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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Rakudai Kishi No Cavalry the RP


The Pun Tyrant
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Character Template:







[*tab=Who are you?*]

Personality: (descriptive)

Backstory: (you can PM me the backstory if you wish instead of typing it here)


Likes: (at least three)

Dislikes: (at least three)

Fears: (at least 2)


[*tab= what is your device*]

Device name:

Device appearance:

(note: weapons don´t have powers on their own. They are plain, simple weapons)


[*tab=how is your fighting?*]

Noble Art: (name and general effect) (the ability much match their goals and personality, because it derives from them)

Abilities: (up to five, all of which must be directly derived from the main noble art)

Skills: (what a character is skilled at. Please refrain from putting anything in here that is beyond what you can actually control, such as having a way with words, or combat)

Fighting Style:


[*tab= other information*]




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Name: Hakuo Michigo

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Rank: B


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-13_16-22-45.png.01626f0bd4aa7c74b8fa8c0a0b7ae551.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105561" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-13_16-22-45.png.01626f0bd4aa7c74b8fa8c0a0b7ae551.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Personality: Hakuo is a very insecure person on every aspect. He is shy and somewhat lazy. Above everything, he hates conflict and confrontation, so he strives for always playing nice and trying to make sure others do too. He is someone who is easily nervous and hardly ever comfortable, but despite this keeps a cheerful attitude.

    He looks down upon himself and hates his own hesitating behavior as a child. He respects everyone as a consequence, since everyone else seems like idol material by comparison on his eyes. This is why he strives so hard to blend in, and often tries to act as other people. Over the years, this has come to become something he is adept at, though he does need to hang out with those people for a while before being able to do it.

    By fighting his fears and hanging around people, Hakuo has become a rather bold person and one who´d never hesitate to take the hit for someone else.

    Backstory: Hakuo was always shy. His parents say that even as a baby he´d cry just by people glancing at him for a second. He had a lot of trouble making friends, and as a result, ended up shunned. It even affected the several forms of martial arts his father set him to, and he was often set aside to practice alone during the classes. The pranks and the isolation he felt left him shocked, and he decided he´d never let it happen again. However, even then he hesitated, changing felt too difficult...until the day three kids ended up with scars for life from a fire that Kahuo blames himself for to this day. It was caused by a set of matches, and as Hakuo perceives it, he could have called a teacher, but hesitated, hence him being the ultimate cause of the fire.

    In the following year, he was like a new person: He was cheerful, funny, adept at the martial arts he took, and so forth. He never talked about himself, though, which was hardly ever noticeable, since he talked just about everything else. He began to really hang around cliques and even took part in drama clubs. His ability to summon his device was what led him to join the academy.

    goals: To have his own place among everyone, be important

    Likes: Being praised, jokes, martial arts

    Dislikes: being teased, being yelled at, scars

    Fears: to be left alone forever; fire



  • upload_2016-2-13_16-22-45.png
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Kansatsu Senjo


- Know-it-all

- Sir Stalker

- Annoyance

- Headache

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Club: Newspaper

Rank: A

no slide
What is my device


Device Name:

Device Appearance:
How is my fighting
Noble Art:



Fighting Style:
Other Information


no slide
no slide

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  • Name: Ryu Shinra


    - The Dragon Emperor

    - The Dragon God

    - The Prodigy

    Age: 16




    A man who wishes to live life fulfilled, that is the kind of person Ryu is. He makes sure that he doesn't completely devote himself to fighting, believing that there is more to life than just combat and that a person must engage in various activities within their life to properly make use of their life. He enjoys fighting strong opponents to test the limits of his strength. As a result, Ryu enjoys engaging in duels against powerful enemies to the point he fights as if there was no tomorrow. Additionally, Ryu isn't the kind to draw out a battle and firmly believes that a battle must be ended as soon as possible, however, he seems to contradict himself when facing some powerful opponents wherein he feels as if he doesn't want the battle to end quickly. As a result, he grew up as a strategic person who forces his opponents into chaotic situations wherein the opponent is cornered to act on a limited basis; much like how one debates over which piece to sacrifice at times during a game of chess. However, despite all of his training in magic and the use of his Noble Art, he is a firm believer that warriors must settle things through their own ability with their weapons and fists rather than completely relying on their magical capabilities. With regards to this, Ryu has a strong respect for opponents that are able to fight without relying on their noble art.

    Outside of fighting, Ryu is pretty much ordinary as it gets only that he has a few differences to some teenagers. He enjoys a quiet camping trip as opposed to attending large parties. He also enjoys exercising and playing other sports outside of martial arts. He also enjoys taking part in the student council either by helping out on errands or even helping facilitate school events.

    Outside of his extracurricular activities, Ryu enjoys going out on casual dates as well as hangout with other groups of people but loathes people of dishonest natures and only enjoys the company of those who can truly show their true face or soul towards others. He also enjoys debating or even discussing various ideas and topics with other people believing that such an activity is an excellent way in drawing out a person's true nature. He always makes sure to sign up for extracurricular activities whenever given the chance so long as it doesn't get in the way with his studies.


    Born into the Shinra Family, a family of Euro-Asian descent known to have produced many superior Blazers outside of Japan. Ryu is the eldest son of the current head of the Shinra Family, Batou Shinra while his mother, Ryoko Shinra, is of Japanese descent.

    Growing up in a distinguished family, Ryu was immediately educated and trained at a very young age especially in combat training. One of his early decisions in life, much like everyone in his family, was to decide on his weapon specialty and was tutored by a master of the weapon. Coincidentally, Ryu chose to learn the art of swordsmanship like the past two patriarchs of his family, both single and dual-handed styles. It was under the tutelage of his grandfather, Drayden Shinra, that Ryu learned various styles of swordsmanship as well as martial arts. Additionally, his grandfather taught him to enjoy a duel and not merely take one for granted. And it was his grandfather himself who encouraged him to partake in competitions while in primary school due to Ryu being considered a "prodigy" with the sword.

    It was during his later primary school years that Ryu partook in numerous competitions in swordsmanship and martial arts, most of which he won first place. It was during this period when the public immediately took notice and considered him "the prodigy". Ryu, however, paid no attention to their words.

    When Ryu was eleven , however, his grandfather fell ill, and as a result, his father took over his training and pressured him of the weight that he carries as the future head of the main branch of the bloodline. It was during this time, in his early teenage years that Ryu was forced to participate in even more competitions in swordsmanship and martial arts in order to "hone his skills and gain experience" as per his father's words. However, it was in the prestigious "Dragon Cup" held in China where Ryu's fame reached new heights. Aside from Ryu being a participant, other members of his family were to also take part, both from the main and branch parts of the Shinra line. The reason being that the Shinra family was widely known to have won this the tournament numerous times in the past and Ryu's father thought it best to have as many powerful opponents in order to heighten his battle experience.

    During the tournament, Ryu won battle after battle despite finding out since the beginning that most of his family line were in the same group block as him in the bracket. Not pressured by these circumstances, Ryu continued to seize victory after victory from his opponents even against his own family and ended up winning the entire tournament. He was deemed the "Dragon Emperor" both by the audience and even by his relatives for having defeated his fellow "dragons" that were his family; due to them being known as dragons. It was in his second time entering the tournament when he gained the nickname as "Dragon God" when he reached the finals yet again and was faced against his father wherein Ryu reached new heights in battle having outmatched even his own father; causing awe both outside and inside his family.

    Despite growing up a life in a powerful family, Ryu held nothing against those of the lower status, believing that ability trumps status, even towards his family members who were part of the branch families; albeit some of them holding disdain towards Ryu. It was during his early teenage years that Ryu traveled the world, learning different cultures as well as fighting styles. However, after coming home from his travels, he found out during one family dinner that he was to be sent to Japan as per his requirements in becoming a Knight. Despite his father wishing him to be sent elsewhere, it was his mother who convinced the former to send Ryu to Japan where it would be far away from the family so as for Ryu to not feel any form of pressure from his father.

    Upon taking the entrance exam in Hagun Academy, Ryu received the mark of an A Rank and as a result caught the attention of various individuals who wanted him to enroll in one of the other Japanese Academies instead. Ryu, however, declined their offers. Now a first year student in Hagun Academy, Ryu aims to partake in the prestigious Seven Stars Sword Art Festival in hopes of truly testing his fighting prowess as well as trying to bring honor to his family.


    - To win the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival

    - To become a Knight

    - To draw out his fullest potential and strength

    - To draw out the true face of others

    - To make his family proud of him

    - To find a worthy rival

    - To find his soulmate

    Likes: Reading Books, Meditating, Swordsmanship, Training, Reptiles, Philosophy, and Ancient History.

    Travelling, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Gravy, Dogs, and Boring People.

    Being Late to Anything, Losing Things, and Talking to Girls He Likes.

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[QUOTE="Kinzu Hekmatyar][WIP] What is your Device /Noble Art/Rank
Name: Etsuko Mac Gille Fhaolain

Age: 17

Gender: female

Rank: B?


View attachment 236957

  • Personality: To put in simple terms, Etsuko first trait would call to her outgoing and friendly nature. She could likely pass as a friend to all, however, it can't be said it doesn't come without some risk, as she has a habit to pick at people as she always try to treat things as jokes or play things down. This Jovial nature is blended with Etsuko's tomboyish nature, as she doesn't have much of a stomach for frilly things nor most "female " things. Make herself more at home with a male student than her female peers, though it couldn't be helped with her father involvement in her life.Though once she goes into a combat situation, her sporting athletic nature shows as an aggressor by all means.It could be said some switch in her head turns on, as she calls combats "The hunt!". To say the least, she enjoys these bouts of combat, to an extent naturally as she always seeking stronger "prey".

    Backstory: She was birth from the pairing of two love birds, Her father Caith hailing from the highlands of Scotland his blood line being able to use. While Aoi Etsuko mother was born off in the islands of Okinawa through her blood line had blazer she didn't have the ability in it, their chance meeting was with her father visiting the island as he was employed with a merchant trade ship. The pair met in a tavern both of them were attracted at first sight, though they couldn't communicate clearly but in broken languages and signs and motions would begin a relationship.

    Though the pair courted for a number years, Etsuko father Faith would tie the knot after he heard that Aoi was going to bear him his first child.By now they both were fairly fluent in the other language, they came to decide to have Aoi to stay on the island until Caith could leave his company.

    Etsuko would be born on the island, being immersed in the odd setting of the Japanese and American present. She would spend the majority of her early childhood with her mother, playing outside along the island explaining her extreme tan. She would first begin to show signs of her ability during a mandatory, Blaze exam though Th eclipsed by Aoi getting sick. That when Etsuko met her father for the first time, as he had put time aside and flew to the island to take the pair back to Britain so Aoi could get medical attention on Caith term. Caith and Etsuko, at first, didn't get along with each other, Aoi though stuck in a bed would be a median between the two. Caith would find out his daughter had similar abilities to him,h e would extend his leave for now as he would begin to train his daughter to free hand combat. First outright she would take her out to an MMA instructor teaching the young girl, one of her first grapples and boxing stances.As this combat art was his style as well, though he didn't have the heart to actually combat his daughter.

    Though after a few years her family would choose to return back to Japan. After all 2/3 of the family was under Japanese citizenship, so naturally there was only so much they could do in Scotland. Between a talk between the parents, they would choose the Hagun Academy as it seems like an easy enough school that Etsuko would make her way back into Japanese society. Even if she usually choose to dress in her father country attire.

    goals: To get the most out of life, and have fun along the way


    • Bagpipes
    • Chocolates
    • Feat of strength


    • Chopsticks
    • Spicy foods
    • Cowards


    • Injury
    • Roaches

Excellent sheet, but a couple things to notice:

1. Please note you can only have 1 device per person. Hence, please make her device just the gauntlets.

2.The skill section is meant for talents, not abilities. It´s for stuff like cooking, setting up camp, dancing, etc...
[QUOTE="Kinzu Hekmatyar][WIP] What is your Device /Noble Art/Rank
Name: Etsuko Mac Gille Fhaolain

Age: 17

Gender: female

Rank: B


View attachment 236957

  • Personality: To put in simple terms, Etsuko first trait would call to her outgoing and friendly nature. She could likely pass as a friend to all, however, it can't be said it doesn't come without some risk, as she has a habit to pick at people as she always try to treat things as jokes or play things down. This Jovial nature is blended with Etsuko's tomboyish nature, as she doesn't have much of a stomach for frilly things nor most "female " things. Make herself more at home with a male student than her female peers, though it couldn't be helped with her father involvement in her life.Though once she goes into a combat situation, her sporting athletic nature shows as an aggressor by all means.It could be said some switch in her head turns on, as she calls combats "The hunt!". To say the least, she enjoys these bouts of combat, to an extent naturally as she always seeking stronger "prey".

    Backstory: She was birth from the pairing of two love birds, Her father Caith hailing from the highlands of Scotland his blood line being able to use. While Aoi Etsuko mother was born off in the islands of Okinawa through her blood line had blazer she didn't have the ability in it, their chance meeting was with her father visiting the island as he was employed with a merchant trade ship. The pair met in a tavern both of them were attracted at first sight, though they couldn't communicate clearly but in broken languages and signs and motions would begin a relationship.

    Though the pair courted for a number years, Etsuko father Faith would tie the knot after he heard that Aoi was going to bear him his first child.By now they both were fairly fluent in the other language, they came to decide to have Aoi to stay on the island until Caith could leave his company.

    Etsuko would be born on the island, being immersed in the odd setting of the Japanese and American present. She would spend the majority of her early childhood with her mother, playing outside along the island explaining her extreme tan. She would first begin to show signs of her ability during a mandatory, Blaze exam though Th eclipsed by Aoi getting sick. That when Etsuko met her father for the first time, as he had put time aside and flew to the island to take the pair back to Britain so Aoi could get medical attention on Caith term. Caith and Etsuko, at first, didn't get along with each other, Aoi though stuck in a bed would be a median between the two. Caith would find out his daughter had similar abilities to him,h e would extend his leave for now as he would begin to train his daughter to free hand combat. First outright she would take her out to an MMA instructor teaching the young girl, one of her first grapples and boxing stances.As this combat art was his style as well, though he didn't have the heart to actually combat his daughter.

    Though after a few years her family would choose to return back to Japan. After all 2/3 of the family was under Japanese citizenship, so naturally there was only so much they could do in Scotland. Between a talk between the parents, they would choose the Hagun Academy as it seems like an easy enough school that Etsuko would make her way back into Japanese society. Even if she usually choose to dress in her father country attire.

    goals: To get the most out of life, and have fun along the way


    • Bagpipes
    • Chocolates
    • Feat of strength


    • Chopsticks
    • Spicy foods
    • Cowards


    • Injury
    • Roaches

you switched skills and abilities.

the part about the device is not fixed.
Name: Matthias Corvinus

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Rank: A


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/untitled_by_vocaloidlenkarinto-d6r0ypp.jpg.bec1b8e5ccce189d2e4af35e190fd411.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/untitled_by_vocaloidlenkarinto-d6r0ypp.jpg.bec1b8e5ccce189d2e4af35e190fd411.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Matthias lives his life 100% by the books, his passion for rules borders on near obsession. Likewise he does not beat around the bush when he wants someone to know something, whether it's an insult or simple blunt honesty, the words are there without any hesitation. The sole exception to this is in the face of women, girls his age rob Matthias of all ability to speak, breathe, and generally function, as such he insists that girls maintain a three meter radius from himself. His love for rules also translates into a love of routine, oftentimes one can find him joyfully doing his morning running and calisthenics, pushing himself like he has nothing else to lose. He can also be found ritualistically cleaning his dormitory from top to bottom every Saturday morning. His constant adherence to the same techniques has relegated him to a A Rank Knight, though he has trouble combating upper A Rank students with odd weapons, as the creativity to produce new moves was all but beaten out of him in his last school. Despite the hard exterior, Matthias is in fact a hopeless romantic, and would love to be able to talk with girls more easily if not for his awkwardness. He sees his parentage as a failure and desires to be the perfect husband and father to make up for it. In battle Matthias fights with a fervor, constantly pressing the attack and hitting as though he was intending to strike through the opponent in one blow.

Backstory: Matthias comes from an extremely strong warrior family, deep in the Carpathian Mountains. His family touts the lineage of the great conquerer Attila, and the whole family endeavors to live up to the great strength and savagery that once conquered Central Europe and Asia. However, the family is broad and there are many sons who vie for the right to inherit the role of patriarch, and Matthias is no different, though he has several great barriers to entry. Matthias' father was greatly opposed to the concept of fighting his brothers in order to maintain his rank in the family, so he allowed himself to drop to the bottom and became a craftsman, forsaking the warrior tradition. Furthering this, Matthias' mother was a debaucher and would scorn the family, refusing to partake in any of its traditions or rites, she died when Matthias was 9. This left Matthias and his father at the very bottom of the family, living meager lives and only sharing a name with the great warrior family. Matthias deeply resents his parents for their irresponsible actions, and he ran away from his father's home just before junior hight to make a deal with the main house of the family: If Matthias can prove himself the strongest warrior in the world then he can have a proper spot in the family, regardless of his parentage.

In order to do this, Matthias enrolled in a military academy in his home country, each and every day he was pitted against his classmates in combat, many of them before they could even activate their devices, fighting with swords made of wood or bamboo. Matthias learned a lot of hard discipline in that school, each mistake or deviance from the rules was punished with a match with one of the teachers. Matthias quickly found it better to adhere to the rules than try to change them. This increased his effectivity in the ring as he memorized the forms with greater accuracy than his peers, and he was often praised for not letting up when his opponent clearly had lost the fight. This success continued into high school, where he was taught how to properly wield his device and utilize his sacred art. Matthias transferred to the Japanese high school as a foreign representative of his academy back home, with the explicit purpose of fighting to reclaim his birthright. His unexpected failings were in the academy's insistence that he be able to formulate new methods of combat to deal with the ridiculous range of weapons the students used, though his strengths would have put him near the top of A Rank, his uniform tactics, which had won him favor and matches back home now were dragging him down. He often has trouble besting other A Rankers, especially those with unorthodox weapons.

goals: Prove himself stronger than the other students on the world stage, Find someone who can help with his technique issues, Find his one true love

Likes: History, Chess, Sparring, Good Craftsmanship, Cats

Dislikes: Condiments, Math, Pansies, the Ancient Enemies of the Hunnic People

Fears: Water, Dogs, becoming his father

Device name: Tepes (T-eh-p-eh-sh, Meaning Impaler)

Device appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Gae_bolg.png.1b8d935944b33dc8d8f479d31e7ea47a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Gae_bolg.png.1b8d935944b33dc8d8f479d31e7ea47a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noble Art:Szent Törvény (Holy Law) An art based on the adherence to tradition and the old ways of the Hunnic People. The old Hunnic gods inspiring the magical techniques, providing that the springboard for the ambition of a warrior must be his devotion to the ways of his ancestry. The magic of the King of Gods allows for the user to focus solar energy into a shimmering spearpoint of heat and light, this also creates waves of light energy pouring off of the weapon. Puts great strain on the eyes of the user.


Solar Wind: Channels the solar energy into wide, arcing, blades like those of a scythe, creating a mode for slashing attacks.

Red Steel Wall: Channels the vibrations created by the solar heat, creating a vibrating wall made up of multiple spearheads to be projected at the opponent, launching a volley of projectiles similar to arrowheads.

Sacred Blaze: An Aura-Based technique, charging the user's muscles with energy and allowing for extreme jumps and sprints. Also risks overheating if used for too long.

Skills: Has an excellent memory, is sociable and open, can ride horseback, flair for the dramatic

Fighting Style: Central Asian Spearfighting (Cavalry Based)

Family: Thomas Corvinus- Brother of 15, non-mage, Matthias' biggest fan and supporter

Francis Corvinus- Father, unknown skill with weapon, wants Matthias to give up and come home

Corvinus Head of House- Has an unseen influence over Matthias' Actions

50+ Brothers and Sisters who want to beat him to a pulp.

other: While not in battle or training, wears a pair of pince-nez glasses to make up for the damage done to his eyes. He doffs them in battle, relying on superior focus to make up for the damage.



  • untitled_by_vocaloidlenkarinto-d6r0ypp.jpg
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[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]Name: Matthias Corvinus
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Rank: B


View attachment 237137

Personality: Matthias lives his life 100% by the books, his passion for rules borders on near obsession. Likewise he does not beat around the bush when he wants someone to know something, whether it's an insult or simple blunt honesty, the words are there without any hesitation. The sole exception to this is in the face of women, girls his age rob Matthias of all ability to speak, breathe, and generally function, as such he insists that girls maintain a three meter radius from himself. His love for rules also translates into a love of routine, oftentimes one can find him joyfully doing his morning running and calisthenics, pushing himself like he has nothing else to lose. He can also be found ritualistically cleaning his dormitory from top to bottom every Saturday morning. His constant adherence to the same techniques has relegated him to a B Rank Knight, as the creativity to produce new moves was all but beaten out of him in his last school. Despite the hard exterior, Matthias is in fact a hopeless romantic, and would love to be able to talk with girls more easily if not for his awkwardness. He sees his parentage as a failure and desires to be the perfect husband and father to make up for it. In battle Matthias fights with fervor unlike any other, constantly pressing the attack and hitting as though he was intending to strike through the opponent in one blow.

Backstory: Matthias comes from an extremely strong warrior family, deep in the Carpathian Mountains. His family touts the lineage of the great conquerer Attila, and the whole family endeavors to live up to the great strength and savagery that once conquered Central Europe and Asia. However, the family is broad and there are many sons who vie for the right to inherit the role of patriarch, and Matthias is no different, though he has several great barriers to entry. Matthias' father was greatly opposed to the concept of fighting his brothers in order to maintain his rank in the family, so he allowed himself to drop to the bottom and became a craftsman, forsaking the warrior tradition. Furthering this, Matthias' mother was a debaucher and would scorn the family, refusing to partake in any of its traditions or rites, she died when Matthias was 9. This left Matthias and his father at the very bottom of the family, living meager lives and only sharing a name with the great warrior family. Matthias deeply resents his parents for their irresponsible actions, and he ran away from his father's home just before junior hight to make a deal with the main house of the family: If Matthias can prove himself the strongest warrior in the world then he can have a proper spot in the family, regardless of his parentage.

In order to do this, Matthias enrolled in the most brutal military academy in his home country, each and every day he was pitted against his classmates in combat, many of them before they could even activate their devices, fighting with swords made of wood or bamboo. Matthias learned a lot of hard discipline in that school, each mistake or deviance from the rules was punished with a match with one of the teachers. Matthias quickly found it better to adhere to the rules than try to change them. This increased his effectivity in the ring as he memorized the forms with greater accuracy than his peers, and he was often praised for not letting up when his opponent clearly had lost the fight. This success continued into high school, where he was taught how to properly wield his device and utilize his sacred art. Matthias transferred to the Japanese high school as a foreign representative of his academy back home, with the explicit purpose of fighting to become the best in the world and reclaim his birthright. His unexpected failings were in the academy's insistence that he be able to formulate new methods of combat to deal with the ridiculous range of weapons the students used, though his strengths would have put him near the top of A Rank, his uniform tactics, which had won him favor and matches back home now were dragging him down.

goals: Prove himself stronger than the other students on the world stage, Find someone who can help with his technique issues, Find his one true love

Likes: History, Chess, Sparring, Good Craftsmanship, Cats

Dislikes: Condiments, Math, Pansies, the Ancient Enemies of the Hunnic People

Fears: Water, Dogs, becoming his father

Device name: Tepes (T-eh-p-eh-sh, Meaning Impaler)

Device appearance:

View attachment 237182

Noble Art:Kegyetlen Törvény (Savage Law) The noble art of the Corvinus family, the use of the art drives the user into a blind rage in which their ability to defend is completely sacrificed to exponentially increase their attacking power. The sheer savagery of the attacks is often the factor that fells most opponents, some even have their devices broken in the face of the relentless attacks. This technique puts extreme strain on the user's body and can cause permanent damage to delicate tissue when left unchecked.


Speed of the Wind:Calling on a fraction of the power of the Savage Law, the speed of the attacks make it appear as though there are seven spears attacking

Savage Senses: Acute ability to sense the presence of others, can be used to combat illusion based Noble Arts

Solid Mountain Wall: Reversing the effects of Savage Law, creating a state in which the user cannot move quickly or strike decisive blows, but has a great defensive advantage.

Skills: Has an excellent memory, is sociable and open, can ride horseback, flair for the dramatic

Fighting Style: Central Asian Spearfighting (Cavalry Based)

Family: Thomas Corvinus- Brother of 15, non-mage, Matthias' biggest fan and supporter

Francis Corvinus- Father, unknown skill with weapon, wants Matthias to give up and come home

Corvinus Head of House- Has an unseen influence over Matthias' Actions

50+ Brothers and Sisters who want to beat him to a pulp.

other: While not in battle or training, walks with a limp, the result of using the Savage Law skill for too long, often uses a wooden walking stick from his father. The injury is remedied in battle, as the tissue is not destroyed, but requires magical stimulation to act properly.

Please remove all hyperboles, of the "the most" kind. CSes can´t determine who is the top on this or that, much less when that is the matter in dispute (would put him on the top A rank).

The abilities need to derive from the noble art. Please explain the relation better or changed them. You also need to explain how the noble art relates to the personality.
@Idea I think I remedied what you asked for, fixed up the noble art, we've got a lot of berserkers, so I changed it to a one off technique and the various elements that make up that technique.
Cunning Commander] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17367-idea/ said:
@Idea[/URL] I think I remedied what you asked for, fixed up the noble art, we've got a lot of berserkers, so I changed it to a one off technique and the various elements that make up that technique.
The noble art isn´t fixed. I´ve been thinking all day, but I can´t bring myself to allowing such a weak derivation.

Overall, the idea is that the abilities derive from the noble art. They are just and nothing more than the noble art being used in different ways. If you can make fire blades, one ability could be to make a thousand tiny blades, while another would be to make a giant blade. Getting what I mean?
Cunning Commander] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17367-idea/ said:
@Idea[/URL] Okay, give me one more shot at this, I think I can figure this out. I appreciate the discerning taste.
discerning taste?
@Idea You clearly care about only having the best, most prepared characters for this RP, discerning taste. I tried to fix it again, working a more magical angle now.
[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]Name: Matthias Corvinus
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Rank: A


View attachment 237137

Personality: Matthias lives his life 100% by the books, his passion for rules borders on near obsession. Likewise he does not beat around the bush when he wants someone to know something, whether it's an insult or simple blunt honesty, the words are there without any hesitation. The sole exception to this is in the face of women, girls his age rob Matthias of all ability to speak, breathe, and generally function, as such he insists that girls maintain a three meter radius from himself. His love for rules also translates into a love of routine, oftentimes one can find him joyfully doing his morning running and calisthenics, pushing himself like he has nothing else to lose. He can also be found ritualistically cleaning his dormitory from top to bottom every Saturday morning. His constant adherence to the same techniques has relegated him to a A Rank Knight, though he has trouble combating upper A Rank students with odd weapons, as the creativity to produce new moves was all but beaten out of him in his last school. Despite the hard exterior, Matthias is in fact a hopeless romantic, and would love to be able to talk with girls more easily if not for his awkwardness. He sees his parentage as a failure and desires to be the perfect husband and father to make up for it. In battle Matthias fights with a fervor, constantly pressing the attack and hitting as though he was intending to strike through the opponent in one blow.

Backstory: Matthias comes from an extremely strong warrior family, deep in the Carpathian Mountains. His family touts the lineage of the great conquerer Attila, and the whole family endeavors to live up to the great strength and savagery that once conquered Central Europe and Asia. However, the family is broad and there are many sons who vie for the right to inherit the role of patriarch, and Matthias is no different, though he has several great barriers to entry. Matthias' father was greatly opposed to the concept of fighting his brothers in order to maintain his rank in the family, so he allowed himself to drop to the bottom and became a craftsman, forsaking the warrior tradition. Furthering this, Matthias' mother was a debaucher and would scorn the family, refusing to partake in any of its traditions or rites, she died when Matthias was 9. This left Matthias and his father at the very bottom of the family, living meager lives and only sharing a name with the great warrior family. Matthias deeply resents his parents for their irresponsible actions, and he ran away from his father's home just before junior hight to make a deal with the main house of the family: If Matthias can prove himself the strongest warrior in the world then he can have a proper spot in the family, regardless of his parentage.

In order to do this, Matthias enrolled in a military academy in his home country, each and every day he was pitted against his classmates in combat, many of them before they could even activate their devices, fighting with swords made of wood or bamboo. Matthias learned a lot of hard discipline in that school, each mistake or deviance from the rules was punished with a match with one of the teachers. Matthias quickly found it better to adhere to the rules than try to change them. This increased his effectivity in the ring as he memorized the forms with greater accuracy than his peers, and he was often praised for not letting up when his opponent clearly had lost the fight. This success continued into high school, where he was taught how to properly wield his device and utilize his sacred art. Matthias transferred to the Japanese high school as a foreign representative of his academy back home, with the explicit purpose of fighting to reclaim his birthright. His unexpected failings were in the academy's insistence that he be able to formulate new methods of combat to deal with the ridiculous range of weapons the students used, though his strengths would have put him near the top of A Rank, his uniform tactics, which had won him favor and matches back home now were dragging him down. He often has trouble besting other A Rankers, especially those with unorthodox weapons.

goals: Prove himself stronger than the other students on the world stage, Find someone who can help with his technique issues, Find his one true love

Likes: History, Chess, Sparring, Good Craftsmanship, Cats

Dislikes: Condiments, Math, Pansies, the Ancient Enemies of the Hunnic People

Fears: Water, Dogs, becoming his father

Device name: Tepes (T-eh-p-eh-sh, Meaning Impaler)

Device appearance:

View attachment 237182

Noble Art:Szent Törvény (Holy Law) An art based on the adherence to tradition and the old ways of the Hunnic People. The old Hunnic gods inspiring the magical techniques, providing that the springboard for the ambition of a warrior must be his devotion to the ways of his ancestry. The magic of the King of Gods allows for the user to focus solar energy into a shimmering spearpoint of heat and light, this also creates waves of light energy pouring off of the weapon. Puts great strain on the eyes of the user.


Solar Wind: Channels the solar energy into wide, arcing, blades like those of a scythe, creating a mode for slashing attacks.

Red Steel Wall: Channels the vibrations created by the solar heat, creating a vibrating wall made up of multiple spearheads to be projected at the opponent, launching a volley of projectiles similar to arrowheads.

Sacred Blaze: An Aura-Based technique, charging the user's muscles with energy and allowing for extreme jumps and sprints. Also risks overheating if used for too long.

Skills: Has an excellent memory, is sociable and open, can ride horseback, flair for the dramatic

Fighting Style: Central Asian Spearfighting (Cavalry Based)

Family: Thomas Corvinus- Brother of 15, non-mage, Matthias' biggest fan and supporter

Francis Corvinus- Father, unknown skill with weapon, wants Matthias to give up and come home

Corvinus Head of House- Has an unseen influence over Matthias' Actions

50+ Brothers and Sisters who want to beat him to a pulp.

other: While not in battle or training, wears a pair of pince-nez glasses to make up for the damage done to his eyes. He doffs them in battle, relying on superior focus to make up for the damage.

Cunning Commander] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17367-idea/ said:
@Idea[/URL] You clearly care about only having the best, most prepared characters for this RP, discerning taste. I tried to fix it again, working a more magical angle now.
ah, then, I am sorry to disappoint. I do not do that kind of selection, in fact believe it to be wrong. But I do think characters should come out properly and I am doing what I can to make sure that happens. My concern, as GM, is the health of the RP.
Cunning Commander] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17367-idea/ said:
@Idea[/URL] You're doing a good job of that. You clearly have an appreciation for the series.
I do. I wouldn´t be doing a fandom if it wasn´t something I reeaaaaally liked.

This has a ton of potential, so let´s do our best!
@Idea mind checking if my character is alright? I removed the "WIP" title already and would like to get your input.
Taichi said:

  • Name: Ryu Shinra


    - The Dragon Emperor

    - The Dragon God

    - The Prodigy

    Age: 16




    A man of few words, Ryu has little to no interest in many things which hold no significant relevance to a Knight or Knight in the making. He enjoys fighting strong opponents to test the limits of his strength. As a result, Ryu keeps a belief in only fighting at a greater extent against those he deems worthy. Additionally, Ryu isn't the kind to draw out a battle and firmly believes that a battle must be ended as soon as possible, however, he seems to contradict himself when facing some powerful opponents wherein he feels as if he doesn't want the battle to end quickly. As a result, he grew up as a strategic person who forces his opponents into chaotic situations wherein the opponent is cornered to act on a limited basis; much like how one debates over which piece to sacrifice at times during a game of chess. However, despite all of his training in magic and the use of his Noble Art, he is a firm believer that warriors must settle things through their own ability with their weapons and fists rather than completely relying on their magical capabilities.

    Outside of fighting, Ryu is pretty much ordinary as it gets only that he has a few differences to some teenagers. He enjoys a quiet camping trip as opposed to attending concerts as well as enjoys playing video games; most especially Pokemon and other strategy games. He enjoys exercising and can play other sports outside of martial arts such as football and the new upcoming sport, Stride; which is based on the new anime series. He also enjoys taking part in the student council either by helping out on errands or even helping facilitate school events.

    Outside of his extracurricular activities, Ryu enjoys going out on casual dates as well as hangout with other groups of people but loathes people of dishonest natures and only enjoys the company of those who can truly show their true face or soul towards others. He also enjoys debating or even discussing various ideas and topics with other people believing that such an activity is an excellent way in drawing out a person's true nature.


    Born into the Shinra Family, a family of Euro-Asian descent known to have produced many superior Blazers outside of Japan. Ryu is the eldest son of the current head of the Shinra Family, Batou Shinra while his mother, Ryoko Shinra, is of Japanese descent.

    Growing up in a distinguished family, Ryu was immediately educated and trained at a very young age especially in combat training. One of his early decisions in life, much like everyone in his family, was to decide on his weapon specialty and was tutored by a master of the weapon. Coincidentally, Ryu chose to learn the art of swordsmanship, both single and dual-handed styles. It was under the tutelage of his grandfather, Drayden Shinra, that Ryu learned various styles of swordsmanship as well as martial arts. His grandfather taught him to enjoy a duel and not merely take one for granted. However, when his grandfather fell ill, his father took over his training and pressured him of the weight that he carries as the future head of the main branch of the bloodline.

    Despite growing up a life in a powerful family, Ryu held nothing against those of the lower status, believing that ability trumps status, even towards his family members who were part of the branch families; albeit some of them holding disdain towards Ryu. It was during his early teenage years that Ryu traveled the world, learning different cultures as well as fighting styles. However, after coming home from his travels, he found out during one family dinner that he was to be sent to Japan as per his requirements in becoming a Knight. Despite his father wishing him to be sent elsewhere, it was his mother who convinced the former to send Ryu to Japan where it would be far away from the family so as for Ryu to not feel any form of pressure from his father.

    Upon taking the entrance exam in Hagun Academy, Ryu received the mark of an A Rank and as a result caught the attention of various individuals who wanted him to enroll in one of the other Japanese Academies instead. Ryu, however, declined their offers. Now a first year student in Hagun Academy, Ryu aims to partake in the prestigious Seven Stars Sword Art Festival in hopes of truly testing his fighting prowess as well as trying to bring honor to his family.


    - To win the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival

    - To become a Knight

    - To draw out his fullest potential and strength

    - To draw out the true face of others

    - To make his family proud of him

    - To find a worthy rival

    - To find his soulmate

    Likes: Reading Books, Meditating, Swordsmanship, Training, Reptiles, Philosophy, and Ancient History.

    Travelling, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Gravy, Dogs, and Boring People.

    Being Late to Anything, Losing Things, and Talking to Girls He Likes.

  • Ok, tons to look into here, unfortunately.

    The first and most important part, the personality so far is a complete mary sue. And this one is full-blown: I couldn´t find even a glimpse of a flaw, and I doubt I could even I racked my brains about it.

    I don´t think I have to say anymore on that topic. You know what to do.

    Second, the backstory should include where he got those extravagant nicknames.

    Third, and about powers, please name the noble art and give it this description:

    The power to condense the energy from his body in given locations or entirely release it. Then edit the first ability around that. This is because the abilities have to be derivative from the noble art, which is also supposed to be properly explained.

    Also, please show how the ability relates to his personality (once you have fixed that one, that is).

    I will also be very strict about "energy" prices. I will not have unbeatable BS in fights. Just a warning.

    Now, more specifics:

    *Chaos drive needs a limiter (time, blows, whatever) and a price or condition.

    *"Dragon´s Wrath" is obviously derivative and even stronger than the original. Remove it.

    *"Heavenly dragon slash" may also be derivative, but I´m not so sure about this one, so I´ll let it pass. However, should execution prove me to be wrong about this decision, it will have to be removed.

    *"dance and discord" limited period of...

    *"void and terror" "unhealable" is not allowed.

    quote= "

    Ryu is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat having learned multiple martial arts and honing them to a high degree that even when unarmed, is able to fend off skilled Blazers.

    However, what makes him a dangerous opponent is not his incredible skill and knowledge in both swordplay and martial arts but rather his integration of the two into his own deadly fighting art. His ultimate and true style of fighting involves him making use of unorthodox agile movements that would throw his opponents off guard and attacking them in ways opponents never thought possible. His true form is thus deemed "chaotic" to many due to its unpredictability as well as the terror that his enemies face in not just fending off powerful and fast attacks, but rather having to fear what comes next after each attack delivered as well trying to keep up with his blinding speed."

    this whole bit is BS. It works on anime, but it won´t for RP where people are supposed to be fair and square to one another.
Taichi said:

  • Name: Ryu Shinra


    - The Dragon Emperor

    - The Dragon God

    - The Prodigy

    Age: 16




    A man who wishes to live life fulfilled, that is the kind of person Ryu is. He makes sure that he doesn't completely devote himself to fighting, believing that there is more to life than just combat and that a person must engage in various activities within their life to properly make use of their life. He enjoys fighting strong opponents to test the limits of his strength. As a result, Ryu enjoys engaging in duels against powerful enemies to the point he fights as if there was no tomorrow. Additionally, Ryu isn't the kind to draw out a battle and firmly believes that a battle must be ended as soon as possible, however, he seems to contradict himself when facing some powerful opponents wherein he feels as if he doesn't want the battle to end quickly. As a result, he grew up as a strategic person who forces his opponents into chaotic situations wherein the opponent is cornered to act on a limited basis; much like how one debates over which piece to sacrifice at times during a game of chess. However, despite all of his training in magic and the use of his Noble Art, he is a firm believer that warriors must settle things through their own ability with their weapons and fists rather than completely relying on their magical capabilities.

    Outside of fighting, Ryu is pretty much ordinary as it gets only that he has a few differences to some teenagers. He enjoys a quiet camping trip as opposed to attending large parties. He also enjoys exercising and playing other sports outside of martial arts. He also enjoys taking part in the student council either by helping out on errands or even helping facilitate school events. He is an outgoing person but at times expresses a sort of elitist nature towards people, not as regards to their wealth, but more on their abilities as a Blazer. However, while he may express a distaste towards people of lesser abilities, he admires them in that they are able to do things that strong people choose not.

    Outside of his extracurricular activities, Ryu enjoys going out on casual dates as well as hangout with other groups of people but loathes people of dishonest natures and only enjoys the company of those who can truly show their true face or soul towards others. He also enjoys debating or even discussing various ideas and topics with other people believing that such an activity is an excellent way in drawing out a person's true nature. He always makes sure to sign up for extracurricular activities whenever given the chance so long as it doesn't get in the way with his studies.


    Born into the Shinra Family, a family of Euro-Asian descent known to have produced many superior Blazers outside of Japan. Ryu is the eldest son of the current head of the Shinra Family, Batou Shinra while his mother, Ryoko Shinra, is of Japanese descent.

    Growing up in a distinguished family, Ryu was immediately educated and trained at a very young age especially in combat training. One of his early decisions in life, much like everyone in his family, was to decide on his weapon specialty and was tutored by a master of the weapon. Coincidentally, Ryu chose to learn the art of swordsmanship like the past two patriarchs of his family, both single and dual-handed styles. It was under the tutelage of his grandfather, Drayden Shinra, that Ryu learned various styles of swordsmanship as well as martial arts. Additionally, his grandfather taught him to enjoy a duel and not merely take one for granted. And it was his grandfather himself who encouraged him to partake in competitions while in primary school due to Ryu being considered a "prodigy" with the sword.

    It was during his later primary school years that Ryu partook in numerous competitions in swordsmanship and martial arts, most of which he won first place. It was during this period when the public immediately took notice and considered him "the prodigy". Ryu, however, paid no attention to their words.

    When Ryu was eleven , however, his grandfather fell ill, and as a result, his father took over his training and pressured him of the weight that he carries as the future head of the main branch of the bloodline. It was during this time, in his early teenage years that Ryu was forced to participate in even more competitions in swordsmanship and martial arts in order to "hone his skills and gain experience" as per his father's words. However, it was in the prestigious "Dragon Cup" held in China where Ryu's fame reached new heights. Aside from Ryu being a participant, other members of his family were to also take part, both from the main and branch parts of the Shinra line. The reason being that the Shinra family was widely known to have won this the tournament numerous times in the past and Ryu's father thought it best to have as many powerful opponents in order to heighten his battle experience.

    During the tournament, Ryu won battle after battle despite finding out since the beginning that most of his family line were in the same group block as him in the bracket. Not pressured by these circumstances, Ryu continued to seize victory after victory from his opponents even against his own family and ended up winning the entire tournament. He was deemed the "Dragon Emperor" both by the audience and even by his relatives for having defeated his fellow "dragons" that were his family; due to them being known as dragons. It was in his second time entering the tournament when he gained the nickname as "Dragon God" when he reached the finals yet again and was faced against his father wherein Ryu reached new heights in battle having outmatched even his own father; causing awe both outside and inside his family.

    Despite growing up a life in a powerful family, Ryu held nothing against those of the lower status, believing that ability trumps status, even towards his family members who were part of the branch families; albeit some of them holding disdain towards Ryu. It was during his early teenage years that Ryu traveled the world, learning different cultures as well as fighting styles. However, after coming home from his travels, he found out during one family dinner that he was to be sent to Japan as per his requirements in becoming a Knight. Despite his father wishing him to be sent elsewhere, it was his mother who convinced the former to send Ryu to Japan where it would be far away from the family so as for Ryu to not feel any form of pressure from his father.

    Upon taking the entrance exam in Hagun Academy, Ryu received the mark of an A Rank and as a result caught the attention of various individuals who wanted him to enroll in one of the other Japanese Academies instead. Ryu, however, declined their offers. Now a first year student in Hagun Academy, Ryu aims to partake in the prestigious Seven Stars Sword Art Festival in hopes of truly testing his fighting prowess as well as trying to bring honor to his family.


    - To win the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival

    - To become a Knight

    - To draw out his fullest potential and strength

    - To draw out the true face of others

    - To make his family proud of him

    - To find a worthy rival

    - To find his soulmate

    Likes: Reading Books, Meditating, Swordsmanship, Training, Reptiles, Philosophy, and Ancient History.

    Travelling, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Gravy, Dogs, and Boring People.

    Being Late to Anything, Losing Things, and Talking to Girls He Likes.

  • Everything seems in order, except the personality. It´s still not flawed.

    You added a total of one flaw ("but at times expresses a sort of elitist nature towards people, not as regards to their wealth, but more on their abilities as a Blazer.), that you immediately dismiss: "However, while he may express a distaste towards people of lesser abilities, he admires them in that they are able to do things that strong people choose not."

    To "express a distaste" about them and "admires them" are simply not compatible. Please, make him a proper flawed character, and please be consistent.
Idea said:
Everything seems in order, except the personality. It´s still not flawed.
You added a total of one flaw ("but at times expresses a sort of elitist nature towards people, not as regards to their wealth, but more on their abilities as a Blazer.), that you immediately dismiss: "However, while he may express a distaste towards people of lesser abilities, he admires them in that they are able to do things that strong people choose not."

To "express a distaste" about them and "admires them" are simply not compatible. Please, make him a proper flawed character, and please be consistent.
Removed it and added a small portion to compensate for as the last sentence in the first paragraph of the "personality".
Taichi said:
Removed it and added a small portion to compensate for as the last sentence in the first paragraph of the "personality".
ok, please enumerate the flaws now contained in the personality.

Taichi said:
A man who wishes to live life fulfilled, that is the kind of person Ryu is. He makes sure that he doesn't completely devote himself to fighting, believing that there is more to life than just combat and that a person must engage in various activities within their life to properly make use of their life. He enjoys fighting strong opponents to test the limits of his strength. As a result, Ryu enjoys engaging in duels against powerful enemies to the point he fights as if there was no tomorrow. Additionally, Ryu isn't the kind to draw out a battle and firmly believes that a battle must be ended as soon as possible, however, he seems to contradict himself when facing some powerful opponents wherein he feels as if he doesn't want the battle to end quickly. As a result, he grew up as a strategic person who forces his opponents into chaotic situations wherein the opponent is cornered to act on a limited basis; much like how one debates over which piece to sacrifice at times during a game of chess. However, despite all of his training in magic and the use of his Noble Art, he is a firm believer that warriors must settle things through their own ability with their weapons and fists rather than completely relying on their magical capabilities. With regards to this, Ryu has a strong respect for opponents that are able to fight without relying on their noble art.
Outside of fighting, Ryu is pretty much ordinary as it gets only that he has a few differences to some teenagers. He enjoys a quiet camping trip as opposed to attending large parties. He also enjoys exercising and playing other sports outside of martial arts. He also enjoys taking part in the student council either by helping out on errands or even helping facilitate school events.

Outside of his extracurricular activities, Ryu enjoys going out on casual dates as well as hangout with other groups of people but loathes people of dishonest natures and only enjoys the company of those who can truly show their true face or soul towards others. He also enjoys debating or even discussing various ideas and topics with other people believing that such an activity is an excellent way in drawing out a person's true nature. He always makes sure to sign up for extracurricular activities whenever given the chance so long as it doesn't get in the way with his studies.

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