Random, take it where ever you want!

*walks back through*(crap.)*two demigods are oh the walls**they are dripping blood*

demigod 1-*mutters Lex's real name*(Time for us to take you back for not completing your task.)*jumps off the wall**pulling a long sword from his belt*

*jumps back*(Run Isaac!)*transforms into her real form**long black bat wings grow from her back, she gets taller by about a foot, talons grow from her nails, she starts to become increasingly pale**black shadows slowly form to a scythe in her hands**she blocks the 1st demigods attack with it*
*backs away* *trips over a rock on the uneven ground* *pulls his gun from it's holster and aims it at the second demigod, pulls the trigger* The bullet goes right through the head of the monster and hits the wall behind, the monster looks at Isaac and begins jumping from wall to wall toward him. *shoots 3 more times* Still no effect. *begins to sprint up the cellar and flings it open* The light hits the demigod and it is temporarily blinded. *runs as fast as he can and hides behind a stack of crates* *begins chanting again* Another small rock appears in Isaac's hand. *he stands up and looks at the aproaching demigod, he throws his 2 stones at him and screams* The red from the first stone and the blue from the second combine into a purple haze around the monster. The demigod's skin begins to burn away but immediately starts healing again. *begins chanting again* A green stone has appeared. *tosses the tone in the mist and it all solidifies in an emerald ecasement around the demigod, not allowing it to move*
Lex jumps back and growls at the first demigod before jumping over him and bringing the scythe down into his head splitting it in half. His sword flies up and digs itself into Lex's in the stomach. The first demigod's body falls onto the floor, its limbs twitching oddly as its purple blood filled the floor mixed with Lex's black blood. She drops to the floor, becoming her human form once again, despite the bat wings that carries her out of the cellar. The door slams shut tightly behind her as she drops to the ground and begins to vomit her blood up, causing the ground to steam and burn without flames. Of course, this wound will not kill her, it will just slow her down in her quest. Lex collapses onto the ground and her bat wings encase her, hiding her from Isaac as the ground continues to burn around her.
*runs to Lex's side and picks her up from the fire* (Here, calm down. I think they're gone now.) *places her down on a stackof wooden pallets and examines her wound* The black blood's flow has only gotten worse. *pulls some sand from a small pouch in his vestand applies it to Lex's ghash and tears the sleev of his shirt to make a touniquit* (This is a healing salt, it should help with the healing process. The catch is that it will hurt a lot more for a few hours but we need you on your feet assoon as possible.) *ties the sleev securely and backs away from Lex*
*hisses when it touches her**blood pours from her mouth some**coughs**wincing*(I'll be fine.)*tears, the same as her blood, pour down her face but she keeps up a strong face.*
*starts to walk around pacing, not wanting to talk about what just occured* (Okay. So where to? Maybe I'm not cut out for Hell. Let's start somewhere with less things ripping our souls out. Also, I could use something stiff to drink.) *starts walking toward their base, not looking back because he doesn't want to see Lex cry*
*stands and wipes away the tears**swears before flinching and running past him*(Do u mean alcohol? There is a shop down the street with some. I have to lay down.)* collapses on the small couch, forcing herself so sleep-heal as soon as she touches it**of course it still pains her, but shes been through worse.
(Alright well you go lay down. I'm going to find something to drown myself in.) *walks down to a small corner store and enters* *searches around, pulling open millions of cabinets and clearing off shelves all in a search for booze* *he finally finds a stash of bottels of cheap liquer and grabs it all hasteilly* *leaves the store and begins to stroll back to the house, accidentally dropping a bottle of Scotch on the way* The Scotch gets sucked up by the dry desert ground like a thirsty sponge. *enters the house* (Hey, my saying is usually to let sleeping dogs lie, but I have another and that's never drink alone. Have some with me.) *dangles a bottle of Whiskey in front of Lex's face*
*sighs deeply* "Seriously? Should I even trust you?" *Grabs the bottle anyway* "You drug it with gold or some crap to poison me?"
(I just picked you up from a fire and healed your wounds with the last of my healing salt just to kill you after, it's truely a flawless plan...) *takes swig of his own bottle*
"Yeah, I would have a stronger gut if I wasn't stabbed. But mostly Demons are like in the stories, normally cruel, selfish, bastards. Some of us though, the young ones like myself have a piece of a heart left to think and we work to keep that damned piece."
(I can only assume you keep that piece of heart in some sort of jar? Probably found it in a goat? HaHa. But seriously, why were you kicked out of Hell? For having some moral fiber? That seems a little harsh even for a demon. Oh... were you really even thrown out? Or did you have, like, relationship troubles or something? HaHa) *takes long swig and wipes mouth*
*dark glare*"I'm a gate keeper for Hell, I was sent out here to gather up these bastards with a couple other demons and we are banned from Hell until we complete it, if we go back we die. For good, no after life, no anything."*finishes off the drink**blinks a few times*
*looks at the half bottle remaining in hishand andstarts to feel inferior* "Aaaah I see now, so is that why you recruited me? Am I a potential demon or an assistant for recruiting?"
"I only did it because you looked like you could help me because the rest decided to ditch me for being the 'baby' of the group."*sigh*throws the bottle out the window*"Where did you get these?"
"I found them in that store you told me to look in...are you okay? You're not drunk are you? Cuz I think I want to be able to record a drunk demon chick. HAAAHAHA." *swig* "So you were ditchedby the rest of the demons and you found me and decided to try me for help... I don't know what it is but it really sounds like bull. There is something you're not telling me."
*laughs*"ONE, i am not drunk, takes more than that so...."* disappears for a moment**returns with a couple more bottles*"Two, I don't have anything to hide, god want to known about m past life too?!"*downs another full bottle**sighs**picks up another*

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