piloting 0 Socialize 0


Excellencies : Craft Elemental ( First), Larceny( Second), Investigation( First), Pistolering/Throw(First), Awareness( Second)

Craft: Craftsman Need No Tools

Dodge: Shadow Over Water, Seven Shadows Evasion ( Conviction Flaw)

Larceny: Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise

Awareness: Panoptic Fusion Discipline


Cult 1 : Syl Always do everything to erase his tracks that might lead to personification of the Will-Of-The-Whips. He prefer to stay as Urban Legend rumor that anyone who is a little superstitious is ready to believe. Thats Why Will-Of-The-Whips became object of small prayers from both criminals and normal people. While The second one prays for protection, first one pray for not becoming his target.

Arsenal 3 : His collection of weapons and gadgets was mostly salvaged on the bodies of slayed enemies or stolen from illegal weapon dealers. Rest was made by him personally from anything he found useful enough.

Resources 3: Syl often take small part time jobs but only to infiltrate his targets so his legal incomes are quite small. But thanks to generosity of his enemies that unwillingly or unknowingly donate his accounts he don't need to worry about money very much.


Any information about past of Syl are his greatest secret. Finding even fraction of data mentioning that Sylwester even was in US is difficult task mostly because Syl do everything he could ensure that. He do this to protect those he love. His family he lately have weary rare contact. So any stranger asking about that will instantaneously be ignored in this matter. He ratter kill himself than expose his true identity to person that he consider as untrustworthy or suspicious.

If asked about his Exaltation He will simply answer " I am Reaction on Action that other people started."

But if anyone manage to make contact with him he will mostly engage those person under his "Masked Hero" disguise of as one of his numerous false identities.


Appearance: Syl use his newly powers to constantly change his appearance even when he simply go shopping. But when he know that he is not under any danger of exposing he stay as his normal self.

That time he's a relatively tall( 6' ) slim guy in his early twenties. He mostly waring comfortable yet little baggy clothing that hide his silhouette and sometimes some kind of weapon. His face is surprisingly normal. Dark black hairs of middle length that are slightly messy, and calm brown eyes. He also often have light few day old berd.

His infamous alter ego Will-of-the-whisps rarely match his sillouete. Must of the time he change it's apparent look in terms of gender, body build and proportion also in voice tome and accent. Clothing he wearing that time also are often changed. Only thing that connect those descriptions is some combat equipment and a faceless Balaclava-Mask with dark reflective goggles.




Total XP: 15

Used XP: 0

Remaining XP: 0

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