Random Fallout 4 Discussion Thread


Ludwig, The Holy Blade
So for no reason in particular, I wanted to talk about some Fallout 4. One of my personal favorite games, and I only know like, one person who plays it. So I just want to know how some other people play it. Here's a couple questions:

.Melee or ranged? Why?

.Favorite companion? No companion? Why?

.Funniest story?

.Coolest story?

.Awesome build ideas?

.Favorite faction? Why?

.Whatever else you wanna talk about

You can answer all, any, or none of the questions above, just wanted to talk about Fallout 4. xD
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Haha yes, this is relevent to my interests!

Mostly I'm a settlement builder on xbone and doing an achievement run so no mods right now, my character is me so i'm playing how i would try to live in such a world.

My favourite builds are immersive builds, hangmans alley is basically a bar and a small trader because diamond city is so close i decided it would feel better as like a little pit stop for traders.

My starlight drive in is a ranch with about eight people before i turned off the beacon, i used the cages to get a nice herd of brahmin there so it looks and feels right.

My character is basically a stealth sniper, but also favors a 10mm handgun coz they look cool. don't really use companions all that often because survival difficulty means i gotta plan EVERYTHING before i commit to a fight. when i do it's usually dogmeat because he doesnt judge me haha.

What about you?
I typically like adventuring and doing quests more than building, but especially at the beginning I'll sit down and do a big build(For that juicy EXP... mmmm...).

I go melee, because I can't take the heat of survivalist(I play on very hard). If I'm grinding for EXP, I head to the Glowing Sea and hunt down some Deathclaws. 

I have a couple weapons I use:

Deathclaw Gauntlet(With third claw added)

.Baseball bat from Jamaica Plains(Don't remember the specific year on it, but it rag dolls enemies)with aluminum and barbed wire mods

.Les Terribles shotgun for backup

.Laser rifle for backup

I always bring Ol' Nick with me. Kinda ironic, since I joined the Institute, but luckily I did his companion quest, so he'll stay with me forever. >=3

As I just said, I joined the Institute. Here's my favorite faction list, favorite to least favorite:





Only faction I don't really like are BoS, but the rest of them I love. Especially the Minutemen. So cliche, but definetely the best.

As a side note, since you travel with Dogmeat, did you know Lone Wanderer perk is active when you travel with Dogmeat?

Oh yeah, that has saved my skin so many times haha loot runs just arent worth it with any other companion unless you do the mechanist quest to build haulers.

Yeah i normalized to the difficulty thanks to darksouls, very used to dying and not knowing what hit me (especially chameleon deathclaws, screw them with a barbwire bat)

I know the bat you're talking about, i stopped using it when it glitched a raider into me and i was forever a glorious two person haha

Personally dont mind the BoS but i prefer their other sects from earlier games.

The institute i liked the concept of but if you side with them they dont have alot to do there... and while stockpiling syth grenades is fun i needed more...

Minutemen are great, i hope they dont die off between games! would love to see more minutemen content though.

Railroad was my least favourite, dunno why, they just struck me as holier then thou while still pulling shady stunts.

I like nick, doing his detective cases now, never done them before too busy building haha

xD  "And thus the Railroad said, 'Thou that shalt not be holy must be slain. by thy holy fat man" Tinker Tom 3:98

I didn't really use synth grenades, except when invading the BoS airport. That and hacking into Liberty Prime really pissed me off. Especially when I look on a roof and FUCKING ELDER MAXWELL is sitting there shooting me with a mini gun. The god damn leader of the BoS was sick of my shit...

Again, the Minutemen is a very cliche thing, but I do love doing their quests and hanging with them. But god damn, there were so many legendary glowing mirelurks at the Castle...

Railroad I liked that they were trying to do something good, but they pissed me off. Kinda sad I had to kill the poor guys. Especially Tinker Tom. He was my favorite.

My favorite companions goes like this...







And I didn't really care about the rest of them.

Hey there smooth skin!

i actually prefer melee, idk I just like hitting people on the game

i can create some pretty nifty settlements, made an apartment complex in sanctuary, and an actual base at starlight cinemas
Saaammme, this is gonna sound creepy, but I love smackin' me in the face with a bat. Very satisfying...

I build one or two big houses in Sanctuary and send everyone there. Only thing at other settlements is a stolen set of BoS Power Armour at Red Rocket. xD
Haha i go waaaay overboard, I'll have to take a few snaps to share because im just over proud of them haha

also, @The Mechanist your timing is impeccable. I was wondering what to build in your lair for a while now haha maybe you both could give me some immersion ideas? doesn't have to function right, just look right haha.

The melee i got bored of quick, i ran a melee build and found my options to be rather limited. dont get me wrong it was fun but once you take down swan (who isnt that hard to be ready for) the furious face fister just makes everything else obsolete. its bonus just too op to ignore haha

That being said dont bring fists to a vertibird fight... learned to carry backup weapons after that...
Eh, for Swan I was amazingly disappointed with the drop. Using four mini nukes to kill him doesn't merit a fifty melee point weapon with a bad mod, when my bat does seventy because of my perks and the rag doll is funny as all hell...  Now what I thought was funny is that when I killed Swan, a group of Raiders was attacking me. Picked up the fist and caved in one of their skulls'.. the ENTIRE GROUP ran...

For your secret base, you should make a fake playground. Like they did in that one abandoned vault that was for the children target practice training... that was a weird place.

Oooh i might  consider that for when my achievement run ends, I'd have to use mods to get the look right! haha

And yes.... yes it was :/

Almost as weird as basically all of vaultecs shenanigans... if i ever lived in that universe i would NOT want to be a a vault dweller.

Well, here's the thing: While a lot of the vaults did fail, there were some that worked and continued and one or two thriving ones that you can even visit. I'd take my chances with the vault than die or turn into a ghoul... I mean, I like ghouls, but as McReady points out in some dialogue options(Specifically with Hancock, I believe), any ghoul could become feral at any time. At least there's a CHANCE of surviving and being normal in a vault. Sure, slim. But possible.
I dunno, ghouls have it pretty good away from smoothskins, functionally immortal (at least as far as the lore goes none have died of old age) healed by the radiation that floods the world and the only caveat is they can develop violent dementia and are subject to prejudice?

people get a crazy good chance of random dementia anyway and as for prejudice... well, thats never not been a problem.

Imagine all the cool stuff they'd get to witness!

And as far as i've delved into the lore of vaults, the chance of having one that isn't some sort of twisted experiment is just too high for me to risk (i think only vault city in the first series of games was actually a safe one that survived, even then only because it was a control group) nuts to living in a potential gary vault or having it opened early because of raiders.

Though if i got to choose a safe one then that completely changes my thoughts on the matter xD

Still think I'd be better off making a new necropolis with all my ghoul buddies otherwise xD

.Melee or ranged? Why?
- Melee. While VATs may be "stronger", real-time melee (better with a hit of jet) is all kinds of satisfying that VATs can't achieve. My current character's level 90 and is an absolute melee / unarmed monster. Can kill anything in the game in one hit. Super fun. :D

.Favorite companion? No companion? Why?

- There's no beating Hancock. He's a chill ghoul who gives out drugs and is always ready to engage in shotgun diplomacy. Gotta love'm.

.Funniest story?

- Once took a baseball bat to a raider. Hit her in the head so hard, her torso went flying into the distance while the head stayed put. Huh ... stay classy, physics engine.

.Coolest story?

- Was unloading a minigun into a car while a deathclaw charged me. Being a clever shit, I figured I'd time it so the car exploded as the deathclaw ran around it. Except the deathclaw didn't run around it - it picked the fucking car up and hurled it at me. This is a problem in itself, because I'M GOING TO GET HIT BY A FUCKING CAR - the other big problem was that this car was ... y'know. On fire. REALLY on fire. Like "ABOUT TO EXPLODE" on fire. So, I did the only logical thing I could think of - I followed the car into the air with my sights and continued unloading my minigun into it. Through some stroke of sheer action-movie grade luck, the car exploded in mid-flight about fifteen feet away from me in such a way that the explosive force "nudged" the wreckage over my head, causing it to land behind me. I paused the game to laugh my ass off, then proceeded to beat the ever-living shit out of the deathclaw.

.Awesome build ideas?

- High END and STR with decent INT. Invest in ALL OF THE DRUG PERKS. Make lots of drugs, irradiate yourself heavily, strap on some rad-powered gear, equip your melee/unarmed weapon of choice, then go ham as a jet-powered psycho berserker.

- High STR and high INT. Invest in getting THE BEST power armor, get tons of fusion cores, take the rank 10 STR perk Pain Train, apply Hydraulic Bracers (NOT Tesla bracers) then run around beating shit up with your robo-fists. No VATs - just real-time robo-punching fun.

.Favorite faction? Why?

- Children of Atom or Brotherhood of Steel. COA are super interesting and I love them - whereas the Brotherhood (who I think are a bunch of douchebags, I'll add) are interesting because they're so divisive and they're in this interesting moral grey zone. They're well-meaning extremists, which is neat.

.Whatever else you wanna talk about
- I know plenty'a stuff about melee, if anyone's interested. I also know how to abuse the crap out of blitz, and how to break the crap out of game physics (I once launched a deathclaw into the moon on console). If anyone's curious.
Eh, for Swan I was amazingly disappointed with the drop. Using four mini nukes to kill him doesn't merit a fifty melee point weapon with a bad mod, when my bat does seventy


Did you invest in Iron Fist? Because a Power Fist should destroy a baseball bat in terms of damage unless you have nuka-world mods on your baseball bat.

Big Leagues doesn't apply to the Power Fist, since it's classified as an "Unarmed weapon". In hindsight, Bethesda could have saved a lot of confusion by calling it a "hand-to-hand weapon" instead.
@Collidias Rex

Tell me more of the moonclaws. o_O

Put a video in spoiler above, because I document stuff as I go along.

What you see above is my character with a harpoon gun equipped. I also happen to have a sanctuary of +30 pacified deathclaws, which is how I found my lovely volunteer.

My character is "holding" a fat man in front of him. If you're unaware, holding the interact button lets you "hold" and move around items without picking them up into inventory.  If you look over the top of that fat man, you'll see there are a number of shapes which seem to be following the weapon. These are harpoons - though, you can do the same thing with the railway rifle. Funny how the physics system works - while you can "hold" objects and swing them around to move other objects, you can't move actors with them (NPCs, creatures, so on ...). However, when you fire a harpoon or railway spike at something and it impacts, the railway spike protruding from the object is a physical object and has a hitbox. These protruding spikes CAN move actors. These spikes can also protrude from weapons.

So while you can't lever a fat man under a deathclaw and lift it up, you CAN fire a a harpoon into the end of a fat man, then use the harpoon attached to the fat man to lever the deathclaw into the air. In the video above, I stuck a chain of several harpoons into the end of a fat man so I had a longer lever. The harpoons can impact to one another and will form a "chain". The first spike follows the fat man, the second spike follows the first spike, the third spike follows the second ... so on. By moving the fat man around, you can get the chain to follow wherever you want.

So, I put my controller sensitivity to full (for MAXIMUM TORGUE), stuck the chain of spikes under the deathclaw (the spike chain phases through the ground, oddly enough), then simply aimed upward at maximum sensitivity.

The fatman swings upward, which swings the chain of spikes upward too. There's a little lag between each subsequent spike moving, which makes the chain kind of "bendy", resulting in a catapult effect which launches the deathclaw super high into the air.
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This makes me happy, i also knew about everything EXCEPT that i could stack the harpoons/ rails, That's new and i need to experiment right away!
Also whats the de-spawn on those? like... would it be feasible to build using them?- corpse decorations and such
Oh cool a fallout 4 thread, it's one of my favorite games as well. 

I prefer ranged, melee is much better in fallout 4 but i prefer to take things from a distance.

Fav companion? Hmm, I really like robots a lot, especially ADA and Codsworth. However for human companions i love deacon the most because he changes outfits based on the area. But i did romance Curie because i also loved her as a companion as well.

Funniest story is tied between getting that ship with rockets to fly into a building or anything involving the silver shroud.

Coolest story by far is (in my opinion) nuka world. It just feels so different from everything else in the game and i love how you can see the inner workings of a raider gang.

Build ideas? i'm assuming you mean for settlement building. Uhhh, well i don't think many people know this but abernathy farm has the highest height limit for a settlement so you can make a huge tower there.

Railroad is definitely my fav faction, i just love how they operate with this cloak and dagger thing they have going on. I like the feeling of basically being a spy.

Overall i think fallout 4 is the best fallout game. a lot of people give it hate for dialogue options but i don't find them bad at all. In fallout 4 you're at least guaranteed 4 dialogue options. In the other games you'd often get dialogue options of 2 and 3 choices with nothing much to it. I feel like with the new dialogue tree it feels more fluid than the old one. Though i do wish it told you what you were going to say before you said it, or i wish you could have options based off of perks. The combat in the game is excellent as well, and i love settlement building.
1. I always go melee or unarmed in any game that I can.I guess it's just the thrill of running straight into danger, unafraid of what might befall you, knowing that with just one swing, they'll be in pieces. Plus think about it. Who would you be more afraid of, the guy in a full suit of power armor shooting you from down the street or some dude in light armor running right at you with a baseball bat from the 2077 world championship covered in barbed wire and saw blades sending all your friends flying like Babe Ruth in the days of old with a single swing/a flaming hot powerfist made of some strange foreign blue metal you've never seen before turning everyone you hold near and dear in your heart to chunks with a single punch? I'd be more afraid of the nearly naked maniac that's somehow shaking off bullets left and right like they were nothing flailing a large blunt weapon around, but that's just me. I've always been more of a reckless type of person in games and my love of Krieg the Psycho from Borderlands 2 leads me to run around with my own special buzzaxe while hopped up on chems. The only companion I have around usually is dogmeat, 'cause he's the coolest and holds enemies in place for easier whackage.

2. Favorite companion would have to either be Dogmeat, since he's the coolest dog and holds enemies in place for easier whackage or Curie because who doesn't want a French nurse following you around giving you heals. Sure she has the largest amount of health in the game and can tank the most out of any of the companions, but that's just an added bonus.

3. My funniest story would have to be, spoiler alert, at the end of the Silver Shroud quest line. I convinced all the raiders I was really the Shroud and instantly blew off their bosses head and they just scattered and ran. 

4. The coolest would have to be when I jumped off the top of a skyscraper while wearing power armor and landed right on top of a large group of super mutants. After falling for a good minute, I squashed most of them with just the impact, and used the 2077 world championship baseball bat to send the rest back up to the sky where I just came from.

5. Grognak the Barbarian, 'nuff said.

6. The Nazis The Brotherhood of Steel. Maxon sure became a cool asshole in ten years. 

I gotta say, even after 150+ hours, it still doesn't have that good Fallout feel that I've come to love. Also the settlements are annoying to deal with. Every time I try to actually get stuff done they all get attacked, or Preston wants me to make more, or something else.
Ooooh! Finally somewhere I can yammer about Fallout 4! (DISCLAIMER: I AM A MODDER/AU BUILDER.. Not sure of that will even be relevant but PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW! °^°...also I intend on RPing Fallout 4 quite a bit so there's that too....also I have no dlc...T.T *plays a sad song on a tiny violin*)

Hmm let's see here...

Melee or ranged?: Tough question but I'd have to go with tanged.although melee is a lot of fun I play on Very Hard and well bullets hurt. Not to mention my A.I. is smarter now (Mods XD ) so across almost all Fallout games it's been nothing but Ranged for me. Especially in Fallout 3 and 4. 

.Favorite companion?: So this is a tough question because I have Vanilla companions....AND the companions I created myself (Mods again.) but in terms of Vanilla companions ....I can't decide x.x I love em all...and by "all" I mean:







Aaaaand....no yeah that's it I believe. 

.Funniest story? I'll have to come back to this one...There are quite a few funny stories to tell x.x

.Coolest story? That's a tough one. I have no idea @-@

.Awesome build ideas? Well I am currently working on my own ridiculously large settlement so uh...I'll keep you posted XD with screenshots and clips and junk I guess

.Favorite faction? Don't have one. 

Other then that there really isn't much I have to talk about I mean unless you want me to build a character for ya as a reference for RPs and junk I haven't got much that's really interesting x.x
It appears I have stumbled upon a topic that I can relate to >.> I shall have sparks take notes
Meh, F4 was a nice game, but it wasn't the best... could be better if it was Obsidian making the story... maybe even the devs from Fallout 1 and 2...

I also gotta say I liked MacCready as a companion.

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