RandellX & The Magnificent Marley's magnificent RP


Previously Slushie
Alright, here are my characters:

Name: Michael H. Mercer

Age: 21

Gender: Male




Sexual Orientation:


Role: Criminal

Alias: 'Johnny' [usually uses the last name Smith. He sometimes wants his alias to be kind of...obvious. If he doesn't, he'll use a different last name.]

Weapon(s): Usually hand-to-hand combat or guns. Doesn't have a specific weapon, but he often uses fire in his crimes. [Hence the name Pyro]

Weapon(s) Appearance(s): N/A

Weapon(s) Info: N/A

Abilities: Extremely fast reflexes, Good with defense rather than offense, Very book-smart.

Hobbies: Boxing. Other than that he doesn't do much.

Other Info: N/A

Personality: Michael is...well, kind of crazy. A bit of a pyromaniac, of course. By appearances, people always assume he's geeky and weak. He's smart, but doesn't have a ton of common sense since he tends to be so irresponsible on a lot of levels. Honestly, he's kind of stuck in his childhood, where most of his trauma happened. His life kind of paused there, you know? So he can act a bit immature, and swears a lot. He has quite a bit of confidence, and can be very arrogant. Usually he doesn't have much feeling for others, and might be a bit of a sociopath. That's not for certain, though, since sometimes [but very, very rarely] he'll crack and show a bit of emotion or...less apathy for another. He does have a soft spot for dogs and cats, though, but he'd never admit that.

Biography: Michael grew up into a rather chaotic household. Even though he was an only child, and he only lived with his father, it still was pretty crazy. You see, his father had pretty bad anger issues. No, he didn't abuse Michael in any way- in fact, they were pretty close. His father had a pretty bad drug addiction, though, and when Michael was only about 13, his father killed himself by overdose. It was pretty traumatizing for a 13 year old to come home from a crappy day at school to find his beloved father dead on the bathroom floor, with puke all over him. Of course, Michael was taken to an orphanage, but most of the families thought he was kind of creepy. So nobody really ended up adopting him throughout all his years at the orphanage. Michael tried to come off as a weird kid, though. Not only because he actually was, but he sure as hell wasn't planning on living with anymore strangers. The workers at the orphanage were very neglecting, though, so they also remained strangers to Michael.

By the time Michael was 16, he was pretty fed up. Fed up with the stupid 'caregivers' [who gave no such care at all], all the bullies at school, having no friends- having nobody. So he started getting angry. Usually when Michael was angry, he wouldn't lash out; he'd sit in silence and bottle it up. Well, now that bottle was about to burst open. Although he tried his hardest not to, he ended up lashing out on the day he graduated from high school. Who knew a few more insults would be the last straw? But he was silent, until he got back to the shitty apartment that he now lived in by himself as soon as school was over. He threw a huge fit. Screaming and breaking things. Just going absolute nuts, you know? Michael Mercer was angry, and he was going to take it out on everybody. One thing was for sure, he was only 5'7" and not very strong [he was a bit on the slimmer side due to some malnutrition], but he was smart. And he'd use that as his biggest weapon.

Name: Anna M. Maddox

Age: 19




Sexual Orientation:

Race: Human

Role: Antihero

Alias: None, really.

Weapon(s): Prefers to use a Bo Staff.

Weapon(s) Appearance:


Is very skilled in Martial Arts, Clever, Also has fast reflexes.

Hobbies: Enjoys writing and practicing her fighting skills.

Personality: Anna is typically very social at first, but is extremely blunt and won't hesitate to say what she thinks about you. She's compassionate, but it doesn't seem like it. She has an odd way of showing it.

Other Info:

- Her father got murdered when she was 9.
Well, I didn't really have any specific plot thought out. I was just thinking like a simple antihero/hero and criminal type of RP.
I think it would be more fun if we just kinda made up stuff as we go, so , I'll introduce a few characters. and we can just change it from there as we see fit.

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