'Quote from character goes here.'
Other Names: E.g. The One They Fear, Anticitizen One, etc. Can also include nicknames.
Gender: Male, Female, Genderless, Attack Helicopter
Race: Human, Android, Sangheili, etc.
Affiliation: The organisation or faction your character is part of. If independent just put none.
Appearance: Even if you provided a picture of your character, please try to describe your character's appearance in words here. Include details like height if possible.
History: Copy-paste from the wiki if you're a lazy piece of shit like me.
Powers/Abilities: Superpowers, all that.
Weapons/Equipment: Can be any weapon or piece of equipment your character has acquired over the course of their adventure.
Status: As said, characters will die. Place their current status here, either active if alive or deceased if... you know, dead.
Theme Song: If the character doesn't have a dedicated song, simply use the theme song from the work. Optional.
Universe From: The work of fiction your character comes from.
Other: Details such as trivia. Optional.
Your characters are only accepted if I say so. A like from me means accepted, to avoid clutter.
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