Ready to cruise into Coolville


Candy Thief
Heeeeey~ So how's everyone doing? I'm Cedric and I'm new here to RpN. Hope I can make some cool writer-friends!
Hi Cedric welcome to RpN my name is Shelby and it's nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy it here I used to but i'm just now getting back into it so it's like i'm new again.
Nice to meet you, Shelby! I looooove your profile picture! (Looks kinda like my dog, too!!) I hope that you find a ton of sweet new RPs to write!
yeah thats a dog I used to have until I moved out of my aunt's house then I didn't get to take him with me. His name is Shiloh and he's 3 or 4 years old.
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that you couldn't take him with you! He looks like a sweetheart! ;o;
The cool thing is he was born on Christmas morning back in 2010 or 2011 I think. He is a sweetheart he is very loveable he never wanted to leave me he was always laying beside me on the couch.
Greetings and salutations!

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@countrygirl824 that's so sweet! My dog pretty much just uses me for food, honestly. x.x Do you have any pets living with you right now?

@MintyChipLuv Hey, nice to meet you! Besides writing I like video games and knitting! I can't really say I do a whole lot outside of writing, actually, I'm pretty lame... Oh, but I am really interested in bugs! What about you?
negumi said:
Hey, nice to meet you! Besides writing I like video games and knitting! I can't really say I do a whole lot outside of writing, actually, I'm pretty lame... Oh, but I am really interested in bugs! What about you?
Cool! What kind of games are you into? And nice; I tried knitting when I was in elementary, but I wasn't that great at it. :o And haha, no worries; I don't really do much either aside from drawing, writing, anime, games, and playing sports.
I like pretty much any nintendo game! Mainly Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Paper Mario... Those kinda things! I also play Final Fantasy and Skyrim type games too!!

Ooo, what animes do you watch? I pretty much just watch sports anime nowadays but I have a bunch on my to-watch list!
negumi said:
I like pretty much any nintendo game! Mainly Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Paper Mario... Those kinda things! I also play Final Fantasy and Skyrim type games too!!
Ooo, what animes do you watch? I pretty much just watch sports anime nowadays but I have a bunch on my to-watch list!
The moment I saw your custom title, I thought Gaius. Amirite? c;

Pokemon is pretty much my life, and I absolutely love just wandering around Skyrim playing archer. Even after years of the same file, I still tend to find new things! Stoked to meet you. (:
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The moment I saw your custom title, I thought Gaius. Amirite? c;
Pokemon is pretty much my life, and I absolutely love just wandering around Skyrim playing archer. Even after years of the same file, I still tend to find new things! Stoked to meet you. (:

HA, yep! It's a reference to my favorite orange-haired video game husband! xD But ahh, it's so nice to meet you too!! I haven't played Skyrim in a few months but I agree, no matter how long you take a break from it you still can go back and find new things! I was never much good at archery though, I'm more of a button-mashing swordsman... x.x But seriously, with the DLC in Skyrim you can easily sink 300+ hours into playing it which is still so amazing to me!
negumi said:
HA, yep! It's a reference to my favorite orange-haired video game husband! xD But ahh, it's so nice to meet you too!! I haven't played Skyrim in a few months but I agree, no matter how long you take a break from it you still can go back and find new things! I was never much good at archery though, I'm more of a button-mashing swordsman... x.x But seriously, with the DLC in Skyrim you can easily sink 300+ hours into playing it which is still so amazing to me!
I adored him as well, such a loveable cast!<3

I dislike button mashing, Kingdom Hearts destroyed my thumb for a while, haha. Never been one for up close aside from First/third person shooter rpgs (ME, don't even get me started<3). Archery came after spell casting, that's more my thing. (Though the limit sucks in Skyrim!)

Completely agree. Lovely to meet a fan of my favorite fandoms!
I adored him as well, such a loveable cast!<3
I dislike button mashing, Kingdom Hearts destroyed my thumb for a while, haha. Never been one for up close aside from First/third person shooter rpgs (ME, don't even get me started<3). Archery came after spell casting, that's more my thing. (Though the limit sucks in Skyrim!)

Completely agree. Lovely to meet a fan of my favorite fandoms!

Yeah, same here! By ME do you mean Mass Effect? I'm starting that one as soon as I finish up Dragon Age! I have a feeling I'll do pretty badly at it though since I haven't played any shooter type games since Left 4 Dead. ^^;
negumi said:
Yeah, same here! By ME do you mean Mass Effect? I'm starting that one as soon as I finish up Dragon Age! I have a feeling I'll do pretty badly at it though since I haven't played any shooter type games since Left 4 Dead. ^^;
Yup! My favorite game of all time, I swear you won't be disappointed. Well, maybe the last game will bum you out, as it did for me, but overall it's something you'll never forget. Same for Dragon Age! Love. It.

Oh, it's not quite so immersive shooting wise, don't even worry about it.
And you don't even have to be a skilled gunman. There's another option, called biotic, just like there's staves, daggers and two handed weaponry in DA.
Yup! My favorite game of all time, I swear you won't be disappointed. Well, maybe the last game will bum you out, as it did for me, but overall it's something you'll never forget. Same for Dragon Age! Love. It.
Oh, it's not quite so immersive shooting wise, don't even worry about it.
And you don't even have to be a skilled gunman. There's another option, called biotic, just like there's staves, daggers and two handed weaponry in DA.

Okay that's suuuper relieving to know! I'm mostly playing for the storyline, anyway, so I'd hate to get put off by really difficult gameplay! Oh, but you mentioned that you like Pokemon and Fire Emblem, right? What type of pokemon is your favorite? And what do you think about the new FE games coming out next year (assuming you live in north america)?
negumi said:
Okay that's suuuper relieving to know! I'm mostly playing for the storyline, anyway, so I'd hate to get put off by really difficult gameplay! Oh, but you mentioned that you like Pokemon and Fire Emblem, right? What type of pokemon is your favorite? And what do you think about the new FE games coming out next year (assuming you live in north america)?
Yeah, don't even worry.

Species or game? Love the older generation, favorite animal itself would be Flygon. It's basically where I have the most knowledge, I'm quite the Pokenerd, lol.

My friend actually introduced me around Awakening, so I've only experience with that one. Read about the others, but I can't get my hands on them atm. I think the future releases look beautiful! But she isn't convinced, she thinks it's too much like a dating SIM. I'm kind of for those once in a while, haha.
negumi said:
I like pretty much any nintendo game! Mainly Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Paper Mario... Those kinda things! I also play Final Fantasy and Skyrim type games too!!
Ooo, what animes do you watch? I pretty much just watch sports anime nowadays but I have a bunch on my to-watch list!
Ah, Nintendo games are definitely amazing! Fire Emblem Awakening was absolutely great and I'm really excited for Fates!

Haha, I'm really into watching sports anime too. KnB was a great one to with an absolutely beautiful ending. I like watching a lot of KyoAni anime because they're usually pretty cute, but recently I've been watching K: Return of the Kings and I'm gonna get into Noragami and One Punch Man soon.
MintyChipLuv said:
Ah, Nintendo games are definitely amazing! Fire Emblem Awakening was absolutely great and I'm really excited for Fates!
Haha, I'm really into watching sports anime too. KnB was a great one to with an absolutely beautiful ending. I like watching a lot of KyoAni anime because they're usually pretty cute, but recently I've been watching K: Return of the Kings and I'm gonna get into Noragami and One Punch Man soon.
I'm watching One Punch Man right now and it's really good! Noragami I've seen around a few places so I think I might give that one a shot, too. Also hhhhhh yess, I'm so pumped for Fates!!! Do you know which side you're going to pick?
Yeah, don't even worry.
Species or game? Love the older generation, favorite animal itself would be Flygon. It's basically where I have the most knowledge, I'm quite the Pokenerd, lol.

My friend actually introduced me around Awakening, so I've only experience with that one. Read about the others, but I can't get my hands on them atm. I think the future releases look beautiful! But she isn't convinced, she thinks it's too much like a dating SIM. I'm kind of for those once in a while, haha.

Ahh, I love flygon too! I think my favorite would be scolipede or volcarona since bug types are my absolute fav! And no worries, I play pokemon a LOT so I'm probably considered a Pokenerd, too! Except when it comes to competitive battling... Not so good at that. ^^;

I really like video games with romance in them to the fact that you can not only get married in the FE series but you can also pair everyone else up was a huge selling point to me lol. I remember with Awakening I kept replaying just to pair everyone up with each other so I could unlock all the supports!

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