Ramil's Warriors of Light


One Thousand Club
Name: Vivio Takamachi

Universe from: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid

Gender: Female

Age: 10

Personality: Vivio is a kind little girl that always seems happy. She enjoys making friends. She loves Strike Arts and usually trains in using it. Like her Mother Vivio is very determined and strong willed. She will not deter form a goal until she finishes it. She also loves to read books and is an Honor student at St. Hilde's Academy of Magic.




Backstory/Bio: [COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Vivio Takamachi is the Daughter of Nanoha Takamachi. She is a clone of the Saint Kaiser Olive Sebrecht Created by Jail Scaglietti. She escaped from Jail's lair with a Lost Logia known as a Relic. She was found by Riot Force Six Stars and Lightning Forwards Teana Lanster, Subaru Nakajima, Erio Mondal, and Caro ru Lushe. Later she was taken in by Nanoha who she began calling Mama. Fate Testarossa Harlaown became her Godmother.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]She began calling them Nanoha and Fate Mama. During The Jail Scaglietti incident she was kidnapped and used to move a massive warship known as the Saint's Cradle, Nanoha had come to save her but the reunion became a battle when Vivio transfomed into an adult version of herself and fought against Nanoha She had been brainwashed by one of the Combat Cyborgs Quatoro. The Brain washed Vivio and Nanoha fought against each other until Vivio regained her senses after Nanoha blasted Quatoro and then Vivio turning her back into a child. four years later after the J.S. Incident. She attended St. Hilde's Academy of Magic with her two best friends, Rio Wesley and Corona Timir. During her 4th year she received an Intelligence Device by the name of Sacred Heart. It's form was that of a stuffed bunny. It allowed her to change into her adult form which freaked Fate out the first time she saw it.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Vivio was learning Strike Arts from Nove and met her. Another descendant from the time of the Saint Kaiser, Einhard Stratos. Einhard was the descendant of Emperor Claus Ingvalt who was a dear friend and possibly lover of Saint Kaiser Olive. Einhard could also go into adult mode like Vivio but was attacking Strong fighters on Mid-childa as the masked fighter until She fought against Nove. Einhard was haunted by the memories of Claus and his Regret for not being able to stop Saint Kaiser Olive. But Vivio slowly wormed her way into Einhard's Heart and they became good friends. After a few events Vivio, Rio, Corona, and Einhard Formed Team Nakajima with Nove as their coach and entered the intermediate Tournament. Many fights happened including Corona and Einhard facing off, Vivio going up against fellow strike arts user Miura Rinaldi who's coaches were Vita and Zafira. [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Unfortunately She lost against Miura. And Rio who created her own adult mode went up against one of the Elite, Buster head Harry Tribecca. She lost as well. And finally after winning against Corona Einhard went up against the Champion and fellow descendant of Belka, Sieglinde Jerimiah. She lost to her. After that Vivio rested up and was walking home by herself still down about losing in the Intermediate tournament when suddenly a bright light engulfed her. [/COLOR]

Powers/weapons:  [COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Sacred Heart(Kris): Vivio's inteligent device. It is designed as a stuffed bunny that can float around. It's usually seen floating around Vivio. [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Vivio along with her friends Rio, Corona, and Einhard train under Nove Nakajima in Strike Arts. Vivio is the last in the line of Saint Kaisers resulting in her Physical and Magical condition being superior to most. Her intelligent device Sacred Heart, nick named Kris allows her to change into her Adult form. Her Arsenal seems to Vary from some of the Mages in Riot Force Six, including her Mother Nanoha, Signum and Ginga Nakajima, and the Numbers.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Accel Smash: A high speed upper punch that Vivio usually uses after dodging and countering the opponent.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Divine Buster: Her Mother's Signature Technique. Fires a large beam of Rainbow colored Mana at the Target. Vivio's Version Has an extremely short charging time. and can be used at point blank, catching most enemies by surprise.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Jet Step: Enables Rapid Movement Can be considered a Transport spell. IT can also help with Vivio's countering.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Sonic Shooter: A high speed Shooting spell. It has two variations. It two Variations. Assault Shift and Phantom Shift.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Assault Shift is a Multiple bolt arrangement that can be fired all at once or one at a time.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Phantom Shift seems to be a cluster Variation. [/COLOR]

Goals: She wants to become strong enough to fight alongside and protect her Nanoha-mama and Fate-mama

Name: Golden Darkness/Yami/Eve

Universe from: To Love-Ru

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Personality: Though she does come off as stoic, emotionless, and withdrawn in actuality she is pretty kind, but she would attack people who talks about something that she doesn't like. She also hates perverted people and normally attacks Rito who by his clumsy nature trips into her and gropes her, or the Principal, whose perverted nature makes him come running to her in almost no clothing whenever he sees her. Other people she has attacked include Kenichi Saruyama, Yuu Kotegawa, and Taizou Motemitsu. She also has a weakness towards anything slimy and with tentacles.



Before she met Rito and Lala, Yami lived alone in the universe, performing assassination assignments as they were given to her. At some point she bought an artificial intelligence for her spaceship from a junk shop and named it Lunatique.

Soon after Yami completed her assassin training she went to a planet whose inhabitants have tentacles. Though she herself refuses to tell of the experience, it is strongly implied that it caused her extreme dislike of anything slimy and with tentacles.

Yami once fought and defeated the assassin called Tyrant Azenda because of a dispute within the assassination organization they both worked for. That organization used to exist on the Planet Kild, in the Talha Galaxy, which was known as the garbage dump of the Universe

One time, while Yami was in the midst of combat her mind ran amok and transformed into her Darkness Form for a few seconds. Although the transformation was incomplete she sliced the Planet Kild in half. Some time after that, Yami came to Mikado suffering from many injuries and with no memory of what had happened.

When she arrived on Earth, Yami had no memories from before she became an assassin. However, being close to others, especially Rito, has caused those memories to resurface. Yami eventually notes that Rito's warmth reminds her of what she felt when she was with Tearju as a child. Due to a strange event Yami has ended up in another universe, crossing paths with Vivio Takamachi who for some reason calls her Fate-mama during their first meeting.

Powers/weapons: Transformation Ability: Golden Darkness' signature ability is her transformation ability otherwise known as the Trans-ability. This ability allows her to turn almost any part of her body into almost any animate objects (preferably weapons or tools used for combat) or reshape the size and figure of her body. The nanomachines that circulate through her body allow her to do this. A downside to her powers is that if she uses her power excessively, the nanomachines in her body overheat, leaving her extremely weak and unable to move and causing her to pass out 

Goals: To find a way back to her earth.

Name: Tommy Oliver

Universe from: Power Rangers

Gender: Male

Age: unknown

Personality: An extraordinary martial artist with the natural ability to lead. Dr. Oliver is considered to be the greatest Power Ranger of all time having been part of four various teams. Tommy has no tolerance of bullies and is quick to defend those in need. Tommy is quick to trust those who seem good but just as swift to attack those who betray him and his trust.


Backstory/Bio: Dr. Thomas "Tommy" Oliver is a Power Ranger veteran and considered a legend among the Ranger community. He is often considered to be the greatest Power Ranger of all time, having been part of four Power Ranger teams over the years. Tommy's career as a Power Ranger did not start like most, as he was chosen by Rita Repulsa to become her evil Green Ranger, making him the first evil Ranger in Power Ranger history. He was tasked with destroying the original team of Power Rangers and had nearly succeeded, although he was ultimately defeated and was released from Rita's control by the original Red Ranger, Jason. Having turned good, Tommy helped the Rangers in defeating the forces of darkness and was made an official member of the team. In doing so, not only did Tommy prove himself to be a worthy ally, but he became exactly the kind of leader the Rangers needed and was therefore promoted, taking command from Jason. Tommy has gone through a number of power variations through the years. Originally the first Green Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Those powers ran dry and he became the White Ranger and the White Ninja Ranger of the same team, Zeo Ranger V Red of the Zeo Rangers, and the first Red Turbo Ranger of the Turbo Rangers. 

After Tommy's adventures as a Ranger were complete, he went to college where he received a Doctorate in Paleontology in a mere six years. He later traveled to Reefside and, in an effort to stop some of his mutations, became the mentor of a new set of Power Rangers. He later took up the mantle of a Ranger once more and became the Black Dino Ranger of the Dino Rangers. After Tommy's adversary, Mesogog, was defeated, he retired from Ranger duty and is currently a normal high school teacher at Reefside. But now he finds himself in another universe with his Green Ranger powers restored.

Powers/weapons: Power Morpher with Dragonzord Power coin, Sword of Darkness, Dragon Dagger(Can be used to summon the Dragon Zord) Exper Martial artist. Increased speed and strength. 

Goals: To find out the cause of the chaos in the Multiverse

Other: N/A
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Name: Tommy Oliver

Universe from: Power Rangers

Gender: Male

Age: unknown

Personality: An extraordinary martial artist with the natural ability to lead. Dr. Oliver is considered to be the greatest Power Ranger of all time having been part of four various teams. Tommy has no tolerance of bullies and is quick to defend those in need. Tommy is quick to trust those who seem good but just as swift to attack those who betray him and his trust.


Backstory/Bio: Dr. Thomas "Tommy" Oliver is a Power Ranger veteran and considered a legend among the Ranger community. He is often considered to be the greatest Power Ranger of all time, having been part of four Power Ranger teams over the years. Tommy's career as a Power Ranger did not start like most, as he was chosen by Rita Repulsa to become her evil Green Ranger, making him the first evil Ranger in Power Ranger history. He was tasked with destroying the original team of Power Rangers and had nearly succeeded, although he was ultimately defeated and was released from Rita's control by the original Red Ranger, Jason. Having turned good, Tommy helped the Rangers in defeating the forces of darkness and was made an official member of the team. In doing so, not only did Tommy prove himself to be a worthy ally, but he became exactly the kind of leader the Rangers needed and was therefore promoted, taking command from Jason. Tommy has gone through a number of power variations through the years. Originally the first Green Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Those powers ran dry and he became the White Ranger and the White Ninja Ranger of the same team, Zeo Ranger V Red of the Zeo Rangers, and the first Red Turbo Ranger of the Turbo Rangers. 

After Tommy's adventures as a Ranger were complete, he went to college where he received a Doctorate in Paleontology in a mere six years. He later traveled to Reefside and, in an effort to stop some of his mutations, became the mentor of a new set of Power Rangers. He later took up the mantle of a Ranger once more and became the Black Dino Ranger of the Dino Rangers. After Tommy's adversary, Mesogog, was defeated, he retired from Ranger duty and is currently a normal high school teacher at Reefside. But now he finds himself in another universe with his Green Ranger powers restored.

Powers/weapons: Power Morpher with Dragonzord Power coin, Sword of Darkness, Dragon Dagger(Can be used to summon the Dragon Zord) Exper Martial artist. Increased speed and strength. 

Goals: To find out the cause of the chaos in the Multiverse

Other: N/A

Name: Barry Alan

Universe from: Earth 1(CW's The Flash)

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Personality: Barry is a kind individual with a strong sense of justice. This was shown when he refused to give up in saving Earth-2 Harrison Well's daughter Jessie Wells. He sometimes taunts his enemies and can sometimes come off as arrogant. Though he is not afraid to do what he can for his friends.


Backstory/Bio:  When Barry was 11 years old he watched as his mother was killed by a man in yellow and his father arrested for a murder he didn't commit. Since then Barry has been trying to prove that the impossible was possible. Not knowing he would become the impossible one night when the particle accelerator exploded and he was struck by a lightning bolt affected by the explosion. He was in a coma for 9 months until he awoke in S.T.A.R. Labs under the care of Cisco Ramone, Caitlin Snow, and the famed Dr.Harrison Wells. After leaving S.T.A.R. Labs he began to notice his powers.He found out from Harrison that he was now a Meta-Human, and that there were others like him using their powers to harm innocents. Using a suit Cisco created he began to fight crime and other Meta-Humans as The Flash. As time went on he came face to face with his mother's killer, The man in yellow or rather, The Reverse Flash. After taking two beatings from The Reverse Flash Barry focused all his time in getting faster. He then would find out the Reverse Flash was none other than Harrison Wells. He and the others found out his real name was Eobard Thawne and he was from the future. His sole purpose for coming to the past was to kill Barry but his future self stopped Eobard and he instead settled for killing his mother. However, he was trapped in the past. Barry with help from The Arrow and Firestorm defeated the Reverse Flash and imprisoned him. Barry later ran fast enough to go back in time to save his mother but decided against it. He headed back to the present and Stopped Eobard from escaping to his time. However… Eobard was still too much for Barry and His ancestor Eddie Thawne killed himself in order to stop Eobard and Eobard was erased from existence. But the hole in time created a singularity that was destroying Central City. Barry ran into the Singularity to stop it but in the end Firestorm sacrificed himself to close the singularity. But little did they know 52 breaches to another Earth were created because of the Singularity. And this brought the threat of Metahumans from another Earth and another Speedster…. Zoom. But there was also two unlikely allies. The Harison Wells of Earth 2. And Jay Garrick The Flash of Earth 2 After trying to face off against Zoom. He was beating into the ground even worse than than when he fought the reverse flash. He would later find out that Zoom was actually Jay Garrick, or his real name, Hunter Zolomon Barry needed to get faster. So he went back in time to get help from Eobard Thawne. Eobard reluctantly gave him the schematics to build a Tachyon Unit. Returning to the present they built the Tachyon Unit and tested it. Barry went so fast that He ended up punching a hole to the Multiverse and ended up on another Earth. It was here that he met and fought alongside Supergirl. After  returning to his Earth with Supergirl’s help he finally became faster then Zoom. But had to give his speed up in order to save a friend. Because of this, Zoom had free reign over both Earth 1 and Earth 2. Barry and the others tried to do something about his loss of speed, when Harrison thought up the idea of reenacting the way Barry got his powers the first time. It failed and Barry ended up becoming one with the Speed Force. But later he came back with his Speed restored. Afterwords the group figured out a way to stop all the Metahumans from Earth 2 including Zoom. They created a high pitch frequency that would hurt all the Meta Humans from Earth 2. It worked except for Zoom who had escaped back to Earth 2 and returned later and killed Barry’s father. In his Grief Barry vowed to make Zoom pay for what he had done. Then it came. The final Race between The Flash and Zoom. Barry won… And nearly killed Zoom only to stop when two time wraiths came and captured Zoom taking him who knows where for his crimes against the Speed Force. Everything was going back to normal but then…. Barry tried to run fast enough to go back in time again. Only to end up punching a hole through the multiverse and ended up in an unknown world.

Powers/weapons: Barry being a speedster connected to the Speedforce has gained many skills as he fought against different Metahumans. These skills are as such. 
Barry's powers come from the Speed Force; a mysterious energy field that he first accessed when he was hit by the dark matter lightning and exposed to various chemicals. His DNA was altered and cells supercharge with enormous amounts of electricity, augmenting his physiology to beyond peak human condition and obtaining a lean-built frame to properly handle his new abilities. By directly accessing the Speed Force, he gains access to more advanced capacities. While initially only able to accomplish this through assistance or accidental instinct, by 2016, he learned how to do so at will. 

Barry is able to move at vast superhuman speeds. He is also unaffected by the side-effects caused by moving at these speeds such as high friction, reduced oxygen, and kinetic impact. The intensity of his speed allows him to run vertically across structures and over large masses of water. While his top current speed is Mach 3.3, Barry's speed is potentially limitless, according to Eobard Thawne. 

He is incredibly agile due to the speedforce running through his veins. This allows him to make sharp turns without sliding or struggling to turn. Barry has Superhuman endurance allowing him to run at his fastest without distress, He is also able to take a beating due to this endurance. His reaction time is also fast. Sometimes he moves so fast that it seems as if time has slowed down.

He also has an enhanced healing factor due to his speed. Injury's that would usually take weeks or months to heal woud heal in hours. Barry learned from Eobard thawne how to phase through solid objects by vibrating to the same frequency as air. He can even phase other people through solid objects. He can accelrate himself to bring more pack to his attacks through the momentum. By spinning his hands with his Super Speed he can create mini tornadoes on his arms that can blow fires away and repel opponents. He was also taught by Jay Garrick how to throw a lightning bolt produced from the electricity he builds up when running.

Goals: To return to his earth.

Other: N/A
Name: Nanoha Takamachi

Universe from: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Personality: A major aspect of Nanoha's personality is that she always tries to understand other people. As such, she's shown to always take a diplomatic approach to problems and tries to reason with her enemies at first. However, she's also shown to be a pragmatic heroine, as she's not afraid to use force if communication alone is not enough.


Backstory/Bio: Nanoha Takamachi is presented as a regular little girl, living with her family, taking the bus to school and playing the gold-hearted average girl to her multimillionaire best friends Alisa Bannings and Suzuka Tsukimura. However, she always felt like a third wheel; her parents had each other, so did her siblings, and so did her best friends, while Nanoha had no such close companion. Additionally, she says she feels her life has no direction, as she has no plans for what she wants to do with herself. When she finds the injured Yūno in ferret form in the park, she brings him to a nearby veterinarian for care. Yūno later calls Nanoha telepathically as an unstable Jewel Seed attacks him, and he then gives her the red jewel around his neck, known as Raising Heart. With his instructions, Nanoha activates Raising Heart, and discovers her own magical ability. Her power blows Yūno away as she is able to create attacks quickly, transform and attack without using the incantations generally required doing so, and sensing Jewel Seeds more easily than he can. Even with all this power, she is still learning and must fight off her rival (later dearest friend and partner) Fate Testarossa, although Nanoha is more interested in befriending her. Needless to say, she succeeds in befriending Fate, however her methodology has lead to an interesting pun. 
Nanoha lives at her home above Midori-ya, the cafe owned by her family in Uminari City, with her mother Momoko, her father Shirō, her brother Kyōya and her sister Miyuki, Nanoha balances cram school, regular school and hunting for Jewel Seeds with ease, although Yūno fears that it may be too much for her in the long run. Although she tries to hide her identity from her friends and family, she blatantly advertises it to Fate. 
Nanoha may be living in peacetime, but she has not let her work slide. She goes out each day and trains with Raising Heart,) she practices hitting a can of cola repeatedly in the air and being disappointed when the can doesn't go into the trash can. Later she is attacked by one of the Wolkenritter, Vita, and is defeated due to the difference in power of their weapons. However, she teams up with Fate, who saves her and manages to hold Vita back until Signum enters while Yuuno brings Nanoha to a safe place. Arf and Yūno, and the Time-Space Administration Bureau help Nanoha and Fate escape Vita's Barrier which is successful, but not without the Wolkenritter stealing Nanoha's Linker Core which makes her lose some of her magical energy. Soon later in the TSAB HQ it is revealed to them that their new mission is to prevent the Wolkenritter from stealing mages' Linker Cores for their Book of Darkness. Nanoha then later introduces Fate to her two friends Arisa and Suzuka as a transfer student(though they had initially met via Nanoha and Fate's video messages), and resumes her life as a magical and school girl, helping Fate to get used to her new life on Earth. Early on in the season after the first battle against the Wolkenritter, Raising Heart, along with Bardiche, is upgraded to be able to compete with the Wolkenritter's weapons, and is renamed "Raising Heart Excelion", which gains the new cartridge system. She is then pitted against for most of the season Vita, who refuses to call her by her name, always calling her things like "Takamachi Nantoka", which can be roughly translated as "Takamachi Something-Or-Other", though in the last episode of the season she begins to call her name properly. Nanoha and Fate meet a sickly girl, Hayate Yagami, who is actually the master of the Book of Darkness, after being introduced by Suzuka later in the season. Later, when visiting Hayate who was hospitalised, Fate and Nanoha meet the Wolkenritter and find out that Hayate is the master of the Book of Darkness, and the reason why the Wolkenritter are collecting pages for the book. After Fate and Nanoha face off against the Wolkenritter, who wish to silence them for knowing their master's identity. However the match is interrupted by the two masked men (later revealed to be the Liese twins), who trap Fate and Nanoha in magical binds and a barrier and impersonated them, to make Hayate think that it was Fate and Nanoha who killed the Wolkenritter (as the masked men used their Linker Cores to fill the last pages of the Book of Darkness). Then, Fate along with Nanoha are forced to fight Hayate, as the book of darkness. However, during the fight Suzuka and Alisa discover Nanoha and Fate's true identities when they tried to protect them from Hayate's attack. With the help of the Wolkenritter and Hayate herself, they cure both Hayate and the Book of Darkness, which transforms into Reinforce, Hayate's partner and weapon. 

Nanoha is the primary Combat Instructor for the Riot Force 6 of Time-Space Administration Bureau's Special Management, and also the commander of record for the "StarS" squad in the field, she has grown more mature in the last 10 years since the Book of Darkness incident. Nanoha, like Fate, is a S+ class mage without limiters, which is the second highest rank possible to be achieved by a mage, and she is a AA class mage with the limiters, 3 ranks down from what she should be. 
After gathering the members of the newly formed Riot Force 6, Nanoha begins to train the new recruits, Subaru, Teana, Caro and Erio (who have both taken in by Fate). Nanoha becomes Vivio's guardian or, as Vivio calls her, Mama, and looks after Vivio along with Fate who is her godmother (though Nanoha later officially adopts Vivio). Nanoha along with the rest of Riot Force 6, besides the Forwards, Signum and Fate, deal with the Saint's Cradle going into orbit. Nanoha enters the cradle, along with Vita, and they split up, with Nanoha going to the Throne Room and Vita going to the engine room. Nanoha quickly deals with one of the Numbers, using her Blaster System, before entering the Throne Room, where Vivio is being held. Quattro manipulates Vivio, forcing Nanoha and Vivio to fight each other, during the fight, however, Nanoha uses a wide area search and finds the place where Quattro is hiding and, using her Divine Buster and her Blaster System at level 3, knocks her out by blasting a hole through the Cradle. However, Vivio still does not revert back to her normal self and continues to fight Nanoha until Vivio manages to begin to regain control, but still cannot gain complete control, and Nanoha is forced to use her Blaster System at Full Power, firing five Starlight Breakers at the same time, which then reverts Vivio back to her normal self. Later, Subaru and Teana come in to save Nanoha and Hayate (who came to save Nanoha). Nanoha was offered many promotions, all of which were turned down in favour of her current position as a combat instructor. She now also lives with Vivio, and checks up on her every so often, even when she is in class. 
 Though She now finds herself in another world separated from her friends and family.

Goals: To find a way back to Midchilda

Other: N/A
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