Random, take it where ever you want!

*as soon as Lex leaves, Isaac starts digging through papers on the desks and finds several notes*


We are expecting the portal to open soon, the minute it does every town in the wastes will be living on borrowed time. We need to close the mine. We need to leave.

*Isaac grabs the rest of the notes and puts them in his pocket of his vest*
*slaughtering the cow quickly*(What a pain...should I teleport with this? It would be worth it to see his face.)*smirk**grabs the remains and suddenly appears with it on the kitchen floor*
*pulls pistol and shoots the cow parts in the head 3 times* *gags* (Oh... oh god. Well it seems you have done the impossible, you have made me not want to eat anymore... So, what now? Can I rest? I feel like I might look a bit like that cow if I close my eyes for too long...) *takes ammo out from his pocket and refills the empty chambers*
*starts laughing*(Well your eating, I didn't do this for nothing you know.)*burps*(Eh...that soul was good.)*smirk*(Oh! Should I bee more lady-like? Excuse me Sir.)*curtsies*
*smirks*(Humans are interesting when they sleep...and I was bored. I have breakfast for you though...bacon, YUM!)*smirking still**turns away*(Come to the kitchen when your hungry...)*leaves to the kitchen**looks out the window**spots a body*(Hmm~)*walks outside**leans over it**slices the chest open and sucks the soul out**its a sight that can be seen out Isaac's window*
*cringes* *gets up from the bed and walks toward the window* *checks his pocket for an ID he found with the notes because he remmebers the face of the man*

Name: Adam Kastear

Age: 43

Career: Scientist

Current Location: Caropolis

(Hmmmmm...) *runs to the kitchen and grabs about a pound of bacon from the huge sheet Lex has cooked* (I'd like to know where you got all this bacon from but please don't tell me if I won't want to eat it anymore.) *walks outside and starts to look at the body of Kastear* *walks further searching around with a concerned look on his face*
(Well, living this long in the wasteland I've learned that every town has a story. I'm trying to read it.) *opens a cellar door and climbs inside* *closes door behind him*
*eyeroll**sighs and walks outside**looks around*(This place is emptier than my old home and smells of death...)*picks up a body*(I wonder if he'll freak out if i eat this human.)*tosses it uncaring up and down*(hmm*
*searches around in the dank cellar* *pulls open an old metal cabinet* *finds a small box and opens it* *yelling* (HEY THERE'S A BOX DOWN HERE WITH A BUTTON IN IT! CAN I PRESS IT?) *presses the button anyway* *a green vortex opens in the cellar* (WOW. THIS IS REEEEAAAAALLLLLYYY COOL!)
*eyes widen, drops the body, and runs down*(You ******* retard!)*grips arm*(Get away from there!)*starts swearing up a storm*(Wheres the damned button?!)
*laughing uncontrollably* (I THREW IT IN THE VORTEX! LOOKS LIKE WE BETTER GO GET IT!) *does a cannonball jump into the vortex, leaving behind only his hat*
*falls out of vortex and immediately starts puking bacon* *looks up and sees the new world he flew into* Lava falling from the ceiling and all around. Demonic silhouettes float over head, making awful sounds. This is truly hell. *begins to form a circle on the ground and dances and sings around it* The demons float away.
*starts laughing while watching him dance*(Don't get me wrong your still a idiot, why the hell did you do this? I-)*a large bang is heard*(We need to go.)
(No, we're staying. This has to be where it started right? Seriously, it's a gate to hell. We're staying to stop them.) *picks up a small stone from the center on the circle* (This, Lex, is what I call the Plot Point. Let's get moving.) *walks off in a random direction, clearly not knowing where he's going*
(I wouldn't go there idiot. BTW I've been banished from here, but I guess you don't care that I'll be tortured to a full extent.)*pulls in another direction**walking angrily*
(So you're not even the least bit curious about the dancing? Or the circle? Or the oddly named stone? Come on, you can't just pretend you're uninterested, it was pretty awesome.) *turns the stone over in his hands, testing the weight and feeling some markings on the side*
(Well I really would like to nip the demonic empire in the bud, you know, to save the world? But sure, why not kill the few humans on Earth? Ask away.) *glares back*
(I could care less about you humans. You die, you die. Nothing to change that. I'm going to really be killed anyway for this, entering hell again. Heads up, don't **** with the devil or else you doom us all, for there is no Heaven with out Hell and vise-versa.)
(Well I really would like to nip the demonic empire in the bud, you know, to save the world? But sure, why not kill the few humans on Earth? Ask away.) *glares back*
(I could care less about you humans. You die, you die. Nothing to change that. I'm going to really be killed anyway for this, entering hell again. Heads up, don't **** with the devil or else you doom us all, for there is no Heaven with out Hell and vise-versa.)
(We'll go back if you insist, I can't kill anything without my hat anyway...) *turns around and runs through the portal* *pukes again and wipes mouth* (Well we know that the vortex works both ways.) *grabs hat and fits it onto his head*

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