• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom RANGERS: A Power Rangers RP (CLOSED)




1. Metamorphosis, Part I
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Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Kit Sharptooth, Meta Red Ranger
Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples as Minako Tanaka,Meta Blue Ranger
Reigning Monarch Reigning Monarch as Chance Brigham, Meta Yellow Ranger
KingsRock KingsRock as Elliot Chase, Meta Purple Ranger
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo as Nikitia St. Pierre, Meta Black Ranger

Episode 1 - Metamorphosis, Part I

For the purposes of this RP, things will take place in an "episodic" way similar to the television show. The episode can only end once different objectives are met. Episodes begin with specific objectives for the Rangers as a team or individually. Throughout the episode, depending on what happens, new objectives can arise that need to be taken care of before the end of the episode. Certain episodes can focus on the team as a whole, individual Rangers, or in pairings/groups (2 or 3). More about that will be discussed in the OOC section. The first episode will be a team-focused episode. Let's begin with the setting.

It's a beautiful summer day in New Harbor which means everyone is outside enjoying the weather. A few weeks ago, the New Harbor Community Center reached out to certain stakeholders about a carnival event. It had been several months since the "Araknarok" attack and the public was made aware that the threat had been eradicated. The event would have several carnival rides, delicious foods, games and even a job fair for those who were on the search for a job. The Community Center director reached out to the local colleges, businesses and even the mayor's office to ensure that anyone and everyone was invited to at least stop by for a little bit.

Rangers: Figuring that this would be an opportunity to actually be social, Minako decides to attend the event with some of her coworkers. She may be a bit hesitant since there is an immense crowd outside at the carnival, but there are sure to be people that are wanting to interact with her. Similarly, Kit has the same struggles with socializing. However, he was invited to attend because New Harbor University's Engineering Department reached out to him to man their table for about an hour, showcasing his wrist-mounted grappling hook to prospective students. When the both of them get hungry, perhaps the easiest way to socialize is while partaking in some good food, of which the restaurant that Chance manages has been called upon to be one of the local caterers. While he's not cooking, perhaps he could ask around to see how everyone is liking the food.

Niki's artistic ability is something that the director of the Community Center valued and so he reached out to her (and other artists) to see if she would be willing to create some pieces to display at the carnival. The artists have their own section where they can talk about their work. Elliot, the son of Mayor Chase, is in attendance, having a deep interest in art. Surely he'll be walking around, asking questions about some of the pieces on display. Of course, not everyone is a fan of politicians or those that associate themselves with politicians.

  • Meet and greet your fellow (future) Rangers at the carnival
  • Protect the New Harbor Community Center from danger
  • Meet up with Commander Veronica Starr



Location: New Harbor Community Center Carnival
Interacting w/: Niki BuggaBoo BuggaBoo
"And it is our pleasure to collaborate with New Harbor's Community Center to host this special carnival representing the safe future of our great city!" a well-dressed man standing at a podium overlooking a crowd of people on a large, portable stage. He was far too well-dressed to be appearing as if he was going to partake in carnival festivities. Who wore a full suit outside during the summer? "Let me reiterate: the city of New Harbor is as safe as it will ever be. With the Chase administration's leadership and vision, we will continue to make New Harbor a great place to live and a great place to stay."​
Off to the side of the stage in the distance, a younger man that looked like Mayor Aldis Chase had his arms folded with an looked that appeared to be fighting the desire to show a lack of impression. It wasn't that Elliot's father was a bad mayor; he just didn't like the façade that came with being a politician. Elliot wasn't in his father's shoes just yet, but there were times during interviews with the local media that he felt the need to put a mask on to protect his father in spite of himself.​
As the speech ended and the attendants joined the others to continue to partake in the fun of the carnival, Elliot turned his heel, pushing his hands into the pockets of his black shorts while he glanced around for something interesting to get into. Because it was summer, he didn't have his hair as long and curly as it often would be during the winter months. Instead, he opted for a short, clean cut with a slightly full beard to match. His apparel, including his shorts, consisted of a black t-shirt with Prince's "Purple Rain" album artwork on the front. Dangling around his neck was a necklace and around his right wrist was a bracelet that matched.​
He wasn't hungry just yet, so Elliot strolled past the food area to make his way towards where several local artists had displays to show and sell their work to potential buyers. Elliot wasn't necessarily in the market to buy anything, but if something caught his eye, he would inquire about it. As he walked, some pieces looked great, some just "okay" and others... Well, Elliot didn't understand why they bothered to show up in the first place.​
By chance, Elliot stopped in front of Niki's display, lifting a brow as he observed some of her work, "Oh wow. This is some really good work." He didn't exactly greet her as much as he greeted her art, leaning forward to get a closer look, but not completely disregarding her. "You do this full-time?" he asked, standing up straight now.​
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'Niki' - Nikitia St. Pierre


In the Artist's Section...

"Any suitors yet, Dani?" her voice was somewhat muffled as she bit down upon the silky, black kerchief.

The middle-aged woman sauntered over, slid behind the other artist and smoothed out the young lady's black and gold dreads.
"Well, I got 2 inquiries. And one fool 'hinted' to me. So add on 1 potential dinner date hahahah...! What about yourself, Nikitia?"

The younger artist dipped down her chin and held up her tendrils of hair. Dani took the kerchief and expertly wrapped the wild black and gold. Despite her thick, chubby fingers, the Cameroonian managed to quickly and easily knot up the kerchief ends at the front.

"Thanks, Dani. But just call me Niki. I just use my full first name to sound all professional hahahah...! And i got a few inquiries. But! I gots a whole bunch more; 'What're ya doin' after this..?' 2 dudes even just pulled out their phones and without a word passed it over for me to dial in my digits!"

"Oooohhhh how unlucky... only 2...?" Dani let out a clicking sound of disdain out the side of her mouth. Niki had just met the preacher's wife but instantly she knew she would love to hang with her the moment she heard the woman's sassy and sarcastic quips.

"C'est la vie pour toi aussi, n'est-ce pas?"

"J'espere toujours. Et bien, mais si j'ai une derriere comme ca..." a loud slap echoed out in the open air tent as Dani smacked Niki's butt.

Niki jumped then spun around, a warning finger playfully directed up in Dani's brown face,
"Eyo! Not proper for a preacher's wife!"

Without a word, Dani whipped out her phone and held it for Niki to dial in her digits.

A moment of realiztion. Both women burst out laughing.

"Whoa. Look what's coming our way..." Dani gave a sublte point with her eyes.

Shameless as always, Niki made it obvious that she was staring at who was coming their way,
"He peepin' your stuff, sis."

"Nope. Watch. He passing on from my stuff onto yours."

"Meh. He don't know how to appreciate art, sis. No worries. You wanna talk with him?"

"Naaah... he most likely comin to ask you out. But giiiiiirl. What's he doin in that suit? I'd like to talk him outta it. Must be all hot, sweaty, melty chocolate and muscular--"

"Nuh-uh-uhhhh! Married woman remember?" Niki giggled and held up that tan finger once more.

"Oh wow. This is some really good work."

Niki stood up and stepped slowly towards the man, heels of her knee-high black boots thudding softly on the pavement. She smoothed out her black and yellow plaid skirt before straightening out her skeletal print top.

"Yeah, really? Thanks." She watched as he inspected her 1st person POV painting of what looked like a fuzzy rendition of someone staring at scenery, a hand reaching for a balloon, "it changes depending upon the lighting. Here. Check it."

A soft grunt she let out as she took the painting offa the display easel. From the light of the sun, she brought it into the shadow of the open-air tent. The colours seemed to fade, the vibrance of the piece muted and suddenly the ghostly forms of angels could be seen dancing and wafting away in the distance. The balloon turned into a broken heart.

"This is one outta 4 pieces of a series called; 'See Angels in the Dark.' It's a literal title. The only time you will see angels is when the artwork is in not in direct light. And a lot of the subject matter is about dark times in someone's life."

"You do this full-time?"

Now that she got a good look at his face, it was pretty obvious that this was the son of the Mayor, honourable Aldis Chase. But still she decided to have some fun with him.

"Yes. You want it? Well, I also charge extra for you to earn my number and personal socials. First date is also minimum $200 spent on me. That's total for the dinner. Drinks afterwards is negotiable depending on where you take me. Pick me up at 7:30pm. Sharp. What kinda' car you drive?"

Niki couldn't believe she said all that with a straight face. In the distance Dani belted out gouts of laughter and Niki broke and started to laugh as well.

"Naaaaaw, I'm just playin' hahahahah! I know who you are; you're Elliot Chase, the mayor's son," Niki wiped at gently at the tears welling up in the corner of her eyes, "ahem. Let's try again then shall we?"

The young woman took a breath and regained her composure. A black, fingerless gloved hand she extend for Elliot to shake.

"Heyyyy! I'm Nikitia St. Pierre. But please, just call me Niki. I been in New Harbour for a few months now and have a few things displayed around town. And they're defo not all as dark as this. I just put this up to show versatility hahahah...!"

Niki grunted as she put the painting back upon its display easel. "Sooooo like what's good? How're you enjoying the festivities? But man, your dad looks like he not having too much fun in the sun amirite? Hahahahah!"

Suddenly she whipped around, plaid skirt chasing her movements, blue eyes wide, tattooed arm pointing towards the food and bevvie section, "Yo! They sell bubble tea over there. And they have good iced caps at the entrance. Ohh! Duuuude... like they have a slushee machine down that way. I'd be down to buy the Mayor a drink! Whacha dads like?"

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MOOD: focused.

LOCATION: Angel Grove University.

OUTFIT: leather.


MENTIONS: open / everyone.

Kit arrived at the carnival, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. He adjusted the strap of his bag, making sure the wrist-mounted grappling hook was secure. The New Harbor University Engineering Department had been eager to showcase his creation, and he couldn’t let them down.

As he approached the university’s table, he took a deep breath and reminded himself that this was a chance to be more social, to step out of his comfort zone. Setting up the display, Kit meticulously arranged his tools and diagrams, trying to distract himself from the growing crowd.

Throughout the hour, Kit demonstrated the grappling hook to curious students and faculty, explaining its mechanics and potential applications. Despite his initial nerves, he found himself enjoying the conversations, especially when people showed genuine interest in his work.

"So, how exactly does it work?" a young student with a bright smile asked, peering at the device.

"It's a bit like Spider-Man's web-shooter," Kit began, trying to simplify the complex engineering for his audience. "But instead of webs, it shoots out a strong cable with a grappling hook on the end. You aim, press the button, and it latches onto whatever you're trying to reach. Then you just reel yourself in."

A middle-aged man in a business suit nodded thoughtfully. "Could it be used for search and rescue missions?"

"Absolutely," Kit replied, his eyes lighting up. "It's compact, lightweight, and can support a person's weight. Plus, it has a quick-release mechanism for emergencies."

As the hour progressed, Kit's confidence grew. He fielded questions about the materials, the motor's power source, and even the coding that controlled the hook's trajectory. Each inquiry brought a sense of validation that his creation could have a real impact on the world.

When he finally took a break, his stomach growling, Kit spotted Minako navigating the crowded carnival. He decided to find her and grab a bite to eat together, hoping that his newfound social ease would make the interaction smoother.

After his shift at the table, Kit decided to explore the carnival. The aroma of food wafted through the air, and his stomach rumbled. He spotted the restaurant booth managed by Chance and made his way over, weaving through the bustling crowd.

Kit greeted with a small smile, trying to be more open. "How's everything going? The food smells amazing."

Interacting with: Chase Reigning Monarch Reigning Monarch

code by low fidelity.

"Guys, those go over there." Chance delegated to have some equipment moved so that it flowed better for him and the patrons they expected in a few moments. Far from a perfectionist, but things needed to be in a certain order for him. He tried his best not to show off how nervous he was to be catering for the New Harbor Community Center Carnival and felt unprepared for this type of commitment. However, he remembered something that his mother used to say, which was 'if you weren't ready for it, they wouldn't have asked you to do it'. Those words rang true when he was promoted to run the restaurant.

It seemed like in the blink of an eye, the crowd started filling in. Chance was helping his cooks fulfill the orders as they were coming in and even helped hand some of the orders out, as well. Luckily, he did have a friend with a food truck that came in handy for today's services, even though he also had a booth, while the crowd was dying down and everyone seemed to be fed and happy. Once things were calm enough, he walked the perimeter to see how everyone was enjoying the food but saw off in the distance a female standing by herself. Without hesitation, he walked over to her with a smile before parting his lips to speak. "Hey, if you get hungry, come by the food truck and I'll hook you up." He left with that thought lingering in the air as he continued on his walking before returning to the restaurant booth.

When his ears twitched as a voice greeted him, his eyes fluttered up and a smile slowly spread between his lips. "Thanks, and things are going pretty well." Chance replied. "Did you have anything to eat yet?" He inquired toward Kit with an arched brow.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples

yellow ranger


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡


  • mood

    Awkward and nervous, but curious!

Of course, right when Minako decided to take a chance and go to a public event with her fellow co-workers, they run off in excitement and she cannot find them in this very crowded place. She sighed with a shake of her head, pushing up her large teal glasses.
"Of course, I expect nothing less from ecstatic humans."
Her voice was low and a bit on the robotic side in cadence. Well...what was she supposed to do here? She had only been to a carnival once in her entire life, and that was when she was a child. And even then, she didn't fancy the crowds or the smell of greasy foods, or the loud music coming from the rides and musicians. And the clowns...ugh, don't get her started on the clowns!

She was about to make an impromptu choice on where to go when a gentleman came towards her, being polite and friendly, and it threw Minako for a loop. She wasn't used to being approached except if her assistance was required be it at home or work. But this guy was...offering her food? She tilted her head, but nodded.
"Ah, yes, of course. Thank you, I wouldn't mind some refreshments."
She said as if she were delivering a scientific essay, and then another kind guy came over asking if she wanted to have some refreshments with him! She couldn't help but smile brightly,
"Ah, yes! Thank you! I was getting a little hungry after my co-workers decided to abandon me."
She sighed but followed Kit to the restaurant booth where the other nice man was working.
"Nothing too greasy, of course, it doesn't bode well on the stomach for me."
She looked between the two guys, then looked down.
"Minako Tanaka, by the way."

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡


Location: New Harbor Community Center Carnival
Interacting w/: Niki BuggaBoo BuggaBoo

Elliot's interest in Niki's work initially came from the piece at a distance, but once he was close enough to actually see how the painting literally changed under different lighting, he was even more impressed. By comparison, he felt that his own work was amateur, but he didn't have enough time to sit down and focus on it. Instead, Elliot was doing things such as making public appearances with his father with the thought that he would be catapulting his own political career. Much more boring by comparison than becoming an artist.

"I mean, I'm interested, yeah..." Elliot began, but realized that his response wasn't exactly specific to what he was requesting: the painting or her digits. Before he could intervene to explain what he meant, the artist kept speaking about the requirements for the first date and then some. Once she was done, he froze for a moment, the look of confusion transitioning into a nervous laugh. Usually, women didn't have this effect on him, yet here he was partially flustered.

"Okay, I was trippin' for a second," he replied with a laugh as she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you Nikitia St. Pierre. That sounds official as hell," Elliot added with a nod. She asked about his father which prompted him to shove his hands into his pockets while she repositioned the work back on the easel. "It's cool... it's cool. Just wish I didn't have my dad tagging along with me. He's not the type of father to breathe down your neck or anything, but you know how it is: when you're somewhere trying to have fun and you really can't because your parents are there. Can't really loosen up."

Turning his attention towards the food area, Elliot noticed the crowd beginning to form, a smile forming on his features.

"What my Dad wants is probably not on the menu here if you know what I mean," Elliot replied jokingly. "You said drinks are negotiable depending on where I take you, right? I can buy you something if you'd like? Plus, we should probably try to beat the crowd before the lines start wrapping around the whole damn carnival. Come on."

Nodding his head in the direction of the food, Elliot led the way in that direction, being mindful not to walk too fast or in too big of a stride. As they walked across the concrete, Elliot noticed his father talking to the local news positioned by another food truck and just simply shook his head.

"I swear, it's hard to get him out of Mayor-mode... It would probably take some kind of alien invasion for that shit to happen. You figured out what you wanna drink?" he asked.​
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'Niki' - Nikitia St. Pierre


Headed to the food and bevvie area...

"...Can't really loosen up. What my Dad wants is probably not on the menu here if you know what I mean,"

She had been nodding along, a small and pleasant smile pushing upward at her lips. But the smile evapourated the moment Elliot brought up his dad's preference to quench his thirst. It was a feeling she knew all too well. Blue eyes dulled and slid sideways as she spoke out the side of her mouth. "Aaaaaactually know what...? I concur with daddy. I could go for something 'not-on-the-menu'..."

Niki had covered her mouth despite mumbling her remark neath her breath. Suddenly the hand lowered and the glint returned in those playful icy-hued circlets. Just then a random thought snuck in past her black and gold tendrils and into her head. And Niki being Niki, she just had to act on it.

"You said drinks are negotiable depending on where I take you, right? I can buy you something if you'd like--

2 hopping steps brought her just off to the side, mischievous smile tilted towards a certain Mayor. She interrupted Elliot and continued hopping up and down, wildly waving her hand, "Hold up. I'mma use my voice as a voter! Ahem. Eyo, Mayor Chase! Yo, hook the festival up with a 'not-on-the-menu' license. Let ya son loosen up and live a little, feeeeel me? Hahahahahah!"

The laughter continued as the waving above her head stopped and the waving of her hand to fan her face started. It took some time but the tidal wave of laughter finally trickled away into a soft bubbly streaming giggle. She then tossed a dismissive motion towards the young man, "Oh, don't worry ya waves offa ya head...! Its too loud up in here. Ain't no way daddy heard me say out loud what you were thinking hahahahah--"

"We should probably try to beat the crowd before the lines start wrapping around the whole damn carnival."

Niki froze on the spot and scratched at the back of her head, eyes lowered, checking out the scuff marks on her black boots. She surmised he proooooobably didn't enjoy her putting him on the spot, not with the Mayor standing right next to their destination.

"Come on."

A grin popped into existence once he seemed unperturbed, "I'll behave. 'Kay. All goods. I'll stop. Soon. Ish."

Lickety split, she darted back into the open-air tent, grabbed her seriously badge'd up, fancy-ass'd, decorated bag and strapped her skateboard to it. A quick nod she directed at Dani. A nod just as quick in return. Silently Niki used two fingers to point at her own eyes then pointed with the same fingers at their art work. Another nod from Dani.

"Go on then," her companion waved her away with a chubby brown hand. An obvious, exagerrared wink she half-heartedly hid with the other one, "oh, and get me a full, man-sized serving of some of that... 'milk chocolate...' You best know I sure as hell ain't sharin' with the rest of the class--"

"Nuh! Who's maaaaaarried...? Check your ring finger...!" Niki giggled once she realized Dani was flipping up her not-ring finger.

"I swear, it's hard to get him out of Mayor-mode... It would probably take some kind of alien invasion for that shit to happen. You figured out what you wanna drink?"

Her gaze followed over to where his dark eyes fell. Despite her foolishness and completely extra persona, Niki was still very perceptive. Ain't no way she would have joined him if she had any inkling dude here was a creeper. All the signs pointed to that he was a decent fella: patient, polite, well-mannered and well-raised. It didn't take an FBI profiler genius to see just what kinda' mixed emotions he felt as he stared at his dad. Pretty certain one could come to the conclusion he loved his pops despite his flaws.

"You figured out what you wanna drink?"

Lickety split, Niki pulled out her water bottle from her bag and put it on full display for Elliot to see, "Naw, I'm good. I'm on a water-only fluids cleanse. Too much sugar intake so I need to cut back... that and... tryna stop drinkin' the... 'not-on-the-menu' substances. Ya feel me?"

The mention of the substances once more dulled those blue eyes and hindered that ever-present smile. But Niki being Niki, the lowered vibes were soon discardws and forgotten. Almost immediately she perked up again, as if plugged into a light switch.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Kay, yeah! Siiiick! This is the place I was talking about. Reigning Monarch Reigning Monarch Their drinks are niiiiiiice, for real tho--Oh know what? Speaking of alien invasion...

"They have like all this weird, sci-fi, futuristic ish displayed in the Science and Tech area. Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Dude has like some kinda' grappling hook arm thingie that looks straight outta' a UFO from outer space! Bruh, it's cool but kinda' gives me the ick. Like I dunno why but like some of those things that those goofy egghead nerds create are just as dangerous looking as they are cool. But like, what do I know, I'm not a goofy egghead nerd hahahahah---"

Sometimes she could be an animated hand-talker and sometimes she could get carried away-- well more than sometimes. Yeeeeeah let's be so for real, Niki always got carried away no doubt-- and this time her sweeping motions smacked a bespectacled, young Asian lady in the back. Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples A soft, apologetic smile and gentle, tattooed hand she bestowed the other woman.

"Ooops! Sorry, my bad, my bad. It's my hands; they drawn to only pretty things..." a playful eyebrow pop accented that titled grin.



MOOD: focused.

LOCATION: Angel Grove University.

OUTFIT: leather.


MENTIONS: open / everyone.

Kit chuckled lightly at Chance's question, appreciating the friendly demeanor. "Not yet," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "I got caught up with the university booth, and now I'm just trying to figure out where to start."

He glanced around at the different food stalls and trucks, the variety making it hard to decide. "Everything smells so good, it's hard to choose," Kit added with a smile. "Any recommendations? What's been the crowd favorite today?"

Kit appreciated the opportunity to have a casual conversation, even if it was just about food. It was a small step in breaking out of his shell and engaging more with others. He hoped that by asking for Chance's suggestions, he could keep the conversation going and maybe even learn a bit more about the culinary side of the event.

Interacting with: Chase Reigning Monarch Reigning Monarch

code by low fidelity.

Chance eyed the two patrons and had no earthly idea that they were chitchatting with each other, which he rudely interrupted. He briefly winced to himself as they both came over and eyed the female, who spoke first. A little laugh came from him when she remarked that she wanted nothing too greasy as it didn't agree with her stomach. "Hm, how about a nice salad? Any choice of meat? We have ham, turkey, chicken but not fried." His eyes then flicked over to Kit and bounced back to Minako, who also introduced herself. "Chance." He spoke plainly and listened to Kit's words.

While pondering Kit's question, more people trickled over by the food trucks and there seemed to be a shift in the air. No one else noticed it, so Chance made a note not to react and continued to act normally. "It depends on what you like, Kit." His shoulders shrugged a bit. "Here at Casa De Chance, we have a little something for everyone. I made sure of it." The cashier scoffed with an eye roll, which made Chance stare at her with intent.

Since he provided both of his patrons with options and while he awaited their order, Chance continued speaking to Kit. "Honestly, anything with BBQ has been a crowd-pleaser today. Unsure as to why." His face scrunched up because he was unsure himself because usually, BBQ wasn't his specialty but much more cuisine-like dishes. Although, he never, ever made them for his restaurant, let alone a food truck.

"So, guys, what will it be?" His fingers snapped because he forgot the fact that he did have smaller menus available, which he handed to Minako and Kit.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples

yellow ranger


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡


Well, well! It seemed the kindly gentleman running the food stand was understanding of Minako's dietary guidelines, how wonderful! She perked up when he mentioned making a salad for her. "Ah, you're so accommodating, thank you! A chicken Caesar salad would be perfect, along with some Sprite to go with it, if you please." She was also caught off guard when the kind gentleman introduced himself after she did, most people brushed her off when she tried to do the same. "Pleasure to meet you, Chance." She smiled a bit, perhaps this carnival trip wouldn't be such a waste, after all!

The gadget on Kit's wrist caught her eye, and she pointed to it. "And what's this contraption? Did you make it?" She was so distracted by it that she didn't see a woman coming towards her, and then said woman smacked her on the back. "Eeek!" She jumped with a yelp, startled. She righted her crooked glasses and turned to the woman, confused when she said that her hands were normally drawn to...pretty things?

Minako looked around for a moment, then looked at herself and laughed. "Ah, you must be mistaken then! I'm not exactly the belle of the ball at this festival, but the compliment is well-received." She couldn't help but blush just slightly, and then she realized just how crowded the line was starting to get with the arrival of the lady and her gentleman friend, no doubt. She thought about moving out of the way, at the very least to wait for her salad and figure out what device Kit had on his wrist.

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡


Location: New Harbor Community Center Carnival
Interacting w/: Everyone​

In the midst of their trek across the carnival, Elliot also hadn't realized just how crowded the place had gotten. It felt as if the entire city of New Harbor was present and accounted for. He wasn't the type to be paranoid, but whenever there was a plethora of people in one spot, strange things tended to happen... especially when it came to a government official like his father. But, with Niki's jovial presence, he was trying his best to be at ease. She seemed like a friendly girl with a bit (okay, maybe a lot) of quirkiness.

Elliot slightly flinched when he saw Niki's expressive hands collide into the other woman's back, but just as quickly, Niki apologized and the woman accepted it. Crisis averted.

One of the guys standing near the now forming group of five Elliot recalled during the food vendor meetings prior to the event happening. Chance was his name if he remembered correctly. The other appeared to be more of the quiet type, but as he spoke about the gadget attached to his wrist, Elliot recalled Niki's comment about a guy with a grappling hook. What was he? Batman or something? It sounded dope either way.

"We all should sit together, yeah?" Elliot finally said with a dimpled grin, looking from person to person.

"I mean... if we wanna avoid that awkward ass moment like in high school where you're the new kid and you're sitting by yourself, right? Hey you... Bruce Wayne," he said, acknowledging Kit (and his grappling hook). "Find us a table near some shade after you order your food, aight?"

All appeared to be occurring as normal until a tremor started, shaking the ground weakly for a few moments before intensifying greatly. Footing slightly off, Elliot reached out a hand, grabbing onto Niki and Minako's shoulders since they were the nearest to him, but around the way, there were children and elderly people who were not as fortunate to sustain their footing in the midst of the earthquake. As the shaking came to a halt, the crowd went silent for a few moments as if waiting for a second round just in case. When it didn't come, slight murmurs could be heard amongst the crowd.

"We never get earthquakes in New Harbor..." Elliot said out loud, not to anyone in particular. He glanced around for a few moments before his eyes shifted to the restaurant booth. "Look out!"

The booth toppled over frontward onto the ground, smoke immediately coming from the back of it and a fire stirring, sending the carnival goers in a frenzy. Shortly after, there were numerous humanoid creatures dressed in a burnt orange with cyan horns on their heads, pointing guns at random citizens. No introductions, no questions, no anything really as the sound of weapons firing at people erupted at the carnival. The creatures seemed to be coming in droves now from every direction. Looks like no one was about to partake in any carnival food now.

From behind Elliot, one of the creatures grabbed him by the shoulder and sent him flying into a nearby open field, landing on his back.

"Mmph," he groaned, rolling over in grunting in pain. Pressing his palm to the ground, he slowly got himself up but not before another one of the orange freaks came his way, pointing its weapon at him, but now he was actually expecting a fight. Pushing the gun away as it fired off into a nearby tree, Elliot gripped at the back of the weapon in an attempt to wrestle it away. A slight struggle ensued into Elliot lifted his elbow to strike his opponent in the face, forcing the weapon free and dazing the creature. "Shit, that hurt like hell!" Elliot shouted, holding the weapon with one hand and shaking his arm to loosen up the funny bone feeling in his weak arm.

Priority Objective:
  • Survive the Attack of Larveils! - The Larveils are the foot soldiers of Araknarok's empire. They are often sent into battle to serve as a distraction for a greater purpose or to strike fear into ordinary humans. Fend off the Larveils as best as you can and feel free to work together (but keep in mind: these creatures are strong against you without your Ranger powers just yet). You may control Larveils to your heart's desire so long as you are not manhandling them with ease.


'Niki' - Nikitia St. Pierre


Making new friends and fighting aliens, what else is new...

So maybe she wasn't her type but my gosh but how she blushes...

"Ah, you must be mistaken then! I'm not exactly the belle of the ball at this festival, but the compliment is well-received."

"Eyo, the hands don't lie hahahahah! But oh, okay gotcha. Eyo, if you ever need more compliments...?" Niki flicked loose gold and black dreadlock ends from her shoulders and in the same motion, both index fingers pointed straight at her face, "I'm ya girl, ya feeeeel me?"

Several enthusiastic nods she gave once Elliot had offered for everyone to sit together. Once they were all in close proximity to each other, a fist she held out for each to bump, "I'm Nikitia St. Pierre from the Art section. But erybody just calls me; Niki. And this hunka future successor to the throne is Elliot Chase ( KingsRock KingsRock ). What's y'alls names?"

Pleasantries aside, she couldn't help but try and hide her bright grin when Elliot called one of the other fellas 'Bruce Wayne.' Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- She even used both hands to cover her mouth and stifle her laughter when Elliot bossman'd Kit into finding the group a place to sit. He treated the other fella less like a 'Bruce Wayne' and more like an 'Alfred the Butler.' Niki being Niki, she just had to react to it.

"Eyo, shade! 'Under some shade!' Don't forget what his highness said hahahahah...!" quickly afterwards she waved an inocuous hand at him, "bruh, I'm just plaaaaayin... Listen. Kit, right? Yeah, dude, here lemme go with you to find a-- damn, what's goin on?!"

It felt surreal. The gound was rumbling but swaying sideways at the same time. She felt somehow afloat and in little control of her body, as if the earth beneath was pulled out from right underneath her feet. She was falling forward then an arm reached out and steadied her by the shoulders. But from the corner of her eye she saw it happening, and, in her mind's she saw them all get flattened. One hand hastily pulled at Elliots arm around her, the other pulled at Minako's top. With all her might she yanked both of them as she dove to get outta the way of the collapsing booth.

A heartbeat later she heard the thunderous crash behind them. Niki pressed tightly one tan hand to her forehead and tried to rise, but felt the wooziness overtake her knees and vision. Despite being floored she rolled over and yelled,
"You guys you okay...?! Kit! Chance, you good?!( Reigning Monarch Reigning Monarch ) Where you fellas at? I dont know whaaaaat the actual eff in the face...?! THE HELL ARE THOSE THINGS??!!"

Her brain never considered the worst outcome. She usually never did.

Hunkered down low, Niki was racing away, all 4 wheels of her skateboard spinning at breakneck speed. The normally smiling mouth was frozen in white hot concentration. The normally bright and welcoming eyes were laser focused and determined like a hawk. At the very last second she leapt, abandoning her deck. It clattered down the concrete steps as she soared through the air, both arms outstretched.

The child's big dark eyes grew even bigger the moment the stranger lady with the black and gold hair shoved him backwards. The child went tumbling into the grass with Niki tumbling right behind. He was scuffed up and wailing but the blasts from the monster's weapon would not claim another victim.

"Eyo, kid! Kid, you all goods...! I gots you. I gots you. Shhhhhh... Kid, you okay, you okay now..." Niki wiped the dirt and tears from the shook and frightened boy, holding him closely to her.

She made a fist and cocked her arm the moment she heard a pair of footfalls rush her and her ward. But instead of throwing a punch, she sighed in relief. Welcomed hugs she warmly accepted as she gave the kid up to his grateful and teary eyed parents. No time for pleasantries, Niki merely nodded a final time to the pair, mussed up the boy's hair and bolted for the stairs. Two rays of energy narrowly missed her as she leap over the 9 steps and hit the landing running.
Good good, focus on me, ugliesl Let the kid n' folks get away!

Deft hands picked up her deck, full lips kissed it then she was rocketing down the concrete on all 4 wheels, plaid skirt chasing behind her once more. The scowl at her brow lighted up when she spotted the others and veered towards them. A massive olllie over a spiilled garbage can. A wallride offa the outer bathroom wall to avoid random fallen bikes. Then her heart skipped a beat the moment she saw the monster in front of her. But its back was facing her. Niki saw the other concrete path to escape, but Niki being Niki she just had to try; she never considered the outcome afterall. The painful and shot dead outcome.

The adrenaline spiked as she ollied up onto the raised concrete ledge. There was enough room to get 3 good pushoffs and she was hurtling away at her desired speed. The young woman inhaled and held her breath; she had practiced the Madonna forever, but never to be used in a situation like this. As she flew towards the monster, her skateboard wheels spun madly in mid air.

Niki screeched as she kicked out her front foot. It connected and she bailed on the landing. Once more her skateboard went its own way in another wild direction. She landed with a loud grunt and spun around on one fancy-assed boot, a frown spilling across her face. Both hands balled up, as she remained low to the ground, facing the monster and ready to meet her fate. Both dark eyebrows suddenly popped up, a grin slowly forming. It worked! Niiki had kicked the weapon outta its hands!

The monster was scrambling, looking for the weapon. Niki acted on this sliver of hope. Like a bolt of lightning she ran. Not away, but towards it. Another screech she let out as she pulled her dark kerchief over its face and cinched it tight. As it stumbled around, feeling out blindly for its target, Niki wheeled and ran again. Sadly, she left her skateboard behind. But at least she traded it in for her survival. And something else.

"Guys! Guysguysguysguys!! I Got it! I gots its gun! La Chatouille, elle est FORMiDABLE elle, n'est-ce pas!!! Hahahahahah!!"

Despite the girl's triumph, she had no idea how to use it. And so she ran hell for leather towards those whom she thought could help. That and whomever was closer: Minako or Kit.



MOOD: focused.

LOCATION: Angel Grove University.

OUTFIT: leather.


MENTIONS: open / everyone.

Kit’s senses were on high alert the moment the tremor hit. The carefree atmosphere of the carnival shattered in an instant, replaced by chaos and panic. As the ground shook violently, Kit instinctively braced himself, feet wide apart to maintain balance. His eyes darted around, assessing the situation and quickly taking note of the toppling booth, the panicked crowd, and the strange creatures that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

Chance’s earlier words about BBQ were drowned out by the screams and the sounds of weapons firing. Kit barely had time to process what was happening before he saw Elliot get thrown across the field and Niki bravely rushing to save a child. It was all happening too fast, but Kit’s mind was already working on overdrive.

When Elliot called him "Bruce Wayne" and asked him to find a table, Kit couldn’t help but smirk at the reference. But now, the situation demanded something far more serious than witty banter. His engineering skills wouldn’t save him here—this was a battle for survival.

Seeing Niki sprinting toward him with the stolen weapon, Kit’s focus zeroed in. He ran toward her, his mind calculating the best course of action. He had no idea how to operate an alien weapon either, but he knew one thing: they needed to work together.

“Niki, toss it here!” Kit shouted as he closed the distance between them. He reached out, ready to catch the weapon. He knew it was a long shot, but his instincts told him they couldn’t stay on the defensive. They needed to fight back, even if it meant using the enemy's tools against them.

Interacting with: Niki BuggaBoo BuggaBoo

code by low fidelity.

'Niki' - Nikitia St. Pierre


With Kit and moving to gather with the others...

As Kit emerged from around the corner, a massive sigh of relief escaped her but that relief didn't keep her from running at top speed. He saw her but was still a good distance away.

“Niki, toss it here!”

The dark-eyed brunette was hustling towards her through the chaos. The moment they were close enough, Niki grunted and heaved the alien weapon basketball chest pass style, "Bruh, here, CATCH!!"

It was actually a half-decent lob despite the weight and awkwardness of never ever touching such a thing before. Her mind didn't have time to register that she touched something created from beyond earth-- hell, perhaps even further! Instead she followed in close behind Kit, dreads bobbing and skirt bouncing as she ran. Along their path she spied a bike lock randomly lying there and scooped it up as the hustled by.

Hunched over, she moved stride for stride, keeping up with the inventor. If he actually figured out how to fire the weapon and, just had to fire it, Niki would squeal in surprise and cover her ears. But regardless, she kept an eye out for the others. It was tough going since there were still dozens of people running this way or that, screaming wildly or collapsing to the ground after a glowing bolt took them down. Suddenly blue eyes popped wide the moment she saw Elliot; he was still alive AND he had somehow taken a weapon from the monster thingies. Niki patted Kit's shoulder several times. With her other hand she pointed,
"Kit! Kit, dude, over there! We should get over to Elliot!"

She was breathing hard now, part of it from physical exertion, but mostly from trying to keep it all together. Speaking of together, one tan hand she raised to cup her mouth, Reigning Monarch Reigning Monarch Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
"Chance!! Minako!! Where you at?!"

A relieved smile breached the worried look upon her face the moment they reconvened with Elliot. They were gathered beside the demolished bouncy castle with the colourful plastic balls leaking out from the punctured ballpit. A gentle pat on the arm she gave him, KingsRock KingsRock "Good to see ya, my guy. Sooooo... you still buying drinks?"

Normally, the boisterous laugh would accompany such a quip, but not now. At least she was still calm enough to crack a joke. The smile broadened but that was all for a heartbeat later, concern pulled away at her fine features yet again. Niki turned and dared to crane her neck up from behind their cover desperately hoping to see her other 2 new buds again. Blue eyes scanned the utter chaos as the young woman readied to wave and call them over the moment she spotted them.

Last edited:


Minako blinked a few times at the way Niki spoke to her, what strange yet casual language this lady addressed her with! It was simultaneously confusing and fascinating, and the computer nerd laughed a bit, unsure though a bit amused. "Feel you? Well, I'm not sure about feeling you, as my hands are being kept to myself, but I certainly understand where you're coming from! I will keep that in mind to come to you for more compliments." Of course Minako would take the 'feel me' comment literally, most modern slang went over her head as she didn't exactly have a social life, rather, she kept to her work with computers in both software and hardware.

She then looked to Elliot who suggested they all sit together, and Minako was about to respond when the ground suddenly shook beneath her feet. She wobbled a bit, but Elliot's hand on her shoulder kept her standing thankfully, and she looked to him in worry. "The last recorded Earthquake in this region was over a century ago, they're quite rare!" She confirmed, but what happened next defied all logic - strange beings in armored suits weidling some sort of military-grade weapons emerged and struck fear into the hearts of every patron here. Minako gasped and ducked away from the invasion at first, her brain immediately running at light speed to figure out how to stop or at least slow these alien brutes.

Minako wasn't a fighter, not by any means, but she did use her intellect in the past to her advantage in sticky situations. When one of those soldiers came at her, she had to think on her feet - grabbing a bottle of mustard, she sprayed it into the being's visor to temporarily blind it with the spicy yellow condiment, causing the invader to drop the weapon to wipe at the eyes part of the helmet. Minako quickly grabbed the weapon and...oh uh, she didn't know how to use firearms. Great. But perhaps one of the kind people she met today would know? Speaking of which, she perked up when she heard Niki's voice, and she ran over to her. "I'm here!" She had a gun and a bottle of mustard in her hands, looking to Niki Elliot and Kit for a moment, "....Don't ask." She sighed, then looked ahead. "We need to find a way to defeat these intruders, but how?!"[/border]

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡

What was a struggle initially soon turned to be somewhat of a "strength in numbers" situation. As strong as five regular individuals could be against seemingly an army of armored freaks. Where did these things come from anyway? And why were they wreaking havoc on a friendly carnival?

These thoughts came to mind for Elliot as he looked around for this father. In the midst of the attack, he didn't really get the opportunity to secure his whereabouts. Security, no doubt, did their part in ensuring that he was able to leave the scene unharmed, but that same security seemingly had forgotten about him. He was still a direct family member to the mayor after all. Either way, it couldn't be helped. The support of these four other individuals was apparently enough right now.

"Good to see ya, my guy. Sooooo... you still buying drinks?"

"All of our drinks are on me if we survive this shit," Elliot huffed with a smile, despite their lives literally being in danger. Looking up, he saw the chef from before fleeing a trio of Larveils.

"Chance, over here!" he said, signaling the fifth member over to the group, accidentally firing the gun in the direction of a Larveil, striking one of the humanoid on impact and sending it flying into a nearby light pole. "Oh, that's how you shoot it?" he joked, reaching over to Chance and pulling him to them before firing the weapon at the two others who began shielding themselves

"We need to find a way to defeat these intruders, but how?!"

"I guess the problem is we don't know what we're dealing with..." he replied behind with a wince. "Not gone lie... we need some kind of miracle right now."

And then... a miracle happened.

A large shadow casted over much of the carnival, causing everyone in the crowd to look up. Much to everyone's surprise (because a group of orange "aliens" wasn't surprising enough), there was a massive, red mechanized beetle swooping over the entire area. It's flight soon descended towards the ground as strategic bright blue lasers were fired at and landed directly on several of the Larveils within the surrounding area. Upon impact, the Larveils began to implode, turning into a green smoke. The ones that were fortunate enough to not get hit, retreated the area immediately, leaving the carnage of the carnival to those who were able to withstand the situation.

Before anyone in the group of five could react, however, the beetle hovered above the five of them as a bright light emitted from its base, teleporting them inside of the beetle where they were settled into what appeared to be a cockpit that gave a transparent view of the entire area within a 360 degree viewpoint. Seated at the controls, but not controlling anything, was a woman with short hair and a serious expression.

"What the hell just happened?" Elliot said out loud, glancing around the cockpit and turning completely to see the seated woman. "And who are you? You know about all of this?"

Smiling, the woman finally spoke. "So... this is the group that has been selected, hm?" she said, heeled shoes clicking on the floor as she walked slowly but with intent from one member of the group to the other. The beetle then suddenly moved abruptly, taking off somewhere else (of which, the movements caught the group off guard similar to the earthquake). "No worries, you'll get used to that, I'm sure," she replied with a stifled laugh.

"Let's see... we've got an engineer... a chef..." she continued, walking from Kit to Chance. "A genius... an artist..." Now, from Minako to Niki. "And a politician."

"Correction: my dad's the politician," Elliot interrupted, lifting his finger.

"Sure. Let's go with that," the lady responded sarcastically before carrying on. "I... am Commander Veronica Starr of what was formerly deemed the Metamorphosis project. I have the pleasure of informing you about who you are. Well, who you've been selected to be, anyway." Her pacing ceased as she stood in front of them so that they all could see her. Then, turning her attention from one to the other, she spoke seriously now. "You five have been selected to become protectors of our city. Of our world. You... are now... Power Rangers."

Objectives Completed:
  • Meet and greet your fellow (future) Rangers at the carnival
  • Protect the New Harbor Community Center from danger
  • Meet up with Commander Veronica Starr
  • Survive the Attack of Larveils!


MOOD: focused.

LOCATION: Angel Grove University.

OUTFIT: leather.


MENTIONS: open / everyone.

As Niki threw the gun, Kit caught it mid-air, his heart pounding in his chest. He fumbled with it for a moment, trying to figure out how it worked, his engineering mind rapidly processing the alien design. But there was no time for careful study—one of the creatures was already bearing down on them.

With a quick glance at the controls, Kit aimed the weapon at the oncoming creature and fired. The blast hit the creature square in the chest, sending it flying back. Kit barely had time to register the success before another creature advanced.

Kit stood there, trying to process everything that had just happened. The chaos of the carnival, the sudden appearance of the Larveils, and now this—a giant mechanized beetle swooping in to save them and teleporting them into some kind of advanced cockpit. His mind raced as he tried to piece it all together, but nothing made sense.

As Commander Veronica Starr spoke, Kit’s eyes narrowed in thought. He’d always considered himself logical, grounded in reality, but this was something out of a comic book—a world he never imagined he’d be thrust into. The mention of being chosen as a "Power Ranger" was almost too much to believe.

His gaze shifted from the Commander to the others in the group: Minako, Niki, Chance, and Elliot. They were all regular people, each with their own unique skills and backgrounds, yet here they were, thrown into something far bigger than themselves.

“Power Rangers…?” Kit muttered, more to himself than anyone else. He looked down at his wrist-mounted grappling hook, the very thing that had brought him to this point, and then back at the Commander. “Why us?” he finally asked, his voice steady but laced with curiosity and a hint of skepticism. “What makes us so special that we’re chosen to protect the world?”

Interacting with: Commander Veronica KingsRock KingsRock

code by low fidelity.

'Niki' - Nikitia St. Pierre


Up in the spaceship...

So what the actual eff in the face was that thing floating there above them supposed to be? Niki had no idea but neither did she even bother to think about it. No, she was too busy screaming and running in the opposite direction. But she could not outrun the warbling beam of light.

And then she was standing there in the cockpit of the alien bug ship: flashing lights, consoles buzzing, engine rumbling and all. Still screaming. But it was no longer screaming because of the sight of the giant red robo-bug, no it was because she was standing but there was no floor. Blue eyes bulged wide as she stared below her boots; Niki could see the carnival grounds beneath her but from a distance high above the trees.

Elliot's voice, loud and clear interrupted her screams and she stopped. She was now staring wide eyed, head darting this was and that , swivelling around wildly, trying to compute that she was staring at the open sky and clouds at eye level. A tanned and tatted hand reached up and clasped tight on her forehead, trying to shove her brain back inside.

"So... this is the group that has been selected, hm?"

It looked like a brown skinned woman dressed up in some kinda futuristic military suit. She looked human too. To be honest, Niki was expecting a giant disembodied head of a scrunched up faced male, bald, and lit up as it floated in a column of mystical light. Perhaps it was an illusion and the woman was actually a disgusting disfigured psychopathic alien just waiting to experiment and... 'probe' them all with various hideously long and metallic devices.

When the possibly-human woman spoke and paraded all around the five of them, Niki involuntarily pressed her hands to her skirt, one on the front the other on the back, as if to ensure nothing invaded her 'personal spaces'. The poor thing even jumped when the not-alien woman said the word; 'artist' as if she were being called out to the chopping block.

So this not-alien woman, 'Commander Veronica Starr' of some kinda sus sounding project, was the lone pilot of the giant bug bot ship? Niki's fears were suddenly replaced by suspicions and sketicism the moment she heard the next words outta the not-alien woman's mouth.

"You five have been selected to become protectors of our city. Of our world. You... are now... Power Rangers."

Kit even questioned her, immediately taking the words right outta her mouth. Why the 5 of them really? And protect the world? Niki didn't dare take a step forward, out into the non-existant looking floor beneath her but she did dare point a finger.

"My boi does gots a point there, 'Commander Veronica' is it? Right. So 'Commander Veronica', if that really is your real name, how exactly did you come about selecting us? Did your bosses tell you to kidnap us? And what exactly are 'Power Wranglers?' Are we supposed to be working for this... this 'Megalomaniac Project' or whatever?"

Niki did end up finding the courage to step forward now, "Right. And for real now, how do we know you aren't some evil psycho alien tryna abduct us and... 'probe' us then turn us into those... those thingies with the freaky guns down there?"



As if it couldn't get any stranger or all the more frightening, a large spaceship in the shape of a red beetle appeared out of nowhere! This had to be a fever dream of some sort, Minako rationalized - perhaps he had passed out in front of Chance's food stand from dehydration? That had to be it, surely she would wake up any moment with a nice refreshing glass of water to help combat her heat exhaustion! But the next thing she knew, before she could think to run like Niki decided to do, she was suddenly beamed up onto the ship with the other four individuals she had only just met mere moments before chaos ensued.

Bewildered, and trembling slightly, Minako kept her feet apart for the sake of balance lest she fall from the overwhelming shock and fear that went through her being on a seemingly alien spacecraft. But the sight of a human lady in uniform walking over to them, to examine them, gave her pause. Her brows furrowed at the mention of being 'chosen' for a role known as a power ranger, and blinking a few times, Minako frowned. After Kit and Niki put in their two cents, she stepped forward to speak.

"If she were an extraterrestrial being, her demeanor would have very obviously ratted her out, as alien lifeforms do not comprehend human speech or mannerisms. Regardless, this is still extremely suspicious." Her gaze met the commander's evenly, "To be recruited for any sort of military outfit, one must meet a set of requirements and qualifications in order to be accepted, not to mention years of training would also need to be a factor in such a big decision as this. The role of 'Power Ranger' seems like a very elite title as far as military operations are concerned. In short, I ask you, what exactly do we as five normal civilians with little to no military experience have that makes us a perfect fit for your outfit? I have no combat training, and I'm sure my friends here have none, either. It's both irresponsible and dangerous to thrust such roles at normal everyday people, I do hope your superiors realize this."

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡


Location: Inside the Beetle Insectizord / The Command Center
Interacting w/: Everyone! BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Reigning Monarch Reigning Monarch

Commander Starr's eyes lowered as each of the new recruits spoke about their reservations of being a Power Ranger. Once they were done, a soft chuckle left her lips as she crossed arms at the wrist behind her back. A smug smile formed on her features as she lifted her eyes to look at each of them.

"Unfortunately, I don't have the honor of deciding who is given the respectable title of Power Rangers. That responsibility lies solely on the Insect Souls," she began, gesturing to the cockpit that the six of them were currently inside of. Whether if they knew it or not, the Beetle Insectizord was flying itself. There was no one at the controls. In fact... there were no manual controls. "The Beetle Insectizord was awoken from its slumber after the Beetle Insect Soul injected itself inside of it. It appears that once five worthy individuals proved that their grit, the Insect Souls became dormant no more."

Elliot was visibly frustrated, his face curling up in slight confusion. He was smart, college educated, but her jargon was confusing him. This sounded like something out of a terrible science fiction movie in his opinion.

"Lady, you're using words that us common people are unfamiliar with. Power Rangers, Insectizords, Insect Souls... what the hell is going on, I ask again!?"

"I will tell you more once we land at the Command Center."

It was then the Beetle Insectizord descended towards the ground once they reached a seemingly deserted location on the outskirts of the city. As they flew lower towards the trees, the Beetle Insectizord flew through a previously unseen barrier that warped them through its honeycombed shaped patterned wall. When they broke through the other side, the Rangers were met with what looked like a small, abandoned army based that had once been ravaged. One could tell that there had been an attempt at some restructuring, but nature had taken its course with foliage beginning to combine with the new technology of the Command Center building.

Once they were settled inside, they were led to the central location of the Command Center where there was a 360 degree view of New Harbor City. They weren't in New Harbor, but were able to see what was going on from this isolated location. Along the walls of the lower platform were images of the five Insect Souls: the Red Beetle, the Blue Dragonfly, the Yellow Mantis, the Purple Butterfly and the Black Hornet.

"This is insane..." Elliot said, doing his own tour of the hexagon shaped room, furrowed brows indicative of curiosity but being careful not to touch anything. "Does the President know about this?"

"Not exactly," Commander Starr replied, gathering the attention of the group. "The people of the Metamorphosis Project are thought to be no longer with us. Myself included. The project itself was developed when we caught word of a cross-dimensional threat entered our world... those creatures you five so valiantly fought earlier today. They're called Larveils and if you thought that you had a slight struggle against them, I regret to inform you that they are part of a bigger threat as a whole. They belong to a group called Araknarok whose sole mission appears to be to conquer the Earth. New Harbor has the privilege of being where they have decided to focus their attacks."

A screen materialized before them, showing a video of the Larveils from earlier, terrorizing the carnival. Shortly afterward, the screen shifted to a video of Bugnarak destroying a previous world before finally showing an image of what appeared to be the leader of the evil faction.

"The Metamorphosis Project's effort to quickly annihilate this threat came in the form of tapping into what is called the Morphin Grid. A multi-dimensional energy source that we are able to combine with things of our world in order to create superhuman warriors. Power Rangers. The one problem that was our downfall was that we attempted to combine the energy from the Morphin Grid with people that were incompatible with it. The Insect Souls? They come from within the Morphin Grid and are... very precise about what they are looking for in a human body to merge with."

As she spoke, the five Insect Souls floated into the room through the walls, floating around aimlessly until stopping in front of their designated partner.

The Red Beetle floated in front of Kit. The Blue Dragonfly, Minato. The Yellow Mantis, Chance. The Purple Butterfly, Elliot. The Black Hornet, Niki.

"Oh, I gotta be in the wrong spot," Elliot said with a slight laugh, seeing the Purple Butterfly in front of him. He moved to the other side of Niki, assuming that the Butterfly was for her and that the Hornet was for him, but that only made the Butterfly move to its rightful spot: back in front of him.

"Like I said, Mr. Chase. The Insect Souls are very precise about what they want out of a partner... The Butterfly Insect Soul has chosen you."


While chatting with Kit and Minako, he noticed that two others had joined them and shot a smile their way. Elliot mentioned that they should all sit together and Chance was due for a break here shortly but as he was about to answer, a tremor erupted beneath them that caused everything to seize around them for the moment. Chance felt uneasy, nodding his head at Niki once she asked him if he was good, and heard Elliot scream ‘look out’ as the restaurant booth toppled to reveal humanoid creatures. “Yo, what the fuck?” Chance tilted his head as Elliot was thrown by one of them.

This was used to cause panic and hysteria but there was something much greater going on here.

When the beings came their way, lucky for Chance, he had martial arts training so he fought off two of them but they were too strong for him and one sent him flying through a nearby table. “Ouch!” He groaned out as he lay there for a moment. “I’m good!” He lied as his ears were ringing as if all sound had completely disappeared all around him but still, he stood up as Elliot called out to him and saw Minako with a gun and a mustard bottle. Chance was about to ask but she insisted otherwise, which made him raise his hands. “You guys good?” He asked them while wincing in slight pain himself.

Chance nodded at Elliot’s statement that they needed a miracle and it seemed like that’s exactly what they were getting. His eyes caught sight of a red beetle-shaped like vehicle soaring down from the sky. “Am I the only one seeing this?” Was all he asked before they were beamed up and into the vehicle now? There was a woman before them, who was saying that they were the ones selected, which caused him to look a bit confused but didn’t want to ask any questions or interrupt her because she seemed like a serious person.

“Power Ranger? What’s a Power Ranger?” Something that the five of them now were but Chance needed more details. They were out throwing out similar questions but they weren’t getting any answers then Kit asked the most important, what made them the best to protect the world?

Inside the command center, he had no idea what to say. He was rendered speechless but listened intently to every little detail that was being laid out before them all.

His eyes gleamed when the yellow mantis floated in front of him. “Whoa.” Was all Chance could let out at the time, eyes fluttered over to Elliot and nudged him. “Purple’s going to look good on you.” Chance couldn’t resist and let out a chuckle especially since he had gotten yellow but was content with it.

yellow ranger


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

'Niki' - Nikitia St. Pierre


Secret base and super souls...

Niki watched, silently taking in the sight of the deserted landscape. A nervous mewl she let out. She had a bad feeling about all this. That and her tummy didn't feel so good too.

What the actual eff in the face was happening?! Her mind was split over these current events. One side told her how cool this was and it was like living in some kinda hero's origin story. This was the wild and just out there dreams come true that any kid could've ever wanted to come true! But then there was the other side... this was the real world. The for real and really real world. And in her really real world there were bad people in it for real. And some of these bad people slipped evil, nasty ass'd ish into your drinks. And you'd wake up and not remember what happened to you. For instance, if you were drugged up, you would definitely hear someone say this to you:

"The Beetle Insectizord was awoken from its slumber after the Beetle Insect Soul injected itself inside of it. It appears that once five worthy individuals proved that their grit, the Insect Souls became dormant no more."

Like really? What the actual eff in the face was all that gibberish even supposed to mean? Okay yeah, sure, sure, Niki would be the first to admit that yes, she had partaken in some choice substances to make her think and spout off on some pretty weird things. But bruh! The stuff that this may-or-may-not-be an alien halucination was spitting? Dang, that was absolutely trippin' balls!

Baby blues blinked in alarm and she jumped back from the visuals. The ship was dipping down and headed towards the forest. And by 'heading' the meaning was actually 'crashing head first!' A shrill shriek she let out and tossed her arms over her head to brace for impact. But nothing came of it; they were actually passing through the honeycomb stealthy energy field. Niki opened one eye. Then the other. A nervous laugh she let out. Immediately it cut out of her throat when she was bestowed a full, better than 8 k view of the entire city all around her.

The not-so-sure-she-not-an-alien started to speak on, drone on really, about some kinda project that had to do with the monsters they saw earlier. 'Valiantly fought' wasn't something she considered herself doing when thinking back to what had just happened at the carnival. Nothing valiant; she merly reacted. She couldn't speak for the others, but there was no prior thought as to what she would do if she ever encountered monster aliens invading and shooting up the place. Wait. What did this pretends-to-be-human person call the monsters?

"Larvelis...?" the word barely escaped her lips when they were bombarded by floor to ceiling imagery. All of which made her stomach churn even worse than it ever did earlier. If this was the really real world then they were up against some really real evil and merciless alien beings. Niki let out a ragged exhale and ran a shakey hand through her gold and black dreadlocks. What they did to the world in the replay, they were going to do to her world!

But then Niki perked up, relief washing over her like only how a rationale explanation could ever do. Did this Commander Veronica Starr, or whoever she was really, did she just let the cat outta the bag? Did she just admit they were on some kinda Morphine Grid, key word 'morphine?' Yeah that made sense. Evil, twisted, pervy lady had drugged them. All of them and they were all tripping balls together. No doubt.

"Sooooo... Commander Veronica, is it? No offense but I just gotta ask: are you an alien too? And let me guess... the Arakanaranarocks or whatever they called. They hurt you and your homeworld too, right? Riiiiiiiiight..." there was a bit of a scoff in her voice but she kept a straight face.

Niki was going to run with the theory that they were in some kinda drug induced group hallucinatioin and she was going to use that knowledge to plot their escape. But then the Insect Souls slid through the walls and practically danced their way on over to their respective chosen... 'vessels?' A slightly goofy smile couldn't help but hang from her lips, baby blues wide and sparkling with awe.

"Whoaaaa..." both she and Chance uttered in unison. Niki then rubbed her eyes, the nausea in her tummy far and away forgotten, "What the actual fu-- eyo... Yo! Y'all seein' this like I'm seeing this? What even is my reality right now...?"

There was no scoffing in her smokey sounding voice now. No, In that very moment the space-Insect Soul revealed itself to her she felt like buying into the morphine induced high. But something deep inside her told her that this wasn't narcotics playing her mind. No, it was something more. It felt somehow humbling to be chosen and at the same time exhilarating. It was as if she knew this moment was coming for her all her life but just didn't realize it yet. it just felt right.

"Oh, I gotta be in the wrong spot,"

Niki looked up at Elliot with a more than querelous eyebrow raised at him. "Bruh. Naw, you heard her? The butterfly liiiiiiiikes you! And be so for real with me: ya girl ain't about the fluffy, sweet cutesie bug souls. Hahahaha...!"

“Purple’s going to look good on you.”

Niki giggled again and bumped a playful nudge into Chance at his comment. A sigh then blue eyes slid upward, viewing fully the shimmering black energy, the Hornet Soul, before her. A timid tattooed tan hand reached out toward it, her smile increasing at the same time as her confidence.

"Eyo. I'm rockin' with this so hell yeah, erybody, let's gooooo!"

Niki realized that this was not their time on morphine. No.

"Rock-a-bye, bay-bee...!"

It was Morphin Time.

"Go, go Power Wranglers...!"


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