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Quiet Signs of Love (YukiUchiha &Lexxy)

Roses face lite up in excitement at the mention of her baby sister. A baby sister?! She wasn't told anything of the gender. She went and hugged her dad close. "Really?!" She asked and smiled.

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Taylor nodded with bright eyes. "She's a tiny baby." He says pulling out his phone and showering Rose a picture of the baby before she was hooked up to all her machines. "What do you think?"
"She's perfect." Rose said as she smiled and looked at her mom and gave her a thumbs up. Victoria laughed and smiled as she went to go back and play with Chris.

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Taylor watched Rose run off and play with her brother with a smile. Now that Adalyn was here they didn't feel like a complete family and it would be awhile Taylor knew before the little one was cleared to go home, if she made it that far.
Victoria only hoped Adalyn would make it. Victoria went up to her mothers room and began to fall asleep. She was exhausted. She needed rest and her body was aching.

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Taylor left her be and went to play with the kids until they feel asleep. Letting out a sigh he couldn't help but feel guilty things hasn't been normal for them in about two months and they wouldn't be until Adalyn came home.
A week passed and once again Victoria woke up at 3 in pain. It was to much to bear and even with the medicine, it wouldn't go away. She was becoming so frail and weak. It upset her.

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Taylor could see how much it was waring down on her and he wished he could trade places with both her and their daughter. Adalyn wasn't doing much better than her mother, she already has two surgeries in the span of this passing week, one for her lungs, do fluid could drain and the other a blood transfusion in which Taylor donated his own blood to ensure her body would get the best out of it. She was a week old and already experienced more trauma than most adults
Victoria couldn't sleep any longer and when she got up to go to the bathroom, she began to cry from the pain. She tried to shower but she shouldn't have. Her whole body ached and she curled against the wall as she slid down and cried. She wanted Adalyn to be okay but most importantly, she wished her father never got ahold of her again.

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Once Victoria walked away Taylor laid in bed and listened to his wife's cries, starting to cry himself in silence because he couldn't heal her. Wiping away his tears he got up from the bed, going into the bathroom and during beside her holding her close, doing the only things he could do.
Victoria cried into her husbands chest when he held her close. She hated this. She wanted things to go back to normal. If Adalyn didn't make it, she didn't know what would happen. Then, the phone rang. Adalyn had become unresponsive. This was not something parents wanted to hear about their child. One who deserved to live life. One who didn't deserve any of the things happening to her. Victoria looked at her husband and tried so hard not to cry like she wanted to.

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Taylor took her hand and helped her up, kissing her head, he felt new twats absorb into his shirt. When she was slightly calmer he went to change before they rushed to their daughter.
Victoria got dressed and went with her husband to their daughter. When she got there, she went straight to Adalyn and held her hand. Why'd this have to happen? Victoria became to cry as she looked at the baby. "Please baby girl." She whispered desperately.

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Taylor stayed close behind his wife, wrapping an arm around her waist. The last thing a parent wanted their child to do was suffer and seeing this made Taylor break, his tears evident he didn't try to stop them.
Victoria looked at Adalyn as a doctor walked in. Victoria bent down and kissed Adalyn softly on the head. She looked at her and cried. She didn't want her to suffer. She didn't deserve it. Victoria turned around and cried into her husbands chest. She couldn't do this.

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Taylor wiped his tears awh and held his wife close not letting her go and eventually they turned back to the doctor to wait Adakyn's fate.
The doctor looked at the couple and sighed as Adalyn finally passed. Victoria cried uncontrollably and stayed in her husbands arms.

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Neither one of them slept that night and they bother cried, Taylor himself had never been so distraught. He know knew what it felt like to lose s child and it was a horrible indescribable feeling no one should ever feel. Especially when his daughter never even had s chance at like because s horrible human being took that from her. It wasn't fair.

In the following days the two had to explained to Rose what has happened before they followed through with her burial. Of course at the end their were flashing cameras everywhere as the family left, Taylor protecting holding his wife so she could make it through the crowd. After the funeral the prosecuting attorney of Victoria's father's case requested to meet with them. She had explained that her father would be charged with Adalyn's death but also attempted murder on Victoria. but they requested Victoria stand trial to convince the jury to convict the man responsible. Taylor simply shook his head in shock of course her father deserved it but they hoped Victoria wouldn't agree to it if it was too much for her, after all the two would be face to face again.
Victoria couldn't stand trial against her father. She was terrified of him. She didn't want to see him for the anger that was growing inside. She looked at her husband and sighed. She couldn't do it. "Taylor I....I can't." She whispered as the lawyer continued talking, trying to convince Victoria to stand trial. She couldn't. She couldn't do it.

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Taylor nodded understandably and gave her hand a tight squeeze for reassurance. When the lawyer finished talking Taylor spoke up. "I understand why you here but after everything this family has been through unfortunately we can't help you." They were both exhausted, Victoria more so and totally grieve stricken. They just laid a baby into a grave. It was a horrible thing to have to experience.
The lawyer sighed but simply nodded. He understood. He left and Victoria sighed as she looked at her husband, starting to cry again. Everything was hitting her once again.

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Taylor sighed softly and took his wife into his arms and held her as she cried, he too let a few tears fall.
This was how they spent their night. Victoria crying into her husbands arms and when she woke up, she had a nightmare again. She sat up and screamed and after took deep breaths. She began to scratch at her bruises and cuts that still didn't go away, causing some to bleed.

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Taylor reached for her arm to get her to stop before he tended to her wounds. This couple had a long road ahead of them and Taylor wasn't sure what to do to ensure they would make it out together, losing a child was enough to make anyone go sour.
Victoria began to cry as her husband pulled her arms away to get her to stop. This was just terrible. Everyone said they could just try again but Victoria couldn't even think of doing that after what happened.

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