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Quiet Signs of Love (YukiUchiha &Lexxy)

"It's okay." Taylor says softly taking his son's hand and calmed him down when the nurse was finished. "All done." Leaning down to his son's level he smiled when his son hugged him tightly. "You'll be better soon."
"Home." He said and cried as he kept his arms around his neck. He hated being sick. He wanted to know why he was the one to always get sick. It wasn't fun being sick.

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"Soon." His father promised. He knew the reason why Chris was getting sick was because his immune system was still building. After it was clear Chris was feeling better, the color returning to his face and his apposite came back Taylor took him to get lunch and after, the two went to the Toy store to pick out s new toy after having to go through such a scary experience.
When the two were in the car, driving home from the store, Chris began to play with his new toy his father just bought them. He yawned from exhaustion and when at a red light, looked at his father through the mirror and smiled a wide smile. The little boy was terrified with the events that occurred prior to this morning, but now that he was feeling better, he was enjoying the time he spent with his dad. "Dada." Chris said as he yawned again. He signed "I love you." then slowly began to fall asleep in his car seat.
( Awwwe ^~^)

"I love you too." Taylor whispers as he watched his son fall asleep. When the two arrived home Taylor gently carried Chris and his new toy to his room before he addressed Victoria who looked conceded for their son. "He'll be alright." He reassured her closing his door before he kissed her.
Victoria nodded and let out a sigh of relief. She kissed her husband back gently and then saw Rose with a wide smile. "Shh." Victoria told her and Rose nodded then went up the stairs. Victoria laughed and looked at her husband. "What are we doing for our anniversary?" She asked.

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Taylor laughed at her excited question. "You know the rules, don't ask because I won't tell." He whispers taking her hand. "You'll just have to wait and see."
Victoria sighed but she nodded and kissed her husband softly. She was planning something and Rose was helping her. They would really surprise Taylor.

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Taylor quickly kissed her back before he left Chris to sleep, he wished not to disturb Chris after what he had been through to today.
Victoria and Rose were in Victoria's room discussing the plans. Victoria was pregnant and Taylor didn't know yet and he wouldn't until their anniversary.

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When Chris finished his nap he ran down the stairs not wanting to be alone.-He carried the new toy in his hand and ran to look for his father, when he found him he giggled.'"Play!" He signed and shouted. Taylor looked up from his work paperwork and smiled. "Well someone sure feels better." Setting work aside he got up from the desk and followed Chris to collect more toys before they began playing
Victoria and Rose stayed in the room while discussing the plans. They laid back and smiled softly. "Mom, this one will make it right." Rose said and Victoria took in a deep breath but nodded. "Yes my love." She reassured her.

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November 12 came rather rapidly but Taylor had planned this day for awhile now, though you could expect he had not the slightest clue what was coming for himself. Hopefully everything would go as he methodically planned it.
When the day finally came, Rose helped Victoria set up the room. Victoria locked it and made sure the keys to that room were in her hold. Everything was set up in the extra room they had. She just hoped things would go according to her plans.

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Taylor woke on the morning of the anniversary to his wife not next to him. Slightly confused and shook it off, she was ahead of him this year. It was cute how much thought each of them put into this day where as most just exchanges gifts. Getting dressed he reached under the bed and pulled out the wrapped package. Walking down into the kitchen he set the package on the kitchen table with a smile and started breakfast not questioning what she was up to he began to hum their wedding song.
Rose woke up and ran to the room with her mom and she smiled at the sight. "You had to be up early to do this I bet." Rose said and Victoria laughed but nodded. "Yep. 5 o'clock." She said and Rose shook her head. Rose then went back to her room and Victoria walked down to the kitchen and smelled food. She smiled at the sight of Her husband she walked over and hugged him from behind then kissed his cheek. "Happy anniversary my love." She whispered with a smile.

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Instead of answering Taylor simply turned away from the food and kissed her, long and lovingly. When she outed because he pulled away he kissed her once more before he turned back to breakfast.
Victoria smiled at the kisses she received. She then walked over to the table to set it and looked at the package. "What's this?" She asked him and held the package. "What is this?" She asked him.

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Taylor shrugged and plated breakfast before setting it on the table. "Open it and find out." Before she opened it he ran up the stairs to retrieve the kids for breakfast. On the inside was a portrait he drew of the four of them on their wedding day. On the front right corner of the frame was an envelope with her name on it.

The inside read,

"Mrs Young,

It's hard to believe this was already three years ago but it's been the highlight of my life despite everything we have been through. This is your first gift of the day, can you find the others? Your best gift is somewhere in the house I now call a home. This gift is where I first discovered I wanted you forever, where we first kissed." In front of the fireplace that was slowly blazing lie the couch, underneath is where he hid the next box.
Victoria looked at her husband and then smiled softly. She then opened it and smiled at the sight. It was all so perfect. The portrait was beyond beautiful. She looked at the envelope and opened it. She read what was inside and couldn't help but smile. Her husband was the best. She read what the clue was and she walked over to the couch. She remembered that day well. Oh how she was beaming with love with they first kissed. She looked around and couldn't find the box so he reached under the couch and found the next box. She sat in the couch and opened it.

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This box was simply a box full of pictures of them and on the bottom was a small box with a charm on the inside for her bracelet. This charm was a music note. Followed by a note. "Well you found it, this gift isn't as extravagant but it's something I wanted you to have to remember that music is a part of you. You're One of the best I've seen and I'm not just saying that. This next clue you'll have to wait on but I promise it's with it."
Victoria smiled at all the pictures of them. So many memories they shared and it was so perfect. She then looked at the charm and smiled. A music note. Oh how well he knew her. She missed the feel of the keys beneath her hand and the music just taking her captive. It was all so perfect. She read the note and smiled. Music was still apart of her. She still picked up on melodies and beats and her heart never stopped yearning to be the best piano player. It was all a dream that could have happened but nothing could ever make her want to trade that for the life she has now.

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The kids ran down the stairs and began to devour breakfast. Ross smiled at her mom when she heard the piano upstairs. Her father was the one sounding the notes and Victoria didn't know it but he had been practicing to get it perfect. The melody flowed through the house beautifully and Taylor smiled when he heard it. He continued to play and waited for Victoria to follow it.
Chris looked at Rose when he heard the piano but the piano was playing a soft melody. One that made another feel at home. Victoria smiled as she heard it and she stood up and followed the melody. She let it consume her like old times and upon her arrival to the piano, she sat next to her husband and played the hymn. She felt at ease with the piano and the music and when they finished, she let out a content sigh and smiled.

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Leaning over he kissed her towards the end. When he pulled away he didn't speak and admires her beauty. Finally, he spoke. "I love you." He whispers.

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