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Quiet Signs of Love (YukiUchiha &Lexxy)


Taylor dove straight into the pool as the kids laughed and giggled at the waves he caused. When they gassed on to the house the pool was added as well. Taylor quickly taught Chris to swim in case he were to fall in accidentally but it was of course still guarded off. Swimming after the both of them he saw Victoria staring through the window and motioned for her to come here.
(A girl from the school Taylor left Victoria for comes for a visit and Victoria becomes jealous. Especially when she tells her that Taylor and her used to date~)

Victoria laughed softly and walked out and smiled at them. Rose smiled and pulled her mother in and Victoria gasped as she began to sink. She wasn't a great swimmer. Reasons why she stayed out f the water. She pulled herself up and stayed by the edge and Rose just smiled. She knew her mom couldn't swim.

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"Rose!" Taylor shotted when he watched Victoria get pulled in and for a moment he panicked. Quickly he swam towards her and was relieved when she pulled herself up. When they laughed at his panicking he shook his head. "Don't be mean."
(What'd you think?)

"Oh dad calm down. I pulled her in the shallow end." Rose said and Victoria laughed as well as se saw her husbands panicked face. "I'm fine love. Calm down." She reassured him and smiled.

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"Shhhh." He says with a laugh smiling at the three. Maybes he did over react just a little. Once he knew she was fine he went over to kiss her softly before he went back to chasing the kids.

(Sorry, I forgot to say yes in my last post xD )
Victoria smiled as he kissed her and then all of a sudden, she felt water splash at er. She laughed and splashed water back at the kids and her husband. This was perfect.

(Haha it's okay xD )

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Soon after Taylor for our and went to shower. When he was finished he found his wife in their room and kissed her as he walked over. "Hey there beautiful." He whispered wrapping his arms around her.
"Hey there handsome." She whispered and smiled as she was held in his arms. She loved the time she spent with just her husband. "I need to start working." She said and shook her head.

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Taylor laughed. "Well that was random." He says looking at her, moving the hair out of eyes. "But if you want, then I don't see why not."
"It was just a thought. Maybe I can go work at a diner as a waitress." She said and smiled as she kissed him softly. "I love you."

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"I love you too." Kissing her nose. "Or you could go to school and do something you actually want to do,it's just a thought." He mocks kissing her again. "Whatever you want to do."
Victoria laughed and shook her head. "We don't have the money for that Taylor." She whispered but smiled. "I'll be fine. Trust me." She whispered again and kissed him again.

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Taylor turned to her excuse and burst out laughing, "You can't be serious Victoria." It was no secret how much money Taylor had tucked away when he sent a whole dive team and search crew after her. When she looked at him confused he just smiled. "You and I both know that isn't a valid excuse."
"Oh so Taylor Young is a rich man and I didn't know it?" Victoria asked with a gasp and shook her head as she kissed him softly. "I know but I don't know what field I would go in." She added and sighed.

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"You know it, you just deny it there's s difference." He says with a confident smirk. "So think about it, there's no rush love." She deserved to actually like going to the job she had instead of falling over exhausted from it every day as he remembered.
"I don't know." She whispered as she yawned and then hugged her husband close and kissed him lovingly then curled up to sleep.

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As she fell asleep Taylor kissed her cheek before we went to feed their kids lunch. He looked up to Rose who called his name. "Yes Hun?" He asks as she climb into the counter to watch him prepare lunch.
"There was a lady who asked for you at school the other day. She said that she knew you." Rose explained and then yawned. "If I remember correctly, her name is Selena." She added with a smile.

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Taylor stopped what he was going and looked up at Rose. "She did,did she?" He asks curiously. "Why was she at school?" Taylor had no real issues with Selena they separated because they were two different people and agreed to keep in touch but for the longest while she seemed to vanish.
"She's our school nurse. I went into the office to get a bandaid and when I told her my name she said she knew you. She said she would never forget your name." Rose said as she took the lettuce and washed it with water.

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Taylor nodded and they spoke no more of the subject after lunch Taylor took the kids shopping with him. When they came back they kids ran off to play and Taylor went looking for Victoria and he found her in Adalyn's room. "What are you doing in here?" He whispers walking up behind her and hugging her from behind.
Victoria smiled as she felt her husband hug her. "Just thinking about her." She whispered and then turned around and kissed him softly. "Did the kids behave at the store?" She asked him with a laugh knowing they could be a handful.

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"Of course." He says with s laugh before he cleared his throat and liked around the room. Letting out s soft sigh he smiled up at her picture. "I don't know how well three kids would have gone, someone might have to call for back up."
Victoria couldn't help but laugh and smiled as they thought about her. "She would have been one by now." She whispered with a sigh but then decided to change topics. "Did Rose tell you about the new nurse at school? Rose said she's really nice. Nicer then Cindy apparently."

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"Yeah, she told me." He says looking down at the floor and back up at her. "She asked for me apparently." When his wife look confused he continued. "We used to be together before I moved back here." That was the only relationship he maintained while separated from his wife.

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