Chitchat Quotev Survivors

They're shooting themselves in the foot with this one. Clearly no one thought this through before coming to such a drastic decision. At the very least I hope they keep the old groups up-- for memory's sake, but still..
it seems like they want to delete all the groups , but apparently we will be able to download a copy of messages / groups later afterwards . idk who’s smart idea this is but - it’s one of the worse decisions they made after removing the group search
I'm only using Q for OC purposes since it seems like they're keeping the Journals in tact, but still... Better safe than sorry. I'm gonna move everything here.
i kinda feel like those may be next on the chopping block as roleplayers migrate
i'm moving my stuff to docs tbh idk what i'm gonna do for my fandoms list i HAVE TOO MANY CARRDS!!!
I'm in the process now of moving everything to docs. It just hurts so much to see how quickly this has gone downhill.

I think once I'm done with that, I might either deactivate my account or just leave
i'm probably gonna just abandon my account, leaving it up for anybody to reach out to me on socials that i have pinned, including here.
i'm really sad to see it go like this, i spent 10 years on that site, literally half of my life
hi!!! omg this place is actually so cute even tho i don't know how to use it.
exactly but i'm so willing to learn </3
i hope i get the swing of it eventually :ghostr:
I’m hoping to as well, I just want to be able to get as much of my 11 years worth of content and message threads as I can before it all goes down the drain, particularly ones from recent years. I’m not sure how ready to part with it I am but i know I’m not the only one, and we’re all in the same position. It feels like an eviction almost… 😅
Mhm apparently their working on a way to download it all but right now it's just so much archival work and adjusting to a new site
I have about twenty or so different roleplays to move over here and to other siteS with other friends who don’t use RPnation 😅 It’s definitely bittersweet..
Ooof I thankfully don't have that many but I do have 4 years of one that my best friend made and now we have to move it all over to a Google doc.
Right now me and my friend Sophia who was in this topic earlier are trying To work on moving them all to private conversations in here, since in the “Disaster Zone” they’re all in a group we called the multiverse 😅 It sucks and I hate that we all have to be in this situation, to some degree it’s a life for so many and now they have to change it all around again
Right now me and my friend Sophia who was in this topic earlier are trying To work on moving them all to private conversations in here, since in the “Disaster Zone” they’re all in a group we called the multiverse 😅 It sucks and I hate that we all have to be in this situation, to some degree it’s a life for so many and now they have to change it all around again
do we have the same friend sophia??? ( BLUEBELLCANDY on quotev? )
it does suck to get rid of all of this, Sophia and I didn't have any active rps at the moment, we did have one but i ended up having a dark time for like an entire season and never replied to it 💀 💀 💀
but we are planning to start up again on here, i've known her for years and i had already lost contact with her once when i moved quotev accounts
do we have the same friend sophia??? ( BLUEBELLCANDY on quotev? )
it does suck to get rid of all of this, Sophia and I didn't have any active rps at the moment, we did have one but i ended up having a dark time for like an entire season and never replied to it 💀 💀 💀
but we are planning to start up again on here, i've known her for years and i had already lost contact with her once when i moved quotev accounts
Fairly certain we are talking about the same Sophia by the looks! We have about 17 we are moving over as we speak 💀 and dw I get it x I take a little bit to answer the ones I have too, I also struggle at times and some replies are quite difficult depending on the situation. Its about five or six years worth of roleplays backed up to move 🥺
aghh def save those i should probably talk to her about moving our monster high one over if i ever reply to it again lol
I can't believe Quotev is doing this. I've been there for 10 years, and I never imagined they would change their site in such a manner. I'm saving all of my OC forms from there and moving on. 😭
yeah i'm bringing all my oc forms to google docs, quotev doing this makes me super sad tbh
i also have spent 10 years there, 10 yrs 4 months exactly

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