
Hey there, my name is Kitty. I’ve been role playing for fourteen years and I enjoy role playing with people who don’t mind reading too much. I tend to be very descriptive and write long replies. I’m a 27 year old mother of two who is getting married in 3 months so please be patient for responses from me.

I enjoy doing freeform role plays as well as plot lines and I have a few of my own that I will be posting. I love fantasy, romance, and modern day elements. Mix all three and I’m bound to love it. I am pretty easy going and am more than willing to work through things with my partners. I am aiming for long-term roleplays that will have many twists and turns.
Hey there, my name is Kitty. I’ve been role playing for fourteen years and I enjoy role playing with people who don’t mind reading too much. I tend to be very descriptive and write long replies. I’m a 27 year old mother of two who is getting married in 3 months so please be patient for responses from me.

I enjoy doing freeform role plays as well as plot lines and I have a few of my own that I will be posting. I love fantasy, romance, and modern day elements. Mix all three and I’m bound to love it. I am pretty easy going and am more than willing to work through things with my partners. I am aiming for long-term roleplays that will have many twists and turns.
Hey kitty <3
I bet you like kitties <3
Me too <3

have a good one!
Hey there, my name is Kitty. I’ve been role playing for fourteen years and I enjoy role playing with people who don’t mind reading too much. I tend to be very descriptive and write long replies. I’m a 27 year old mother of two who is getting married in 3 months so please be patient for responses from me.

I enjoy doing freeform role plays as well as plot lines and I have a few of my own that I will be posting. I love fantasy, romance, and modern day elements. Mix all three and I’m bound to love it. I am pretty easy going and am more than willing to work through things with my partners. I am aiming for long-term roleplays that will have many twists and turns.

Another extra descriptive roleplayer like myself!

I thought we were dying out. ;]
Oh my goodness don’t get me started on characters. I’m surprised my head hasn’t exploded from how many I have created, and keep creating.
Oh my goodness don’t get me started on characters. I’m surprised my head hasn’t exploded from how many I have created, and keep creating.

If your head is exploding with characters, I'd say you're doing something right!

It's always plots for me at first. Then a character forms from there.
I don’t have as many plots as I do characters. I was born from a free form universe where you’d make a character and try to put them in a situation where someone else would respond.
I've actually never done that, but it sounds interesting.

Definitely an awesome way to build characters and then, I assume, the universe comes into itself as they develop?

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