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The man raised his head and walks over to you, he kneels down and reaches his hands towards you and suddenly a red light appears.

He mutters several words and suddenly your body is no longer freezing, rather it feels warm in the cave.


(You have earned the fire skin, last for five hours)

"Now be quiet little rabbit."

The soft muttering was barely audible in the noise of the blizzard, though afterwards the cold promptly retreated.

A spell? But that's impossible. Spells aren't real. It's make-believe. And yet, try as she might to disregard it, she was led to assume nothing other than magic could accomplish what he just did. It was ridiculous. She had to wake up. 'Twas just a nightmare. However, she knew it wasn't. Everything felt real... everything is real.

"...My... my thanks," Cyan said with gratitude, and remained quiet despite the growing apprehension. With her mind now off trying to keep warm, she started to process her current situation.

She woke up, nearly pulled subject to freezing. How was she even alive?

She had a polar bear with her. How nice. Must be the only up-side for now.

She was in a cave. Why? It was a dreary place to be in.

She was probably heading somewhere. But where?

A man was there. Appears to be somewhat rugged, trained by the terrain.

The gears in her head turned.

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After finding looking through trash and realizing that you can easily acquire some cloth at home, you decide to go search for your house. For about fifteen minutes you eventually stumble upon a sign with your name and your house. Its a rather decent small looking peasant house, its got a chimney so it must be good. You enter inside and it is somewhat messy with farming tools, clothes, and such everywhere. You go into one room and there lies your known sister asleep in her bed. You realize that time has passed rather quickly so makes sense to go to bed or look around to find clues about charlie.

You do find a small bag of gold tho.


(3 gold pieces)


You look at the man and he doesn't seem to have any motive of hurting you, especially this odd polar bear.

You notice that he has some type of weird tribal like tattoo near his neck, and a necklace with animal teeth.

He suddenly decides to speak.

"Where are you from little rabbit?"

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After her ill-advised scrutiny, Cyan was - all in all - very interested in forming conversation. However, if she was to say she came from Tokyo, she might come across as a lunatic. Or worse: a weirdo.

"F-from... the south," she lied. "And yourself?"

He tried to find some clues about Charlie that could explain why it was him that was replaced, but he did not find any. To be honest even if there was something he'd be too tired to find it. He gave up and lied down on the bed, but he couldn't bring himself to close his eyes.

After a while he got up and went into Daisy's room. He sat down on a chair and stared as the shapeless lump under the blankets slowly rose and fell as the girl breathed. He chided himself. This was stupid, he had no relation to this girl, no reason to care. He only met her once and all she did was scream at him, he hated screaming. If he didn't even like her, why?

"I am not Charlie," he said softly. "I am someone else, from a place far away. My last memory is dying there, and then I woke up here, inside your brother's body. I do not know where he is now. I want you to know I never intended to steal another man's life. But the fact of the matter is that I did. I am not your brother, I do not know you or this village, I do not have a history here, no stories to share by the fire, no memories to warm the heart. I'm just an intruder who stole your brother from you. And for that I am truly sorry."

He raised his head. The girl still slept, that was good. He didn't want to be heard, he just needed to say it.

"But, none of that changes that I am here, and it doesn't seem like I'm able to go home. I do not believe in many things, and there are not many rules I set for myself. But the few I do have I hold close to my heart. One of them is that when you take something from someone else, the least you can do is take care of it. Willingly or not, I took everything from Charlie, so now it is my duty to keep it safe."

He stood up, and started walking out of the room, but paused with his hand on the doorknob. "I can never replace your brother," he said whilst facing the door. "But until he comes back, I will protect you in his place."

He closed the door and went back to Charlie's- his bed. He laid down and closed his eyes.

End of Day 1

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Heading to the Garrison, Erich wondered when he's finally be able to check his wound, where he lived, and who he was here. For a few minutes he waited and thought over and over again "Where the hell am I, who the hell am I, and what the hell am I supposed to be doing here. Remembering that one of his comrades was going to get the elder, he decided to check his bag for anything useful, finding 23 coins. Erich began to sharpen his blade, wondering if he could craft his own sword or that he was stuck with it as part of the garrison, quickly putting his mind elsewhere, he decided to look around the building to learn the layout, and look for any secret rooms
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"I am Bear man of the Monisk tribe.....You do not look like someone from the land of wheat."

He gets up and goes off to grab a sort of bag that lays near a wall.

He then looks at you.

"Where tribe?"

Cyan had looked over at the polar bear beside her after the question, feeling rather melancholy for no reason. In her heart, which seemed to beat for a particular purpose that probably wasn't hers, she felt the need to pull her knees closer and weep.

Yet she didn't. It would do her no good, she guessed.

"None anymore," she responded without thinking. It was as if she knew it all along, even if she herself is blank upon the matter. "A lonely path has been set for me."

The man looks at you with a rather saddened face, as if he had the same feeling.

"Come to village if you want. Catch up if you not want to die in cold."

He picks his belongings up and heads out of the cave.

Remembering that someone went to find the village elder for him, Erich decided that instead of going back and waiting, he'd see try and find the elder before hand. Walking around to the front entrance of the building, Erich knocked on the door loud enough you could hear it from the other side of the village and requested to be let in to see whoever was in charge.
With the speed her eagerness brought with it, Cyan gathered herself upright, getting some things the man didn't pick up, which signalled it was hers. However, she moved awkwardly, did things awkwardly, and she sounded different in her ears, not noticing until that very moment of her movements. It wasn't the cold that did it, after all.

"Chizza, come!" she called out, and at once the polar bear woke up to follow her, yawning all the way. She had no time to think further as she followed the man's footsteps out into the blizzard, her clothes whipping against the strong winds.

You ask around and they make it sound like you should know this but they lead you to a small shabby hut where you meet a older looking foxman.

He is laying on the ground on his side and seems to be smoking something.

He notices you and smiles.

"Aaaaah brother Yuukitano, please go ahead and take a seat."


You go ahead and attempt to follow him, but you seem to be lagging behind.

If you do not catch up to him quickly you may end up losing him in this blizzard.

(Roll a survival check)

"Yuukitano? Is that my name here, well I'll guess I'll stick with it. I don't think I'm from this world at all, definitely not, mine wasn't filled with Kobold's. Do you think you could explain what's happening and why it's happening, I have absolutely no clue and I just need answers."

Erich said as he sat down infront of the elder, in the most respectable way possible.

"oooooh so you did lose your memory.....I see."

He strokes his long skinny beard in deep thought.

"Weeeell I do not have the answers, but you are a warrior and defender of this village."

he then takes another puff and blows it in your direction.

"I cannot explain why you are here other then being a warrior, if you have any other questions I will try to answer in the best of my knowledge newborn mind."

He continues to go on with his smoking.

"A warrior for what, for what reason was I brought to this world, there must be some reason." Erich was getting annoyed by the lack of straight answers.

Cyan pulled her hood over her head, the furs attached to it blocking her view just as much as the hail did. There were moments when she stopped short just to keep herself from being blown away. She heard nothing but the howling, and soon she found herself lost, and her companion whom she shortly got to know was nowhere to be seen.

Turning in all directions, all that greeted her was a vast whiteness, and distant blue peaks of mountains.

".....Are you serious....Look around you boy, this is a village of peaceful people. Warriors are trained to protect and fight what is ours.Also like I said do not have all your answers."

He seems rather angered.


It seems that you are lagging behind as you see the man farther away.

(Attempt one last time on survival roll)

"Your right, I apologize. Do you have any information on who I was beforehand, this way I can integrate back into this peaceful society without causing unnecessary trouble." Erich was still very confused, but very interestws on what te situation was around him. "I wonder if there's a place I can craft my own weapons" Erich mutters to himself after he finished speaking.
Zephyr / Agis

Zephyr woke up at the crack of dawn when the sun peaked out from behind the trees just enough to shine a ray of light directly into the eyes of Agis. Zephyr felt like this was a bit nostalgic for this body, considering the position of the bed and how long the elder sad he had been doing this hunting thing for. Zephyr slowly sat up on his bed and began stretching himself out. One hand behind his head and PULLL!!!!!!!!!! The other hand behind his head and PULL!!!!!!!!!!!

Agis sat on the edge of the bed with the soft eyes of someone who just woke up after a long needed sleep. He glanced down to the books under his bed and decided that before he would do anything, he would meet up with the Moon Eldar and then talk to the lady who seemed a bit pissed at Agis. Agis got dressed and equipped himself with an elven longsword from the rack of weapons. He slipped it into its sheath at his side, collected the book he read last night and then walked out of the hunters tent and over the Home Tree in the center of the village.

Agis managed to get in a discussion with the village eldar before the events of the day unfolded. They talked about the economy of the village, the history of Idna and discussed the philosophies of her being. After that the Eldar revealed that he thought Agis had the ability to leader the village but Agis made it very clear very quickly that he had rules and regulations that needed to be followed if he were to lead. The eldar, the wise eldar, revealed no objection and stayed pure of life. This impressed Zephyr.

Zephyr left the tree and made his way inside the medical tent. He wanted to hand over the book to Elsa before he got his day started.


His eyes opened as the first ray of sunlight entered his room through the window. After a short recollection of the day before, along with reconciliation that it was not a dream after all, he rose. It looked like Daisy was still sleeping, or at least hadn't left her room yet. So he prepared breakfast in silence. It took him a while to find everything, but the house was small, so he eventually managed to scrounge a modest meal together. After he was finished he prepared another meal for Daisy for when she woke up. He then equipped the short sword the old man gave him and the tinderbox the merchant had lend him. Finally stuffing an old dishrag in his pockets, he left for the old man's house.

Attempting another 360° turn, Cyan was able to catch a shadow a bit far off. She hurried towards it, the snow slowing down her otherwise considerable pace. Chizza... the bear, as she now knows... seemed less affected by the weather. Lucky little bastard.

She was able to keep the man in sight longer than she had a while back, giving her some form of relief. It did not matter to her how far this village was - she just wanted to get to it.
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