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Quiet Signs of Love (YukiUchiha &Lexxy)

It was then Taylor understood why their son was misbehaving. When he had extended his arms for his mother Taylor smiled faintly. Chris was going to have to learn he wasn't the baby anymore, though Taylor knew it would be hard for a three year old to understand.
Victoria swayed so the todler would slowly go to sleep. He did and she let out a content sigh. "This isn't going to be easy for him." She whispered to her husband and went to lay him down in his bed then came back down. Victoria was going to get no rest.

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When Victoria returned Taylor wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck. "He'll be alright, it's just going to take some getting used to is all." With all the trouble Chris got into before his brother came along it was safe to say he got most of his parents attention as they disciplined their son.
Victoria laughed and nodded as she yawned. "I love you." She whispered and kissed him softly. "Where's my attention Taylor Young." She said and laughed again. She kissed him again and bit on his bottom lip then pulled away entirely. She would never get tired of teasing him.

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"Hey hey, there are kids here." Her husband whispers with a laugh before he kissed her roughly in return. Pulling away he headed to check on Rose, she was being awfully quiet.
"You don't kiss me like that then leave." She whispered and shook her head as she sat in the couch and watched tv. Rose was in her room, listening to classical music while painting.

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Taylor laughed as he headed up the stairs to Rose's room. Opening the door he saw her and smiled. Entering the room he tapped her shoulder and signed. "What are you painting?"
Rose was a tad startled when her father tapped her. She looked up and then put the brush down. "A family." She signed back with a smile and then continued to paint.

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Taylor smiled and nodded before he sat down to watch. He was interested to see what skills she obtained naturally. Often times he forgot she wasn't his biological daughter with how similar the two were. She never ceased to amaze her father.
Rose was only using her primary colors and if she needed a secondary, she mixed primary. Her stroke techniques were unique for a 9 year old. She hummed along to the music as she began to paint out the house. She then finished and put her signature on the bottom corner. Her signature similar to her fathers.

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Taylor saw this and smiled. "Excellent." He says looking over the painting. She was defiantly talented and was well above her age group. In many was she was just like her father.
Rose smiled at her father and looked at him. "What?" She asked and took out her headphones. She smiled softly and then looked at the painting.

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"Nothing Princess." Kissing her forehead he set the painting back on the desk to dry. Taylor hadn't painted in quiet some time and it was never his expertise so when Rose asked him to paint something he was caught off guard. Agreeing he nodded and at first had no clue what to paint her but then it came to him. He painted a progression picture of her, starting out when he first met her up until now. It took hours but by the time she was ready for bed he finished it and showed it to her,
Rose looked at the picture and fell in love with it instantly. "Daddy it's perfect!" She said and hugged him tight. She took it and hung it on a free nail she had in her wall. She smiled and kissed his cheek goodnight then laid down to sleep. Victoria had put Chris to bed and she went to check on Levi who was sound asleep. She let out a content sigh.

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Taylor smiled brightly at her excitement and put her to bed. Turning out the light and leaving her room he went to the bathroom to wash the paint off of his hands and face. When he turned around he saw Victoria and smiled. "Yes?"
"Nothing. I can't come and shower?" She asked. She had mud all over her arms. Her and Chris had a fun down out in the mud that formed from the rain. She laughed and smiled at him.

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Taylor shook his head at his wife who was covered in mud. "I thought we talked about this, no playing in the mud." He says teasingly with a laugh. Stepping closer to the shower he turned in the water for her and grabbed s clean towel. "You didn't track mud in my clean house did you?" He asks with raised eye brows not able to keep a straight face. They did have a nice house but he could care less about the news, children grew up here and it was all a part of making memories.
Victoria laughed at her husband and smiled softly. "Maybe I did or maybe I didn't." She said and then smiled as the steam built through the bathroom. "Are you planning on staying in here while I shower?" She asked and then raised her eyebrows.

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At that baby Levi sounded to be fed. "On that note I'll have to pass." Before he left however he kissed her as he had before. Quickly closing the door he made his way to Levi's room, picking up the infant he went down the stairs and rocked Levi while he made his bottle. Sitting on the couch Taylor smiled at the baby as he peacefully drank the bottle. Looking at his face Taylor smiled and rubbed his thumb along Levi's cheek.
Victoria laughed and began to bathe like she wanted and when she was finished, walked downstairs and smiled at her husband and Levi. "He's a handful already." She whispered and then kissed him softly then roughly and laughed. "Well I should be going to sleep now." She said and then walked off.

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Taylor just smiled as his wife walked off and turned back to their son. "Don't listen to her, you're not bad. She is." He whispers with s laugh as the baby held a sudden interest in his father. "What? What is it?" Taylor asked with a smile as the baby finished his bottle.
Levi reached up and messed with his fathers ring. He smiled big and then yawned. He slowly began to fall asleep again.

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Taylor laughed softly at Levi and carried the baby back to his bed. For his first day home he was doing rather well. For a few moments Taylor watched the new born sleep peacefully before he headed to bed himself.
Victoria was awake and reading as always. She didn't even notice her husband walk in. She was so into the book she wasn't paying attention. She hated her glasses but she loved reading.

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Taylor decided not to disturb her from her reading, he was exhausted from the past couple of days. Taylor hadn't slept peacefully since the night before their son was born. Quickly he fell asleep, his hand finding Victoria's in his slumber state.

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