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Random question of the day:

Did Breaking Bad make the right decision to end at the peak of its success compared to The Walking Dead?

Yes. Unfortunately I think that season 5 was the weakest season (I think it needed one extra season to not feel as rushed), but it's also one of the few shows that I've actually finished. It's one of my absolute favorites and I would have been really sad to see it lose itself by trying to stretch out endlessly. To me, Breaking Bad always felt like it was going somewhere with the story and that's part of what kept me hooked.
Random question of the day:

Did Breaking Bad make the right decision to end at the peak of its success compared to The Walking Dead?
It was well written I don’t think it needed any more seasons as the writers tied up all loose ends of the plot and the ending although heart breaking it was perfect imo. My biggest issue with the writing in TWD was killing off characters for shock value and introducing new ones then killing them off for the dumbest reasons.

My beef with AMC and the show runners is how they killed off Carl for the dumbest reason to make his death an incentive for Rick go after Negan though he was fine without and they didn’t need have to use such a stupid excuse like that. The comics handled the Saviors arc better and how comic! Rick handled Negan like a bad ass so Carl’s tv death was really, really dumb.

How they treated Chandler was awful. He bought a house close to the set with the promise of his contract renewed for three more years they lied to him. His dad went online ranting about how they lied and mistreated his son. But Chandler handled with maturity and grace even though they don’t deserve it.
I've never watched either show, but yes, it is generally better for a series to end when the story reaches its natural finish and encloses itself, rather than to try to necromance it repeatedly with every new season. It is extremely rare that a TV series lasts beyond 5 seasons without tanking in quality, because that is about the maximum amount of seasons needed to tell a fully planned story.
Work. Definitely work. If ya try to deal with your problems by just getting distracted odds are those problems are gonna get worse.
I mean work is the better idea, but i would gladly stay in a room and eternally dance until all my problems go away
Random question of the day:

If you lost one of your organic eyes and had it replaced with a cybernetic one, and technology was invented to give you your organic eye back, would you keep the cybernetic eye if it proved to have technological advances over the organic eye?
Random question of the day:

If you lost one of your organic eyes and had it replaced with a cybernetic one, and technology was invented to give you your organic eye back, would you keep the cybernetic eye if it proved to have technological advances over the organic eye?
I’ll keep the cybernetic eye if it’s anything like Cowboy Bebop’s technology and looks my natural eye color why not?
I would stick with the organic one. I'd really like to minimize prosthesis, if possible. Really tired of having foreign objects placed in my body.
Potentially, yes. It would depend on the actual experience of living with this gadget implanted there in this hypothetical futuristic scenario, how seamless it is, how well integrated, how it interfaces with my body.
A being that isn't alive in the first place can't survive.

If one were to use the more metaphorical sense though, it highly depends on the materials, structure and programming of said robot, as well as any additional tools at its disposal and of course what kind of floor it lands on.

If you throw a laptop from airplane it ain't gonna "survive" that fall.

But we have successfully landed robots on other planets. While I don't think any such robots ever got out of the craft by themselves to land, the landing process still involves something mechanical falling from outer space onto a planet's surface, so such results should theoretically be replicable to a robot given the right construction.
Random question of the day:

Would you be able to commit the Seven Sins in a fortnight? (Context: There's a Flash game called Seven Deadly Sins where you have to commit the Seven Sins in a fortnight.)
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