Rate the avatar above you on a scale of 1-10

9/10 It's simple but really cute and has some character. I also like the contrast of blue against yellow background.
10/10 I love anything that gives me a Japanese Vibe and the art itself is amazing
9.5 outta 10, can’t go wrong with a classic samurai.
Very cute! Simple enough to be recognizable when it is small, but polished, clean, and stylized! 10/10

How about this? I'm pretty bad at drawing avatars, so I just put any old drawing in there
Not really into furry stuff, but the art is well-done so 6/10.
+ 4 points for good color scheme
+ 5 points for dreamlike vibes
-.5 for reality of that dress getting grass stains.
7/10, Not the biggest fan of dollmakers and the like, but they are still useful to be able to express yourself. I can tell you put the effort in to make the avatar represent you, and it certainly shows a style and personality!

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