[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

Well, then I must be blind, because I see nothing related to an IC thread, only the billion OOCs we have out there xD
Heh heh, found them, I was looking in the Main Forum, I didn't think it was in the sub-forum <.<
Jajaja, I found it :P I had thought you would put them in the Main Forum, but I know where they are now
Alrighty then xD speaking of which, you might wanna use your mod powers to move Nid's posts to their respective threads, she posted directly on your announcement for both of her charries xD
Righty-o, I was just making sure you noticed *goes back to his corner now, twiddling his thumbs* :3
College is so boring, all I do is pretend to know the work and drool on my backpack when I fall asleep.

I can't wait to be a sky pirate.
*gives Lunchy a sky-pirate outfit and appropriate accessories*

Wish granted :D
@Broken-Angel @Cadell Morde @iLoriel2 @ProcFailures @VolcanicMagma

@WinterPeach @Beowulf

Holy hell that's a lot of tags...

Okay! I'm just tagging everyone, but for those who aren't aware, we've started! You'll notice three IC threads in Asenteos and because I forgot to explain this earlier I'll do it now.

The two threads with the crew names are for posts on your ships. I've posted for Birch because he's still on the Remorse, whereas the others are not. The general thread is for off-ship posts, fight scenes between ships or any other scene where the ships are in contact and interact. :D

(Edit: Added in Beowulf)
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I'm gonna post - I promise... I just need a little more to go on, so I'm gonna wait for a few more people to post to see if inspiration smacks me upside the head!
Same. Not to mention the lack of internet, currently (complications with my provider, so I'm having to post this from my phone). If nothing is resolved on my side by morning (my morning, anyway), I WILL just post from here. Desperate times. =_=
That's fine <3 I'm just posting now, too. I just thought I'd tag everyone and clear up the three thread thing and let the rest know that it's started.

:( That sucks, Jin. Keep on their backs! That's the only way to get them to do anything ><
On top of everything else, my apartment search came to a sudden conclusion and I will be in the process of moving! Rest assured I am monitoring the thread and will reply whenever I have the chance.

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