Quintessential eXalted films

I cannot let any motherfucker badmouth Le Pacte de Loups' date=' which is, aside from being an awesomely entertaining & beautifully shot film, a perfect - PERFECT - source of inspiration for Exalted.[/quote']
I've never seen it, but I heard it described by more than one person as the "worst movie ever". This was before "Underworld" came out, however, so it can't still be true.

De pacte de loups, or The pact of wolves or whatever, is probably the worst movie ever made. I think it sucks more than Underworld.

Although, "The struggle for Gaul" or whatever it might be named in English, that almost looks like a parody on Bravehart, is worse than underworld too.
Indeed, Underworld and Prince of Tides are pretty much soul twisting examples of how to completely ruin a film.

Le Pacte de Loups is a French action movie, and is NOT an American style action flick.  It is an example, like Jean Reno's Wasabi, of how the French like their action flicks. Not quite the same as American style films--kind of like how the Transporter turned out.  A wee bit more stylized, with a concentration on relationships and slightly deeper issues than just "You done killed my partner, you bastiche!"  

It was billed as a more traditional American style action film, and it failed to deliver on that note--because that's not what it was.  It isn't an American style, or Chinese style action flick.  It's a French action flick, and once you realize that, it settles in nicely.

Kind of like when you go see Better Than Chocolate--Canadian film about lesbians.  Not an American film, and there are slight differences in the style and tone. Canadian relationship films are different in tone to American ones, and I find the difference refreshing, and I find French action films refreshingly different as well--because they are based on slightly different conventions.

When folks see Japanese films, they are based on slightly different conventions.  Same for Chinese.  The Koreans are working on their own style.  Same with Indian flicks.  If you watch an Indian film, and try to judge it on the basis of American film conventions, you're going to go away very puzzled--kind of like watching the old Mexican Wrestler movies that in some ways fufill the same niche in providing not just a little action, a little romance, a little song, a little dance, and everything gets wrapped up in one package.
For the folks who liked the idea of a werewolf story, without the werewolf, you might be interested in Romansanta: Werewolf Hunt with Julian Sands, which takes a look at some of the first real experience that investigators had with a serial killer in Spain.

It's not an over the top action flick.  It's not a horror flick with guts and terror filled people faced with towers of beastly might.  It is an interesting way of looking at the events that surrounded the Romansanta case, with heavy lashings of suppostion for creative purposes.

But it would be a great seed for a story, where your players are confronted with the idea of a wild Beastman that turns out to be a really twisted Mortal.

Same for Le Pacte de Loups which a fantastical beast turns out instead to be a much less fantastic, but lots more twisted explanation.
Still--You're not supposed to type the Film That Should Not Be--it will summon a sequel, and I don't think that the world is strong enough to face that...
Actually, there was technically a sequel, made for the Sci-Fi Channel, and it was almost as awful.  

Or rather, it was just as bad, but it was on a smaller screen, on cable, so your expectations were lowered.  Either way you look at it, friends don't let friends watch either film.  Take your boys out to watch something else. Just about anything else.  

I would suggest watching the first season of Dead Like Me to remove the vile taste from your mouth.  Again, Canadian based work, which just seems to have a slightly more decent bend towards Death.  Great series, and it's too bad, because it was underappreciated.  Great storeis, great moments, and while it lacked visceral punch, it was hard to classify as a comedy.  It was rarely laugh out loud funny, and it had its moments of sublime transcendence that took it away from the typical comedy as well.
3 Iron - not an action Exalted game more of a stealthy in the end and life of an exalted character.  tho the accuracy that needs to be had with a golf club to hit a guys repeatedly with golf balls is pretty exalted

Zaramis said:
De pacte de loups, or The pact of wolves or whatever, is probably the worst movie ever made. I think it sucks more than Underworld.
You degenerate philistine.  Death is too good for you.
Indeed' date=' [b']Underworld[/b] and Prince of Tides are pretty much soul twisting examples of how to completely ruin a film.
Le Pacte de Loups is a French action movie, and is NOT an American style action flick.  It is an example, like Jean Reno's Wasabi, of how the French like their action flicks. Not quite the same as American style films--kind of like how the Transporter turned out.  A wee bit more stylized, with a concentration on relationships and slightly deeper issues than just "You done killed my partner, you bastiche!"  

It was billed as a more traditional American style action film, and it failed to deliver on that note--because that's not what it was.  It isn't an American style, or Chinese style action flick.  It's a French action flick, and once you realize that, it settles in nicely.
I'm glad that there are a FEW people left in the world with the requisite erudition to appreciate fine cinema.
I like 'God of Gamblers', there can't be any better inspiration for stunting the rolling of some dice than the start of that film...
Dead Like Me was the series that saved Showtime for me.  While I can look at Rome and be amazed at how well it's written, how well paced, and what a perfect example of what an epic drama should be, Dead Like Me was one of those rare series that had heart without heading into the land of schmaltz and was satisified often to be mildly funny when it was the right beat to do so, and go with the big joke or the outrageous later on.  It wasn't about the big laugh, it wasn't about large moments at all, but a collection of points and views that built into a great pastiche, and the ensemble cast was dang near perfect.
Whilst the thread appears to be dead, I just can't keep quiet. No one's mentioned Zu: Warriors of the Magic Mountain. I think some of the charms are taken directly from this movie. And any movie where a wizard fights a baddie with his eyebrows just screams Exalted.

It's also the movie that started the Chinese cinema toward higher production values and better special effects - though, when seen now, they do look a bit dated. But if you'd seen what came before, you'd understand the tag. If you haven't seen it, it's definitely worth checking out.
Its been 4 pages and no one has mentioned Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior yet?! The stunts in this movie alone scream Exalted. Half of them look like they would have given Jackie Chan a hernia' date=' and none of it was CGI. It was all done by one talented actor. If you haven't seen it, you really owe it to yourself to watch it (and if you have it on DVD watch the French Rap video in the Special Features. I found it both amusing and actually rather well written lyrics to fit the music)[/quote']
I watched this flick the other day, and while the plot, dialogue, and characters leave much to be desired (in a kung fu flick? imagine that!), Ong Bak kicks ASS.  I've never seen so many 'bows dropped in my LIFE, let alone flying 'bows, midair 'bows, spinning 'bows, and LET'S NOT FORGET the Flaming Shins of Doom Attack.  And I haven't even brought up all the knees.  I was impressed.
I'm surprised noone's mentioned the anime El Hazard.  An interesting anime, with the defense systems of the Realm, First Age technology, and a guy going drag to safe a kingdom.

Quite Exalted if you ask me.
I've never seen so many 'bows dropped in my LIFE
I love throwing elbows. They're shorter range than most arm strikes, but you can get a LOT of power into them, and throw them in so many different directions. Plus, I have really hard, bony elbows -- as anyone at my dojo will cringingly tell you.

I've never seen so many 'bows dropped in my LIFE
Elbows are fantastic, but I find that you have to be fairly precise with one to make it really put the hurt on.  Can't beat one to the throat, especially if the fucker's trying to get a clinch on.

Ummm, elbows...

I've always favored combinations of elbows and open palm strikes.  

Elbow to the zyphoid, palm to the chin, carry through allows a collar or back of the neck grab, which brings the head back in for the next elbow, which then allows for another grab to draw the poor bastiche into a knee, and then another round of elbows.

And elbows and knees are nice for blocks.  

Ong Bak was a tasty little film.  Thai cinema is starting out, and this film is stylish and fun--the soundtrack is a little jarring, but I suspect the director watched The Transporter a couple of times prior to making it.
One of my fave scenes from Ong Bak has to be the opening when the villagers are having to fight each other as they scale the tree to get the sash.  Unforgettable.

Huh. Marv sounded more like a Lunar to me, for some reason. And Dwight Night. Hrmm...

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