Rain Rain Character Sheets


Sass Queen



Real Age: (Vampire Only)


Human or Vampire:

Personality: (Optional)

History: (Optional)

Year You Were Turned: (Vampire Only)


Name: Victoria Lovewell

Nickname: V, Tori, Toria

Age: 17

Real Age: 197

Gender: Female

Human or Vampire: Vamire

Personality: (Optional)

History: (Optional)

Year You Were Turned: 1816



Name: Zayden Lucas Rightlan

Nickname: Zay, Lucas, Z

Age: 18

Real Age: (Vampire Only)

Gender: Female

Human or Vampire: Human

Personality: (Optional)

History: (Optional)

Year You Were Turned: (Vampire Only)



Name: Jared Golpave

Nickname: Jo

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Human or Vampire: Human

Personality: Quiet, practical, and a loner

History: After his parents were killed by a vampire attack, he was taken in by his aunt and uncle. However, these people were only after the inheritance of his parents and treated Jared like trash. So Jared left the home with as much money as he could and has been marked as a thief by local police. Through constant chase and harassment, his personality grew twisted and he has never trusted anyone since.

Appearance: Long, shaggy, black hair. Jade green eyes. Very slim build.

Name: Yanaya

Nickname: -none-

Age: 17

Real Age: 702

Gender: Female

Human or Vampire: Alpha Vampire or Old Blood

Personality: Quiet, Manipulative, Cunning, Diseatful, Quick Witted, Sharp with her Tounge

History: May tell during Rp

Year You Were Turned: 1327

Appearance: Long black hair and luminous bright blue eyes. Her skin appears flawless and her lips full. She uses her sex appeal to sedduce men and then she drinks there blood. Her body is thin and her legs are long.

Other: She has a dead twin sister.


Name: Kayler

Nickname: KG

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Human or Vampire: Human

Personality: Goofy, Loud, Funny, horrible at comebacks

History: Typical Jock in high schoool

Appearance: Tall brown hair and brown eyes. Average jock, strudy build not fat but not thin.

Other: -none-


Name: Sebastian

Nickname: Sevi

Age: 21

Real Age: 107

Gander: Male

Human or Vampire: Vampire

Personality: Quiet, sweet, peacefull, hates Yanaya

History: He was a vampire hunter as a child. But when his family was attacked by a she-vamp called Yanaya she decided to take revenge and turn the youngest child, Sebastian into a creature of the night. He has been trying to track her down and kill her but she always slips away.

Year you were Turned: 1905

Apperence: Shaggy white hair with pink eyes. He has albino heritage. Thin but muscular.

Other: -none-
Name: Fredricka

Nickname: Freddie or Rikki

Age: 17

Real Age: 125

Gender: female

Human or Vampire: Vampire

Personality: Really sarcastic and tomboyish, she tends to not like a lot of people, she likes to joke around a lot as a sort of defense mechanism, she's a bit of a tease.

History: (optional)

Year You Were Turned: 1887

Appearance: View attachment 2272

Other: none
If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to join in as well. <3 :D

Name: Jayden Marie Morris

Nickname: Jaybird, Jay

Age: 17

Real Age: 203

Gender: Female

Human or Vampire: Vampire

Personality: Sensual, Playful and witty, Jay has a way of persuading just about anyone to do what she pleases. She's a bit of a tease when it comes to guys, and a constant flirt. However, she's extremely loyal and protective of those who find a way to get close to her. Her one fatal flaw is her increasingly short temper.

History: Something she's yet to reveal.

Year You Were Turned: 1809


Other: She has a bit of a thing with changing her hair color. Just a warning. She has also changed her name multiple times since becoming a vampire, so the one she now uses is not her real one. Curious? See if you can get her to tell you.
[MENTION=1563]VioletFirefly[/MENTION], [MENTION=1867]AlwaysStuckInLimbo135[/MENTION], [MENTION=1721]Sullenkiller[/MENTION], you're all accepted. Way late acceptance but I thought this was dead.
[MENTION=1721]Sullenkiller[/MENTION], I can make the thread right now if you want. So sorry for the late replies it's just hectic with so many other roleplays.
Sure, and it's ok. I totally understand. I'm in like fifty on roleplaygateway (no advertisement meant), like 10 on here, and fifteen on Pokesun (again no advirtisement meant). So I totally understand, Lol.



Real Age: 20

Gender: Male

Human or Vampire: Vampire

Personality: Shy, worried, generally quiet, the exact opposite if needed.

Year You Were Turned: 2008

Appearance: View attachment 2889
View attachment 2893

Name: Mikayla Foxx

Nickname: Kayla and Mikaykay

Age: 19

Real Age: 176 years old.

Gender: Female

Human or Vampire: Vampire

Personality: This girl is very sly and sneaky. She loves to sneak around and scare people, but she can be quite nice sometimes. She has a bad temper when things don't go her way, and she usually ends up hurting other people.

Ever since she was bitten in 1984, she's never been the same. She gets random mood swings and they are hard to control at times. She's also been quite depressed when she thinks about her parents. She went out of control one night and killed both her parents in the process. She just couldn't help it though.

Year You Were Turned: 1984

Other: Her eyes change colors with her mood.

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