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Realistic or Modern ♈ r e c l a m a t i o n ♈


@ literally everyone in this roleplay i'd like to just clarify something

'fears' is not the same as 'phobias'. a fear is something your character is afraid of, a phobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by intense and irrational fear of a specific thing like i have a phobia of dogs, and there's a difference between being afraid of dogs and having a phobia of them. for instance, being scared of them is being jumpy or afraid when you're around dogs, but a phobia is going to the extent of not going to the houses of people you know have dogs, or avoiding seeing pictures of them or getting a tight feeling in your chest just thinking about it. phobias can also cause panic attacks. so don't just write down 8 phobias of something your character has a fear of because it sounds cooler. phobias are serious. if we wanted to know your characters phobias, we would've asked, we want to know their fears.
MrMister said:
@SpectroVector @boyguro
Just curious as to whether or not make up is allowed in the institution? I promise it's a relevant question. xP

it honestly depends on the type of makeup and patient but all in all i would say maybe, as things like eyeliner, eyelash curlers and mascara can be used to hurt yourself or someone else. maybe blush or lipstick would be allowed but it would have to be supervised by the staff. it's not really safe to give a patient with anger management issues an eyebrow pencil. but i assume if the staff watches you while you apply it and keep it somewhere where you cant access it to use it for harmful reasons, i'd say yes. however if your character is found hiding these items they will be confiscated, the makeup would have to be given to you by someone working in the rehab center.
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MrMister said:
@SpectroVector @boyguro
Just curious as to whether or not make up is allowed in the institution? I promise it's a relevant question. xP
Hey! just like boyguro said, makeup is allowed, but depending on what type of illness your character has. They will be cleared to use it if staff is present. If you check out the nots tab theres a map of the Centre and you'll see there's a general store! Hope I could help!
Since it's question time right now, I was wondering what is the stance on names ? My character is nonbinary but presents masculine and uses a different name then the one they were designated with at birth. All of their documents would say "Symone" instead of Andre but what name would they be called by from staff and such ?
[QUOTE="Of the Red]Since it's question time right now, I was wondering what is the stance on names ? My character is nonbinary but presents masculine and uses a different name then the one they were designated with at birth. All of their documents would say "Symone" instead of Andre but what name would they be called by from staff and such ?

That is a brilliant question. Most of the staff at the Centre pride themself on being very accepting (its for young people so they have to be open) So if your character was close with the staff and they asked to be called a certain name then they would certainly follow your request. It's all about how long you want your character to have been there for. Also, if you check the neutral characters thread, you'll see there's a therapist and he's pretty much a total dick so he'd probably only call your character by their given name.

But to answer you question short; 99% of the staff would accept your name!
Okay, thanks for clarifying ❤️ I'm not quite sure on their backstory yet but I'd like certain pronouns to play a role.

Dick therapist, eh ? Let's do this
After 12 hours my first in-depth female character has been created..

I guess now is a good time to mention my favorite color is blue..?
MrMister said:
After 12 hours my first in-depth female character has been created..
I guess now is a good time to mention my favorite color is blue..?
I truly adore her ❤️

Mine's probably a blue-purple...yeah, I'll just put this here
As someone with a severe phobia of bees I can agree with that thing about phobias.

I threw a fishing pole straight into the ocean and almost leapt off a boat because a bee flew near me xD

Oh, I'm going to have to work on my stuff later, doin family stuff today

[QUOTE="The Doorman]As someone with a severe phobia of bees I can agree with that thing about phobias.
I threw a fishing pole straight into the ocean and almost leapt off a boat because a bee flew near me xD

Oh, I'm going to have to work on my stuff later, doin family stuff today

Bees are the worst

That's cool, there's no rush!
SpectroVector said:
Bees are the worst
That's cool, there's no rush!
Okie, I will work on it when I can though.

And yes, bees are no one's friend.

Especially the giant black bees *shudders* I hate bugs so much.
<Prepares self for next 12 hours> Even if I'm stilling working on greychild.jpg, I like Cyan!
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I'm totally interested, but my brain is dead and is being a wuss right now so I'll keep my eye on it and try my very hardest to make a good in depth character :3 *prays my brain works*
I'm gonna suck at creating a mentally ill person but i'll try my hardest. I might choose bipolarism since I have a cousin who is bipolar or maybe Autism Spectrum Disorder
boyguro said:
@Ethereal @ShurikenPhoenix @Atsuko @Semblance @NessieAlways y'all interested
Thanks for the tag bb! Unfortunately, after being back at school for a good week now, my schedule has picked up significantly and I've become way too busy to start any new RP's. This looks like it has so much potential though (altho I didn't expect anything less from you) so you guys have fun! :)
So, if patients are allowed to decorate their rooms, does that mean only stuff from the store, or can other items be approved? Lloyd honestly doesn't have the guts to hurt anyone with a plastic figurine.
I don't think I'll be able to join this my love. I just started my college class and I have work as well I don't think I'll have time to participate in this one and I really hate to say no but I don't want to start something I won't finish and disappoint you
@Diminium Hey! Because the centre is a rehab, it's like a retreat too, so anything from the outside is pretty much prohibited. Unless there was something small and sentimental like a stuffed animal or something, otherwise, it's just from the store!

@MidnightSoul @Semblance Totes cool! Don't worry about it!

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