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rainbow and sidekick

I texted Danni, seeing what she was doing. I needed to find out where she lived so I could keep some better tabs on her. I didn't know why she was talking to Emily, but I knew she worked for Deth, and if she knew of Phantom Hand... I would have to eliminate her.
Danni was going for an evening ride on her motercycle.Her phone buzsed so she pulled over and read the text.

It was Garen he wanted to know what she was doing.She texted back: "Just going for a joyride and getting some errands done. Why?"

She had already gotten one person marked off her list and didnt need her list done till next week so she headed back to her apartment just in case.
"oh um sure. Were do you wanna meet up at?" i replied. i had called my boss and told him i had taken care of one person but needed a break and would finish the list later.He was prety ticked about that.
"Doesn't matter where. You pick" I sent back. I threw on a jacket and headed out to my car. I slid my pistol into my underarm holster and a knive into its forearm sheath. It was always good to be prepared.
Danni texted the name of a local place downtown to Garen.She headed towards the resturant but she was trying to figure out what Emily was trying to tell her.

"The phantom wha-" then she remembered hearing about somthing called the phantom hand. "Well tonight im going to check out this phantom hand!"

Danni pulled into the parking lot.
I was leaning against my car when she pulled in. I stubbed out the cigarette I'd been smoking then stood. "Hey you, what's up?" I asked. Unconsciously I did a quick check for obvious weapons but didn't see any.
"Hey." she said forcing a slight smile. She had left all her weppons at home except for her knife sheathed in her tall black leather boots. It was completly hidden and unnoticable.

"So. was there any reason you wanted me here or are we just hangin out?"
"No reason, just got bored and wanted to have a drink with someone." I said, laughing easily. How green was this kid? She was terrible at being at ease. On the surface I looked calm and relaxed, but in reality I was coiled and ready to move at any point. I kept a single knife in my forearm sheath, ready to be accessed at any point.
"Okay." she said heading in. Danni wasnt very good at being social.Her one friend was dead and whenever she met up with someone it was work related.

Danni tried to ease up but she was tense as always when around normal people."I love this place. I come here alot."
"I've never heard of it before. It's a bit of a hole in te wall place. I think a buddy of mine told me about it at one point." I said, shrugging. I opened the door and held it for her. "After you, milady."
Danni smild and entered. She looked around for a nice plwce to sit and talk."yeah i guess t is like a little hole in the wall place."
"So how was your work today?" I asked, still keeping the relaxed, easygoing demeanor up. I'd been in the business since I was fourteen so I had plenty of practice.
"Wha- oh yeah well it was pretty good. Dlow really. Had to deal with a couple of dirtbags who kept orank calling so yeah." She said casually. "What about you?"
I shrugged. "I was off today. Did a bit of chillen with a buddy of mine. Haven't seen him in a while." I called for a beer and glanced at her. "You gonna get a drink or nah?"
"oh yeah." Danni also orderd a beer."Ive been having a rough day. My friend wasurderd and no one knows who did it.But when i het my hands on him he'll wish he was never born." She took a sip of beer. Then noticed what she said "I mean Ill just beat him up or somthing" she nervously smiled.
I put on a sympathetic act. "Damn, that's rough." I replied. It was her own damn fault for trying to tell her who whe worked for, i thought to myself. "Do you have any ideas?"
"Not a clue." She sat back in her seat."It just happend. The knife says nothing about the killer either." She sighed
"Well I was walking on the tred mill and she was standing in front.We were talking and she was trying to tell me somthing... anyway suddenly this knife just whizzed padt me and into her.I should have looked back to see who it was instead i jumpped off the tredmill and yeah." She took another sip of her drink.
(sorry about that, I never saw the notification that you posted again)

I raised one eyebrow. "That's terrible. Any idea why it happens?'
"I don't blame you." I said, laughing. I knew that she was too green to see through my lies, I'd been at this for years. At the level she was I'd put her at around three months.
Danni sighed.She leaned back in her chair setting her drink on the table."So how are you?"She asked flatly.

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