Other Random question of the day

Is Dungeons and Dragons an option? If not, then chess. I don't play it much anymore (mosstly due to a lack of anyone to play with), but I played all the time as a teenager.
I would have built a rocket
And fought a mummy
And climbed up the Eiffel Tower
*Cue penguin orchestra*
Discovered something that doesn't exist
And given a monkey a show
*Sweet guitar riff*
Surfed tidal waves
Created nanobots
And located Frankenstein's brain
(It's over here)
Found a dodo bird
Painted a continent
And driven my sister insane
As you can see, there's a whole lot of stuff I'd do
Before I went to school in fall
If you hung around then MindofChrist was gonna do it all
If you hung around then MindofChrist was gonna do it all
(Mom! Mind's exploring hypotheticals again!)
Idk I would build up the relationships that I had with my friends more not really built anything like that
but also
lego stuff
because yes
to be perfectly honest, not a lot about my life has changed because of Covid besides having to get in line and wear masks to go everywhere. I avoided people before, I avoid people now. All my hobbies require a party of one to be present irl: Me
Going to local music shows and thrift/coffee shops is the only hobby I really had that required me to leave my apartment, though it's definitely prevented me from starting new hobbies. ): Someday I'll learn how to do a sick ollie.
I stopped going to comic cons, because they got canceled. I know some are online but it's not the same. It's not a big deal because I only went once a year but I still didn't get to show that cosplay that I've been planning since last year.

As for new things, well, they're not particularly new, but I started learning music not too long before Covid and got my current instrument right before lockdowns (good timing since I had to order it abroad and now it takes longer or impossible to order stuff). And I guess since I spend more time at home now I have more time to practice it, so there's that.
Random question of the day:

What's one hobby you couldn't take part in anymore because of COVID-19 and what's a new hobby you've turned to because of it?
Definitely cosplaying at conventions, thankfully, I’ve focused more on my guitar playing.
Going to the coffee shop to study, if you consider that a hobby. I have to study at home now. However, Dungeons and Dragons got significantly easier to plan, since the rest of my group was stuck at home.
Random question of the day:

What's one hobby you couldn't take part in anymore because of COVID-19 and what's a new hobby you've turned to because of it?
Being that when I typically do something, I go into wilderness areas or national forests or something to that effect, nothing has honestly changed for me. I hate wearing the dumb mask, wearing one was a change to get used to. But, that’s about the only thing that has changed for me.

I guess something I developed more of, as a result of this situation, is a bit more time to try and learn music. It wasn’t a great leap, but I’ve sharpened what little skills I had in the first place, and built upon them more.
What's one hobby you couldn't take part in anymore because of COVID-19 and what's a new hobby you've turned to because of it?

To be the biggest change hobby-wise was going to the movies. Going to the theater now just presents too much of a risk. As for replacement, meh, just more of the same of everything else.
I wouldn't wish something for myself, but I would wish for the mermaid, because I feel bad that they would have to go around granting random wishes to random people. So I'd probably make them a human if they want it ^33^
If the mermaid could make me ridiculously rich that'd be cool. Not that I care about money so much, just being free to live my life however I want and not worry.
What would you wish for if you met a magic mermaid who would grant you one wish?

I would wish for the mermaid to no longer be able to grant wishes. If that isn't possible, I would kill the mermaid as it's much too dangerous to leave alive something with that much power. My reasoning: there's a lot of twisted people in this God forsaken world; therefore, terrible things could happen if the wrong people were to get their hands on her. As for the good intentioned people, I'm sure you've heard the saying "Good intentions pave the road to hell."
I would wish for the mermaid to no longer be able to grant wishes. If that isn't possible, I would kill the mermaid as it's much too dangerous to leave alive something with that much power. My reasoning: there's a lot of twisted people in this God forsaken world; therefore, terrible things could happen if the wrong people were to get their hands on her. As for the good intentioned people, I'm sure you've heard the saying "Good intentions pave the road to hell."
I wish RaiAthar didn't get their wish. lol
Random question of the day:

If the king/queen/president/chancellor of your country were to pass away, and you were chosen to take their place, how would you lead your country?
Random question of the day:

If the king/queen/president/chancellor of your country were to pass away, and you were chosen to take their place, how would you lead your country?
I hope everyone has their handbaskets ready

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