Terry Bogard
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No answers yesterday. Meh...
Random question of the day:
Why was Back to the Future's interpretation of the year 2015 so horridly inaccurate once we actually reached the year 2015?
I agree with Idea. I’m sure this is a common thing to happen in any Sci-fi movie or similar form of entertainment that takes place in the future. Misinterpretations are bound to happen because nobody would have a single clue back then as to what’ll happen in the future, so what did they do? Use their imaginations and intuition, as any storyteller would.
Back then, people in the 80s might’ve imagined the 2010s as a superbly cutting edge decade. Sure, it’s not entirely wrong, considering the rise of smartphones and the internet, but pretty obvious they thought the 2010s was something more. They thought we would’ve had flying cars and time machine at the time, and yep, fast forward to today, still not a single soul is using flying cars as the means of transportation, let alone becoming a time traveler lol.
So, yeah, in the end, nobody has the ability to see what’s ahead of them, unless they’re delusional enough to believe so. All they were given was theories after theories of what might happen in the next 20 or so years, and they translated them into movies like Back to the Future or comic books like 2000 AD and Marvel 2099.