Other Random question of the day

No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

Are your parents divorced? If so, did they get a new girlfriend/boyfriend, and if yes, what's your relationship with them?
Pretty nerdy and geeky! I had my own little group of friends, so I wasn't at all an outcast, but I wasn't all that popular either? We started the Writing Club together, I took a year of Drama, I was in the Choir every year, I was good at English and made pretty good grades overall, I was always writing or had my nose in a book, I wore glasses... I think I came across as a bit weird and a bit nerdy and fairly smart but overall kinda forgettable? I didn't mind it.
No answers yesterday either. Hm...

Random question of the day:

What's an experience you had in your life that sounds made up, but is actually real?
So this happened years ago I felt the shock before the earthquake happened. Quite scary since it was a strong tremor.
Hmm I was focused on studying, that's all I remember.
And was very into sci-fi for some reason.
No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

Have you ever gotten so frustrated at a video game that you broke your controller in the process?
Luckily, no. Though it probably helps that I only use PC because I'd probably end up breaking the controller before even starting a game lmao, I suck at controller games!

Edit: I can't remember, but it's entirely possible I broke a mouse and/or some part of a keyboard in frustration when I was very, very young and just starting to play video games. And it is entirely possible that said electronic piece was broken over Minecraft.
Edit #2: I did NOT realize this was not the question of the day. Whoops! Oh well!
No answers yesterday again. Ay...

Random question of the day:

What kind of student were you in high school?
I was extremely quiet and very awkward. I did not like being called on. My grades were fairly decent in the beginning, but before I was moved to dual enrollment they started going downhill alongside my mental health (though, it wasn't great when I started either). My very first day of high school, during my first time in theater class, I refused to introduce myself to anyone and instead I hid underneath a table. Yes, this was high school.
No answers yesterday either. Hm...

Random question of the day:

What's an experience you had in your life that sounds made up, but is actually real?
I had a concussion because I was playing with bubbles. Of course, that's the abridged version, but yeah.
Edit: Also, if I hadn't gone to the theaters to watch the 2017 remake of Stephen King's IT, I would not have met my best friend. We did not meet at the theater, in fact I believe we met each other two days later.
No answers yesterday again. Ay...

Random question of the day:

What kind of student were you in high school?

I was coming out of my bookworm phase by the time I entered highschool, and mostly hung out with a small circle of friends in our own personal spot. We were definitely “geeks” of the class (not “nerd” because there were other people who were completely obsessive about studying) but after a while we also embraced this role as a sort of a gateway, where we would be the first to welcome and catch up to speed some of the new students before they would move on to bigger/more popular groups. Sometimes people wouldn’t and they would stay behind, that is how I met one of the best friends I’ve had to this day.

Honestly there’s a ton I could speak about in regards to who I was in highschool since this was also the start of my more personal introspection, a time when I began seriously considering what was behind my actions and way of thinking, who I really was, taking Internet personality quizzes and all that. I could speak of things like how I was weird and stingy with money (I still am somewhat, but not to the point of having a notebook for calculations and debt-checking on me), or I became more of a jokester within our group, largely with jokes taken from talk shows or self-deprecating ones, but I’d be here all day if I did that. So, instead, I’ll focus more on the student part, as per the question.

I wasn’t the best student, but I don’t think you’d be able to tell on the surface. If you knew me, you might know how late I was with projects or how often I missed my homework. The dropping grades and skipping classes , signs that were more obvious, only started to come about later. In fact, I was a pretty earnest student for the most part, genuinely dedicated in most disciplines during class time, even if I spoke up very little outside of something like philosophy. (Especially if I didn’t do my homework, I first tried to hope they would not think of asking me, before I learned the trick of volunteering to answer something so they don’t ask you later) I would go out of my way to sometimes stay post class to get questions answered or double check something, and I would insist on greeting teachers (which at some point probably annoyed some of them, but eh). At home though, it wasn’t the case, and outside of heavy memorization subjects, I would either intuitively pick up on the logic behind the thing and figure it out on my own, or I would pick the buzz words and how vague I needed to sound to get the teacher hearing what they wanted to hear. Naturally, this lack of discipline came to bite me in the ass later by the end of highschool as things started to toughen up a little, but only really struck me in college as I was held back in some subjects.
Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

Who's the most relatable movie/TV show/video game character (In your opinion)?
This is a difficult one, because if I love a show, game, or movie it's highly likely that I connect to more than one character. Either I relate to them, or I simply enjoy their dynamics without relating. For the most part, I relate to characters who are seen as "weird" or "other" because that's largely how I've always felt. I never felt like I'd fit in anywhere or with any sort of clique. It has led to a lot of self-isolation and a massive struggle with self-esteem.

It's also difficult to pinpoint one character that I relate to when a lot of main characters are written specifically so that anyone could project themselves onto them, so it's nearly impossible not to relate to basically every character.
Random question of the day:

Do you have any favorite characters you've created for an original roleplay? If so, do you plan on using those characters in a future story and/or book?
There is nothing new under the Sun. However, one’s perspective is always unique, and hence there are new ways to do the same things, originality exists but it’s not in the broad strokes most of the time, but rather in the approach and execution. It’s a matter of how deep you go. If you either stay on the most surface level possible then anything technically not a carbon copy of what came before is new - if you go a bit deeper and notice some patterns, everything may been done. But if you keep going deeper, to the nuances of meaning and execution, then you’ll rediscover originality.

Aside from that, the other source of originality is the new stories and questions enabled by new technologies. While some touch on similar themes from what came before, they can often be innovative in that they bring into our realities aspects of it people couldn’t have conceived of before.
Nothing has been original since the big bang, everything we experience is an amalgamation of things we perceive and, even if subconsciously, take in. Everything you think of is a thought created and formed by millions of tiny moments you have experienced. But even still the uniqueness comes form the connections you make between ideas or the fresh spin or twist you put on something. I also think that its ok if uniqueness isn't the main goal of something you create, maybe something is overdone because its good, just a thought.
....depends on what precisely is included in the notion of fantasies here. If it's the things I'd wish for then yeah. But if it's anything I ever imagined.... Yikes.

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