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Ranged Duo

Running a hand through her hair, the young mage let out an exasperated sigh. She's been roaming the forest for what seemed like hours now, starting from when the sky was bright and blue until this moment where red and orange touched every inch of the landscape. She spent her day treading the seemingly endless forest, and for what? On the off chance that the king's lost artifacts would be here? All she had to go off on was the word from the nearby town's (Lanercost, she believed it was called tavern, where rumors were spread about this specific forest possibly containing an artifact or two. But these were nothing but rumors, and even if they were true, who's to say that nobody else had already up and collected said artifacts?

With a disgruntled sound, Fay kicked at the dirt beneath her feet. 'Why am I so unlucky?' However, her small fit of frustration was quickly lost as she let out another exasperated sigh. She supposed she would continue looking for a little longer before she headed back and called it a day. She pushed past through another large bush, but quickly came to a halt, blinking as she stared at the area ahead of her. It was an empty space, with nothing but dirt and grass patches that stretched on for a few yards. However, it was particularly odd because all the trees and bushes seemed to shape and create a heavy circle around the area, as if trying to hide or block it.

Taking a step forward, Fay scanned the area before her eyes caught site of a glimmer on a somewhat high and far-off tree branch. "Oh, is that..." She quietly murmured to herself as she began stepping closer to the tree that held her attention. The king's artifacts were known to have a prevailing shine to them, and one could tell that they were truly the royal artifacts if they were not only resistant to any sort of magic, but if they also had the royal family's name engraved in them. And Fay immensely hoped that these were.

"Now, how am I going to get up there?" she murmured again to herself as she stood beneath the branch, which held two shining bracelets. She knew that these trees were magic resistant, or at least fire resistant, but they still broke and suffered damage when hit. So maybe she could just shoot a fireball and that would break the branch? Yeah, that sounded good. Pulling the staff that hung on her back, she aimed it up towards the branch, prepared to cast her spell.

(OOC: Hey, hope this is fine! And feel free to write a shorter reply because I'll just follow suit, especially since this one was mainly about giving setting detail. )
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Pierce marked another X on his map of the forest and sighed. This was the last place that there could have possibly been one of the king's artifacts that Pierce had heard rumors about, but apparently it was also a bust as well. He had, once again, effectively wasted his entire day that could have been spent winning competitions and earning money scouring a forest based off of nothing but rumors. It had been his only lead, and Pierce had been so excited. Silently he berated himself for being so stupid and listening to a stupid rumor.

A crack in the brush interrupted Pierce's self-criticism. Looking in the direction the sound came from curiously, he spotted a strange patch of forest that he had missed earlier. It seemed out of place, as if it had some sort of human interaction involved. Could it be the artifact? Trying unsuccessfully not to get his hopes up, he walked towards the strange chunk of forest.

With his marksman eyes trained through years of archery, Pierce quickly spotted two shining bracelets. Heart pounding, as he got even closer, he could make out the royal family's name engraved upon it. It was the real deal! He ran forward, grinning widely, eyes locked on the artifact as its gleam called his name, almost straight underneath the branch - then he fell. He tripped forward on a tree root, spiraling in the dirt as he smashed into another person.

"Ow...." Rubbing his head, he dusted himself off. Turning at the person he just ran into, he began, "I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going and tripped over a -" He paused when he saw who he was addressing. It was a female. He quickly checked to make sure he didn't have a nosebleed, an occurrence that happened when he had direct skin contact with the opposite sex. Relaxing a little when he confirmed that he didn't, he looked back at the woman. "S-sorry!" He stammered out, taking all his willpower to say the one word.

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