Random RPs with War God 712


New Member
Here's a list of RP's me and Mathew (WarGod712) do:

Pandora Hearts, Black Butler, Naruto, Hunger Games, etc.

Please post your character info on the page, man. :)

Black Butler:

Name: Hikaru

Age: 14

Occupation: Baldroy's apprentice and helper; Phantomhive mansion.

Other: An orphan that stayed with the Phantomhive since the beginning. Can see extremely well at nighttime and keen senses from living in the streets as a youngster. Loves pocky. Seriously.

Pandora Hearts:

Name: Xerxes Rinna

Age: looks 17, age unknown.

Occupation: Chain.

Other: Break's little sister. Just a little more sane, loves "talking" to Emily and has an extreme sweet tooth. Her weapon is a large trident-like weapon.


Name: Akemi Munsuta

Age: 13

Occupation: Genin.

Other: Quiet, but stubborn. Likes watching the sky and hanging out with teammates. She uses sparks and electricity jutsu, due to being born and raised for half of her life in Kumogakure.

Hunger Games:

Name: Lydia Threshwood

Age: 14

Occupation: 11th district's female tribute.

Other: Skilled with throwing knives and just as sneaky. A nature and music lover, and tries to avoid conflict. However, being a tribute to the Hunger Games, that isn't exactly revalant. Mother dead.


Name: Naomi

Age: 15

Occupation: Student.

Other: Shy and soft-spoken, and extremely polite. Has the ability to shift her molucules in order to "phase" through solid objects, such as walls, floors, et cetera et cetera.

(Start off from where we left off in text..)

--- Merged Double Post ---

( Black Butler. )

"I need to go start supper before Sebastian yells at me again. I'll see you later!" Hikaru gave Kyo a quick hug before returning to the kitchen.
Hikaru stepped into the kitchen. She looked around... Hey, this place isn't on fire yet... how pleasant. "Baldroy?" She called out. The blonde-haired man turned around. "Ready?"

"I swear if I get the slightest bit burned..."

"Nah, Hikaru, its totally fine."

"Didn't Sebastian say NOT to use flamethrowers?"

Hikaru sighed when he shrugged simple-mindedly. "Whatever..." She muttered and proceeded to cook the roast.
Hikaru noticed the boy standing by the door. "Oh, Kyo,"

Baldroy frowned, his brows furrowed deeply in annoyance. "Geez, a pleasure to see you again," he muttered.
"Shut it, kid."

"Uh.... please don't kill each other in the kitchen." Hikaru said, almost sheepishly.

Hikaru put the flame thrower down. "I'm going to go wash my hands..." She said, noticing the slight burns on her fingers. "With cold water..." She walked over to the sink, wincing at the stinging pain. This is the last time I'm EVER using a flame thrower.
When the two were done, Hikaru set up the trays. "I got this," she insisted and headed toward the dining room, where Sebastian helped her out.
Hikaru put down the food and Sebastian opened them up. The butler went over to Ciel's side protectively.
Everything was so silent during the meal. You could hear everyone's heartbeat. Kyo sat there eating while thinking of a plan on where to stay. He decided on a tree.
Hikaru stood back with the other servants, her hands joined together behind her. It feels so awkward... and hostile, ​she thought to herself.
After the meal Kyo thnked them and Sebestian showed him to the door. Before anything touched the door a voice shouted" Come out kid or we come in ourselves!"
Hikaru stayed back with Finnian, whom she got perfectly along with, since they were both orphans. "How's it like being a gardener, anyway?" Hikaru said curiously. Finnian shrugged. "I like it," he replied. "So long as I am outside."
Hikaru instantly heard gunshots and panicked. "Hey... what was that?" She said. Finnian looked just as tensed. "I'm not sure." He admitted.
Kyo swithed his weapon to its sword mode and opened the door. About 5 people layed on the floor with wounds everywhere.
"Should we check it out?" Finnian asked. Hikaru shook her head. "I think... maybe we should wait for Sebastian. Where's Meirin and Baldroy?"

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