• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ⋆✩ ☆ Reach for the S t a r s

*waves from - I don't know anymore?*

Uh, hello folks. Assuming this is still running, we're presumably still waiting on a Leah post?
Ah crap the guilt!


I completely forgot I was next!

Since I was writing the post I just assumed I had already finished and posted.

I'll have something by tomorrow for sure!

Sorry if the end was rushed.

I had the first part written out already so I had to finish the post.

Figured we had to move on instead of going through another round of posts before continuing... I can change it if they weren't supposed to leave yet.
Time to write up a post I guess (yes I finally get to react to those bass war shenanigans I am very excited)

Also, Nessie, is it really you who wrote that post? Because it totally was Leah. Talking about herself in third person. I don't know anymore but thank you for the great post ok

Oh, and, personally okay with just moving on. Am still retroactively reacting to all that anyway
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eheu said:
Time to write up a post I guess (yes I finally get to react to those bass war shenanigans I am very excited)
Also, Nessie, is it really you who wrote that post? Because it totally was Leah. Talking about herself in third person. I don't know anymore but thank you for the great post ok

Oh, and, personally okay with just moving on. Am still retroactively reacting to all that anyway
Thank you... I think xD

I've been secretly stalking her faceclaim on twitter so I've gotten a better feel for her personality =D

Or at least a more realistic view of it instead of just happy jumpy and annoying xD

Can't wait to see all of your posts!

I hope Po is still here so we can continue this!

Aaaand there's a post. A bit hastily assembled and not much progress in terms of plot, but I suppose it matters to get something up as soon as possible while we wait.

Dear, I didn't realize how much I miss these characters.
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Ahh, g00d sh1t lOL. I'm going to see if I can reply some time between tonight and this weekend.
Hey Nessie! Hi guys! I poofed for a little bit, :( I'm sorry about that but I didn't get any notifications the time I did quickly check on my phone. Anyways! The show will continue and I'm so thankful you're all here to keep this running and alive.

@Pine :D Woohooo! Go you!

I'll get a post up after Pine and see what's going on with Sasil. ;D I'm sure she's still here lurking around!
FirePolaris said:
Hey Nessie! Hi guys! I poofed for a little bit, :( I'm sorry about that but I didn't get any notifications the time I did quickly check on my phone. Anyways! The show will continue and I'm so thankful you're all here to keep this running and alive.
@Pine :D Woohooo! Go you!

I'll get a post up after Pine and see what's going on with Sasil. ;D I'm sure she's still here lurking around!
I squeal!!!

I'm so glad you're back!!!

We missed you!
LOL I'm not really sure what this hype cookie is but it's pretty neat.

Thank you! It's good to be back before exams week. (Ugh those never ends) I missed you guys too! :( I checked my notifications a couple times on my phone to see if there was any news or updates but I didn't get any. I have a love-hate relationship with it.

I'm excited to get to the next part of the role play though! Watch out for Kade's curveballs!
YOU GET HYPE COOKIES WHEN A POST IS HYPE WORTHY *vibrates* also whispering watch out for a new post rating coming ur way soon guys

lmaooo I think i'm going to try to get my post up tonight?? No promises though. Tonight is movie night. 8')))))

Btw if you're having trouble keeping up with notifs, I would highly highly highly recommend checking out the "watched threads" button at the top of the forum list. I check it every once in a while JUST TO MAKE SURE LOL. *sweats* Basically it will list out any unread alerts that you've gotten for a thread ++++ it also has an option to view all your watched threads. It's super handy lmao.
I am going to diverge briefly from the "still alive topic" and mention another mostly irrelevant thing which is Pine where do you even get all that awesome artwork to use as your profile image they are all too pretty
definitely relevant

Um !! The last avatar I had was from an artist I had overheard someone talking about when THEY were using their art, but usually I find artists through tumblr. I follow a few, one in particular, and they'll reblog art. Specifically for this one, though, I think I had been searching through the surreal tag.
Haha I'm still here and so is Sasil so it's all good. We're waiting on posts but I know life is busy and so no pressure.

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