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Fantasy Random rps w/ rev

Some hair falls in revenants face, but it’s very clearly not hers. It’s long, very light brown. Arguably even a dark blonde. It’s also greasy as hell, and stained with blood
(ahhh okay)

Revenant hissed, grumbled.
I forgot how pain feels....changed, everything had......I need this. I deserve it. Finally something that can actually hurt me.
Revenant bit her lip even harder at the pain. Causing a bit of a metallic taste to enter her mouth (if that's okay)
The familiar taste almost soothing.
She glanced at the hair in her face confused

....this isn't...me is it? No. It's not fair. This isn't me...right?
(It’s fine i think a bleeding lip was the absolute least of wyverns problems during this time)

an icy wind blows through the little window, filling some of the room with snow, revenant can’t help but jerk away from it, despite how much worse it makes the pain.

Suddenly, she’s filled with terror. Her vision shakes and changes, like it’s switching between two worlds. Her soul and body are trying so hard to separate, but whatever’s on her neck is holding them back. Her neck feels like it’s on fire. She swears she can sense the skin peeling.

When Revenant looks down, she sees that some of the little scars on her body are glowing a familiar blue.

Revenant doesn’t know what caused her panic at first, but soon becomes aware of the scraping of chains coming down the hallway towards her. Memories that do not belong in her mind flash through, but not clearly.

Revenant isn’t sure who’s coming, but she knows damn well what that woman will do to her

(She can realize who she is rn if u want, or u can wait until later)
(depends 😂 because it can be either during or RN since that will cause the major conflict in Revenants mind)
(that could work on the reflection 😂)

Revenant winced
Fuck what's going on?? I don't know, but this can't be me. Who is it then? How am I able to move!?? This can't be a memory can it?
She attempts to moved onto any nearby wall to get a better look at her surroundings
She quickly realizes that the floor is entirely covered in broken glass except for one corner, so she goes to that corner.

It’s just a concrete room, but there’s glass everywhere, and blood. Lot’s of blood. So much blood that it’s starting to grow mold.

The sound of metal dragging across the floor grows closer, and with it an unbearable stench of rot. The smell of an old corpse, mixed with salt
Revenant let out a small grumble
Relishing in the pain, it hurt so much. But she loved it, it felt horrible. Like she was don the brink of death.
I deserve this..... finally something done right. I need more. Want more. But it hurts.....I want it to stop. The pain. It I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I DESERVE IT.
Endure it. Ask for more. You need it Revenant. Halo.

Revenant laid again the wall, looking at the injuries. The glow from earlier had looked familiar....what was it? Why did it seem nostalgic?
From some reason the glow reminded her of sleep.

Slowly, slowly, like it has all the time in the world, the noise draws closer. Revenant feels herself keep trying to leave her body, even if she doesn’t want the pain to stop, but her soul is kept secure. Slowly, slowly, scraping down the hall. The suspense could be cut with a butter knife.

A shuffle of keys

The door unlocks

It starts to open.

A massive shadow

She’s here.
Revenant felt her body tense, causing the pain to only wosen "fuck!"she finally managed to curse out, but even then it sounded hoarse and quiet
She glanced at who she seemed so worried and panicked over
“I know You were raised better than to talk like that,” the woman chides revenant before she enters the room. It has a thick accent. The closest revenant can relate it to is german, but even that doesn’t feel quite right. There’s some sort of.. old quality to it.

Finally, she enters the room.

Holy. Shit.

This woman- it must be a woman, revenant knows it is, but she barely looks human -is at least 10 feet tall. Her mouth hangs open, jaw hanging far, far too low. In it are rows and rows of foot-long, needle-like teeth.

Her eyes look pale and blind, and they stick out of her skull like the eyes of a fish. Her neck and waist are split open, with tentacles spilling out of the crevices between her bones. Her legs are hidden below a long, thick skirt. It’s colors are faded.

The only parts of her that look human are bloated and rotten
Who the hell are you!!??? Geeze, no offense but what made you choose you wanted to look that way??? Was it your choice? Has to be right?
Revenant started surprised and confused despite the overwhelming fear she felt given by the body she was in, and the confusing memories she's mixed with
(sorry, I'm really sleepy. I'ma head to bed, buenas noches wraith!!!! We can continue tomorrow way earlier!!! Hope you sleep well!!)
Who the hell are you!!??? Geeze, no offense but what made you choose you wanted to look that way??? Was it your choice? Has to be right?
Revenant started surprised and confused despite the overwhelming fear she felt given by the body she was in, and the confusing memories she's mixed with
Flashes of long hallways, an intricate fence, screaming, fire, blood on a child’s hands. Revenant is pretty sure that she was the child.

The woman picks Revenant up, raising her until her head hits the ceiling, then drops her like a dirty rag. She crashes directly onto her broken legs, causing an involuntary scream and strangled sobs. The broken glass slices her skin
"FFFU-"Revenant bit her tongue to stop the language, still trying to figure out who she was. Though so far she wasn't disappointed in the pain and misery softly fat
It hurt like hell. Part of her wanted it to stop, to cry and beg for mercy, but the other part wanted to ask for more. To go more out. To show no mercy.
Who am I?.
The simple thought had occured to her again. Who was she at the moment?
Revenant can feel the shards of glass digging deeper into her skin every time she moves. Her vision keeps going blurry. The room spins around her so intensely that she doesn’t notice herself being picked up until she’s been thrown again, this time into a wall
"ow! You bitch!"Revenant hissed out grunting, and coughing
There's another thing I remember. Fucking back pain.
"Who.....are ....you?"Revenant managed to also speak, though very quiet and hoarse
Atleast got to know the name of who did this. Right?
“What, have we been hitting your head too hard? You’ve forgotten me?” The woman laughs. The weird bauble of light on her head flops in the air. The movement makes revenant cringe.

The woman reaches for Revenant again
(sry, got distracted with trying to justify my heat me outs)

"Would you prefer bitch?"She muttered out, not bothering to try and move, just leaving her body limp, partially because it was too painful to move and partially because she could hold less of a mentality to care.
Why is this all familiar but not? These...are these memories? Or am I here? I can move- it can't be memories can it?
Alr 😂) then I’ll have her see her refection and once she figures out she’s wyvern I’ll let the vision end) sound good?)

The woman yanks revenant up, this time leaving her low enough that her feet still touch the ground, and slams her head into the wall.

There’s a crack, sprays of blood, and dizzying pain in the left side of revenants head as she falls to the ground. Her vision is blurry, but she can make out brown specks falling from above her eye.

Thoughts in a voice that aren’t her own scream through revenant’s head. She gets an overwhelming urge to keep her head upright or else “it” will fall out. She’s in too much pain to figure out what “it” is

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