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Fandom Rapture: Characters

'I am Authur, King of the Britains.'

Name: Authur

Other Names: King Authur

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Affiliation: The Knights of the round table

Appearance: Royal gown over chainmail, golden crown, main colour scheme is white, silver and gold

Personality: Leader, Brave, Courageous

History: King Arthur is a legendary British leader who, according to medieval histories and romances, led the defence of Britain against Saxon invaders in the late 5th and early 6th centuries AD. The details of Arthur's story are mainly composed of folklore and literary invention, and his historical existence is debated and disputed by modern historians. The sparse historical background of Arthur is gleaned from various sources, including the Annales Cambriae, the Historia Brittonum, and the writings of Gildas.
Powers/Abilities: Smite of god (gains the personality and features of god

Weapons/Equipment: Excalibur, chainmail, royal robes

Universe From: earth in early 5th and 6th centurys of AD. Also monty python and the holy grail ?

'If you ask what life is to me, I'd answer endless days of homework and pain. Why you ask? The amount of homework, it's too much.'

Name: Han Jee-Han

Other Names: The Gamer

Gender: Male

Race: Human (Natural ability User.")

Affiliation: None

Han Jee-Han is a young man in his late teens with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He is transported to Rapture immediately after school so he is still wearing his school uniform: black pants, a blue shirt, and a red tie. He is fairly slim and tall.

Before he gained the ability known as “The Gamer”, Jee-Han had no motivation or dreams to accomplish anything. Like many teenagers at his age, he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life and sought for a way to become an important person in society. After being thrust into the dangers of the Abyss, however, Jee-Han’s daily life has taken a complete turn and he has changed considerably.

Jee-Han has a simplistic outlook on life and as such, he possesses an easy going and carefree attitude. There was nothing in Jee-Han’s life he really enjoyed doing other than playing video games and in accordance with that passion, he was granted the natural ability known as “The Gamer”.

Because of his obsessions with video games, Jee-Han can usually relate most things he learns about the Abyss and the Gaia Theory back to video games which make it simpler for him.

Though he’s not a complete coward, Jee-Han has shown a reluctance to engage himself in combat and used to choose running away as his first option to ensure his survival. After getting accustomed to engaging enemies and leveling up, Jee-Han has become much more confident in his abilities and will only run away if the situation is out of his league. More recently, he has taken to unleashing his golems, nullifying enemies' magic, or just spiral mana bomb + lightning arrowing them.

Jee-Han can come off as a geek whenever he starts talking about how things work in the game world. Sun-II and Sae-Young have frequently laughed at these monologues which annoys Jee-Han to no end.

Thanks to the incredibly useful functions that his natural ability gives him (such as creating drops from nothing, allowing him to learn skill books instantly, and obtaining passive skills), Jee-Han’s ego has gotten noticeably big. Sun-II has frequently expressed distress at the unfair advantages that Jee-Han gloats about and has developed somewhat of a god complex (comically of course). However, after witnessing the overwhelming power of those who are veterans in the Abyss, Jee-Han’s ego about his ability has been lowered and he has begun to see how truly small he is. In season 4, Jee-han still gloats, but that is because he is actually very powerful, and has earned the right to brag.

Because he has spent most of his life as a gamer, Jee-Han is shy around pretty girls and has a hard time hiding his embarrassment when teased. Sae-Young and Lolikiano Mistream exploit this for all its worth and regularly teases him by getting close to him. Jee-Han has also expressed an interest in the opposite sex, such as Shi-Yun who he thinks has an attractive body and Sung-Ah who he thinks is really cute. He is also completely clueless about the girls that like him and flirt with him, and this creates many funny moments.

Creativity is a trait that has been a constant advantage to Jee-Han’s arsenal and has used his intuition with mana to create several useful techniques. For example, Jee-Han realized his energy bolt lacked piercing damage so he decided to manipulate his ki to add spinning properties to his attack, creating the Spinning Mana Arrow in the process.

History: When Han Jee-Han was younger he usually went over to Shin Sun-Il and attempted to get him to play video games which usually ended up with Sun-Il's grandfather getting angry and chasing Jee-Han around. It's also stated that when he was younger, he accidentally went into Poong Sae-Young's room and discovered she wears black silk lace panties. When she found this out, she ordered him to never reveal this information.

His ability called The Gamer was given to him by Gaia herself making him a Natural Ability User; she also assists him in the usage of his ability, creating a system to monitor his daily life and his ability to learn and create skills. His ability is quite powerful and is considered a 'cheaty' ability as he can learn skills quite easily from skill books and level them up quickly. Due to this, his ability is classified as Shinin Class, the highest and rarest of levels. Most of the active skills are voice activated. His ability works like this:

  1. Certain actions in his daily life get turned into skills.
  2. Objects turn into items.
  3. His body works like that of a game character.
  4. After sleeping in a bed he restores HP, MP and all status effects.
  5. Certain technique books are treated as skill books.
  6. Allies can be added to form a party.
  7. This ability can be temporarily extended to others through the use of the party system.
  8. It also can generate certain items from monsters even if the monsters don't have physical bodies. These items include crafting and healing items. This is considered turning an illusion into reality.
  9. It also has the effect of making training areas into full battle areas, as well as making a boss mob appear in all instant dungeon.
  10. Just by looking at some person or thing, Gaia automatically informs him of name and level (usually). Using Observe, he can quantify attributes accurately and without bias.
  11. EXP points can be gained by defeating enemies (monsters, ability users, etc.) to completing tasks.
Limitations: His ability, while very powerful, does have some limitations to it.

  1. He can't gain certain skills or techniques until he has reached a certain level in a certain area.
  2. He can't 'absorb' books based on theories.
  3. He can't combine abilities that don't mesh together. This is demonstrated when the Chunbumoon experiment on his skill gaining ability via books.
  4. If stamina (vitality) is more than 4 times lower than his intelligence a deteriorating effect can appear which takes 1 stamina (vitality) point every 24 hours.
Status Window: This is a voice command that brings up a window that shows his status (name, class, Health Points (HP), Mana Points (MP), level, attributes, title, money and attribute points).

Attributes that can be increased via points gained from leveling.

  • Strength (STR)
  • Vitality (VIT)
  • Dexterity (DEX)
  • Intelligence (INT)
  • Wisdom (WIS)
    • Magic Resistance increases by 1% every 10 WIS points.
    • Mana Regeneration increases by 1% every 10 WIS points.
  • Luck (LUK)
Attributes that can not be directly increased via points gained from leveling.

  • Physical resistance
  • Mana (MP)
  • Mana Regeneration (MR)
  • Magic Resistance
  • Health (HP)
Inventory Window: This is a voice command that brings up a window that shows all the items he has obtained and stored including the clothes he wears and the weapons he has obtained and equipped. This is seen as a dimensional magic ability.

Skill List Window: This is a voice command that brings up a window that shows a list of all the skills he has learned. When the skill icon is selected it shows all the current information about that skill.

Options Window: This is a voice command that brings up the options menu.

Weapons/Equipment: Currently only has his school uniform

Theme Song: If the character doesn't have a dedicated song, simply use the theme song from the work. Optional.

Universe From: The Abyss from The Gamer by Sun Sang-Yeoung

Other: This guy's skills need to be updated constantly. I'm going to put a skill/stat/inventory page on my profile or whatever. Also, skills and loot gains are up to GM's.

Stat pages are given in this format:

Name: Bob
Lv: 1 (0.00%)
Title: The Gamer
Hp: 100/100
Mp: 100/100
Str: 5
Con: 5
Dex: 5
Int: 5
Wis: 5
Luc: 5
Status Effects:
Well rested: 10% more XP

Note: At stat levels, 50 100 200 400 and so on user gets stat related bonus skills bonus skills at stat 50 user gets 1 at 100 they get 2 and so on.

Skill Format:

Name: Shortsword Skill
Lv 1 (0.00%)
Description: How well a user can use shortswords. Shortswords are typically between 1 and 2 feet long.
Increases Damage inflicted by shortswords by 1%

Note: Skills evolve to higher forms at level 100 and can unlock multiple features along the way an example would be:
Shortsword Skill=>Shortsword Talent=>Shortsword Proficeincy=>Shoersword Mastery=> Custom Fighting Style

Shortsword Skill
Lv 25 (0.00%)
Increases damage by 25%
Increases attack speed by 1%

Shortsword Skill
Lv 50 (0.00%)
Increases damage by 50%
Increases attack speed by 25%
Chance to inflict bleed: 1%
Last edited:


"It's been an honor, Sir."
-Jerome-092 to Sergeant Forge, shortly before Forge's death.​

Name: Jerome-092

Other Names: Can be addressed otherwise as simply, "Spartan"

Gender: Male

Race: Augmented Human.

Affiliation: UNSC, NavSpecWep, Section III, ONI.

Appearance: 7' 2.3", 290 Pounds without armor. Nobody really knows what he looks like under his armor, save for the rest of Red Team, Catherine Halsey, and other high-ranking officials. However, it can be assumed that he has shaved his hair. Otherwise, his body is covered in surgical scars as remnants of his augmentation as a SPARTAN-II, as well as other sustained scars from his training.

Personality: A born leader, Jerome is no nonsense and as with all other Spartans, by the book whenever the book applies. Protective as is of other UNSC allies, he views other SPARTAN-IIs as family.

Jerome Cable was born on May 8, 2511 to a poor family in the Palaikos borderlands of the colony of Minister.[1] Early into his childhood, he turned to a life of crime and discovered his violent side.[4] After being selected as a suitable candidate for the SPARTAN-II Program in 2517, he was abducted and sent to Reach, where he was specially trained to be a soldier. In 2525, he and the other candidates underwent a series of augmentations to improve their physical and mental abilities.[5] Jerome was among the ones that survived and were not crippled or killed by the procedure.

During his training, he tried to escape numerous times, but he quickly proved himself to be considered one of the program's top candidates.[4] Both Dr. Halsey and Chief Mendez identified him as one of four emerging leaders within the Spartan-II group, along with Kurt-051, Frederic-104, and John-117.[6]

Jerome's leadership skills were correctly observed, as he later became the earliest known appointed leader of the Spartan-II's Red Team.

Jerome was the appointed leader of Red Team during the First Battle of Arcadia. He and his team were tasked with stopping the Covenant long enough to evacuate the civilians of Arcadia.[7] Afterward, he and Red Team linked up with forces from the Spirit of Fire and assisted in a counter-attack on a Covenant outpost.[8] Once the plan to infiltrate a large Covenant shield was passed down from Captain James Cutter, Jerome and Red Team remained with the crew to assist with the assignment. He prevented the destruction of several prototype Rhinos while they ensured that the shield was destroyed.[9] After Sergeant John Forge's forces triumphed over a Scarab, the three searched for Covenant survivors in the jungles on a Warthog.[10] Jerome accompanied Sergeant Forge to the bridge of the Spirit of Fire to report their situation. Upon hearing that Professor Ellen Anders had been abducted by the Arbiter, Jerome immediately recommended destroying the fleeing vessel, much to Forge's displeasure, stating that Professor Anders "...represented a significant security breach." However, against Jerome's recommendation, Captain Cutter ordered the Spirit of Fire into Slipspace, following the Covenant ship carrying Anders. Jerome-092 and Sergeant Forge left the bridge, and came to a brief altercation, resulting in a broken chair, a seal malfunction on a bulkhead and a stern interruption from Serina. From then on, Forge and Jerome always ate together in the mess hall.[11]

Later, upon arriving at a Forerunner Shield World, Jerome assisted the Spirit of Fire's crew in neutralizing Covenant and Flood forces.[11] Once Jerome assisted in destroying a Proto-Gravemind[12] he and Red Team became stranded on the planet. With the Spirit of Fire being dragged inside the megastructure, Red Team was assisted by the forces of Sergeant John Forge and successfully withdrew to the ship.[13] Red Team then assisted the crew in scouring the Flood forces from the hull of the Spirit of Fire[14] and successfully repaired the power core when it was damaged.[15]

Once Anders was rescued, he was tasked with ensuring the Spirit of Fire's Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine arrived at the teleporter that would take it to The Apex's command center.[17] In the control center, Jerome, along with Alice-130 and Douglas-042, engaged a large force of Honor Guards while Forge engaged the Arbiter. Once the area was clear, Jerome volunteered to take the slightly-damaged drive in and ensure its destruction. Sergeant Forge, believing that Spartans would play a bigger part in the war than he ever could, took his place. Jerome (with the Spirit of Fire's crew) was then charged with opening the gate which allowed the Spirit of Fire to exit the Shield World.[16]

In 2559, after years in cryosleep, Jerome and the rest of the Spirit of Fire arrived at Installation 00. The Spirit detected a signal coming from the surface. Jerome with Red Team were sent down to investigate. Eventually they found the destroyed Henry Lamb Research Outpost along with a lone AI called Isabel. The team recovered the AI before discovering the leader of the The Banished Atriox waiting for them in the rear of the outpost. The battle with Atriox left Douglas injured forcing Red Team to retreat in a Warthog. Jerome and Douglas returned to the Spirit with Alice going MIA after covering their escape.[18]

Aboard the Spirit, Jerome and Captain Cutter were briefed on the current state of the galaxy by Isabel, the origin of Atriox and the Banished. Jerome was then tasked with leading a squad of Marines to cut through enemy lines whilst destroying their bases and avoiding fire from the Banished's CAS-class assault carrier, Enduring Conviction. The main objective of the mission was to corner and kill Decimus, Atriox's right hand, who was running a salvage operation in the area. Once cornered, Decimus used the Ark's teleportation Grid to escape and then bombarded the area with plasma. Following the devastation, Jerome's troops discovered the location of one of the Ark's Cartographers and that the Banished were trying to gain control of it.[19]

Sometime during the campaigns against The Banished, Captain Cutter promoted Jerome to the rank of Commander, at the behest of Isabel. Though this rank is merely a formality, it does help to re-align the command structure on board the Spirit.[3]

Powers/Abilities: SPARTAN-II Augmentations include
Carbide Ceramic Ossification: Advanced material grafting onto skeletal structures to make bones virtually unbreakable.

Muscular Enhancement Injections: Protein complex is injected intramuscularly to increase tissue density and decrease lactase recovery time.

Catalytic Thyroid Implant: Platinum pellet containing human growth hormone catalyst is implanted in the thyroid to boost growth of skeletal and muscle tissues.

Occipital Capillary Reversal: Submergence and boosted blood vessel flow beneath the rods and cones of the subject's retina. Produces a marked visual perception increase.

Superconducting Fibrification of Neural Dendrites: Alteration of bioeletrical nerve transduction to shielded electronic transduction. 300% increase in subject reflexes. Anecdotal evidence of marked increase in intelligence, memory, and creativity.[2]

Weapons/Equipment: MJOLNIR MK V, Which is an armor comprised of a superior metal alloy comprised mainly of Titanium-A, the UNSC's engineered metal used in its starships. The suit also contains a miniaturized fusion pack integrated within to power the entire thing, including an energy shield. The suit also has a metal-crystal liquid layer to allow the suit to hold an AI. The suit also contains force circuits, which enhance the wearer's movements and strength. Self-sealing and functional in vacuum for up to 90 minutes. During his time on the Ark, Jerome's armor was upgraded with components of a SPARTAN-IV's GEN2 armor, including upgraded thrusters.

MA5C: Misariah Armories Assault Rifle, Model C. Holds a 32 round magazine and is generally more accurate than its original and Model B versions. Can use Armor-Piercing or "Shredder" rounds (Hollow Points on steroids.)

M6D: Misariah Armories M6 Personal Defense Weapon. Upsized to fit spartans, and firing explosive rounds to better stress Covenant shields and to enhance damage to tissues. Unlike other Magnums, this weapon is effective at a range of up to 100 Meters or so, making it better for dealing with enemies at range.

Biofoam: Canister filled with Anti-Bacterial, Tissue Regenerative spray. Temporary, but allows the user to endure harsh wounds at the cost of great pain.

Theme Song:

Universe From: Halo (Halo Wars/Halo Wars 2)

Other: While technically a commander, he still only is a Petty Officer, Third Class in reality.
“I like blue crayons”
Name: Wall-Knight

Other names: none

Gender: Male

Race: Genetically modified Wall-Nut

Affiliation: The Plant Heroes

Appearance: As a Wall-Nut, Wall-Knight without his armor looks like any other Wall-Nut. He is a head shorter than the average man. His hard “skin” shell is a orange-ish brown, and his eyes are comically big. He doesn’t have a nose, but he does have a mouth. Other than his armor, he has no defining physical features other than these.

Personality: As a Wall-Nut, Wall-Knight possesses a innately desire to protect others. This trait was not diminished as he became a hero. He is fiercely loyal to his friends, is very protective, and will almost always put his life on the line to protect others.

History: Wall-Knight was just a regular Wall-Nut before the Zombot Hero-Tron detonated, giving Wall-Knight and other plants (and some zombies) superpowers. (OOC: From here on I’ll use fan lore because there is virtually no lore for Wall-Knight other than how he got his powers.) Wall-Knight initially showed no signs of powers, unlike the rest of his team, but when he was captured by Dr. Zomboss and held hostage in a garbage dump, he engineered a suit of armor that allowed him to escape Zomboss’s clutches. Upon returning to the Plant Base, he built another, more powerful suit of armor that he has been modifying and improving to this day.

Powers/Abilities: (Also Fan-Lore) Wall-Knightls suit of armor contains a variety of weapons, gadgets, and surprises of all kind, including but not limited to:

* Four heavy energy cannons: These four energy cannons are Wall-Knight’s main offensive ranged weapons. They have varying power settings, and multiple attack types, like energy beam, rapid shot, explosive pulse and more.

* Two laser swords: These are Wall-Knight’s main close range offensive weapons. They can be combined to form a single, more powerful laser sword.

* An energy absorbing dish: This is one of Wall-Knight’s defensive weapons. With it, Wall-Knight can absorb energy attacks and rechannel them back at the attacker.

* Mechanical Arms: Wall-Knight mainly uses these for everything you would use arms for, but with an added attachment, he can also use them as melee weapons.

* Jetpack: Allows for Wall-Knight to fly.

* Rocket hammers: These hammers, with the help of the rockets on the back, allow Wall-Knight to rapidly spin, delivering huge force.

* Advanced Shielding system: Helps Wall-Knight with his defense. Can be overclocked to grant Wall-Knight complete invulnerability for a short period, but this completely drains the remaining shield power.

* Grabbing Claw: Allows Wall-Knight to grab and swing around things too big for his normal arms

* a bunch of other gadgets.

Weapons/equipment: See above

Theme song:

Universe from: Plants vs. Zombies

Other: Once again, all of this is fan-lore.


Name: Shoto Todoroki

Other Names:

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Affiliation: UA

Personality: Shoto has a cold, aloof personality which stems from his harsh upbringing. He is quite seasoned in battle, being able to stay calm and composed even while fighting real villains. Though brutal in combat, he is well grounded on the ethics of heroism, only wishing to subdue his frozen opponents as opposed to killing them through prolonging their frozen states. After the events of the U.A. Sports Festival, Shoto still has a distant attitude, but has become noticeably more sociable, even gaining a sense of humor and occasionally smiling.

Shoto had a deep loathing for his fire power, which he inherited from Endeavor, as it symbolized his father's wickedness towards him and his mother as well as what he was born to be: a tool to surpass All Might, a fate that he detests. As such, Shoto decided to rely only on his ice power and never to use his fire power in combat, going so far as to cover his left torso and arm with ice in his first Hero Costume to symbolize his rebellion against his father.

During his match with Izuku Midoriya in the Sports Festival, Izuku's speech made the memory of his mother's supportive words resurface, and for the first time he used his fire power in combat. After the battle, Shoto had mixed feelings about using his left side, but after reconciling with his mother, Shoto eventually came to terms with using his fire power. Despite being scarred by her when he was a young kid, Shoto showcases no hard feelings towards his mother.

However, Shoto still harbors a grudge towards Endeavor, even if he respects his father's ability as a Hero, admitting to himself that such hatred can't vanish so easily. Having been denied a normal childhood so that his father could train him to realize his own selfish ambitions, Shoto still holds various psychological scars, which tend to emerge back into his mind when others compare him to Endeavor. Because of this and Izuku's influence, Shoto now strives to become a Hero, but without walking through the same path his father did.

History: Shoto Todoroki/Synopsis
Half-Cold Half-Hot:


Shoto's Quirk gives him dual pyrokinesis and cryokinesis, divided between his left and right sides, respectively. The appendages on his right side can drastically lower temperatures of anything they touch, enough so to create large waves of ice. The limbs on his left side generate heat and allow Shoto to create and shoot streams of fire.

The drawback to his Quirk arises from his need to maintain his own body temperature, as excessive use of his ice power causes Shoto to suffer from frostbite. The frost that covers his body slows him down physically, and weakens the strength and speed of his ice attacks. However, this weakness can be counteracted if Shoto uses his left side to offset the low temperature. The side effect to prolonged use of his fire side has yet to be revealed.

Another shortcoming is that Shoto is unable to fully control the fire and ice he generates [3] [4]While he is capable of using these two abilities simultaneously, he has said that he isn't used to doing this, and still needs practice in dual wielding his Quirk.


Shoto's Jacket: It is made of a special fiber which is capable of withstanding heat. There is a special device near the neck that senses Shoto's body temperature, automatically cooling down or heating up accordingly. It is also used for supporting the vest.

Shoto's Combat Vest: It is capable of sensing Shoto's body temperature and automatically cools down or heats up accordingly.

Shoto's Belt: The metal capsules that hang on the belt contain water, pain medication, and disinfectants, making up a first aid kit.

Shoto's Boots: They contain spikes that are placed under the soles, preventing Shoto from slipping in frozen places

Theme Song:
Universe From: My Hero Academia

Is it okay if I make more Splatoon characters?
I promise I'm not going to introduce them initially. They won't be on Exodus, at least.



Name: True name unknown

Other Names: Agent 3, "Autumn Sengou"

Gender: Ambiguous gender

Race: Inkling

Affiliation: none

Appearance: Agent 3 is actually a little younger than their fellow agents, Callie and Marie. They have long, naturally yellow-green tentacles which coincidentally mesh well with their equipment. At the tips, the coloration changes from their rare hue of yellow-green to a bloody red. Their irises are naturally brown, and their pupils are circular, unlike the cross-shaped pupils of Marie and Callie. Their ears are more rounded than most inklings, and their nose is very small. They often look judgemental, due to frequent squinting and scowling. When not wearing their Squidbeak Splatoon outfit, they can be found in a loose-fitting, short-sleeved blue shirt, dark grey shorts, and an orange cap.

Personality: Agent 3 is often very reserved, keeping to their self most of the time. They are most comfortable taking orders and insight from a trusted Agent through their headgear, however they can solve issues perfectly fine on their own, should the need arise. They refuse to take any leading role, mostly due to them not wanting to talk. Outside of (one-way) communication through their headgear, the don't very much appreciate accompaniment, and Marie thinks the Agent merely tolerates their headgear.

History: Agent 3's past is shrouded in mystery, mostly because they talk to no one. Not Callie. Not Marie. Not even to their self in private, Marie's already tried that.

Powers/Abilities: Inklings do not have superpowers, however Agent 3 may be an exception. Their superior strength, agility, and impeccable luck were aptly demonstrated in the battles against the Great Octoweapons, along with DJ Octavio's Octobot King.

Hero's 'Brella- A shotgun-like, ink-powered weapon which can also deploy a protective, umbrella-like shield. It sounds goofy, but you won't be laughing when it gets you out of the rain.
Hero's Blaster- A mid-ranged weapon which fires exploding ink projectiles. Slow firerate makes it a little cumbersome to use, however.
Hero's Ink Tank- A tank of ink that sits snugly onto the back of an Inkling. Can collect excess ink generated by the inkling, for use in their weapons.

Theme Song:

Universe From: Splatoon

Other: They, uh, they don't talk much.
Name: Thanquol and Boneripper

Other Names: E.g. The One They Fear, Anticitizen One, etc. Can also include nicknames.

Gender: Male
Race: Skaven

Affiliation: Skaven


Personality: Like many of his kind, Thanquol shares the same tendency for greed, jealousy, and treachery each and every Skaven harbours ever since they were mere pups. He is also prone to be hypocritical about every subject, saying things and doing stuff that contradicts even himself. Unlike his kin however, Thanquol is far more intelligent that even the more gifted of individuals with the Under-Empire, and far more cunning then even his own brothers of the Order.

History: Grey Seer Thanquol is arguably one of the greatest and most infamous Grey Seer the Under-Empire has ever known, a particularly favored agent of the Council of Thirteen and arch-nemesis of Gotrek and Felix. Over missions beyond counting Thanquol has commanded armies, sought information or artefacts, supported furtive Clan Eshin activities, and attempted to fan insurrection amongst the enemies of the Skaven race. Ambitious and self-serving, even by Skaven standards, Thanquol misses no opportunity to use his scheming guile to improve his own personal standing whever he goes. He is a master at manipulating or 'misunderstanding' orders to his own personal advantage, turning rivals and allies alike against each other whilst Thanquol reap the rewards all for himself. Thanquol is shrewd and constantly re-evaluates his plans, always probing for different angles or new benefits to be gained. That so many of his assignments go so disastrously wrong, is not, as he has so often assured the Council, anything like his fault.[10a]

Powers/Abilities: Skaven Sorcery

  • Warp-Amulet - An anceint amulet of power, this artifact was made from the purest Warpstone, and formerly wielded by his former mentor. Before his Masters death, Thanquol stole the amulet from him and scurried away into the darkness leaving Sleekit to his fate. Thanquol just had enough time to savour the look of disbelief on his Masters face before hundreds of tons of rock and debris fell upon his former Master. The Amulet is an ancient artifact from long long ago, during the time before the creation of the Council of Thirteen, and the reign of the first 13 Grey Lord who ruled the fledgling Under-Empire during the time of the Great Migration.

  • Staff of the Horned Rat - A magical staff normally issued to all Grey Seers, the staff was also the former possession of his mentor before his death. The Staff is tipped with a bronze icon of the Horned Rat, where most of his sorcererous powers manifest before being thrown towards his enemies as spells of devastating power.

  • Boneripper

Theme Song: If the character doesn't have a dedicated song, simply use the theme song from the work. Optional.

Universe From: Warhammer

Other: Details such as trivia. Optional.

"wow....sith really are assholes, aren't they?"

Name: Aleena Dahn

Other Names: N/A

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Affiliation: Fel Empire

Appearance: A Female human at about 5 feet, 4 inches in height (1.62 meters). She is in excellent physical condition, due to the Empire's high standards for its military. She has brown hair that has a slight hint of red in it, and bright blue eyes, with a scar over her left eye. She keeps her hair short enough to fit inside of her flight helmet, barely. She is Caucasian and has flawless skin (aside from her large scar), and is typically considered to be fairly pretty.

Personality: Aleena is usually a light hearted person, with thick skin when it comes to insults, joking or serious. She is incredibly knowledgeable about how various advance machines work, most of which have to do with star fighters, specifically TIE series fighters. The only things that really get under her skin is sabotaging her in someway, trying to kill her, or performing some sort of vile act that most sensible sentients would consider to be abhorrently wrong. When it comes to star fighters, she is extremely adamant about keeping them in pristine condition, almost to the point of obsession, and when behind the controls of a star fighter, she can perform incredible manuvers, far beyond that of the average fighter pilot.

History: Aleena was born on the planet Bastion in the year 115 ABY, her father served was a retired Imperial pilot, while her mother was an Imperial Agent. Her mother would die when she was 3 years old, causing her to be mostly influenced by her father, who was still around. Her early life played out relatively normally. Early on in her schooling, she typically scored low on tests and got poor grades, until she figured out that her goal of becoming a pilot like her father required her to actually do incredibly well in school. From that point on, she would turn her act completely around and do everything she could to become a star student, with her going on to join the Imperial Academy in 131 ABY, and her going on to Flight Academy in 133 ABY, and graduating in 135 ABY.

Despite her joining he Imperial Navy, she strongly disliked the current Emperor, Darth Krayt, and was strongly sympathetic towards the loyalist forces under Emperor Fel. Shortly after earning her wings, she would defect to the Fel's loyalists. This was not an all too difficult task, as the Tie predator, the mainstay fighter for both empires at the time, had a hyperdrive. The loyalist forces, who were fighting a guerrilla against Darth Krayt's forces, were low enough on supplies and manpower that they gladly accepted pretty much anyone who defected, and a pilot who came with their own Tie was a welcome gain. She would participate in many hit and run attacks until the Fel Empire reclaimed Bastion, and gathered enough forces and allies to openly fight the Darth Krayt's Empire in 137 ABY.

She participated in many important battles from that point on, one of the most notable being the Evacuation of the Dac. She would help allied forces save as many of the Mon Calamari people as possible, as a member of the screening forces and keeping Sith ships at bay long enough for the evacuation to be completed. Despite doing all she could do, she would still feel guilt about the billions left to die on the planet, and promised to avenge them. From that point on, she would dedicate all of her time to becoming the best combatant she could. She would ensure all she had was in pristine condition and she would seek to improve her ground combat skills, should she ever be shot down.

After the Genocide of Mon Calamari, she would fight in the battle Ralltiir, and later, the Battle of Coruscant, the final battle of the war, where Darth Krayt's Empire would finally be defeated. However, she would not get to see the Fel Empire's final victory, as she would meet her match in the skies above Coruscant, and her fighter would take enough damage to go down. However, before it could hit the ground, the craft would be ripped from her plane of existence, and would instead have a rough landing on a completely alien world to her.

Abilities: Aleena is a very skilled pilot, able almost any other pilot she came across. Part of this is due to her incredibility quick reflexs. She is able to react fats enough to things most others simply wouldn't be able to. She is a quick thinker and has a sharp eye as well, helping her spot enemies when her ship's sensors fail her, or when she is on the ground.


Imperial Flight suit: A flight suit capable of allowing the wearer to survive in the vacuum of space.

E-11 Blaster Rifle

RK-3 Blaster Pistol

Tie Predator (Damaged)


Universe from: Star Wars (Legends)

“Huge-Giganticus is coming, and he must be stopped!”

Name: Beta-Carrotina

Other names: none

Gender: Female

Race: Cosmic Carrot

Affiliation: Plant Heroes

Appearance: About as tall as Wall-Knight. Beta-Carrotina is a carrot with a special high-tech red helmet that utilizes twin jets to help her fly.

Personality: (Fan-Lore) Thanks to her past, Beta-Carrotina is fiercely protective of anyone she cares about. She is also very kind, but will not hesitate to strike down anything that threatens her or anything she cares about.

History: (Fan-Lore) Born as a cosmic carrot on the planet of Caroply, Beta-Carrotina was always ahead of the rest of her cohorts. Upon growing to adulthood, Beta-Carrotina built a suit that would better allow her to harness her power, and room upon the mantle of Guardian of Caroply. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do when Huge-Gigantacus invaded Caroply. Her powers combined with the help of the Caroply military could do nothing against the night of the celestial being, and thus, Caroply was destroyed, and Huge-Gigantacus moved on to the next world to destroy. However, all hope was not lost, for Beta-Carrotina was transported in a stasis pod to the next world on for Huge-Gigantacus’s list: Earth. Upon landing and exiting stasis, Beta-Carrotina joined forces with the Plant Heroes, helping them fight off the Zombie Heroes. As Huge-Gigantacus descended on Earth, Beta-Carrotina and the Plant Heroes rose to meet him. Huge-Gigantacus defeated most of the Plant Heroes, nearly killing Wall-Knight, but a sudden surge in Beta-Carrotina’s powers as she stood over Wall-Knight’s dying body allowed her to defeat Huge-Gigantacus once and... well, on one hand,he reincarnated, but on the other hand he was weakened a lot, so once and almost for all. As Beta-Carrotina cradled Wall-Knight’s body, the last ounce of her massive power boost seeped into Wall-Knight, healing him and kickstarting a budding(no pun intended) romance between the two.

Powers/abilities: (Fan-Lore) Beta-Carrotina has access to a special power, granting her:

*Energy blasts: Beta-Carrotina’s main offensive power. This can be utilized in a variety of ways, like short ranged bursts, concentrated lasers, and more.

*Energy shields: Beta-Carrotina’s main defensive power. Beta-Carrotina can also utilize these in an offensive fashion as well, like forming a thin shield that functions as a sword.

*Healing: Beta-Carrotina can heal minor injuries and even some major ones, but it will take a massive power boost to bring someone back from an inch from death.

Weapons/equipment: (Fan-Lore) Beta-Carrotina has a helmet that boosts her power and allows her to utilize it in more ways. It also gives more functions.

*Shield condenser: This allows Beta-Carrotina to make constructs of her shield energy. She can make a large variety of weapons.

*Laser Cannon: This allows for Beta-Carrotina to refocus her energy blasts. In terms of effectiveness, Beta-Carrotina is more efficient with energy when it is refocused through her laser cannon, but it is far more powerful when directly discharged.

*Jet Pack: Allows for Beta-Carrotina to fly at high speeds.

Theme Song:

Universe from: Plants Vs. Zombies

Other: Once again, Fan-Lore.

"On this day, it is time to replace Palpatine's corrupt empire into our new order! The true Sith which is us will prevail! And this is it, we will make the fall of the so-called Galactic Empire come true! For the true Empire, for the galaxy!" - Lord Kenobi's ending phrase on his speech, motivating the Sith invasion army before invading the Imperial capital of Coruscant.

Name: Lord Kenobi (other names; as Obi-Wan and Ben)

Gender: Male

Race: Force-sensitive Human

Affiliation: Reformed Sith Empire / Sith Imperium

(other names; the Imperium, the Sith Empire, Sixth Sith Empire, the Sith, Grand Lord Yoda's Galactic Empire)

Personality: This new version of Obi-Wan Kenobi, now also known as Lord Kenobi, has fueled his emotions of anger, hatred, and pride although he is very friendly and honorable when interacting in the members of the League of Camarilla especially Lord Vader, Grand Lord Yoda, and Lady Tano. and he shows authority and dominance within the low-ranks of the Imperium such as Sith knights and non force-sensitive soldiers. He is ruthless and will show no mercy to his enemies. After what happen to his 'girlfriend' Satine Kryze and the declaration of Order 66, he isn't the Obi-Wan Kenobi anymore, he became Lord Kenobi, the Dark Lord of the Sith that is affiliated to the Reformed Sith Empire or the Sith Imperium that is led by Grand Lord Yoda which Kenobi's position is currently a "High Lord" and he is vying for revenge against Darth Sidious and Darth Maul who is currently serving the Emperor as the right hand.

Backstory: In Mustafar, when the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi encountered Anakin-turned-Darth Vader, they dueled and dueled until they were on the lava river. Obi-Wan said that he lost Anakin and Chancellor Palpatine was evil and Darth Vader said that the Jedi Order are all evil and Obi-Wan responded back by saying Anakin is lost. And now here is the point-of-divergence, in the original timeline, Obi-Wan fought Darth Vader again, but instead Obi-Wan further questions Anakin's reasoning.

Darth Vader would say, "Of all people your own master disobeyed the Council causing his rejection to be a member." which Vader mentions Qui-Gon Jinn, "Qui-Gonn saw the allegiance of the Galactic Senate placing the favor of the people over the favor of the Force itself. They defined good as a common good rather than the will of the Force. There is no difference than the Sith here. The Jedi use its force against its will and for the benefit to there supposed democracy which is in the eye of beholder. The Force isn't balanced and I was created to do that."

Vader continued, "Qui-Gon followed the Force, he let it to guide his actions and not on the other way around. Open your eyes, Obi-Wan, it's time for you to see the truth behind the lies. We can overthrow the Chancellor-.. together. To bring peace and justice to the galaxy." There, Obi-Wan was convinced what Vader said and Obi-Wan doesn't considered himself a Jedi anymore after what Vader said. Both of them would jump out of the surface, in this timeline, Anakin isn't burned alive or get his limbs cut out by Obi-Wan but instead they joined together to find Palpatine who have just recently established the Galactic Empire. When Palpatine's ship landed, Obi-Wan and Vader went there quickly to intercept Palpatine who call himself now as Sidious. There, Palpatine was confused about why Vader would hang out with Obi-Wan as he was a Jedi. Obi-Wan proved to Sidious that he wasn't a Jedi by choking four clone troopers to death who was guarding him. Palpatine was surprised and satisfied at Obi-Wan. Sidious calls Vader a traitor and uses his Force lightning which Vader deflects Palpatine's force lightning using his blue lightsaber, the three warriors duel until Palpatine can't handle this two warriors, especially at Obi-Wan who fueled his anger and hatred towards Palpatine. He then used Force choke which Palpatine is struggling at Obi-Wan's choke and his eyes became yellow, this was the birth of Lord Kenobi but Vader stopped Ben since Palpatine knows where Padme is. Vader didn't kill Palpatine as he tells the location of Padme. Ben would kick Palpatine's face, which he was knocked out. Ben and Vader would find Padme until they found her on a planet.

After that, Obi-Wan and Anakin who are now known to themselves as Lord Kenobi and Lord Vader wants to find the remaining Jedi whom they want to kill, although they don't know that most of the Jedi survivors fell to the dark side of the force. When Obi-Wan contacted Yoda through the force, he and Vader went to the remote planet of Dagobah to kill Yoda. When they found Yoda and the remaining Jedi, they were ready to kill them all however Yoda's eyes were black and yellow and he could see that he was teaching the young force-sensitive Wookiee, Gungi, in the dark side of the Force. Both of them were surprised that Yoda fell to the dark side of the force too including the remaining of the Jedi whom have just arrived since they were called by Yoda thru the force. Yoda greets them and he explains it to Kenobi and Vader that he wants revenge against Palpatine. Both of them agreed and founded the League of the Camarilla, they would also formed the Sith Imperium. Yoda who calls himself now as Grand Lord Yoda, proclaims Obi-Wan (Lord Kenobi) and Anakin (Lord Vader) as the Dark Lord of the Sith without using the title Darth. After that, Dagobah is now a temporarily capital of the Sith Imperium and they would secretly build an army to destroy the Galactic Empire.

Three years after, the Sith Imperium would secretly expand and would've consolidate their rule in the Sith worlds, they were now ready to invade the Galactic Empire. In 1 BBA (16 BBY), the Sith Imperium attacked the planet of an Imperial-occupied Kashyyyk led by Lord Kenobi with the assistance of the Grand Yoda and Lord Vader. When the Wookies saw a teenage Sith wookiee, the Wookies helped the Sith Imperium to liberate their planet from the Galactic Empire. After that, the Sith Imperium won and the Wookies joined Yoda's cause because they were free from the Imperial control, the Grand Lord promised that Kashyyyk would be under Conglomerate control but they will not be enslaved which the Wookiees agreed. This started the Great Imperial War (secretly known as Third Sith Civil War) between the Sith Imperium and the Galactic Empire. With that, the Sith Imperium liberated hundreds of planets from the Galactic Empire because of their manpower and unpredicted attacks. The major battle that changed the galactic history was the "Battle of Anaxes" when there hundreds and thousands casualties on both sides, the participants in the battle include Darth Maul, Darth Sidious, Captain Tyber Zann, Lord Vader, Lord Kenobi, and Lady Tano but in the end, the Sith won which they are able to control the gateway of the Core Worlds and that's where the Galactic Empire started to lose hope, meanwhile, Captain Zann; the captain of the Imperial Special Forces stationed in his homeworld Anaxes, who survived the brutal battle, would be executed by Lord Vader by choking Cpt. Zann to death using Vader's force choke. Several months later, the Sith Imperium have decided to attack the Core Worlds. With Coruscant be the first to liberate...

In 0 ABA (After the Battle of Anaxes), the invasion of Coruscant have began. Imperial starfighters would attack the incoming two fleets of the Sith Imperium that is led by Lord Vader and Lord Kenobi which they were met in heavy resistance. The fight in Coruscant's atmosphere was intense and it took several hours to finish the space battle outside Coru although the Imperials would be soon defeated as they were outnumbered by Sith starfighters. As the Sith invasion force would land to Coruscant, they would be also met with heavy resistance by the Imperial Stormtroopers and Imperial Special Forces as they use guerilla tactics against the Sith forces. The Sith knights would soon annihilate the Imperials. In the Imperial Palace, the Sith knights would storm the palace but they would be trapped outside as the entrance got destroyed, only Lord Vader and Lord Kenobi entered the palace. When they saw Darth Sidious and Darth Maul, Kenobi got enraged when he saw Maul for killing his girlfriend Satine Kryze and also his master Qui Gon Jinn several years ago. Vader would go for Sidious and Kenobi would go for Maul. The duel between Lord Kenobi and Darth Maul was intense until Maul accidentally gained the upper hand which Maul pushed Kenobi to the entrance rubble and Kenobi would get knocked out after his head was hit on the entrance rubble.

- Ataru lightsaber form, Form III (mastered), Form V, Form VI
- Tae-Jitsu martial arts
- Able to saber throw
- Military strategist
- Intellectual
- Excellent pilot
- Skilled in hand-to-hand combat

- Advanced Mind trick/Force persuasion
- Force push
- Force choke
- Force speed
- Force fear
- Force deflection
- Force repulse/Telekenisis
- Force jump
- Tutaminis
- Sound mimicry

Lord Kenobi's Sith lightsaber
Sith robe

Theme Song: N/A

Universe from: Star Wars: The Fire Age (alternate universe)

Other: Lord Kenobi would have his personal flagship called The Reborn, an Imperial-class destroyer. It would house AT-AT, AT-ST, X-wing starfighters, Sith Knights and Imperium stormtroopers

"Well, either way. Your blood will coat my knife."

Name: Sakuya Izayoi

Other Names: Maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion Maid Dio

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Affiliation: The Scarlet Devil Mansion

Appearance: Bright red eyes, silver hair, has a long braid on each side of her face with green bows at the ends, she carries many knives. Wears a pink and dark blue French maid's outfit with long sleeves, and a white maid headband on her head. The Roman numerals for 1 through 12 line the bottom of her apron.

Sakuya tends to be a little spacy, but it's unknown if it's just an act. Her behaviour is that of an easy-going person and, although her personality can be seen as perfectly elegant, she possesses a little deviation that she is extra cautious about her inability to eat hot foods. She uses humble speech to her mistress Remilia Scarlet and friend Patchouli Knowledge, and uses less formal speech to other people. As for her age, ZUN directly stated that "she plays the role of a human maid about 10 to 20 years old" and "perhaps she is a character in her early teens, and in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, according to Hieda no Akyuu, "she claims to be in her late teens", but acts with the mannerisms of someone and the level of her ability seems like that of a human that's been living for more than a hundred years.

History: Sakuya Izayoi

Powers/Abilities: The World Manipulation of Time stop (nerfed) but only within ten seconds, Manipulation of Space (storage for knives), Knife proficiency -Her throwing range is said to be about 36 meters or 39.8 yards and has the accuracy such that she is able to strike an apple on the forehead of a fairy. A portion of her throwing-knife ability is within her cooking ability and therefore is very skilled at cooking as well.

Weapons/Equipment: She possesses a great amount of silver throwing knives and is skilled at handling them, and with only her ability to manipulate tim, she is skilled in conjuring knives from nowhere.

Theme Song:

Universe From: JoJos bizzare adventure Touhou

  • Sakuya Izayoi is apparently not her real name (along with Ran), according to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, but is only a name given to her by Remilia. Her real name is unknown.
  • According to Sakuya, if she happens to run out of knives, she can freeze time and pick up the ones she threw previously.
  • Sakuya may be a homage to Dio Brando, the main villain of the manga series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, a vampire who is known for stopping time and being skilled at throwing knives. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has been referenced several times in the official games.
  • doesn't believe in god
  • Shouts "za warudo every time she stops time"

"I am lightning. No matter how hard they try, mankind can never overcome lightning. Since ancient times, mankind has labeled the unknowns of nature as God. And anything they could not understand, they feared. Everything which befalls mankind is said to be the work of God. Mankind accepts that it cannot defeat natural disasters. And I am one of them. "

Name: Eneru

Other Names: Enel, 'God' Eneru, God

Gender: Male

Race: Birkan (Cloud People)

Affiliation: None

Appearance: Enel is a tall, muscular man with light hair covered by a simple white bandana, and, if Enel was to take off his bandana, his hair would be styled in a perm. He has long earlobes weighted down by diamond-shaped gold earrings that stretch all the way to his chest.

He is dressed in a very luxurious manner, to emphasize his "godliness". He wears loose, orange pants with a black pattern on them, and around his waist there is a blue, flowing sash, holding up a light-blue veil.

He wears gold bracelets on both his arms as well as gold anklets on his legs, and two little gold rings around his bigger toes. Enel prefers to go barefoot. He always carries a gold staff with him which he sometimes uses in battle.

His nose has many lines running horizontally across it. His ear lobes are extremely long, extending to his torso. He also holds four large Tomoe drums attached via a large ring to his back, instead of the regular Birkan wings, which gives him an appearance similar to a Raijin (Japanese God of Thunder)

Personality: Enel thinks of himself as an invincible god. He believes that he is a divine and immortal being, with the authority to do, take, or destroy whatever he pleases and is capable of doing anything. As the result, he appears fearless, childish, arrogant, and without a care in the world. Enel holds no regard for any life except his own, and has no moral qualms about killing thousands - instead, he sees it as his godly duty.

Due to Enel's overconfidence in his abilities in combat, unexpected scenarios throw him completely off-guard, disrupting his Mantra and therefore, impacting his fighting skill. When he noticed one of his opponents was immune to lightning, he was shocked and visibly horrified.

History: Enel was born and raised on Birka, but eight years before the current storyline, after finding and eating the Lightning Fruit, he destroyed his homeland and came to Skypiea with his followers. Birka was said to be home to many strong warriors; they were, however, powerless before Enel. Though it was his original home, Enel did not show any sign of love towards it, as he destroyed it without any hesitation. Afterwards, Enel and his loyal contingent of followers overthrew the then current ruler of Skypiea, becoming the island's new ruler.

Enel maintained a personality cult over Skypiea, truly taking the mantle of "god" to its more literal sense. Though Skypiea still had a sense of peace and paradise, much like in any classic dystopia, it was a false paradise. If anyone dared speak out against Enel, or challenge his list of commandments, he would shoot a giant column of lightning down from the sky to effectively eliminate the dissenter.

Along with this, he forced the enforcers who worked under the previous king to build him a massive, flying ship called the "Maxim". Enel, after studying history within the Upper Yard, came to the belief that the moon is the legendary land that he sought: an endless land of the sacred dirt, also known as "Fairy Vearth". This is the reason that he constructed the Ark Maxim.

Powers/Abilities: Mechanical Expertise: Enel appears to possess a vast knowledge of mechanics and technology. He personally designed his flying ark, Maxim, and knows its workings inside and out. If any damage is done to the inside, he is able to repair it. He was even able to design a storm cloud production system, an electrical power system, and a fail-safe for the ark, in the event that the main engines were damaged.

Goro-Goro No Mi: The Goro-Goro no Mi (Rumble Rumble Fruit) is a Devil Fruit, a type of magical fruit, which gives the user the power to control, create and transform into electricity at will. He is able to regulate the voltage of his lightning, upto the degree of 200 Million Volts, the voltage of a standard bolt of lightning. He is able to avoid normal physical attacks by turning his body into lightning, allowing the attacks to pass through him. On top of that, Enel can warp and transform solid matter, like gold or wood, for defense or traveling purposes. Also, by transforming into lightning, Enel can electrocute anyone that is touching him. The user can travel at the speed of lightning by transforming into it. Enel can use his fruit to jump-start his heart if it enters a state of cardiac arrest by applying jolts of electricity to his body. Moreover, it allows him to shoot giant bolts of lightning anywhere he can sense, and, as a last resort, turn into a giant God of Thunder.

Though it may seem all-powerful, it has a unique weakness in the form of rubber, as rubber is a natural electrical insulator. Rubber can negate any and all effects of the fruit, including any damage it may have caused, or the intangibility provided by transforming into lightning. As Enel has no knowledge about rubber, owing to the fact that he lives in the Sky, it is the largest threat posed to his abilities.

Like all other Devil Fruit Users, Enel is susceptible to being submerged in water and cannot swim.

Mantra/Observation Haki: Enel has the ability known as Kenbunshoku Haki, known as "Mantra" in the sky islands. His Haki is further enhanced by his Devil Fruit powers, making him virtually omniscient of the thoughts and actions of the entire Sky Kingdom

With enough skill, he can use this Haki to predict an opponent's moves shortly before they make them, thereby making the attack that much easier to evade. This prediction appears to the user as an image or brief "premonition" of what the opponent will do in the user's mind-eye, and the damage the user will take if the attack actually "hits". Though the power allows the user to predict most attacks, it can be circumvented by various means.

With the Goro Goro no Mi, Enel can pick up electromagnetic waves from the air, allowing him to overhear conversations and everything around him with extraordinary range: this has extended the range of his Mantra to cover roughly all of a country-sized area.

Weapons/Equipment: Nonosama Bo: Enel wields a golden staff called Nonosama Bo and is adept at using it, giving dealing powerful strikes to his opponents with it. Enel basically uses it to bludgeon his opponents that he deems not worthy of dying at the hands of his electrical powers. Furthermore, by using his electrical powers, he can mold it into a trident, or superheat the weapon in order to increase the damage inflicted.

Ark Maxim: The Ark Maxim is the personal ship and living quarters of Enel, built for the express purpose of travelling to the Moon, which he eventually accomplished. The whole design of the ship is inlaid with gold, allowing Enel to teleport all over the ship with his lightning-powers. The ship's engines are turned by Enel using electricity produced from his own body, and the ship can take to flight using air-expelling "Dials" which have a very strong thrust and can store a near limitless amount of air. Combined with his Goro Goro no Mi, Enel can use the Ark Maxim to produce the "Raigou", which completely destroyed a Sky Island.
Theme Song:

Universe From: One Piece

  • Although he is Birkan, Enel lacks the Birkan wings and instead has his ring of drums in the same place they would normally be.
  • Enel's name contains "-el", the name for general gods or Almighty God meaning "might, strength, or power".
  • Enel is based off the concept of the Japanese God of Thunder, Raijin.
  • Enel is partially based off the character of Slim Shady.
Name: "Venom" Snake

Fandom: Metal Gear

Age: 63

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Sexuality


Personality: Snake is a quiet man, not talking much. He is somewhat confident in others and forgiving, as well as reserved.
Unfortunately he can be revengeful and angry man if wronged too much, exacting revenge in the most painful and slow way possible. Otherwise he's a good leader, who does not abuse his power and who cares for his men.

During the year 1932, in the state of California, an unnamed baby boy was born. Most of his life is a mystery, save for he joined up with Sans Militeries Frontieries in 1974. He was a highly proficient soldier and combat medic, Big Boss' self-proclaimed "Best man he had".
His identity was mostly lost the next year, during the Ground Zeros incident, where he shielded Big Boss from a bomb. He lost his right arm and had 108 pieces of shrapnel embed in his body before both of them went into a coma.

Both were hidden for nine years until being awoken by a man named 'Ishmael", who was the real Big Boss. During that coma, Venom Snake was given hypnotherapy and plastic surgery to become a body double of Big Boss. As such, he turly thought he was the real deal.
After a narrow escape, Venom Snake was brought aboard Mother Base by Ocelot. After a brief fill-in on the world's events, Snake rescued Kazahura Miller and began rebuilding. He encountered and then befriended a Skull sniper named Quiet, who was an assassin sent to kill him, but did not due to a change of heart.

He would go on to take revenge on XOF, the force that had destroyed his former base, stop the vocal cord parasite from killing every english-speaking person on the planet, and disarm multiple nuclear warheads captured from around the world.
However, As the multiverse began dying, Mother Base found itself outside of NYC. Stranded and away from home, Snake now works to find the truth and to assist in major issues.

Pseudo-Supersoldier: Venom Snake is one of the world's greatest soldiers, and as such he has extensive knowledge of weapons, armor, and tactics. He also is one of the stealthiest men around, with Big Boss' experience and skill augmenting his own.

Combat Medic: Venom Snake was once a medic, and possesses enough skill to be able to remove bombs from the body of a conscious child without killing them. He can also treat serious wounds on the battlefield should he sustain one

Bionic arm: While technically being gear, this also counts as a power since it also gives Snake greater reflexes, speed, strength, and dexterity.

Despite being the world's best soldier, he's still human. Thus, he can still be taken down if hit hard enough. He's also reliant on outside help, so cutting him off from that will hinder him significantly. Lastly, he's self-sacrificing for his Diamond Dogs, putting himself in the line of fire for them over and over again.

WU Tranquilizer pistol
-15 clip size
-must manually load each individual shot
-cannot pierce armor

Bionic arm:
-Allows snake to use sonar to detect people and animals, though this is audible.
-Can be used as a taser
-can be shot like a rocket, though he must re-attach his arm afterwards or bring a spare.

-30 round clip
-medium caliber 5.56 light carbine with decent manuverability
-versatile and can be given different sights, magzines, suppressors, and barrels to suit the mission's needs

-small 5 round clip
-high calliber 12.7 mm anti-materiel rifle able to pierce heavy armor.
-cannot be adjusted aside from the scope's magnification

"Revolver" Ocelot
-Handy with a revolver and able to pull off insane shots with any pistol.
-Otherwise is a standard human

-Superhuman sniper able to hit (almost) any shot
-can dash at speeds fast enough to dodge gunfire
-stronger than a hardened soldier
-able to photosynthesize and take on water, though is vulnerable while doing so and cannot wear armor because of it


"You're pretty good."

"I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I will always be with you. Plant your roots in me. I won't see you end as ashes. You're all diamonds. We'll make diamonds from their ashes, take them into battle with us. We are Diamond Dogs."

Name: Asriel Dreemurr

Fandom: Undertale (Bite me, I know)

Age: biologically 12, chronologically centuries (unknown)

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual


Personality: For his biological age, Asriel is rather mature if not naive. He is trusting and loving of practically anyone, part of his inherent nature as a Monster. Asriel regrets many things in his past, and strives to be better as time progresses. He does not want harm upon anyone, believing most anyone can have a second chance. Most times he prefers the sideline, never having been the most extroverted person. While kind, he is always shy, even to those he knows.

In the old world, there were two races. Humans, and Monsters. It was not to be for long. Monsters had an innate ability: They could steal human souls, and consume them to gain immense power. The Humans were afraid of this and attacked, driving the Monsters out of their lands, and under a Mountain named Ebbot.

The Queen and King of the Monsters, Toriel and Asgore Dreemurr, had a son. This son was named Asriel Dreemurr. A few years after he was born, a human fell into the mountain from the singular hole in the top of the summit. This human befriended Asriel, and was adopted by the family. The human, Chara, hated humanity. They wanted to destroy them all, and hatched a plan with Asriel to go past the barrier the humans had erected to seal the monsters in. This seal required a human AND monster soul to pass from the inside, so Chara's plan was simple: Chara would die, Asriel would absorb their soul, and they would collect the remaining souls needed to break the barrier, the number of which was six.

As the plan came to fruition, Asriel soon expressed his doubts. He didn't want to see his only friend and sibling die a horrible, horrible death. (Chara consumed buttercup flowers, which cause intestinal distress, vomiting, internal bleeding, and eventually death) To his parents, and the rest of the Monster world, Chara had simply fallen ill.

Chara would soon after die, and Asriel would take their soul in order to finish the job and honor their last wish: to see their village once more.
Asriel would soon find out that consuming a Human soul would make him only have half-the control over his body. The rest was for Chara, who lived on in their entwined souls. Asriel/Chara would then pick up Chara's dead body, and cross the barrier.

They arrived at the village, but the villagers were Human: they shared the old fear of monsters, which was only further worsened by Chara's dead body in Asriel/Chara's arms. They attacked, Asriel/Chara only standing there, their hybrid body powerful enough to take the damage for the moment. Asriel was standing there because he was trying to resist Chara. He didn't imagine that Chara actually wanted the deaths of every Human alive.
With an inhuman effort, he returned to the mountain, and collapsed in his father's throne room. He died soon after, and his body turned to dust. Monsters are so weak, their bodies and souls remain for mere instants before shattering into nothing.

This infuriated Asgore. Within a day, he had lost both of his children to illness and again, to Humans. He declared war on the Human world in a bout of uncharacteristic rage, but Toriel left him because of it. She locked herself away in the old ruins of the initial Monster kingdom under the mountain, and the Monsters of Ebbot sank into a mire of despair.

After an unknown period of time, the Royal Scientist, Alphys, would conduct experiments on the energy within a human soul; Determination. This energy showed promise in breaking out of the barrier and would eschew the need for Human souls. She decided to use the energy on a small vessel to test its strength, using it on the first golden flower to grow in Asgore's throne room. The seeds for the flowers had come into the underground because of the fact that the seeds travel easily on clothing, and thrive in low sunlight conditions.

The flower would soon prove to be a success, though Alphys would never see the fruits of her labor. The flower would soon gain sentience and soon cry for help, having all of Asriel's memories because of the fact the flower had grown out of Asriel's dust, and therefore was imbued with his essence. Asgore rushed to the flower, and after an unknown amount of time, the flower then went to Toriel in the ruins.

However, it soon learned one thing: without a soul, you cannot feel but the worst of feelings. It couldn't feel love, happiness, joy, compassion, and all of the things that make someone a decent person. With this lack of feeling, it soon became despondend and attempted to take its own life. In doing so, it pondered what happened if you died without a soul? Fearful of what may happen, it found out that by being near death, it could essentially 'reset' the timeline to the last point it had 'saved'. With this knowledge at hand, it occupied itself with many things, and named itself 'Flowey' (Asgore himself was never good at names, and Asriel/Flowey would appear to have inherited that trait). 'Flowey' would go on to save all of the monsters and break the barrier, and kill all monsters many times by resetting the timeline.

Until one final human fell into the ruins. This human befriended all they met on their journey through the Underground, until meeting Asriel's father, Asgore. By this point, Asgore had come to regret his decision, having presumably killed six humans to this point as there are now six souls in his throne room. However, Toriel would intervene as well as every monster the Human had befriended. Until it was revealed that Flowey had even orchestrated THAT, absorbing the monster's and the six human souls. This revealed to the Human that Flowey was Asriel, and the Human eventually convinced Asriel that the best course of action was to save the monsters yet again. Asriel asked the human for their name, which was Frisk. Asriel soon left them all, not wanting his parents to see him because he knew he would invariably end up as flowey.

Then, back at the Ruins, he expected to return as Flowey, but instead found himself in a desert area. He didn't know where he was, but he also felt something click within him. Uncertain of whether his soul had returned or not, he headed to the city within the desert in search of answers and a way home (hopefully)

Skills: Charisma
Asriel has spent much time as Flowey charming people and manipulating them to his wants, despite his current state. With this in mind he can act tougher than he is, or more scared, smarter, etc. He despises this part of him, so he is unlikely to use this.

Magic: As a monster Asriel has control over magic, which manifests as fire. But when he consumes a human soul...

Hyperdeath form: Asriel Dreemurr, like all monsters, can absorb human souls. This makes them many, many times more stronger and durable enough to endure damage from bladed weapons and not bear wounds. However, it is reasonable to infer that since it was probably an attack from a child, heavier weapons and firearms still work in this form.

Asriel gains multiple attacks in this form, noted
Star Blazing: Multiple ethereal stars fall from above and crash into the ground, fragmenting and sending energy in many directions.
Chaos Saber: Asriel summons twin blades and slices multiple times before they fragment and send the shards flying at his opponent.
Chaos Buster: Asriel summons a cyclindrical device that fires multiple bolts of energy rapidly before firing a blast of energy and disappearing.
Hyper Goner: Similar to Sans' famous Gaster Blaster, Hyper Goner manifests as a Caprine skull that is used to attack. Instead of firing energy, it operates like a vacuum to suck in opponents and damage them with the debris it attracts. Useless in areas that debris would do nothing in, such as a desert or underwater.

Durability: Without the power of a Human soul, Asriel's body is exceedingly fragile. Punishment from even a stick can kill him if prolonged.

Power: Without a human soul, Asriel's magic is weak and unable to cause real damage, and is mostly used for show or for warmth.

Family/Friends: Asriel cares deeply for anyone he considers a friend or family. To the point where in the past he gave up chances for a happy life twice for his family and for Monsters. This means that he is trusting to a fault.

"Don't kill, and try not to kill. That's the best we can strive for in this world."

"Let's be honest, I did some weird stuff as a flower."

Theme(s): I mean, he's undertale. That shit's plastered on literally every corner of youtube.

'My dad said you should never break a promise, no matter how small. '

Name: Hope Estheim

Other Names:

Gender: Male

Race: Human/ L'cie


Appearance: Hope greatly resembles his mother as he inherited her silver hair, green eyes, and facial structure. Of all the playable characters, he is the shortest and the youngest. He wears a short-sleeved orange and yellow jacket with a green neckerchief over a black shirt, and black gloves with white palms. He wears green cargo pants with a black storage pack hanging from a black belt over his left leg, and green boots. His l'cie brand is on his left wrist, covered by a yellow wristband.

Hope is close to his mother Nora, confiding in her and relying on her for protection, but has had a distant relationship with his father ever since he became a teenager. In Final Fantasy XIII Episode Zero -Promise-, it's said that Hope believes his father no longer keeps the promises he makes to him and his mother let alone listens to them, viewing work as more important than family. All Hope can remember about the last time he began a conversation with his dad was how Bartholomew brushed him aside. In Final Fantasy XIII -Episode i-, Hope says he runs from his problems, specifically things he can't change.

Hope starts off as naïve, insecure, and sensitive. His speech is normally reserved but he has outbursts when his emotions get the best of him. His naivety makes him quick to blame others for his misfortunes, and he is affected by harsh words and rash actions, especially when they involve personal subjects. Besides coming from an upper-class family and having little knowledge of how the world works, Hope has no battle experience and fears confrontation, and thus tries to flee from a fight when he has the chance. Hope is also shown to be very smart and insightful, able to deduce things from his observations.

When Hope was eight years old, he and his close friends Kai and Elida Karmic went on a school field trip to the Sunleth Waterscape with Sazh Katzroy as the pilot of their airship. Hope's class took pictures with their toy cameras as they learned about the scenery and wildlife, and returned to a lake's shore for lunch.

When Kai wanted to take a picture for his younger brother Hal, he realized he had dropped his camera to a path that had been closed off. The trio slipped past the researchers cleaning up the main route but got lost. Following advice from his father, Hope used a sharp rock to mark a boulder to designate their starting position.

They found a machine panel which Elida activated. After failing to use it and call for help, the trio continued and came across a climate control orb. Elida touched it against Kai and Hope's protest, causing rainfall. They retreated into a rock tunnel for shelter, but Hope recalled a researcher saying certain monsters enjoy the rain. He made a run for the orb, but several Mud Frogs and Hedge Frogs advanced towards them. The monsters turned away as someone stopped the rain.

Thanks to Elida tampering with the panel, their airship found them and Kai's camera was returned to him, as a researcher had found it. Hope regretted suggesting to go look for it and wanted to apologize to Kai, but Kai had enjoyed the misadventure. Hope fell ill and was taken to the emergency room after returning to Palumpolum. Three days later, Kai and Elida told Hope about Sazh, whose son was born a short while ago.

When Hope was 11, Kai's family moved and he went to a new school, so Hope barely spoke to him since. Elida dreamed of becoming a singer, and at age 13, she went to an all-girls school with a special music program. As for Hope, he aspired to be just like his dad.

During time off from school, a 14-year-old Hope and his mother Nora are on a ten-day vacation in Bodhum to see the annual fireworks show. Nora hopes to use the vacation to heal the rift between Hope and his father, Bartholomew. After checking into their beach resort condo, Hope and Nora visit the shopping mall. As they look at Chocobo chicks in a pet shop, they unknowingly inspire Lightning to plan a vacation away from Bodhum for her birthday to spend time with Serah.

Five days later in the evening, Bartholomew calls Nora and tells her an urgent business trip has come up but promises to join his family in time for the festival. Hope doesn't believe it since his father often neglects him and Nora for his job, and hates how his father would never thank Nora for defending him. Nora wants to go to Euride as planned since the cleanup operation after the accident three days ago has ended. When Hope says his father is not coming Nora says there is nothing Bartholomew can do about it since the Euride incident affected his job. Seeing that Nora is getting upset, Hope changes the subject and helps her wash vegetables she got from Yuj, Maqui, and Lebreau. When Hope calls Nora shameless for getting the vegetables for free, she says she's a tough mother and laughs.

The next day, they visit Euride Gorge but the plaza is closed off and the place is full of PSICOM soldiers. Hope reminisces about his trip to Sunleth six years ago, and what his father said about keeping promises. It's something Hope believes his dad no longer does and he no longer wants to be like him. After Hope and Nora visit to the fal'Cie Kujata, they head back to the entrance and hear people passing by talking about a little boy being hurt in the accident. Nora hopes the child does not die since there's nothing worse than a child dying before their parent. Hope thinks to himself that regardless of whether the parent or child goes first, it's still sad for those left behind. Nora asks if Hope hates his father and says Bartholomew isn't good at these kinds of things, but many people in the Sanctum depend on him and he wants to do a good job. Hope assures Nora he's not mad since Bartholomew will join them for the fireworks. He considers talking to his dad on the night of the festival if it will make his mother happy, and thinks about reconnecting with Kai and Elida when he gets back home.

Two days later at the fireworks festival, Bartholomew is unable to make it. Nora makes a wish and Hope laughs at her insistence on the gesture since he believes it's for kids. He is disappointed Nora wished for his father to be with them next year, and says they are better off without him. Unbeknownst to them, PSICOM discovers the Pulse fal'Cie Anima within the Pulse Vestige.

The next morning, the Sanctum announces the discovery and Hope and Nora are caught within the town's subsequent quarantine. At the train station, a frantic Nora begs with a PSICOM soldier for Hope to be allowed to return home alone but her pleas fall on deaf ears. They are subjected to be Purged to Gran Pulse—the hellish world beneath Cocoon—with everyone else in Bodhum and spend the night in the barricaded town. As they queue for the Purge train in the station the following day, a girl named Vanille bumps into Nora. After Nora checks Vanille's well-being, the two have a brief conversation until Nora stops to tend to the silent and distressed Hope. Nora's kindness makes Vanille decide to board the train with her and Hope.

Hope is the most supportive-oriented character in Final Fantasy XIII, and the only character having only one offensive primary paradigm role. He specializes in casting magic, although his casting speed for offensive magic is not as fast as some of the more offensively-geared characters'. Hope's strength lies as a Ravager; out of the six playable characters he has the highest Magic stat and is the only one to learn all elemental spells up to the -ga level. As a Synergist he is proficient with defensive buffs, learning Protect, Shell and the Bar-Spells the earliest. He learns all the spells as a Medic.

Hope's full ATB skill, Last Resort, deals non-elemental magic damage to random targets. Hope has the lowest HP of all the playable characters, but he has the highest Magic. Hope's Eidolon is Alexander, a non-elemental Eidolon who turns into a fortress. Hope fights with boomerangs that have inscriptions with the names of mythological birds.

Weapons/Equipment: Airwing (electric boomerang

Theme Song: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net...s_Theme.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20100209071051

Universe From: Final Fantasy XIII trilogy



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Name Jason Voorhees
Other names The Man Behind The Mask
Appearance always has a hockey mask on, tall and always his clothes are ripped and old and wet
Affiliations none
Gender male
Sexuality straight
Species undead
Age 77
Height 6ft 8
Weight 260
Personality mother's boy and is a mute
Jason Voorhees was born on Friday, June 13, 1946 to Pamela and Elias Voorhees[1] in the small town of Crystal Lake. Jason suffered from severe physical deformities and possibly mental disabilities, and experienced a sheltered childhood; he did not attend school and the only contact he had was with his mother.[2] However, during the summer of 1957, Jason attended Camp Crystal Lake, where his mother worked as a cook. Unfortunately, his disturbing appearance earned him ridicule and persecution from the other children, who, on one occasion, teased him by trying to cover his face and calling him a "freak show". In an effort to escape their taunts, a terrified Jason ran down the pier and fell into the Crystal Lake. Unable to swim, he began to struggle and disappeared under the water.[3][4]

Jason is thrown into the waters of Camp Crystal Lake by the bullies
Jason was then saved and kept secret by Deuce Hill, for this reason his body was never found. His mother blamed the camp counselors, Barry, Claudette, and the other counselors who were supposed to have been looking after Jason, but had been too busy having sex and talking to prevent the accident. A year later, in the summer of 1958, Mrs. Voorhees snuck into Camp Crystal Lake at night and murdered Barry and Claudette, the two teenagers that were supposed to have been watching the children. After the double homicide, the camp was closed. The double murder than led to some people calling the camp "Camp Blood".[3]

The camp was deserted up until 1979 when a man named Steve Christy tried to re-open the camp that his parents once owned. Mrs. Voorhees stalked the camp, killing off Christy and six of the hired counselors. The only survivor of the massacre was a girl named Alice Hardy. She fought off Mrs. Voorhees and decapitated her with a machete. Jason had witnessed this and made him go on a murder spree to avenge his mother, and keep her wish going to keep the area closed. After Alice killed Mrs. Voorhees, she got in a canoe and passed out. When Alice was recovered by police, she claimed that "the boy" had dragged her under the water. The confused police told her that, upon searching the campground, they hadn't found any boy.[3]

Birth of a killer (1979)
Jason Voorhees in Part ll
Two months later, Alice was at home trying to get over the horrible events that took place at the camp, when she was attacked in her apartment by Jason, who killed her with an ice pick. How Jason was still alive following his supposed childhood drowning was unknown. Jason returned to Crystal Lake, where he continued to live in the forest, keeping a grisly shrine to his mother where he surrounds her severed head with the mutilated corpses of the counselors. A camp counselor training ground at Crystal Lake, despite local police warning him he was located too close to the site of the "Camp Blood" massacre. Jason, now wearing a Burlap sack over his head to hide his deformed face, broke into the camp grounds to punish the counselors for their intrusion and well as more revenge for his mothers death. After killing six of them, he struggled with a girl named Ginny Field. Ginny, who was familiar with the local legend of Jason Voorhees and Camp Blood, relied on psychology to defeat the killer. Finding Jason's shack in the woods, she donned Mrs. Voorhees' sweater and took on the role of Jason's mother, distracting him long enough to drive a machete into Jason's shoulder. Ginny and Paul left Jason for dead and returned to the camp, where Ginny was attacked from behind, and blacked out. The next morning, Ginny was being taken away in an ambulance, but neither Jason nor Paul were anywhere to be found.[2]

Jason wears his mask in Part lll
The next day, Jason continued to avenge his mother by killing a couple living in a home near Crystal Lake and acquired new clothes. Then he made his way to a vacationing spot called Higgins Haven, where he killed seven vacationing teenagers and three bikers. It was there that he acquired a hockey mask from one of his victims, Shelley Finkelstein. The only survivor of Jason's rampage was Chris Higgins, the girl he had attacked two years earlier. Chris managed to hold Jason off for some time, inflicting various severe injuries on him, none of which proved fatal; she stabbed him in the leg and hanged him on a rope before finally swinging an axe into his face. Jason finally collapsed, and a severely disturbed Chris was discovered the next morning by police, making bizarre claims that a "lady in the lake" attacked her.[5]

Jason is impaled on his own machete and killed by Tommy Jarvis in Part llll
Believing Jason to be dead, the paramedics took his body to the Wessex County Mortuary, where he soon regained consciousness. Killing two hospital staff on his escape, Jason returned to Crystal Lake, where he came across the home of twelve-year-old Tommy Jarvis and his family. Jason murdered a group of teenagers who were renting the house next door before being discovered by Tommy's sister, Trish Jarvis and then went after Tommy. As Trish tried desperately to defend herself and her brother from Jason's attack,Jason chased Trish all the way next door whilst Tommy formed an idea from newspaper clipping telling the story of Jason Voorhees. Shaving his head to resemble the young Jason, Tommy managed to distract the confused killer just as he was about to kill Trish, before impaling him through the skull with his own machete. When the mutilated Jason still showed signs of life, Tommy desperate started hacking away at his body in an effort to ensure he was dead.[6]
Following his death, Jason was buried at Eternal Peace Cemetery in the Crystal Lake area,[7] although local officials were under the belief that he had been cremated. Meanwhile, the traumatised Tommy Jarvis spent his adolescence in a series of psychiatric facilities, suffering visions of Jason Voorhees. Showing signs of progress, he was transported to a halfway house in the hopes that he could soon re-enter society. However, a brutal incident at the facility caused local ambulance driver, Roy Burns, to take on the guise of Jason Voorhees, killing most of the residents at the halfway house as revenge for the death of his son. Although some authorities initially credited the real Jason for the murders, Tommy eventually defeated the killer and revealed his true identity.[8]

Resurrection (1990)
Jason is resurrected by a bolt of lightning when Tommy Jarvis' plans to destroy his corpse goes horribly wrong in Part 6
Begivenhederne på halvvejshuset bidrager kun til Tommys mentale problemer. Efter sin frigivelse fra en mental institution rejste han og hans ven til evig freds kirkegård og søgte en løsning mellem ham og jason. Tommy planlagde at ødelægge Jason's rester, mænd ved grave hamke rammede han en metalstang gennem sin hjerte i vrede. Da Tommy var klar til at få kroppen, ramte stangen og bragte Jason tilbage til livet. Efter at have sat Jason Dræbe sin ven flygtede Tommy til det lokale politi kontor, da han fortalte Sheriff Garris de begivenheder, der fandt sted; Garris troede, at han var skør og satte ham i en celle for natten. Med ingen at stoppe ham, vendte Jason tilbage til Camp CrystalLake - genåbnet som Camp Forest Green - og fortsatte med at dræbe sin vej gennem de nye rådgivere. Der var faktisk børn i denne film, men Jason har aldrig skadet dem og gik kun til de unge voksne. Tommy undgik cellen ved hjælp af Garris 'datter Megan og rejste til lejren, hvor han udførte sin plan om at returnere Jason "hjemme"; Tommy satte en kæde rundt om halsen og sænkede Jason til bunden af søen og druknede ham igen. Mænd jeg bunden af søen blev hans hals formet af Megan ved hjælp af en båd propellerblad.[7]
Jason finds himself in Times Square after stowing away on a boat bound for Manhattan in Part 8
As Jason rotted in the depths of the lake, a girl named Tina Shepard returned to the area help her get over the death of her father, whom she had accidentally killed in Crystal Lake with her telekinetic powers years earlier. While at the lake she attempted to use her powers to resurrect her father, but succeeded only in raising Jason from the dead. Jason killed a group teenagers vacationing next door to Tina, as well Tina's mother and doctor. Tina confronted Jason with her powers, eventually causing an explosion which sent him flying back into the lake. As Jason recovered from this assault, Tina was saved by the spirit of her father, who rose out of the water and dragged Jason back into the lake.[9]

Resurrected once again by an underwater electric cable snagged by a boat anchor, Jason climbed aboard the S.S. Lazarus, a cruise ship full of high school graduates bound for New York City. He killed most of the passengers and sank the Lazarus, before chasing the few survivors—which included Rennie Wickam and Sean Robertson—into the heart of Manhattan. Rennie had been experiencing visions of Jason throughout the journey after an incident in her childhood when her stepfather pushed her into Crystal Lake as an attempt to make her swim. She nearly died when a young Jason Voorhees tried to drag her underwater; whether this event actually happened or was just another bizarre hallucination was never proven. Jason followed Rennie and Sean into the sewers of Manhattan, where he fell victim to a gush of toxic waste which flooded the tunnel and engulfed him. Rennie and Sean escaped as Jason was regressed to a child by the toxic substance; again, this may or may not have been one of Rennie's visions as opposed to actual events.[10]

To Hell and back (2003)
Jason is sucked into Hell after being killed by
in Part 9
Jason escaped New York and eventually found his way back to Crystal Lake. Meanwhile, the F.B.I began to realize the threat Jason Voorhees posed and took action against him. Setting up a trap, they managed to physically blow Jason's body apart. Thinking him dead and gone, they took his remains to a morgue in Ohio. But the coroner became hypnotized by Jason's still-beating heart and proceeded to eat it. Jason managed to take possession of the coroner's body and escape the F.B.I. But his dark soul could not exist indefinitely inside just anyone; he needed the body of another Voorhees to be truly reborn. Burning his way through several bodies in the process, Jason attempted to track down his only living relatives, his older sister Diana Kimble, niece Jessica Kimble, and Jessica's baby daughter Stephanie. Jessica's ex-boyfriend Steven Freeman learned from Creighton Duke—a bounty hunter determined to take down Jason Voorhees—that, as Jason could be reborn through a Voorhees, so too could he killed by one. As Jason was reborn through the corpse of Diana, and killed Creighton Duke and then went after Jessica and Stephen. Stephen and Jessica worked together to kill him once and for all. Jessica succeeded in stabbing her uncle through the heart with a mystical dagger before he could kill Stephen. After stabbing her evil uncle, Jason was dragged into Hell, by Freddy Kruger where he slowly was psychologically tortured by visions of his awful past.[1]

Jason faces off against Freddy Krueger in the dream world in Freddy vs Jason (Part 11)
Jason lingered in the bowels of Hell, reliving his murders at Camp Crystal Lake in a seemingly eternal nightmare. He was finally motivated to "wake up" by Freddy Krueger, a supernatural serial killer whose specialty was killing teenagers in their dreams. Posing as Pamela Voorhees, Freddy manipulated Jason into going to Elm Street in the town of Springwood, whose citizens had repressed the memory of Freddy, thus robbing him of his powers. When Jason started murdering teenagers on Elm Street, the people of Springwood began to suspect that Freddy Krueger had returned, and their fear replenished the dream demon's powers. But Freddy struggled to get rid of Jason, who began imposing on his territory and stealing his potential victims. Losing his patience, Freddy revealed his true identity to Jason, causing a battle to erupt between the two killers, which ranged from Freddy's dream world to Jason's home of Crystal Lake. During the fight, Freddy discovered Jason's subconscious fear of drowning and exploited it by returning him to the moment he drowned as a child. But when Jason woke up from his nightmare, he was able to inflict physical damage of Freddy, ripping his arm off and stabbing him through the chest with his own clawed hand. As Freddy was finished off by his would-be victim Lori Campbell, the defeated Jason sank back into Crystal Lake. He emerged sometime later holding Freddy's severed head, which then winked and laughed; whether this was a dream or reality is unknown.[4]

Jason X (2008 - 2455)
Jason is destroyed and rebuilt from scratch as the cybernetic "Uber Jason" in Jason X (Part 10)
By the year 2008, Jason had been captured by the U.S. government and was being held at Camp Crystal Lake Research Facility. Government researcher Rowan LaFontaine led several attempts to execute him, but was unsuccessfully due to Jason's uncanny ability to regenerate damaged body cells. Eventually, Rowan decided to cryogenically freeze Jason until they could find out what else to do with him, but the government already had plans to make profit by studying his regenerative powers. Jason managed to break free from his contraints and murdered several soldiers in the facility, before Rowan lured him into the cryonic chamber. Just as she activated the cryogenic suspension, Jason stabbed through the door with his machete, freezing them both inside the sealed chamber.

As the centuries pass, Earth became too polluted to support life, with mankind moving to a new planet called Earth Two. Jason and Rowan were finally discovered in the year 2455 by a group of students on a field trip to the abandoned world. They took the two bodies aboard their spacecraft, The Grendel, and succeeded in reanimating Rowan, but declared Jason deceased. When Jason thawed, he proceeded to murder everyone aboard The Grendel continuing his ever wanted revenge for the death of his mother. Although the ship's team of soldiers, led by Sgt. Brodski, did their best to repel the killer, only the android Kay-Em 14 was successful in destroying Jason, blasting his body apart. Jason's corpse was left in the medical station, where his body was rebuild by the computer's advanced nanotechnology. The computer replaced his missing body tissue with cybernetic technology, transforming him into "Uber Jason", who attacked Rowan and the students again. They distracted Jason with a virtual reality simulation of Crystal Lake, while Sgt. Brodski attempted to repair the damaged ship. As the others escaped, Brodski sacrificed himself by maneuvering himself and Jason away from the survivors and into the atmosphere of Earth Two, where they were apparently burned to death and landed in a forest lake. All that appeared to remain of the terror that was Jason Voorhees is his charred hockey mask; with this, it would appear that Jason was truly and permanently dead.[11] This filmed marked the only film in which Jason took his revenge in Space

Powers and abilities
Even as a living human, Jason possessed uncanny resistance to harm and injury, managing to survive injuries that would either kill or disable others, such as being stabbed in the shoulder with a machete (Part 2), being hung, and even receiving an axe to the head (Part III). Furthermore, Jason either cannot feel pain or has a high tolerance for it, showing little reaction to injuries such as having his hand split down the middle with his own machete (The Final Chapter). Even after being impaled through the eye with his own machete, he still showed some signs of life. Despite being a human, Jason possessed enhanced strength above anything a normal person could achieve. This is evidenced by his ability to bend a barrel of a rifle with his bare hand, and crushing a man's head so hard that his eye popped out of it's socket. After he is unintentionally resurrected by Tommy, Jason has become more powerful than ever before.

Jason is superhumanly strong and durable, casually shrugging off bullets, being burned alive, electrocuted, and even submerged in a flood of toxic waste. In the event that he is injured, he can rapidly regenerate himself, retaining his eyesight despite being stabbed in the eyes, and even regrowing his severed fingers after his battle with Freddy Krueger. He has displayed his incredible strength on several occasions, smashing through solid walls and wooden barriers, lifting adult humans off the ground with one hand, crushing their skulls between his palms, and at one point punching a young man in the face with such force that his head popped off his shoulders.

Jason is essentially immortal, having survived several apparent deaths, and even being resurrected through various means, such as a bolt of lightning (Jason Lives). Both Freddy Krueger and Pamela Voorhees have stated that, no matter what, Jason can never truly die. Though he was apparently killed and dragged into the depths of Hell by Jessica Kimble, even this proved to be a temporary death thanks to Freddy's manipulations but Jason needs to be resurrected some how, if he's not Jason will stay dead till then

Jason appears to be able to breathe underwater and often uses water to his advantage, typically by drowning his victims.

In addition to his various superhuman abilities, Jason has shown to be skilled in the use of various weapons, both melee and ranged. Even the simplest of tools can become a deadly weapon when in Jason's hands, ranging from an ice pick (Part 2) to a simple heated rock (Jason Takes Manhattan). Jason is also highly intelligent and a master of stealth, being able to set up different booby traps. On numerous occasions, Jason often stalks an entire group of people at once. On these occasions, he easily avoids detection, and picks off the group members one by one without anyone else noticing.

Weaknesses and vulnerabilities
Despite his great power, Jason does have a few notable weaknesses:

Despite having used water to his advantage on several occasions and regularly swimming since his resurrection, Jason does appear to be afraid of water to some extent, which Freddy used to his advantage to nearly drown him in Freddy vs Jason.
If trapped under the waters of Crystal Lake by any means, such as chains, Jason will be immobilized and unable to escape without outside help.
His mother as evident in Friday the 13th Part 2 and Freddy vs Jason. When he hears his mother or sees her he stops what he is doing and pays attention to what she tells him.
Jason gets soft around children and babies and generally around people who never entered Crystal Lake as he doesn't harm them
Universe from Friday The 13th
Theme song

Other facts does not talk at all


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"Savior, Conqueror, Hero, Villain. You are all things Revan, and yet, you are nothing! In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the dark. You will forever stand alone" - Darth Malak

Name: Revan

Other names: Darth Revan, Lord of the Sith, Revan the butcher, The Prodigal Knight

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Affiliation: Revan's Empire

Appearance: Revan is a human female, with blake hair that goes down to her shoulder and pale white skin. Her eyes are a deep shade of blue, and she has flawless, smooth skin.

Personality: Revan is cold and pragmatic, with a mind that operates like that of chess master, plotting her own, and everyone else's moves three moves ahead of them. Revan does not kill like a rapid dog, or delusional madman, but has no qualms about killing whatever may stand in their way, having long since determined that in reality, good and evil are nothing more than perceptions. Revan is the embodiment of balance, and wields powers attributed to both Jedi and Sith, acting as a master of the force, as opposed to the majority of force users, who are still driven by the force's will. Revan is fully capable of appearing as a warm and friendly person, however, this is nothing more than a facade, used when diplomacy is more prudent than destruction.

History: Much of Revan's early life is unknown, especially her life prior to becoming a member of the Jedi order. It is known that her first teacher, and despite her having many more, his most influential one, was the Jedi Master known as Kreia. She had an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and many of the Jedi Masters on the council expected Revan to become a champion and prodigy of the Jedi order.

When the Mandalorian wars began, the Jedi Council refused to help the Republic, something that infuriated Revan. She was incredibly vocal about her discontent with the Council's decision, and argued that the Jedi should help the republic. As casualties in the war rose, more Jedi rallied to Revan, and she would soon join the war, despite the Council's orders. While initially making little impact on the war, by the year 3962 BBY, Revan would begin to turn the tide of war, beginning with the Battle of Duro, where she prevented a devastating for the Republic, and was named the supreme commander of Republic forces by the Supreme Chancellor.

Revan's tactics matched the Mandalorian's brutality and ferocity, and pursued victory at any cost against the Mandalorians. At some point during the two years that followed, Revan would discover several ancient Rakatan ruins, and the Trayus Academy on Malachor V, beginning her fall to the darkside. However, she would not renounce the Jedi code until much later, long after the war.

In 3960 BBY, she would lay a trap for the Mandalorians, drawing them to the planet of Malachor V, where a super-weapon known as the mass shadow generator was constructed. Mandalore the Ultimate, leader of the Mandalorians, would challenge Revan to a duel, and Revan would defeat him. Right before he died, Mandalore told Revan about the Sith who goaded him into attacking the Republic. After Mandalore died, Revan would take his mask, and one of her top lieutenants, Meetra Surik, would activate the Mass Shadow Generator, pulling the Mandalorian Fleet, and a large number of republic ships that happened to be commanded by captains who were not quite as devoted to Revan as the rest of the fleet, into the planet, smashing the ships against the crust and shattering the planet.

After this, Revan, and her protege and friend, Malak, would leave to hunt for the Sith who had been playing puppet master for the Mandalorians. They would find what they were looking for, and confront the Sith Emperor. The Emperor bested both of them, and dominated their minds. He would then send his two new agents to hunt for the Star Forge, an ancient Rakatan Super-weapon.

By the time they found the Star Forge, the Emperor's influence slipped away, and Revan and Malak, having almost lost all memory of the Sith Empire, interpreted the Emperor's orders and their own will, and formed their own Sith Empire. Revan would catch the Reublic off guard, with many of those who served under her joining her. She would conquer a vast swathe of territory over several years of war, before Malak, who had became her apprentice, betrayed her while he dueled a Jedi Strike team led by Bastila.

He would be critically wounded in the duel, and Bastila, who was the only survivor of the strike team, would save her, bringing the comatose dark lord to the planet of Dantooine, where the Council would wipe her memory, hoping to use the powerful force user against his own Empire. She would then be placed on a Cruiser known as The Endar Spire, under the command of Bastila. He would join the Jedi Order, and be sent on a mission to discover the secret to the Sith Empire's limitless supply of ships and weapons. Unwittingly, she would retrace her own steps in finding Star Forge.

Right before she would find the Star Forge, Revan and her companions would be captured by Darth Malak, who would reveal his old master's identity to her. Revan would escape, however, Bastila would get left behind and eventually she would be turned to the Darkside. After discovering the Star Forge's location, he would go to the lehon system, where the Star Forge was located. She would be forced to land on the Rakatan homeworld, where she would encounter a now corrupted Bastila, who would convince her to leave the Jedi Order again.

She would allow the Republic fleet to distract the Sith while she and Bastila boarded the Star Forge, and killed Darth Malak. Revan would then assume control of the Sith forces, while Bastila used her Battle Meditation to demoralize the Republic forces, and force them to rout.

Abilities/Powers: Revan is a master force user, and is capable of an extremely wide variety of abilities, both light and dark side. This includes powerful healing abilities, force lightning, force pushes/grips, deathfield, crush, and many others. On top of this, Revan is an incredibly skilled duelist, being able to defeat Mandalore, who his always the strongest Mandalorian alive, in single combat.


Dual Lightsabers, one red, one purple

Sithlord robes

Revan's mask


Universe from: Star Wars


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'As long as they're in reach, I'll save them!

Name: Eiji Hino

Other Names: Kamen Rider OOO/Os, Underwear Hermit

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Greeed Hybrid

Affiliation: Independent, with Ankh


Despite often coming off as happy-go-lucky in his personality, Eiji is actually quite strong-willed and more clever than he lets on, and was easily able to pick up on the fact he could use Ankh's need for him and the OOO Driver to keep the Greeed in line. Another defining trait is Eiji will fight to protect anyone in need, even complete strangers and at the risk of his own life. This stemmed after his regret from not saving the little African girl he befriended during a civil war which his family fortune started. He keeps a collection of coins and almost always has pairs of underwear of different designs and colors which he at times even gives to others. This is revealed to stem from an optimistic outlook taught to him by his grandfather, who said that all a man needs is a pair of underpants for tomorrow.

Eiji possesses no selfish desires, which made him ideal for being OOO but also became a weakness once the Purple Core Medals sought out a host, as they immediately found him and took root. However, taking the advice of Akira Date, after becoming a Greeed, Eiji remembers the desire he had so long ago: Eiji wanted the power to protect people no matter where they are, which Ankh gave to him in the form of the OOO Driver.
History: Copy-paste from the wiki if you're a lazy piece of shit like me.

Powers/Abilities: Superpowers, all that.

Underwear - A spare pair of underpants that he carries around with a stick, kinda like a mini flag for convenience.
OOO Driver - A belt buckle that forms into a belt with a circular handle found on the side of the belt. The buckle itself holds three slots big enough for Core Medals and can be tilted to activate. There, he can access the OOO armor and it's several forms

(OOO's forms, Excluding the purple one beside the blue boi and the turban boi)

Theme Song: If the character doesn't have a dedicated song, simply use the theme song from the work. Optional.

Universe From: Kamen Rider OOOs

Other: Dude only has 2 underwear--The one on his stick, and the one he's wearing. This indicates that he uses one undies for a while until changing...Pretty fucked up, huh?



'I'm expecting a Popsicle after this.'

Name: Ankh

Other Names: Bird/Aviary Greed, Mr. Hand boi

Gender: Male

Race: Greeed/Bird man

Affiliation: None, with Eiji

Long story short, Ankh's a floating monster arm with a bird motif. He appears to have black scales covered with red-green gradient colored exo-skeletal plates that resembles wings.

When possessing a body, the host's hair changes into a blonde color and spikes up to the side. Although his Greeed arm still remains exposed during his time with the host. With a body, he can freely change into his complete Greeed form as long as he possesses the red/bird Core Medals.

Ankh's complete Greeed form appears more to be a black scaled creature with a bird-like head donning a body that appears to be an outfit of sorts modeled after birds.

Ankh is a dishonest wildcard. As a Greeed he has little regard for humans, seeing them for their flaws, with Eiji being one of the few exceptions. Ankh also believes that he has the right to get whatever he wants and detests having to give something away if there's no benefit for him. He is also at odds with the other Greeed, both because of the history he had with them, as well as stealing their Core Medals. He focuses only on obtaining enough Cell Medals to regain his body and to become complete. He has however been shown to repay debts to people, giving Eiji the means to become OOO, though this mainly because he wanted to use Eiji as a tool in his quest. Though Eiji plays him at times, Ankh prefers working with Eiji over with his fellow Greeed as the human is honest about his motives. He had since underwent a personality change, where he (around the end) can no longer bring himself to harm Eiji or Hina without substantial reasons.

He serves as Eiji's companion and Medal Manager, supplying him with Core Medals stolen from other Greeed. Since possessing a human body, Ankh has been able to experience real emotions and the full effect of the five senses, something a Greeed is normally not capable of unless it possesses all nine of its Core Medals. The most prominent example of this effect is his ability to taste food, resulting in him developing a strong liking for popsicles to the extent of taking them without second thought such as taking them from a cart and making Eiji pay and scaring off children. True to his bird nature, Ankh also shows a preference for high places, frequently shown on trees, resting somewhere high in his quarters shared with Eiji, and jumping out of the window instead of going out through the door. Ankh dislikes eating poultry due to his connection to birds although will do so if forced by Hina.

He is also commonly seen carrying an tablet or an smartphone for gathering information and keeping track of the Core Medals. He is however not above betraying Eiji for his own benefit, whether it be regaining one of his Core Medals or joining the other Greeed to get new power while betraying the Greeed in a well formulated plan. Ankh's faith in this plan is so strong, he is willing to give the other Greeed all their Core Medals back unconditionally, a result of his experiences with human senses, which in turn fueled his growing disgust with his fellow Greeed. He also wanted to have life as he saw all Greeds as non sentient mere piles of Medals that only have desire within them.

History: Copy-paste from the wiki if you're a lazy piece of shit like me.

Powers/Abilities: Superpowers, all that.
--As a hand--
Flight - Hurr durr, I'm a floating arm
Hammerspace - He stores a total of 21 Core Medals inside the palm of his hand. Although when possessing a body, he seems to have a book specifically made for storing medals.

--With body/Complete Greeed--
Flight - Bird man can do bird shit
Yummy Creation - Although rarely used, Ankh can create a Yummy(a creature that feeds off a person's desires) by shoving a Cell Medal(grey coin) on a slot that'll appear behind the person's head and a White/Incomplete Yummy would be born by spitting it out of the original host. As I said, it's rarely and almost never used at all.
Pyrokinesis - He can generate and manipulate fire.

Core Medals - Eiji's main transformation trinket to turn into OOO. Since there's currently 18 of them, Ankh stores them for good measure. If Ankh's core medal(Taka) is destroyed, his entire being would cease to be, leaving only dust and a broken core medal.

Theme Song: If the character doesn't have a dedicated song, simply use the theme song from the work. Optional.

Universe From: Kamen Rider OOO

Other: Bird, bird, bird~
Bird is the word~

"Oh, do be quiet. I have no need for chatter from my test subjects. This is an experiment. You are Subject #1. The rights of refusal or acceptance are out of your hands!"

Name: Mayuri Kurotsuchi

Other Names: Mad Scientist, Captain Mayuri

Gender: Male

Race: Shinigami (Soul)

Affiliation: Gotei 13, Soul Society

Appearance: Mayuri's appearance has a skeletal look to it with a skull-like visage. His face is painted entirely white with the inner portion of his face painted black with the exception of his nose. His eyes are a golden color and he constantly bares his teeth giving the appearance of him constantly smiling. Both his ears are seemingly replaced with stubbed golden cones. His fingernails are blue and, with the exception of the fingernail on his right middle finger, are all short. The one long fingernail is as long as the finger itself. He also wears a white hat with two ends that point to his right and a large purple scarf around his neck. His whole body, even his face and hands, has been painted black and white.

Without his makeup, Mayuri has blue hair and honey gold eyes. He has small, slatted portcullises with multiple earrings in place of where his ears would be, and his body is covered in scars.

Personality: Mayuri Kurotsuchi is a researcher and personifies the stereotype of the mad scientist. By his early actions during the Ryoka Invasion, he is displayed as sadistic and cruel. He sees everyone and everything not as a living being, but as an object to be researched—including himself. He has little respect or regard for most others, and was even willing to turn his own men (who were not aware of his plans) into living bombs in an attempt to capture his enemies for experimentation. However, while he usually shows disregard for life, he has been known to warn people of possible dangers when they present themselves. As a scientist, Mayuri despises perfection, as he believes that achieving such a state leaves him with absolutely nothing more to strive for — namely imagination, knowledge and improvements — which would result in nothing but despair.

In battle, Mayuri likes to toy with his opponent, torturing them little by little until they can hardly stand. He did this in both the fight with Uryū and his Espada counterpart Szayelaporro. Every time he fights he uses it as an experiment testing himself and his opponent little by little. He also uses it as an opportunity to implant microbes or other things in case they get away. Before engaging, though, he will make extensive research on his possible opponents to tilt the chance of winning in his favor. Despite his disregard for most life, Mayuri is very obsessive about creating it, and it is his dream to create a soul out of nothing.

History: Little is known about the early history of Mayuri, except that 110 years ago, he was the only prisoner in the Maggot's Nest who was considered dangerous enough to necessitate confinement in a small prison cell, chained to the wall by his ankle. He would, however, one day be visited by Kisuke Urahara who was seeking his genius to become vice-president in the newly thought-of Shinigami Research and Development Institute, a request that would automatically get him out of there. At first Mayuri refused, until Kisuke began teasing him with the fact that he had nothing to tinker with down there and that, as vice-president, he would inherit everything should something happen to Urahara.

After an incident that got Urahara banished and several captains and seated officers Hollowfied, Mayuri later succeeded Urahara in leading the Research and Development Institute. At some point, Mayuri began developing the Nemuri Project, which he used to modify his Zanpakutō. In the project, he eventually created new life from "godly soul cells" in the form of Nemu, which made him extremely happy.

Powers/Abilities: Genius Intellect: Mayuri Kurotsuchi is the most intelligent, scientific, and inventive mind in Soul Society. According to fellow Captain Shunsui Kyōraku, if given a full day to prepare with enough information at hand, Mayuri can find a solution to any problem or obstacle.

Body Modification Expert: Mayuri has done extensive research on modifying bodies, and he has upgraded a variety of his own body parts to function as weapons and provide him with useful abilities. In addition, he can also restructure his own body in an extremely short period of time if necessary. Due to his highly modified body, he has great endurance. In his fight against Uryu Ishida, he survived having half of his body blown off.

Expert Swordsman: While not as proficient in swordsmanship as some other captains, Mayuri is skilled enough to hold his own in a fight. Mayuri seems to be ambidextrous, as he wields his Zanpakutō in his right hand and his scythe-ear in his left (often simultaneously).

Kido Expert: Mayuri can use his immense spiritual energy to execute magical Kido attacks. He can release a destructive form of Kidō silently from the palms of his hands, blasting holes through walls, and instantly create Kidō barriers to protect others.

Shunpo Expert: Mayuri is an expert at Shunpo, or Flash Step, which allows a Shinigami to briefly disappear with speed, and also walk on air. He used this technique to dodge an opponent's attack and appear instantaneously behind him.

Weapons/Equipment: While working as the Head of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, Mayuri has invented many, many things.

Nikubakudan (Flesh Bomb): Mayuri has developed biological bombs that he has implanted into the bodies of his own subordinates without their knowledge. By using a remote detonator he can set off the bombs which use every biological portion of the body causing devastating explosions that can seriously damage the surrounding area.

Hojiku-Zai (Flesh-mending Drug): Mayuri has also developed a "regenerative serum," which can regrow limbs upon injection, and looks like some sort of green chemical. He used it to regenerate his arm when he fired it off as a grappling hook, and complained about the side-effects of pain that the serum caused.

Data-gathering Bacteria: He also implants opponents that escape from battle with data-gathering bacteria so as to monitor them afterwards.

Superhuman Drug: Mayuri has manufactured a "superhuman drug" that can slow down a person's perception of time. The drug is kept in a blue bottle by him, but also inside Nemu's body. It is able to make one second seem like 100 years for the unfortunate victim to whom it is administered. An undiluted dose of the drug causes the senses to speed up trillions of times while the relatively "slow" body fails to keep up, resulting in paralysis; on the other hand, it is implied that a diluted dose of the drug can greatly enhance the user's reaction speed. He even stated that a single droplet would have to be diluted 250,000 times to be suitable for use.

Thought Inhibitor Drug: Mayuri concocts a special drug which can stop thought processes from occurring within the brain. Stored in a purple vial, it can be injected into an individual via Mayuri's Zanpakutō. This drug restricts the individual's control over all motor functions. It also can cause the individual's emotions to go out of control. This drug causes the affected individual's eyes to glow with a purple tint.

Blood Reorganization Drug: Using blood samples of Gotei 13 members as a base, Mayuri has created a drug that converts all of the blood within the body of the subject to blood which Mayuri himself has developed.

Nerve Freezing Agent: A drug injected into the nerves of an organism which forcefully freezes any organs connected to those nerves; open eyelids will remain open, hearts will not expand or contract, and mouths will become unable to shut. The blood of the organism also coagulates, effectively killing the target. Once the drug begins to take effect, the victim's skin becomes dark in coloration. However, this can be countered if the target's skin is divided into multiple layers, which allows it to simply shed a damaged one and remain unaffected.

Zanpakuto: Ashishogi Jizo: Mayuri's Zanpakutō's guard is wrapped in cloth, and has several spiky protrusions sticking out right below the blade, which appear to resemble leaves. The hilt is pink. Unlike most Shinigami, his Zanpakutō's sheath hangs directly in front of him, instead of to his side as they are commonly worn, through a visibly modified hook on the end of the hilt of Ashisogi Jizō.

Shikai: Ashisogi Jizō's Shikai command is "Rip". Ashisogi Jizō's blade glows and transforms into a deformed trident with curved, serpentine blades. The middle blade is straighter and longer than the side blades, and appears to ascend from the guard, which is shaped like a baby's head with hands clasped in prayer (as Ksitigarbha is depicted), all mounted on his sword's normal hilt, which has more ornate spiky protrusions on either side, which resemble golden leaves right below the guard. he weapon works like the venom of a spider bite; when an opponent is stabbed by Ashisogi Jizō, it severs the brain signals controlling the neural impulses for movement in the limbs of the victim, regardless of where they were struck. But, unlike regular paralysis, the pain receptors and nerve endings are unaffected by the weapon, so the victim can still feel pain, even in a paralyzed limb.

Bankai: The baby's head on the guard opens its mouth as it produces a giant creature with the body of a caterpillar in a red cape, with a grotesque golden baby's head and arms, and a silver halo hovering around its head. Near the back of the halo are 4 bells, 2 on each side. In this state, the creature seems to follow Mayuri's verbal commands. The creature breathes a poisonous derivative of Mayuri's blood, which is lethal to anyone who breathes it, aside from Mayuri and Nemu. The poison spreads through an area of about 200 meters around the creature, and it is almost impossible to avoid. The poison of the creature is very potent, as Szayelaporro's body started to break down immediately after it was introduced. Mayuri can change the composition of the poison as well, ensuring that no foolproof antidote can ever be manufactured to cure it, and no immunity is developed against it. Even if the opponent does not breathe, the poison will still enter their body.

Nemu: Lieutenant Kurotsuchi Nemu is an artificial entity created from the Gigai technology and Gikon technology by Captain Kurotsuchi. The same blood flows in Nemu and Captain Kurotsuchi, hence be it interest or how to spend free time, she will have many similarities to Captain Kurotsuchi. Due to bio-augmentation, she has super-strength, endurance and speed. Moreover, she is under the complete control of Mayuri, and he alone can decide whether she lives or dies, to the point where he can easily revive her if he wants. The antidote to Mayuri's poison is stored under her Lieutenant Badge. As she is of the same blood of Mayuri, she is immune to his poison.

Theme Song:

Universe From: Bleach

  • Mayuri runs a cosmetic surgery clinic called Charismatic Dr. Mayuri Kurotsuchi's Magical Clinic.
  • He writes a surprisingly popular serial article for the Seireitei Communication titled Medicine for the Brain which has information about the practical uses of medicine as well as detailed reports about nearly every experiment he undertakes.
Name: Hiravias

Other Names: E.g. The One They Fear, Anticitizen One, etc. Can also include nicknames.

Gender: Male

Race: Orlan

Affiliation: The organisation or faction your character is part of. If independent just put none.


His youth was spent traveling with the Circle of Hawk and Ivy, in keeping with their role as migrant stewards of the land and protectors of the more obscure Engwithan ruins. His arms still bear the scars of the migration trail. As he was raised among nomads, he has never owned a bookshelf or chest of drawers, consumed by perpetual wanderlust. Although he dreamed of becoming a hunter, Hiravias was usually skipped over when it came to hunting expeditions. When the anamfath came to visit the Fisher Cranes, he was left out of the grand chase and told to be the cup bearer to the old wise one while the rest of the tribe hunted.

As can be expected, Hiravias latched on to the anamfath's attention and the two ended up talking until the hunters returned. Impressed with the young one's wit - or perhaps his bravado and cocksure attitude - the anamfath gave him an iron medallion fashioned in the likeness of a hound's head. It was an icon of Galawain, patron of the druids. Per the anamfath's instructions, Hiravias was trained in the ways of druids. He still carries the iron locket with him, rusted as it is, to remember his roots, even though is allegiance switched to Wael. The shift occurred in the final stages of his druidic training, as he struggled with spiritshifting. In the style of seekers of old, he went to the forest alone, to ask Galawain for guidance.

The god of the hunt gave him guidance, in the shape of a vibrantly-colored stelgaer that pounced upon him from the underbrush. Although one-fifteenth of its size, Hiravias fought back. Just before the stelgaer delivered the killing blow, however, Hiravias spiritshifted for the first time. He turned into a mirror of his attacker, sprouting razor-sharp talons and growing fifteen times. By the end, the beast was dead, ripped apart by Hiravias' newfound form. His celebration was short-lived, however, as upon his return to the village he demonstrated his newly acquired form... And was promptly cast out. The riow of his druidic circle believed the autumn stelgaer, as his form was known, was a soul-destroying abomination. As the first form a spiritshifter assumes is considered special, Hiravias couldn't complete his studies.

It all puzzled him to no end. Did the Seeker God punish him for seeking? If so, why not turn him into a stoat, true to his nature? Is he truly a soul destroyer or is that a myth? Should he eat a person whole to verify that? The questions that plagued him prompted his turn to Wael in the first year of his exile, to find answers that Galawain could not - or would not - provide. The symbol stitched on the eye patch was a form of initiation into the Brotherhood.

In search of answers, he took to traveling the Dyrwood to continue his studies and training. New trees to document, new animals to sketch, new sights, and of course, the possibility of journeying to Eir Glanfath to meet wiser druids who could answer the questions that plague him.

Powers/Abilities: Shapeshifting,Druid magic

Weapons/Equipment: A spear

Theme Song: If the character doesn't have a dedicated song, simply use the theme song from the work. Optional.

Universe From: Pillars of Eternity

Other: Details such as trivia. Optional.

"You mean Mass glitches DON'T work here? Bullshit!"

Name: SleekThrone7

Other Names: "Mucho Autismo", "PAPOW", "Alpha007" (alternate usernames)

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Affiliation: Himself, technically the UEF

Appearance: 11.8 Meters tall inside the mech, with a blue coat of paint using yellow highlights with the UEF's signature diamond emblem on the chest.
Out of the mech he's 5'10", 175 lbs, blonde hair and blue eyes. He usually wears a Delta Rune T-shirt and blue jeans along with white sneakers and a black leg brace.

Personality: Abrasive at times. However, the rest of the time he's usually very light hearted and can be found making jokes out of any serious situation. A procrastinator by heart, Sleek will usually leave things to the last minute, then freak out. Not known for liking to take the blame on anything, though can apologize at times.

A normal kid, at the age of 17 he played a match of Supreme Commander 2 to brush up on his knowledge of the game when he found himself in the cockpit of his ACU. Now he tries to survive in this fucked up world, using his resources to his benefit and trying to stay on the top of the local food chain.

Powers/Abilities: A regular human in the suit. However, coming from real life, Sleek has knowledge of some universes. However, it's only what he knew before going into Rapture and otherwise cannot serve himself.
His ACU, on the Other hand, can do a number of things.

Self-Regeneration: If left alone long enough, Sleek's ACU will rebuild itself using its built-in tech.
ACU Armor: Like all other Armored Command Units, ACUs can easily tank multiple nuclear devices and fight with a surpising amount of capability.
Research/Tech: The ACU contains all of its upgrades from its in-game tech tree, and the same goes for its units. However, here, Sleek has figured out he can modify blueprints and use his creativity and on-board quantum computing tech to modify existing units and tech or create new units and tech.
Overcharge: Sleek can overcharge his cannon using a large amount of stored energy to allow it to devastate entire armies. However, this has a limited time of use and a cooldown, forcing him to be frugal with its use.

Zephyr Anti-Matter Cannon
-Built into the Right arm, the cannon can fire a devastating bolt of energy which can vaporize a couple meters of steel. However, its not as useful against dense armor or shielding.

-Built into the left arm, the fabricator can use the ACU's supply of Mass to create structures and certain experimentals. It also consumes energy, which is stored on the ACU along with Mass.

-The ACU comes built with its own jetpack, allowing it to traverse huge gaps or long distances more efficiently. Can only go 400 Meters without stopping and recharging.

Intel Package
-The ACU has an onboard radar which can detect units, and a sonar for naval-based structures and units. has a limited range and cannot store the locations of units and structures once contact is broken off, relying on Sleek's memory of the area.

APDS artillery
-Short-range mortar firing compound shells. Negated by shields.

Linked Railgun
-anti-air gun capable of rapid-firing a burst of anti-material rounds to cut down oncoming aircraft.

Tactical Missile Package
-missile pod that can fire long-range dumbfire missiles to shell land installations. Negated by shields, though a few barrages usually stress generators to force them offline for a moment.

Theme Song:

Universe From: Supreme Commander 2/Commanderverse

Other: Yes I know this is similar to Vortex. It's not the same. Also, I know the theme isn't the one from the Title/Main Menu, but I thought it was better.
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'Sometimes I wish my father never sacrificed his life for mine. You don't know how it feels for someone to give their life for you and then you go on to do nothing with it.' -Cobalt Ootkins

Name: Cobalt Ootkins

Other Names: Cobalt, "Knight" (by Jayna), Navigator Cobalt (by Doobel), Aftik (by Noverus)

Gender: Female

Race: Aftik

Affiliation: Independent

Appearance: Cobalt's plumage is a pale beige, with dull cyan highlights on her crown. She has a cyan-orange scarf. On her dark grey shirt is a cyan "Guiding Light". She wears cyan pants with dark grey pockets. Her left leg is a cybernetic replacement.

Personality: Cobalt has an [Uncontrollable Mouth] and is aggressive most of the time, often expressing her distaste in others and their actions in a [Loud] manner. Despite her aggressive demeanor and fiercely [Independent] disposition, she is actually [Easily Startled]. On the bright side, she is [Semi-Famous], and a decent [Acrobat]. Surprisingly, she is also [Skilled at Scouting] and is known as someone who [Never Misses]. She promised Mors v1 that they would be [Cosmic Friends Forever].

Cobalt's father, Rodney Ootkins, embarked on a journey to Fortuna to find a cure for a sickness she developed as a child. He was successful, even if only technically. His ship's AI, the Apollo V1 (stuck in a Hermes chassis) massacred the crew once they reached Fortuna. His daughter was cured, but his own life was lost.

Many years later, Cobalt has trouble finding work, despite her family name. She manages to find work on a ship headed to Fortuna, much like her father's, as the navigator. The crew, made up of a Drakon captain, a Notail engineer, an Arma security officer, a Didaloski therapist, an Obelian medic, and a Hermes v1 AI. Along the way Geko, Fergus, Apollo v3, and Jayna were recruited.

While en-route to Planet (the Generic homeworld), Cobalt was snatched out of her own universe in a bright flash, and dropped into Rapture with no explanation.

Powers/Abilities: While many supernatural things can occur in the Fortuna universe, these are restricted mostly to the v1 AIs, as they are literally gods. Cobalt has no supernatural abilities.

Weapons/Equipment: Unfortunately, Cobalt was carrying nothing of importance with her at the moment when she left Fortuna.

Universe From: Fortuna

Other: Later on in the comic, Cobalt is resurrected due to Mors acting on her attained [Cosmic Friends Forever] trait. It is unknown whether or not she can or will be resurrected (again) (by Mors or some other mechanism) in the future.

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